Anime, Manga, Animals, Learning about different Religions, Animation, Drawing, Singing, Indi Video Games, Music (that isn't really popular or well known), and Friends (In real life and Online).
Anime Critic
theOtaku User Name
DJ latte
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Hellsing OVA, Black Butler I and II, DevilMan, Pokemon, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Vampire Hunter D, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Parasyte, Blood + , Ansatsu Kyōshitsu, Genocyber. There's too much!
I'd have to say my favorite old school animes are Devilman and Genocyber. Just them being so plain gory and fast paced is astounding! No new anime can compare to the grit of an Anime from back in the day.