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About AdRoc2005

  • Birthday 03/18/1987

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  • Biography
    I'm into drawing anime/manga, and I draw several comics which can be found at my site.
  • Occupation
    PSO Freak!

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  1. What are the locations of the Al Bhed primers in FFX?
  2. Interesting new idea for an RP. Name: Ari Calibreas Age: 15 Beyblade colour: Dark, dark navy blue with sky blue and white circular designs. Beybeast: Black fox Name of Beybeast: Matoyeh Bio: Ari wears stonewashed jeans, and a grey long sleeved t-shirt with a navy blue t-shirt over it. His tennis shoes match the color of his beyblade. He has blonde hair that is slightly messy and a bit to long, the extra is tied back in a short ponytail. Ari's eyes are grey, and he wears thick leather gloves when battling. Personality: Silent and meditative, but he uses fast thinking and even faster beyblades in battle.
  3. OOC: There! It's finally up now you guys can stop buggin me. You know who you are :D -------------------------------------- [I]It was late, a light rain was drizzling over downtown. Through the alleys, a lone dog wandered down the street. He began at a walk then slowly picked up speed. The dog started running, dodging trashcans and dipping under fences. His fur now damp, as he periodically stepped in puddles. He rounded a corner, then the brown dog was nowhere to be seen. A boy in his teens was in his place instead. His jeans were soaked. He knew he shouldn't be out this late, but there was something about this ring. His dad had brought it home after another archaeological dig in Egypt. He figured it wasn't important, but Ari thought it was kind of cool. His dad let him have it, as a present. Ari had started to get ready for bed, but he sort of felt drawn to the ring, he put it on. Immediately, he knew he had to go somewhere. He wasn't sure why, and he wasn't sure where, but he knew he must. That's why he was wandering the streets tonight. He turned the next corner and found himself in a park. Ari saw a pavilion up ahead and decided to get out of the rain, but there were already people there. [/I] [B]Ari:[/B] Uh, hi. Sorry I?m lost, do you guys know where we are?
  4. ooc: this is kabukiowari... i cant log out of my friends s/n....sorry i havent posted in awhile my net was down... ic: I've heard rumors of the materia but i never thought it was true... ( pulls out his katanna....holds it upside down.....) well lets seperate and meet back here later...ok?
  5. Good point Lady Asphyxia. Noobs rule! I suppose I'll start it this week.
  6. First of all, it's RPG, not PRG. And yes, I do know how to roleplay.
  7. Let me simplify the story... Atlantis was a great civilization with advanced technolodgy. The people of Atlantis had rings that gave them psychic abilities. Then Atlantis was destroyed somehow and sank to the bottom of the sea. Now fast-forward to the present. Scientists are starting to dig up artifacts from Atlantis, and somehow seven rings find their way to seven kids. The kids get psychic powers from the rings. Then once all the rings are together, they transport the kids back in time to Atlantis. Now the children have to find out what really happened, and maybe even save Atlantis from destruction.
  8. Return to Atlantis (no connection to the Disney movie!) The Atlantis program was once a thriving civilization, rumored to have advanced technology. The Atlanteans had advanced healing and psychic abilities. They used huge crystals to generate electricity, power, heat, and light. The gigantic stones served as information storage units, much like our computers, and could magnify a person's psychic and telekinesis powers. Crystals grew on Atlantis like flowers grow today. Atlanteans carried mini versions of the central crystals to be used as a portable battery. Rings with geometric patterns were often worn. The mathematical shapes were capable of producing electromagnetic waves. Wearing the rings gives the bearer enhanced psychic abilities, healing powers, and good luck. Atlantis flourished for thousands of years. Then, in one cataclysmic day and night, for reasons unknown, the mighty empire of Atlantis sank beneath the waves of the unforgiving sea. Some say the gods were jealous of the Atlantean's power, and doomed them to the bottom of the ocean. Some say the people of Atlantis abused their technology, causing their own demise. With the passage of time, the history of Atlantis began to fade away like a sand castle built near the water's edge. Trace bits of evidence from this great continent have survived to this day. Scholars call it a hoax, or coincidence. The mysterious land is mostly ignored and brushed aside in their research. There are however, some things that can't be ignored? Like 7 Atlantean rings that have been found/obtained by seven young people. You are one of those children. You, along with your friends, must use the power of the rings to go back in time to discover the true story of Atlantis, and if possible, save Atlantis from destruction. SIGN UP FORM Name: Age: Gender: Description: How you got your ring: Psychic Ability: (everyone has telepathy to talk to each other from far distances) Weapon: (present day items, or Atlantean items, no guns) Here?s Mine? Name: Ari Calibreas Age: 15 Gender: M Description: Ari is of average height, but somewhat shorter than everyone else in the group. He has messy blonde hair and a short ponytail. He wears a forest green long-sleeved t-shirt, with a navy blue t-shirt over top. Ari also has baggy stonewashed jeans and tennis shoes. He?s usually cautious, and everyone trusts him. However, if his friends are in trouble, he?ll jump in to help. He has somewhat of a temper, but he doesn?t know how to express it well and it bottles up inside. If he builds up his anger enough, he can be very dangerous. For this reason he goes on daily runs to relieve stress. Ari is obsessed with developing his psychic abilities, and can often be found practicing or meditating. How you got your ring: Ari?s father is an anthropologist and works as a professor at the local university that funds his expeditions. Ari?s dad brought home some items from a recent dig, and left them in his study. While he was away, Ari got curious and went to investigate the artifacts. There he found his ring, as well as an Atlantean shaman?s staff. The heavy silver ring was to big for his fingers, so he wears it on his right thumb. Psychic Ability: Ari?s favorite psychic ability is morphing. He uses this power from the ring often to avoid trouble. Ari and his friend?s often use their powers like a game, they are unaware of the true power of the rings, and where they came from. Weapon: Atlantean shaman?s staff as noted above. A plain wooden staff with designs etched into it to give it power. He uses it in a martial arts fashion, spinning and flipping it with expert force.
  9. The game is set for release this fall, around October or November for the US. The game does focus on the more Disney aspects, but that?s half the fun! You get to explore worlds from most of the Disney films including, (but not limited to) Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, and the Disney castle itself. Something interesting here, every time you go to a new land, your costume changes. Sora becomes a half shark merman in The Little Mermaid's sea, Goofy becomes a turtle, and Donald is an octopus hybrid. Also, characters from the movies will help you along the way, Tarzan fights along Sora during his jungle adventure. I myself am looking forward to this title. Heck, two of the biggest franchises in the world collaborated on it, it outta be good.
  10. SIGNUP FORM Name: Tomoka Ville Age: 15 Height: 5'2'' Weight: 85 lbs. Personality: Very calm and quiet. He thinks each situation over very carefully before acting. Often he can be found meditating outside beneath a steady tree. Although one of the youngest students at the dojo, and short in stature, he is a skilled warrior. While his mood makes him seem very laid-back, Tomoka has expert reflexes. He remains perfectly still until his opponent is just about to attack, then he launches a swift attack against his enemy and finishes the battle within seconds. He doesn?t have enough endurance to win prolonged battle. Appearance: He is lean, yet with some muscles. Thick, messy, black hair, loosely tied into a pony tail. He wears traditional garments, white, and very baggy. However, he has a silver thumb ring on his left hand. Martial Art: Jujitsu History: Tomoka was orphaned before he ever met his parents. Their demise is still a mystery to this day. He once trained under Buhhudist monks in the art of kung-fu. Now, he has decided to come to a new country, a new dojo, and learn a new martial art to better hone his skills.
  11. I was watching Robotech and DBZ on toonami way before I even realized there was such a thing as anime. I really got into anime when I got into rpg videogames.
  12. I'm a fan of all of Rumiko's works. Ranma 1/2 is funny, but I like the action of Inu Yasha better. Like you said, a tv series would be great but it wouldn't be like the original. There's also a bit of history in Inu-Yasha, with the legendary Japanese warrior Nobunga sp? You could actually learn something from a manga, what a concept! :D
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