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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. Congrats! Kids are so cute... well call me crazy but I played this video game when I was 11. It was called "Harvest Moon 64". You basicly run a farm, and you have to marry a girl. And she can have a baby too. When she was pregnant, you have to be extra nice to her or else she might leave you... (ehehe... ^^;) Well, congrats agin! =D
  2. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be leaving the otaku boards for a long time... I'm sorry! School and everything is all in the way... plus I'm a busy webmistress... Anyone who saw it coming... you were right. I haven't posted in a while. I won't be leaving [i]forever[/i]... just until next summer. It might be sooner, I'm not going to make any promises. Well, before I go, I want to say goodbye to some close friends here... ~*Anime Girl*~- You introduced me to the boards so long ago! I'll never forget you! *GaLxY-GiRl*- I'll never forget you! Thanks for always being there for me! Matt.D- Thanks for helping me aroung when I was new again! Yoshi- Thanks for always talking to me on hard times... Treble- Thanks for being so nice to me! =D Ash Ketchum- I always enjoyed reading your private messages! Renee- Thanks for being so kind and sincere! Lady Saiya-jin- It was great to have you as a friend! You go gurl! ^_~ If you're not here, don't worry. It probably means I really didn't get to know you! But overall, I'll miss you all! When I return, everyone will have like 10,000 posts or something... :rolleyes: So it's until next summer... so long... farewell! Sincerely, Sasami I. PS- E-mail me at [email]PrettySammy112@yahoo.com[/email] to keep in contact...
  3. Ok Matt.D you're a moderator :) Umm... Forest_Pixie and Krillin6913 you guys have to post there first then I can make you moderators. k? :D
  4. Hey everyone! I have my own forums at [URL=http://pub90.ezboard.com/banimeparadiseforums24010]http://pub90.ezboard.com/banimeparadiseforums24010[/URL] I was wondering if anyone wanted to be a moderator or anything... also you can post there it's open. I have alot of topics. If you want to mderate reply here and tell me what froum(s) you want to moderate ok? Bye!
  5. I say Ayeka. I don't understand why everyone hates her...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B] haha.. you're the funny ***** aren't you? Get a life you little whore! :) No, I am just kidding. Those words that came out of my mouth weren't meant to be taken seriously. ;) I still hate you though! :D [/B][/QUOTE] You hate everyone...
  7. same here :) I don't really care about the dubbeed names since they sound silly in Japanese sometimes... :laugh:
  8. Oh dear, I think I confused alot of people :blush:
  9. It freezes my computer too! My friends say it has a bug...
  10. I don't really care what car I get when I drive...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B]Umm..... that's some bull **** !! I have been here longer than most of you guys here.. and shiet, about the 500+ post thing, that **** is gay too! Just because someone doesn't post much doesn't mean the person isn't going to be here for along time! You are an idiot for making "those" requirments. Heh, anyways.. I guess I don't qualify for your lil' gay thingy! But oh well...... I hate you all! :) [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm... remind me to make a "imature people" list.
  12. No one has my avatar, it's custom! :D And if anyone did I'd be so mad...
  13. I like Ayeka, but I don't like Kiyone -_-; she's just annoying on how she thinks she's so cool and stuff. :rolleyes:
  14. Ok, no more spots open but anyone on my list read this: [COLOR=coral]Oh![/COLOR] And if you're on my list already I want you to post here and say what you want after your name on my signature, example: "Pretty Sammy- The Magical Girl!" Get it? Ok, I'll go away now >_< PS- Moderators and admins accepted anytime :D
  15. I miss Aaliyah alot :( Her work will never be forgotten...
  16. Well, everyone won't be here during school obviously. :rolleyes:
  17. that's very creepy... :confused:
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