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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. I used to have sometimes 3,000 a week, but I gave up on my site and it's died down to a merely 1-5 people. :(
  2. I think all the Pretty Sammy movies are good.
  3. Yeah, they could draw alot of attention!
  4. I think the subject should be changed to very "scary and disturbing" picture. lol. ^^
  5. Oh yes! Today is her b-day! *bonks head* Happy Birthday! :)
  6. I'm usually in Juraihelm... but now I'm in ct.
  7. I have one parakeet, Paulie. He's very talkative and energetic. :)
  8. I go in August 30. It sounds so close when you compare the dates: August 19, and August 30. So I just think it's the 9th, and school starts the 20th. Makes it seem further away. ;)
  9. When I'm in chatrooms I just say: "Hi everyone" but they just keep talking and ingnoring me. :(
  10. lol. I don't think he beats anyone. I mean, look at him!
  11. SSJ4 Gojita that's what I think.
  12. I don't have any tapes -_-;; But I have have taped several episodes from DBZ.
  13. All I know is fontaclicious.com hope this helps! ;)
  14. I like swimming. But my family likes golf.
  15. I like them all for the following reasons: Spring: Flowers, cool and calm Summer: Hot, swimming! :D Fall: The beautiful tone to the leaves Winter: Cold, igloos, making stuff out if snow ^^;;;
  16. I always am viewing image properties to see what format people upload in. ;)
  17. Yeah. I thought this was gonna be about the member who was here longest. :o
  18. ARRGHH! Sorry. I tried to show you my banner by attaching it but it says the file is too big. -_-;;
  19. I use PSP 7 all the time! :D I know everything and could make a banner blind-folded. ^^;;; If you need help contact me anytime.
  20. Sure! I'll be on your list! I'll add you to my list too. ;)
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