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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. DBZ. It's the only one I've seen. :(
  2. Oh dear! We're all totally off the subject. Oh well. :o
  3. I like the Toonami version. :)
  4. I hate Mr. Satan! He's so useless, and think he's such a bigshot.
  5. Oh dear! He strikes again! Isn't there a way SOMEONE can stop him?:confused:
  6. Oh dear! *faints* 1,000 posts for a custom avatar! o_O well then I might just add a pic in my signature until then. Favorite band? hmmm... I'd have to say ATC. (stop laughing :o )
  7. I agree with all of you! :D Oh dear... ^^
  8. I tried both your links but they didn't work :( It said "file not found"
  9. Well, my friends say 14 is an offficial teenager, not 13, which is really weird. x_X
  10. No, wrestling doesn't really interest me.
  11. hmm... maybe I'll come up with something. :D
  12. I don't believe in ghosts and have never seen them... but I think they could be in my house because things move for no reason at all sometimes. It freaks me out! :eek:
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