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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. yay! *digs in* This is a 416 post party for me! :D
  2. I like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, and cookie dough. :tasty:
  3. Oh, I'm already on your list. *forgetful* :rolleyes:
  4. umm... never heard of it I'll look it up though
  5. I'd probably wish to win the powerball or something, then I could do anything thing with $300,000,000 *that's alotta 0's :eek: *
  6. Have a great time! :wigout: I'm really scared of bees too, I haven't been stung ever and am really cautious about it. ^^ Yeah, they die when they stung you because they're stinger goes into your body! :eek:
  7. No, that's never happened to me, sorry. :cross:
  8. Yay! I love it when our team wins stuff, it's great to cheer them on. ;)
  9. Yeah, everyone had to sign up again. I didn't really like my old username anyway. :rolleyes:
  10. Thanks for all the cool smileys! :wigout:
  11. [EMAIL=PrincessMimi221@yahoo.com]PrincessMimi221@yahoo.com[/EMAIL] thanks :)
  12. Kamadake! ;) I love playing with Kamadake! ^^
  13. Pretty Sammy series ;) I should know, I have to listen to Ryo all day!
  14. I agree, if anything Tenchi should be with Ryoko or Ayeka.
  15. Nice story! :) Keep up the great work!
  16. Well, I drew it on line paper in school. ;) I wish my scanner worked again. *sigh*
  17. My friend used to get those because she had a profile, that's why
  18. Welcome to the boards... this should be in the introduction forum
  19. nice picture, although I'm not a very big fan of DBZ
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