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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. have a party, you know, have fun in other words :)
  2. I'd have to say staying up late. I stay up until like 2:00 o_O but then I sleep in late... :o
  3. I luv neopets!! :D I'm on it all day, (along with otaku) my username is princessmimi112 neomail me anytime! :)
  4. nah, school won't keep me offline. We have this study time, and you are able to do homework for 30 minutes! (I'm a [i]fast[/i] worker! And plus, if you finish all your schoolwork, at the end of the day you get the rest of the period for homework, or social time. I pick homework. ;)
  5. yeah, I kind of expected that you were talking about that.
  6. I get nightmares like once every other night. It was about this graveyard and I was lost in it and this ghost wanted to kill me! o_O I know, it's freaky! I barely ever have nightmares, but when I do, it's seriously like I'm in them, like I can't wake up until it's over. (maybe that's why I sleep so late :rolleyes: )
  7. I know one that I like but I can't remember the name :o
  8. Don't be sad... I've never had a realtionship but it must feel bad to break up :(
  9. I love Sakura :D But I've only seen like...umm... 5 shows. -_-;;;
  10. I haven't seen it but I yet I've heard of it, and heard it's a good anime. I really should though...
  11. Well, if he won, I have no clue what would've happened. -_-;; All I can say is bad things would have come upon some places.
  12. Thanks for all worrying! :) I'm back now, for today. I haven't been on since the day I started this thread, my apologies. I definetly will be on everyday starting on the 26, so only a few days. :D So in case this is my last time on until the 26, I'll try to look around and see I've missed anything when I was gone... :o
  13. [COLOR=purple]Hey everyone, I just wanted to say I won't really be online as much, for the next week. Well, first off we had a terrible typhoon and we had a power outage and my phone line for the internet got disconnected and everything :( They need to put my line up again so unti then I might be on once a day, so if you request to be on my friends list and I'm not online, I'll add you the next day. I was thinking of redoing my signature, but it would take forever for the plan I want... :o So, until later, right now I'm signing off. See you! ~Pretty Sammy[/color]
  14. I can't realy be online much, so I don't know what happened. We hada power outage for 2 days due to a typhoon thing.... >:(
  15. Cool! :) I've been to Germany and Switzerland before because my dad is Swiss, and my godmother lives in Germany. ^_^ Realy nice place if I might say so. Nice picture of you, I've always wondered what you looked like :D
  16. Gohan's Kamehameha vs. Cell's Kamehameha from your list I think that's the best :D
  17. I've seen the first 3, and that's all. I have 10 more to see (If I can find them or buy them or something) :rolleyes:
  18. Great picture! :) I suck at drawing DBZ characters. If my scanner worked and I posted my DBZ pics, everyone would laugh... :o
  19. what are peepers? I [i]think[/i] I know what they are but I'm not sure right now... Oh yes now I know! :D Yes, they are quite relaxing on a stressful day!
  20. I just put music on, then my mind is on the song, and not on what happened :)
  21. You'd have to ask lelola.com if you could use the hentai free thing. It's their pic after all... :rolleyes:
  22. I know, the boards are way better! :) I can only afford ezBoard too, I have to makeit someday... :rolleyes:
  23. Hmm... I'll have to see it. Someday. (lol) ^^ Well, I haven't watched MTV in a while so I really should.
  24. Cool picture! :D I was always wondering what the HGP was, :)
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