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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. Kewl :) I'll check it out. If I think it's good, I'll join! :D
  2. Well, I'll miss you firemac! And everyone, ignore Retro Burn. (that's obvious, isn't it??? :confused: )
  3. Yeah but Fish's point is you post more. I mean, you are a spammer, and spammers do that kind of stuff. And yes, some members are under 10 here, and they don't need to see that junk.
  4. lol Fish. ^^ Hey who ever you are, Retro whatever, you better stop or your IP could be banned or something. And no, you don't have more posts than anyone here. Just look around...
  5. ok, thanks for the warning, I won't look at the picture. Anyway, BabyGirl, I had the same problem once. -_-;;; I just uploaded the imge to my server and posted the url of the picture here.
  6. Hey Juri, I think you should show your real pic :)
  7. I've also wanted to fly. I know, I know, it's stupid. -_-;;
  8. ummm... why did you copy the rainbow in my sig? Could you please change it?? :( It takes me forever to make the rainbow!
  9. lol. Right with you *GaLxY-GiRl*! I winder who will be second to leave tho...
  10. lol. We studied run-on sentences, they're kind of funny. Reminds me of people when they blurt stuff out. ^^
  11. I remember you! :) Do you remember me? My old username was PrincessMimi. Yes, it's very sad that everyone had to start completely over. :(
  12. I [i]think[/i] I remember you... I can't remember many people, sorry. ;_;
  13. lol! Funny story! Very funny, yet very true! I think I'll read it again. ;)
  14. lol. Welcome back! :D I've never gotten grounded. I hope I never do so in the future either...
  15. I think Project Ego looks good also. Many of the games look very promising too. :)
  16. I'm not a very big sports fan I have to admit, but those screen shoots look very promising! :)
  17. I agree with James. I think it looks amazing. The detail is so realistic. When the picture was loading, I thought it was going to be a real life picture taken with a camera! :o
  18. I have to say GameCube. There's nothing like a good old Nintendo game console! :)
  19. I don't know if I'm going to get Xbox or not. I really should though. -_-;;;;
  20. I've never used GameShark. Is it good? :confused:
  21. My favorite is Mew. Mew was basicly the first lengendary, and Pokemon fans all over the world were very excited to hear about his discovery. At least I was. Mew is also very cute. ;)
  22. My favorite has always been Pikachu. He is so cute and lovable! :D I basicly like all the Pokemon because they are all so cute, but Pikachu will always reamin on the top of my list of favorite pokemon.
  23. What Matt.D said. I am not the type to ask about tms. I really don't know much about them and stuff.
  24. I've always been wondering that, and have been waiting for the tpic to show up. But you should send a letter to Nintendo about that. ;)
  25. I like the original the best. Usually the first things are classic and sometimes the best. ;)
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