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Pretty Sammy

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Everything posted by Pretty Sammy

  1. Yes, the boards have lost alot of members. :( But thankfully there's at least 3 people joining everyday, so it will get back up to 3,000 members eventually. I'll try to get some of my friends to join too. ;)
  2. neat banner. :) I like the way the images combine together. I love using that effect on Paint Shop Pro 7. But, you probably used a different program right?
  3. Sorry. I would download it, but it's a BIG file and my computer would slow down and everything. Plus I have to leave in like 10 minutes to go to some reception.
  4. lol. Who could resist Curious George? :D sings theme song: "Curious George, the curious little monkey..." (LOL!) Ok, sorry, getting a little carried away! ^^;;;
  5. Well, it's a little too obvious that I'll have a Pretty Sammy avatar, the one I have now is only Sasami.
  6. Yup! That's my favorite part! :D
  7. Yeah. I kind of thought that nintendo was responsible for ps1.
  8. What I like about it is the graphics are so realistic! :)
  9. I haven't seen any PS2 games for rent. ;_;
  10. Yeah they do help! :) Every sports game I played helped me! ^_~
  11. I have N64, and it's no disappointment I tell you!!! ^^;;;
  12. 1.) GT3 2.) Red Faction 3.) Twisted Metal Black
  13. I would probably play as kaneda.
  14. I played it! :D I thought it was way too short and easy.
  15. I played them both, and like them both. They rock! :D
  16. Pretty Sammy


    I only have the us ps2
  17. Me too. I agree with Sephiroth. :)
  18. Hey everyone! ^_^ I bet you all know that when you reach 500 posts, you get a cstom avatar! I'm just curious to know if you're going to have a custom one or not, and if you could, post yours here! :)
  19. Yup! It looks like all of those controllers combined! :) Which is pretty neat!
  20. Any sonic game would be great to see! :D
  21. neat pic! :) I want mine either pink or silver.
  22. The changed it? I thought it was NGC.
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