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- Birthday 02/08/1989
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Ah cool, nice to see some familiar...names? Calm down Boo, have a piece of cheese...MMM THAT WAS NICE! So what is everyone doing with their lives now? Pretty crazy how fast time flies o_O;
Wow, this is odd. I was thinking of this place a little while ago and meant to pop on...never did. I don't know if anyone will remember me (well I know SaiyanPrincessX will, just cause she is awesome that way). I used to LOVE this place. I was talking to a friend of mine about how forums and message boards just don't have the same community feel anymore as everyone just uses Facebook or Twitter now... i told her about all the little RPGs we used to do on here and how it was such a cool wee community, she kinda laughed it off, but it made me want to come back and see how it was doing. Then I forgot again and got on with the usual shizzle. I'm currently procrastinating from applying for my second degree course...scary to think that I used to come on here when I was just a kid and since then I have got a degree, been working in the big bad world and now back applying for my second! It was when I was filling in the application form and had that daunting "HOLY SHNITZEL THAT WAS 10 YEARS AGO?!" realisation, I got thinking of this place again. So, yeah, basically, hey, hope you are all doing good and stuff. I remember a lot of these names on this thread, it's cool to think we all the same nostalgia pang
That is correct...it is me...Shinobi!!! :O lol. [U]The Stone Roses[/U] Not many people know this band but they are my all time fave band. They were a mix of British Indie-Dance-Rock. The front man Ian Brown is, in my opinion, one of the best British Indie band frontmen...ever! Think of Liam Gallagher from Oasis...only 10 times funnier, witty and not so much of a prick! Gallagher wouldn't be around if it wasn't for Brown. John Squire (guitarist) is simply a genius guitarist and song writer with his riffs and licks to beat any other. Reni (drummer) was phenominally funky and was known for his amazing drumming skills, many trademarks such as the snare shots and hi-hats inbetween a complicated drum fill. Mani (bassist) was known for his funky and complex bass lines, along with his comical stage work. All in all, The Stone Roses were gonna make it big....VERY big. Due to legal issues with their record company Silverstone and large gaps (5 years) between debut album and follow up album...this caused the fall of their massive hype. They sold out an illegal mini-festival which they set up theirselves which was almost the size of Glastonbury and everyone only new by word of mouth!!! amazing! Legends... [U]Oasis[/U] Another British Indie band but a classic. Catchy, brillaint songs, what more can you ask for? A controversial frontman with the bands fanbase growing everyday, they were propelled into stardom. Brillaint! [U]The Charlatans[/U] Another brillaint Mancheste British Indie Rock band just like the rest of my top 3. This band is slightly diffrent though. Less rock and roll than the othere 2 but still amazing. Deffinetley an excellent band indeed. Sorry for the small writing on the last 2 bands but i am short of time. Nice to see you all again.
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]Well, in response to your complaints... [spoiler]Look at this movie. You have to suspend reality a bit for nearly any of it to make sense. Therefore, the whole buried alive thing, while weird, was not out of the realm of possiblity in the world created for this film. As for the bullets... they were just shotgun shells filled with rock salt, just as he said. It's not enough to kill someone, but it will hurt a lot. Plus salt in open wounds stings, which was also said in the film. It wasn't slang for shotgun blasts or anything. He wasn't trying to kill her at that point. The black and white was apparently done to get around ratings issues... in that big fight scene, anyway. In Japan, for example, that whole scene was supposedly shown in full color. I guess there was just too much blood flying around lol. I've heard the special edition DVDs will have this in full color, but I have no clue how true that is.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Thanking you Tony my man. Thats what i thought about the [spoiler]bullets :) and i know salt hurts like hell in wounds...*has been shot by salt pellet by an air rifle* :( [/spoiler] I also knew about the censoring thing...i so hope we get the same treatment as the Japanese and get that on the special edition DVD :D.
Hmm...to be honest...the only reason i really enjoyed this film was because i was so excited about it and that i amsuch a fan of the first one. If i was any person who had seen the first one and thought it was average and then went to see the second one...i probably would have been disapointed. What i am getting at, is that in a way, i was dissapointed...but it was extremely well done (both volumes that is). I do like the thought of contrasting volumes. The first; full on gore, action, death and destuction...although you hardly even know everyones names nevermind theit background. The second; full on background, leads, explenation and description...yet hardly any action. I think Tarantino did this to please everyone...those action/gore freaks can love the second one and get intimate with it if they choose and crap on the second for he cares, and those plot development freaks can have their way with volume 2 if they wish and crap on volume 1 OR those who love the all round genuis of this film can have a nice little three-some...:). Sorry sex on the mind :wigout:. Although i love these 2 films as a whole i do have gripes... [spoiler]Volume 1: The black and white-ness...i just hope that on the DVD it is in full colour. I do however respect the artistry and thought behind the black and white scenes. Volume 2: The way they make it out that Beatrix (The Bride) is non-human. I am not certain but see when she was shot at point-blank range with the shotgun...i remember catching Bud say on the fone somthing about "salt-bullets" or somthing....but i was not sure if it was just redneck-trailer-park-trash-slang...can someone clarify? Also when she climed out of the grave. I did like the use of the technique Pai Mei taught her and she finally succeeded when she needed it most, but the way she climed out the grave....it wouldn't be possible in the slightest because: 1. The mud would fill up the grave faster than punching througha hole big enough to fit through. 2. Trying to climb out if impossible becuase she isnt 8 foot tall. 3. The mud would slip away from underneath her like quicksand and she would get pulled under easily. I was a bit annoyed at these but the series was overall great :)[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/icons/icon14.gif[/IMG] [/spoiler] Also Tony, i am also enraged about the DVD fiasco. I thought i was being clever (and patient, i can't wait to own the 2 films on DVD) on waiting for the Box-Set but now you have informed me of special versions BEFORE the box-set and most probably every version of DVD on both volumes will have diffrent extra features. The most wanted feature is the black and white scene in Volume 1 in full colour...
Hey Chaps and Chappettes. I have indeed returned to post a new piece of work. I created this little piece becase i watched the film 28 Days Later after a long period of time of not seeing it...it stuck me apon my beautiful mind that this film is genious...therefor i decidided to go 28 Days later crazy, hence the new banner. Thanking you for your cooperation...NOW FLAMING COMMENT! Muhuhahahaha! :devil:
Now this is my kinda topic :D. Well as a few people know i am an Indie-Boy...well...a British-Indie-Boy. I have the long hair, mod jackets and lambretta signs plastered everywhere lol. Anyway... [list][B]The Stone Roses[/B] - Gods! - Songs: Driving South, Love Spreads, Daybreak...there are too many...[/list] [list][B]Oasis[/B] - Also Gods! - Songs: Jesus...there are far too many lol, most are good :)[/list] [list][B]Ian Brown[/B] - The God! He was the front man for The Stone Roses - Songs: If Dolphins Were Monkeys, Gravy Train and many more...[/list] Sorry i would have a list with about 20 or so but i am pushed for time >_< sorry.
Ok, well i haven't been on OB for quite sometime nevermind my graphics! So after getting a hold of a sexy looking anime s.CRY.ed (or Scryed :p) i decided to make a banner. A few people have already seen this and it is currently in my ImageRotator in my sig so i would like some thought on it :D: [IMG]http://www.mindvent.com/denny/banners/scryed3.jpg[/IMG] So what'dya think?
I am no mod...so i will not act like one, but don't double post...Mod's hate that on this forum...justy giving you the heads up ;). Also, where is this fanart to be found? I tried to see if you had a myOtaku but couldn't find one...so couldyou please post a link?
This is probably one of the best Manga/Anime fan plots i have heard. Very intresting...i would deffinetly buy it...so thats a GREAT start :).
[B]Viewtiful Joe - Episode 6: The Magnificent 5 [/B] This my children...was the most frustrating level i have EVER played in my puff! I tried and tried to no avail. It wasn't just that, you had to fight 4 of the bosses whom were now EVEN STRONGER! When you killed them...you had a little break, ok buy some upgrades and click save...wait...what?...NO SAVE?!?! So you continue without your save...you are faced with the all mighty Inferno Lord: Fire Leo! This guy was hard! Of course after all your lifes had ran out...back to the start! [b][SIZE=3]DAMN YOU VIEWTIFUL JOE!!!![/SIZE][/b]
Yeah, i think this one shows the picture much moreclearly...and well done on the drawing, looks like it was supposed to be like that :D.
Man...These absolutly R0XxX0rZ!1!! Sorry...it had to be done...ANYWAY! I can honestly say that i actually almost cried at some of these, and all of them made me laugh. I also cannot get over your amazing web design and web coding skills either...and your dedication is amazing...you finish like fanlistings in 2 days!!! COMON! lol. Yeah but man...you kick ***...always have always will...at everything...LOL!
I have a few ... back in the day i would have said my [b]Austin 3:16 with the Smoking Skull on back[/b]. That T-shirt was so damn comfy...it is long gone now...:(. I love my "querky one liner with a humour picture acompaniying" T-shirts. I'll give ya a few examples: [u]Text[/u] - [u]Picture[/u] NUTTER - Squirrel eating nut Rough - Dog Cheap - Budgie Battered - Goldfish and so on... their my favoriutes :D. Also i have one that has an arrow pointing up to my face saying "The Man" and an arrow pointing down to my ... you know... saying "The Legend" aahaha. Also, lol, i have one which is just plain creame with a picture of a guy with a saddle on a dinosaur pointing with a speech bubble saying "TO THE DISCO" LMAO!... it kicks so much ***!