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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. "MEEEAO--OH *BLEEP*" _______ *Steve Irwin voice* CRIKEY! This little nipper turns almost TOO adverterous after too much Wiskers Cat Nip! Boy, Oh, Boy does he get adveterous, when that ball hit's his body...BAM! Flies right into his intestine! Out cold! This is little guy is a true Beauty! _________ *Cat's mind* I'm so pumped for this...Ok...timing, timing...NOW! MATRIX STYLE! Sorry about the last one people, but it so looks like the cat is doing a Matrix style jump LOL.
  2. Wow, Shy! They are amazing man! Like Sara said, it reminds me of Doug or Dilbert. I love them, man, are you gonna post up some of the actual comic strips? I would love that ^_^.
  3. Well like i said on MSN, i think it is awsome! I really do love it, so how about those names? What a great way to make a come back ;). ::EDIT:: I see you used my second name suggestion ;). ::EDIT 2:: I am Denny by the way :p.
  4. Hah! Dude, i love these. I really like the caricature feel you got there! The Colouring is very good too by the way. I actualy love both of these, well done indeed.
  5. Heh, that's actually a good idea! Hmmm, i might do one hehehe. PS: I'm on the respect list ^_^.
  6. Well i have never actually practised martial arts, but if i was to pick one i woul deffinetly do Jeet Kune Do ^_^. I did do Boxing for about 3 years...but doesn't really count does it?
  7. I LOVE IT! o0o! *pokes it* ... *still prodes it* *ahem* anyway, yeah great job there.... *prode*
  8. Hmm I go for Neph, although i do agree with Ajeh on the "diffrent thing" and Zeh with the "actual picture thing" but i don;t like the colours used in HZ's and Neph's seems more light and cheerful..>_>. Great work, both of you.
  9. Hmmmm, this seems to be runing out pretty cool ^_^, yeah Welcome back Krillen! and hello Juu and Harlequin and everyone else. Krillen did i send you a PM, if i didn;t i'm sorry i meant to send you a PM saying Welcome back ^_^. Oh Harlequin, that was a great sign up ;). Ajeh has answered your questions Krillen so yeah, picked at random and a big tournie most probably about 16...i hope :p.
  10. Thanks Mitch, and thanks people for your comments, all is appreciated :). *runs off to make more blue stuff to sucker Mitch* :p.
  11. Heh, no i didn't draw the image, i wish i could! >_< i got the picture off of a website, i chose it becuase it is very high quality ^_^.
  12. Well here it is people, i am pretty proud of this one, and i got the idea from Hittokiri Zero. Thanks man for inspiring me, and actually tried some of your pixel stuff and i think it worked out nice ^_^ i hope you don't mind me using it. Well Rate, Comment and Critique please, thanks ^_^. [URL=http://shinobi.250free.com/GotenksWP.jpg]Here it is: Gotenks[/URL]
  13. Well here is my sign-up ^_^;; ________ [b]Name: Bruce Lee Nickname: Siu Lung (Little Dragon) Weapon: Nunchukas Bio:[/b] After starring in many shows and winning many fights at the Long Beach Karate Internationals. Bruce enters the OB Battle Tournament before starting filming of The Fist of Fury. [IMG]http://www.staticfiends.com/Jah_warrior/bruce%20lee.jpg[/IMG]
  14. [center][b]OB Battle Tournament - Come One, Come All[/b][/center] The crowd are tense as the lights shine on, the red carpet rolled out and the ?ringmaster? walks out to address the crowd. Ringmaster: HELLO! And Welcome To...OB BATTLE TOURNAMENT! The crowd roar as carbonated drinks and popcorn sacks fly everywhere. Ringmaster: Today, shall be a remarkable day in history. Today, one man or woman will be dubbed the undisputed king of the ring! The crowd roar once more as chants bellow from the crowd. Ringmaster: Now?Here are the contestants! ___________________________ Ok, so Ajeh and I want a huge tournament. Any style, any player and any time line. Your fighter can be dead, alive, real, made up. Whatever you want, but there are rules: [b][i]No Magic or special powers No God like people ? of course if they are God?s then they must have the same abilities as humans and so on. Only 1 weapon aloud[/b][/i] Now I hope this is pretty simple, and we do have the right to not accept certain characters if there are too many, but do not feel unwanted or alarmed we may call on you later ;). When all the fighters are picked i will make a table. [b]SO LET THE BATTLE BEGIN![/b] [b]Name: Nickname: Weapon: Bio:[/b]
  15. Wow, i love this, very nice indeed. But like Ginny said, the claw thingy me bob disapears between the hair and the right hand seems to be realy small compared to the length of the arm. I think it is great, 9.5/10.
  16. Well i'll give it to you, your a good artist. I love the first pic and the second, however why does Vegeta have a scar on his eye o_O? I LOVE the third pic, well preportioned great stance and it does look like her. The 4th has a huge head LMAO! The head is far to big. The 5th is OK, i'm not to fond of it. Nice work. PS: I would watch out, please read the rules, i am not playing mod but i mean Syk3 has egited this 3 times...so just watch out ;).
  17. [b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Hmmm, a name changer or a spell checker [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] I agree with alot of the other members and say..."Otaku History" *wonders about what ever happened to MyOtaku* [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? [/b] Yes, that would be cool. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] Yeah, i think it would be a good idea like with the joint events and so on, but i'm not sure on this one. [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b] Yes, although when i did go to the chat i couldn't stay in it longer than 5 minutes, sorry Juu but i just didn't really like it that much. [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] Yup, a little bit tough, but i have grew to love it ;). [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] Yeah, but mostly only to check if people have replied to a certain thread, becuase it is VERY expensive on my mobile to go on the net >_
  18. I know it's supposed to be bread, but from a distance it looks like its just a cat with no legs! LMAO! sooo: "MEAOW! My name is Lump the no legged cat!" Sorry...
  19. Well my talents are....hmm....:shifty: LMAO! Just kidding. I have a few talents such as Playing the Drums, i have a band called [b]The Spheres[/b] but we are only a garage band, nothing special. I draw, i aint the best but...meh. I play Football (soccer) I am a good defender becuase i am a big guy so i can knock people of the ball easily, i have a strong shot so i can clear it away easily and if someone is rifling the ball at the goal i can sacrafice my body and jump in the way of the ball and deflect it, it hurts but works. I have a tendecy to have my friends and family in stitches becuase of the jokes and body movements i do when telling jokes, or just talking and telling stories. I love to make light of things i make them humerous. I try my best to reflect this online also, but it doesnt eally work as much as offline becuase online you cannot here my voice impresions nor my facial features etc. I think that is most of my talents...i probably ahve more but have forgotten to say :p.
  20. HOLY **** OF THE SWEET VIRGIN MARY!!! I could SWEAR if i saw that on a poster i [b]would[/b] believe that a proffetional artist drew it. Hot digidy! You have an AMAZING talent. Wow... PS: Excuse my Lingo at the bigining of this post...it had to be said ^_^;;
  21. Shinobi


    AH! Like i said on AIM, it ****ing rocks! It reminds me of Habbo Hotel :p. I love it, i'm gonna have a shot ^_^.
  22. I do believe this film is a classic. My friend actually thinks it's the best film EVER! I do like it indeed, it may be a little bit old...but that doesn't mean it's gonna be crap..;).
  23. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=382777[/IMG] Oh...i'm so damn sexy..Grrrrrr. WHAT? We're rolling, oh Sh-ugar. I'll just strike a really thoughtful pose.
  24. Dude! You have certianly improved since your last sephy pictures! That is amazing, i love it indeed.
  25. I can't really think of a good one...so i resort to alcholic beverages to help me on my long, twisting path caption-ism. "WHEEE ME BE BIG FUSH! FUSH!!!!" *clears throat* Thank you and good night.
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