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Everything posted by Shinobi
[i]Shin stood in defence proudly, his head raised high, ready for the victim?er...I mean, the striker. As a small nippy player sprinted up the left wing, Shin howled for someone to attack! Bebbieroth was the first to comply. He jumped in, skidding along the floor with a two footed slide-tackle...dirty...just how Shin liked it, especially against the team with Jin in it. As the grass and mud flew up astray, the ball rolled out for a throw in. Shin ran over for the shy. He raise his hands above his head and launched the ball as far as he could. It was wavering in the air and finally it met a body...but it was the body of Jin's. Shin erupted as usual and sprinted full pelt to tackle Jin. Jin shuffled in and out of the players with ease, he even had the chance to flick it up and do some keepy-ups while running. This made Shin even more angry. He was only a few meters away from Jin and he noticed the Coach was talking to one of the girls. This was his chance, he thought. Shin lost all control, never mind the rules, never mind the pain?Lets Do It! Instead of a good nice tackle, Shin speared him. As Shin's shoulder connected with Jin's stomach he yelped as he was lifted and then slammed into the ground. Shin jumped up and grabbed the ball, he even had the nerve to shout for a free kick [b]AGAINST[/b] Jin.[/i] Shin: Sir! Did you see that! I went in with a nice little tackle and Jin just flew at me, he ran right into my shoulder as i was bending over to ...erm... pick up the ball for a free kick! Coach: JIN! You stupid FOOL! Shin?line it up. [i]Jin sprung to his feet with his fellow players behind him. Jin was raging and ran at Shin and procceeded to jump and fly kick him dead on the chest! Shin fell to the floor gasping as the Coach ponced on Jin giving him a great voice thrashing. Afterwards he sent him to Mr. Fujimatsu. Jin ground his teeth as he walked away and muttered to Shin.[/i] Jin: After school...
[i]Shin with his grin and stance as cheesey as ever, he scanned the pupils. "Hmmm, not very suitable, but....erm...i geuss they will have to do. Ah, he looks pretty suitable...i geuss". Shin pointed to the one with the really long silver hair, stumbling out of the changing rooms. Shin glared at Jin who was in the opposite team...finally, some rough tackles.[/i] Shin: Your pick.... ______ Sorry it's so short i gotta go >_
Hey there again, well i made an animated banner, this is my second in total, ever! I am going to inhance it when i can be bothered lol, but this is the first one just now.
[i]Shin stood glaring at Jin. Jin gave him a small smirk and raised his eyebrows and nodded. He always does this too Shin, Shin thinks it's just to piss him off. Shin grabbed his football and stormed out of the Games hall swimming though the bodies to the locker rooms, then outside to the playing fields. A couple of people were out there already, the rest will be here soon, including...him. Shin strode up to the pitch with his new Top Brand make soccer boots with titanium studs..."Best Grip In The World" according to the box it came out of, this was a nice time to show them off. They glimmered in the sun, the silver contrasted with the black silky leather. He strode out in slow motion, ripping his top off. Another head popped into scene, it was an Elf boy or something. Shin rammed right into him, sending him flying across the grass. Shin stumbled, but kept his composer...."Oh! Here Come The Girls, Time To Show Off!" Shin: HOI YOU! ELFIE! Whatcha up to ya little freak?! Elf: Uh...Uh...I...Didn't mean it....just don't hurt me. Shin: You bet I'm gonna hurt you! [i]As Shin raised his fist a loud, screeching whistle blew. It was the Coach.[/i] Shin: Your lucky, Elfie [i]Shin still snuck in a sneaky clip to the head as he walked away to show The Coach his new boots before the game commences.[/i]
[i]Shin stood stunned. That was one of his greater lines, and it didn't work! "That stupid Tima, I thought she was cool too!" mumbled Shin as he pulled out his time table.[/i] Shin: YEAH! PE! SOCCER BABY! [i]Shin started to run, smashing everyone out of the way as his shoulder rammed everyone in his line of contact. He ran almost like a huge Gorilla, his hands drooped at his side swinging like large pendulums. He skidded around the corner, spinning to the left when...[/i] [FONT=century gothic][SIZE=4][b]BANG![/b][/SIZE][/FONT] [i]Shin arises to find one angry old dirty face, snarling at him. It was Mr Takahashi. The janitor, he has hated Shin since the first time he set foot in Tokyo High.[/i] Mr Takahashi: You son. You gotta watch were the hell your going! [i]Grabs his stuff and walks away, still snarling, then it breaks into a grin and laugh. "kids" he mumbled. Shin continued his spree to PE. He wanted to get there before...Jin. Even the thought of him made Shin's blood boil. Jin has beat Shin in every possible way. By looks, girls and soccer. The only three things Shin cares about. He finally arrived at the PE Changing rooms, in almost two seconds flat he flew in the door and out, before the door even shut, he was ready. His PE kit consisted of navy blue shorts with once again a tight almost transparent T-shirt. There was no real point in him wearing it, as soon as any girls come on the scene it will be whipped off. He runs into the games hall to fetch the balls. He practised his skills?mainly belting it off the wall as hard as possible. When it came to soccer Shin was a defender. He was big, good at tackling and great at smashing the ball up to the other side. Suddenly he hears a tipper tapper echo from the other side of the games hall...it was him.[/i]
Wow, i loved it. It is very unique i must say, the metal is a small tad plain, but i think it looks etter that. I do agree onthe points that Greg pointed out, like the burned edge of the hole and so on, however, it is a very good piece of work.
[i]Shin was glaring at the girl eyeing her up, she was perfect! As soon as he looked up to the teacher she turned around and smiled at him. As soon as she was facing him, he perked up from his slouched manner and contracted his muscles visibly showing through his small, tight black T-shirt. She gave smile as he pulled off his usual cheesy grin, flicking his hair back with a sharp head movement. The girl swung back round as she raised her hand to the name Timako Atasima. "Timako Atasima eh? Let's just saw Timako might be a very lucky girl today." he said to himself, as he pulled once more his almost signature grin. Snapping out of his 'dreamy mood' he once again frowns at the fool who dissed him earlier. He was getting bored already, and it was only 5 minutes into the class period! He just wanted to strut his stuff out in the yards in front of the girls. He decided to pull of his 'gold'. "Tima, you better get ready for some [COLOR=crimson]HOT[/COLOR] chat up lines...YEAH!". He tapped her shoulder and she swung around in her seat.[/i] Tima: Yeah? Shin: Hey, what?s your name? Tima: :\ Uh.....Timako, why? Shin: Nuttin'...I just think your pretty damn hot! Tima:.....Riiight. Yeah. [i]Tima was in mid swing, when she was turning around, but Shin grabbed her by the shoulder.[/i] Shin: Wait!...Aint ya gonna ask mine? Tima: :laugh: Man...Your not good at this are ya? Shin: What? Tima: You aint the best at...Chatting up girls. Shin: *erupting* I AM! CHECK MY SEXY BODY! HOW COULD YOU RESIST THIS? [i]Shin lifts up his T-shirt to reveal his toned body. Tima merely smiles as The Teacher shouts on Shin.[/i] Teacher: Shin Bangkai! No one is interested in your 'sexy' body, or so you claim. So stop your shenanigans and sit quietly.
Very nice, basicaly what L33ty boy said. It looks real...o_O or is that just me again?
[i]Shin stood up eyeing up any ladies he can see. Puffing out his chest, he swaggered through the crowd, many moved to the side, feeling his 'superior' aura and huge size. He just snorted at any one 'inferior' to him. He finally spied a lovely looking chick, almost pefect in his eyes. He hoovered over to her through the sea of heads, as soon as he was going to flex his biceps she ran away shouting " THERE HE IS! OH JIN! I LOVE YOU!". Shin growled and pivoted to find....The Jock! With girls surrounding him, pampering him and groping him. He pulls a smile and nods a greeting to Shin. Shin erupts mumbling and grumbling he barges into Jin as he walks by him and storms off down the corridor as he puffes out his chest, he swaggers away with a big cheesy grin on to his next class. As he walks in the door he pushes off a small geeky boy from the back seat. He turns to face a guy to his right and says:[/i] Shin: See, up the back, it's great for checking out the girls *nods* YEAH! You might even catch a glimpse or two of a Thong...*cheesy grin* ??: Uh, yeah...whatever [i]As the boy turned his back to Shin. Once again, Shin erupted flipping the table, to himself he said "Yeah, the ladies will now see who da man is, baby...."[/i] Shin: YOU! HERE! NOW! [i]The boy turns to face Shin who is really pumped and ready for action, flexing his muscles at every chance.[/i] Boy: Dude....Your....A Prick...Get it? Shin: W-W-WHAT!?!? I'll kick yo a*s so good! It's...um....YEAH!...SO GOOD! [i]As Shin raises his fist the teacher walks in and 'shushes' everyone to a calm. He gestures Shin to sit down. Shin grins and nods at the boy and points...[/i] Shin: Your Dead.....PUNK! Teacher: Right right..Enough....Ok.....Millisa Deans? ??: Here Sir! Teacher: Greame Angus? [i]As the teacher runs through the roll, Shin can't keep his eyes off the girl in front of him, it was the same one from the corridor. "Man, She is so fine...." thinks Shin to himself.[/i]
Wow, thanks alot Ginny ^_^.
Yes i do Ginny, i just used the paint tool, and gradient....and my eyes, Heh. Yeah, i was getting tired and had to go out, and i was gonna do some touch ups, so ya...Do you use Photoshop, because i know you are GREAT at CGing, much like many other on OB.
Lmao, they're great...i agree with Ginny, i like Gamecrap better...^_^;;. Very well done, and as always Charles has a nice witty comment in there to (becuase he invented the names). [SIZE=1]Note to self: Must make more comedy-type-stuff-thingy[/SIZE]
LMAO! He Da Man! But he hasn't got an antena...:(, but he still kicks a*s! Well done ^_^, i like him *wishes he had one* *sigh*.[SIZE=3]::EDIT::[/SIZE] Well, i was bored and decided to take my hand ar CGing, this is my first CG, so dont be too harsh ^_^... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=360973[/IMG]
Wow.....^______^ best news i ahve heard in a while. It is great how such a blessing comes to people who need it most ^_^. Like most people have said....PICTURES. I knwo you will be a good Mum, Congrats ^___________________________________^
I do actually, i think that is a very good idea, and there can be sub forums of Gundam and so one...i agree.
Great Idea! This is going to be sooo fun ^_^! ______________ [b]Character Name:[/b] Shin Bangkai (known as Shin or Big Shin) [b]Anime Stereotype:[/b] The Huge Muscular Guy/Attention Seeker. [b]Bio:[/b] He always seems to be the one in the background flexing his muscles showing off. He is also the attention seeker, always lookig for the damned attention, although most of the time he doesn't seem to get it, it's usually that damned captain of the soccer team, he always gets the girls...:flaming: [b]Powers:[/b] Very strong. Good Boxer and Street Brawler. He somtimes gets this electrical stuff fly out his hands...o_O. His special move is to get you in a head lock and tense his muscles until your head is crushed... [b]Sworn Enemy:[/b] The guy who get's more attention than him...*cough* Soccer Captian *cough* ::EDIT:: I have decided to to change my look, since i found MUCH better pictures, so this will be Shin, except without the freaky tattoo... [IMG]http://www.shadowed-soul.net/denny/Shin.jpg[/IMG]
Well i saw the film today, and it was pretty good, but REALLY cheezy at the cheezy parts....it was, average i geuss...
Wow, thanks alot people, Yup Semjaza you would think they would check out Animatrix...oh well...it looks cool anyway, and Blanko, yes it's the hands of a robot. You see that is the whole story line of Animatrix, robots started to rebel against the human masters. Anyway, i am glad people like it ^_^, i got more replies than i expected *feels liked*. Thank you, since i got such a good response i may take up another animation project, and thanks again James for helping me out ;)and giving me the tips.
Well like i said on MSN i think its cool, kinda makes you feel as if your trapped in a damp old cage or something...o_O;;
Ok, i tried a second Version, so tell me whatcha think people...C&C and Rate thanks..;)
Thanks people, i'm glad people like it ^_^, imay add some adjustments like to make it look more as if it was filmed from the robots camera or something ^_^.
Well, i think this is just plain genious...it is just so...brilliant, this looks very professional, if this was printed into merchandise or something i would beileve it was a professional design, heh. Very well done.
Well people...i decided to go for an animated banner, it was actually James who inspired me, and i finally made it, i must admit he gave me some very helpful tips...thanks man. So here it is, although i must Warn you, this is very graphic...and keep in mind, this is my first EVER animation...so please don't be too harsh, erm...C&C&Rate thanks...
I remember i started to fight with this guy, who i wouldn't call a friend, but i know him. He said that i was gay or something, and i was in this real pissy mood, so i decided to crack him one, but just a light jab sorta thing, but just beofre i was gonna throw the punch, i pulled back, thinking it was stupid, he was only having a laugh. The next thing i know i feel someone push me from behind, i turn to face him once again, he said that his friend told him that i wanted to fight him, so instead of me fighting the first guy, i kicked **** outta his friend, heh...so all in all....it was kinda stupid because i got the blame and stuff for starting the fight, even though i didn't....¬_¬. Another one i can think of is i was having a game of 'slappy', were you hold your hands together and stick the out, you need to try and slap your friends hands, if you slap them you get a point. anyway, i was playing that with my friend when i slapped him 10 times in a row, giving me 10 points, he had 0. He got enraged by this and said that i was cheating, i exclaimed the opposite then all of a sudden he slapped my face instead of hands and said "how'd ya like that Cheata?" i then proceeded to skelphim with a good right hook after i caught him. He admitted he was wrong, he said..."i know, i just wanted a chase....but i didn't think you would have hit me...ouch..." heh, stupid Adam. Anyway that is all i can think of just now.