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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Like i said on MSN, i think it is one of your best works yet! I love it, very nice ;).
  2. Yeah that would be pretty funny, heh. i suggest you do that also...
  3. I have only noticed this thread just there, and i wish i had saw it earlier, everyone has said everything that needs to be said really, it is just so.....Wow! As i always say reminding you all the time, youa re a great writer Charleh.
  4. Johnneh! You have did it once again! I [b]LOVE[/b] [score]Shine[/score] [score]shine[/score] shIne. Speed is a little...meh, like you said,plain. But still nice non the less. Very well done, although i think the coloured "s" in speed looks a little...off? I dunno, maybe tone down the brightness of it, and i think it will look nicer ^_^. Well done mate.
  5. Wow....Just Plain.....WOW. You are an amazing artist. You are very handy with a colouring tool aren't you? Wow, you are deffinetly one of the best artists on Otaku, that's if you stay ;).
  6. ..... o_O;; I thought it was a picture of a wall on the streets, lol. What is it on, wood or something? Anyway, this is deffinetly the best.
  7. LMAO! Man you never cease to [strike]amaze[/strike] Make me laugh...? Anwyay, man that is great, that is the only video game that was simple enough for my dad to play, so he used to always hog it >_
  8. Wow, these are great...they look very profesional. I love doing Menchies (tags) but they are nothing like these....WOW.
  9. I'm not sure...Hmmm....Capital City?
  10. Ok, thank you all for you comments ^_^. And Jennie...your banner is identical to one of my graphics i have made...and i had named it Dimention!(Attachment) ¬_¬ Conspiracy?...
  11. Well hey people, this is my newest work. Hybrid PM'd me asking if i could ake him a sig, ofcoarse i was delighted to. So here are the finsihed products, there is two Versions: [IMG]http://shinobi.250free.com/Hybrid.jpg[/IMG] Version 1 [IMG]http://shinobi.250free.com/Hybridv2.jpg[/IMG] Geuss what version this is.......yup....That's right...Version 2. Well there they are, so please C&C and Rate, Thanks.
  12. o0o, i just noticed this thread, it looks pretty cool. I can't remember who owns Springfield Zoo. It will come back to me, so i'll just edit this. Oh and for Semjaza's Unanswered question it was: The Android's Dungeon But i don't know the Shelbyville Counterpart x_X.
  13. I love it, actually finally its a bit of a change from your usual, heh. I really like it...although the stickmen scare me o_O.
  14. [i]Shin sat in his room, doing various fancy moves with his Katana he decided he would have a little bit of fun. He ran about the room furiously grabbing random pieces of normal household items. After about 15 minutes a half-human shape manikin was formed. He quickly slapped some old clothes on it and decided to try a little bit of controlled power and speed. As fast as lightning his Katana flew from each shoulder, above his head, down to his up thigh, and repeated its over and over. It was over in merely one or two seconds, he stopped as a bead of sweat ran down his nose. It plunged in slow motion, almost as if it was doing a diving routine. When the splash hit the ground all throw clothes shredded and fell to the flow. This showed the speed, of Shin's action. He gave a quick smirk and thought to himself:[/i] "This isn't what I want...I need MORE...this is petty pansy ********! Is that what they take ME as?!?" [i]He was snapping, Shin did this once in a while, but has been occurring much more often lately. His hand snapped forward in a jab motion and then he started to pound into the manikin. Hands and Legs flew affray as he leathered into it. The small piece of rubbish obviously couldn?t take it and crumbled very quickly. Shin's head snapped back. Veins popping out and sweat pouring down his face. He ground his teeth and walked over to the door slamming it shut and stormed to the training facility.[/i] Shin: I need to hit something *pounds wall* There must be someone or something! [i]He looked frantically around him when he spied the Driod Chambers. An almost Phychotic smile appeared on his face as he ran to the chamber...he was in one hell of a mood.[/i]
  15. I have saw the movie, and it was GREAT! And Alexus, it aint an 18 i got into it, and i'm only 14, it is rated 15 ;). Anyway, yeah, the film is great, i think you should see it, if you were thinking of going ;).
  16. I have also noticed this, the first example that popped into my head was "2 Stupid Dogs" i personally hated the show and i still do, but my little cousin was watching it and they sneaked into the big screen car cinema things...i dunno the real name for them, since we don't hav them over here in the UK. Well it's the big huge screen were you sit in your car and watch a movie. So anyway, the 2 dogs were sitting watching the movie and said...."Man, this Bites....why do people come here anyway?" as the camera zoomed out every car was bouncing up and down, in aother words...Too Have Sex. I was pretty shocked at that.
  17. I like the second one, it is REALLY nice, but the text is once again.....well.....not at its best, try Bevel and Embossing it or something or mabey sticking a little shadow, or a small outer glow, or all of them! I think that should work.
  18. I love it for a first banner. I think the effect is very nice, the only exception is the text, it is far too dark and too hard to read.
  19. I agree, that is probably what strikes me most. We are studying "Free at last?" in History just now and since i LOVE history i was very intrested in this and my teacher showed us this poem and i was astounded by it, it was just plain genious. It gave me the imagery of Dead rotting carcases hanging, falling apart in a very tranquil, bright happy country side view, as if it is almost "normal" with small white children prancing about in the long golden wheat in the background...actual i might draw a picture of this...
  20. Strange Fruit is a poem that was wrote by a Jewish teatcher in the 1920's i think, i am not sure. It was about Lynching and other Racist segragational things happening in the south. In the 1940's Billie Holiday released it as a song, i think it is very touching and a brilliant poem: [b]Strange Fruit[/b] Southern trees bear strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant south, The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh, Then the sudden smell of burning flesh. Here is fruit for the crows to pluck, For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop, Here is a strange and bitter crop. Please note, this is [b]NOT[/b] my poem, most people will know that anyway. I would just like to see what you people feel about this poem
  21. Lol, They were great, especialy Eminem - The REal S@bertooth. Very nice, i might try my hand at this, heh.
  22. Well, Radiohead have been out for soo long it's unreal heh, i LOVE Paranoid Android or whateva, i always get the words mixed up on that song title :p. They are cool, but his voice get's anoying after a while, heh.
  23. Well i have had a few dreas were i am doing something i know how to do, but i do it wrong, it is like a broken record, my brian tells me to try again and so i do, but it comes out wrong, then finally i do it and the the rest of the dream is usually blank o_O. I also had a dream so re-occuring sometimes i thought it was true! That happens quite alot with me. Another, one of my most famous re-occuring drems is that if i jump forward as if i am trying to lunge on someone, i fly through the air for ages, like about 100 meters, thats pretty cool ^_^.
  24. I saw a little of this, he is actually a freak. I mean he was feeding "his" baby underneath a sheet and it was crying and everything it was plain sick. I think he is a wierdo, his musical talents are amazing, but other than that....He's Sick.
  25. ....I'm scared.....VERY scared....Lol, its scary, but very funny, lol i remember that Av as well ^_^. ALthough i must ask...What the hell gave you the idea for this?
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