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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. That would be SSJ Chic if i am corect...i think :p. Oh and im not playing mod but..is this Legal?
  2. Well everyday on the bus home i am inhaling Cannabis smoke and even my mum knows that when i come off the bus and stink of Hash, then it isn't me but the junkies up the back of the bus. My friend was grabbed by a junkie the other day becuase she looked at her, i was about to say something when she sat downand my friend ran down the stairs, and so did everyone else except from me and my friend! She was swearing every second word and everyone ran away she said that if anyone looked at her she would kill them, she was a bearing a knife at the time. I turned around and looked at her and she just snarled, she was just doing that to people smaller than her, she knew that ema nd my friend could easily take her so she just snarled, it is ****ing sad that they will stab a little 12 year old and not touch a 14 year old that would kick their as*. I also have been offered prostitution, my friends were saying go for it!!! I just said "Naw yer awright" and walked away, she then ran to the closest male. This world has it's advantages such as technolygy and so on, but it has very serious moral disadvantages.
  3. Hey Lady Mac, that's why i am happy to say that Guns are banned in Scotland after the Dumblane tragedy (a pyscho busted into a nursery and shot dead little 5 year olds.) So yeah, i know that the axe dude is nothing compared to some, but it was just an example that got the whole idea of this thread going ;).
  4. Well, yesterday i was in town with my mum and dad by my new fone for my birthday (Feb 8th, Samsung T100 i love it! ^_^). Anyway, we were driving down a street called Saltmarket in Glasgow, near the Gorbels. Let's just say, it isn't the [i]"nicest"[/i] place to live. So we stopped at a set of traffic lights and i was playing with my new fone when my mum said: "Here Stewart (My Dad) what's that boy doing over there?" I raised my head to see a 15 year old boy, about 5'5, swinging this yellow thing. My mum continued: "Is that a workie?" (A workman, working on a building or so on) My dad then says: "F*ck sake! He's smashin that window in!" By this time we were driving by him, and...HE HAD A 5 FOOT AXE!! He was ponding away at a jewlers window and grabbed what he could. We foned the police and they wer there in a matter of seconds, but by that time he was away. The scary thing was, he nearly hit an old woman, who ran by him to cross the road to get away from him. The axe missed her by inches. So i was wondering, have you seen anything like this, i couldn't believe it, it was broad day light 1 in the afternoon. What do you think of this? And have you seen anything like it?
  5. [i]Shin was bursting with energy, he felt a mixture of emotions all flowing through him at one time, the feeling couldn't not be explained by words. He was thriving for power, strength, speed...he [b]needed[/b] training. He sat up on his bed eager to get on with his training, Gigaslave still was no were to be seen. Shin decided to have a shower, that usually calmed him down and made him feel a little big chilled and relaxed. He walked into the bathroom, undressed and walked into the shower, he didn't even wait for it to warm up. After his higenical routine he felt very much relaxed.[/i] Shin: Man, i'm pretty bored....hmmm....what to do, what to do. [i]An idea flew into his head. He had seen many of the other fighter in hypnotic like trances. He had never took a hand at meditation but there is a time for everything he thought and decided to have a go. He lay back, his head resting against his bed's headboard. He calmed himself, closing both eyes and finally cleared his mind. The black mist started to open up, exploding almost. Quick flashes of his early fights as a boy appeared, snippets of the hundreds and thousands. They cut off, the next flash image was not a fight seen, it was when he was only a tot. He sees a man in a white coat like garment, a small boy sitting on a table naked. The man in white turned the boy over, and to Shin's suprise...THE BOY HAD A TAIL! It was long and covered in brown hair. As the man in white pulled out a large knife and drove it down snapping it off, the boy thrived in pain, screaming! Shin shook his head violently to get the buzzing scream from his head. He sat up with his eyes wide open. He faintly remembers that Arano had a tail very much like that. Shin stood up and walked back into the bathroom, he felt the lower part of his back, whiles looking in the mirror, there was a tiniest of scars..."Was that me?" he thought. He shrugged and walked back. After about 15 minutes Shin was still very much bored, but was puzzled over the small meditation fiasco. He was itching to clear his mind again, but wasn't sure. After another 10 minutes of this self argument he decided to go for it once more. This time however it was much more pleasant, he felt much more tranquil and calm. But suddenly boomed a voice.[/i] ???: Shin.....SHIN! Shin....F...Father? Dad? Is that you? ???: Yes my son, Isee you have mastered the great art of meditation! I am watching on you every second of the day my son, i like what i see! Dad: Shin, that flash back you had...That was you... Shin: I figured...but i can't remember that! Dad: You were just a child, we were very concerned about that tail of yours. Yet we made a mistake... Shin: How? I mean, i should'nt have a tail....should i? Dad: Well Shin, i have met all of our fore-fathers before us up here, and they are a very special race! Shin: I knew that i had a it of the race - Saiyan in me, but.... Dad: Yes my son, that is of what i speak! You and I are Half Saiyans! That tail, it was the tail of a Saiyan, it was a very powerful device indeed...But i think you can definitely make it without one, you have the power, strength and wisdom...go my son...Do It! [i]The image of his Dad starts to fade but Shin bursts in![/i] Shin: Dad! Wait! One last question! Dad: Quickly my son! Shin: Is Arano a half Saiyan too? Dad: Ah no, he is a Full Breed! One last thing...there are higher levels! [i]The picture snaps out of view with those words ringing in Shin's ears. He wondered to himself?.?there are higher levels??. He sat up in his bed and decided to go for a small sleep, although it won?t be much for it will be soon time for the eagerly awaited training to start once again![/i]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][FONT=arial][SIZE=1] Yeah, meh name is Lauren^^ I know part of the song that Gollum sings! "Jump in the pool, Nice and Cool!" Yeah, I was singing that all day! Oh, and Shinobi, what sonf where you humming there o.O?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, so it is. Oh and the song....um....the main song, kinda. With the trumpets and is always on the adverts for it, i dont know the name of it, lol.
  7. Shinobi


    Ok, Ok. I dunno if i made it kinda clear, but i wasn't seriously against it! I just wish that they didn't forward it too children. I eman i love it, i think it's great...*ahem*...for eason im not going to say...Yeah and the music is great, the only critisism i have, is that it is aimed at children. Do you get what i mean?
  8. Shinobi


    T.A.T.U are the newest Pop sensation because of negative publicity....do you want to know what that publicity is? More controversial than Eminem! And so on, becuase they are Russian Lesbians! T.A.T.U. is short for something like[b] The Girl Loves The Other[/b] or something. I personaly think it is quite sickining that Pop (the mainly early teenage and younger age group catagory) is exposed to a video in which two women are slobbering over each other feeling each other up and so on. I was wondering what your view is on this. And from my special sources (My friend Darren lol) says that he heard they're new video is banned wolrdwide because one of the girls was fingering the other!!! It is practicaly PORN FOR CHILDREN! It's good for teenagers that are really horny and well.....Neil (lol j/k) but its becuase it is really threw at the younger people that kinda shocked me. Anyway, whats your view on it? Oh and by the way, i think the song is really very catchy and good actually lol, but the concept i dont like.
  9. I did...and it look frickin' sore when he slammed his back off the corner of them ...YEESH! I lurv this now :D.
  10. *sigh* I haven't played paintball EVER! It looks sooo cool too, i don't even know any paintball places near me, there was rumours of one about 15 miles away, so i was all ^_^ but i'm not sure if it's true...
  11. I loved the music in LOTR. *humes* Dum Dum Dum de Dum DUM DE DUM DUM DE DUM DUME DE DIEEEEEEE DOO DOO Dum Dum Dum de Dum DUM DE DUM DUM DE DUM DUM DE DOOOOOOOOO! Anyway. I also love the sog Gollum sings, i wanna know the lyrics....*looks at Juu* Tell me then please, anyone.....*looks at Juu again*
  12. LMAO! Kenan and Kel ROCKED! I loved that show, and Superdude was well the best! Anyway, i still can't think of anymore names i have been called lol.
  13. Well, people have called me Noel and Liam Gallagher from OASIS. I don't look like them at all, it's just i am growing my hair and it looks like their hair, it doest botherme, becuase i love OASIS ^_^. I think that's about it ...:).
  14. [I]Shin was still outside training, he was pleased with his intense Stat Building earlier, so he decided to calm it down a little. He firstly used a very easy, yet effective, ?calm? training as he calls it. Shin threw a stone into the river, but immediately shot a Ki ball following its every move about 3 inches behind the stone. Shin then jumped in following the Ki ball and grabbed the stone pulling it out before the Ki ball explodes and the water implodes and soaks you. Shin didn?t do so well on his first attempted but his second claimed victory. Another of his silly little training schemes, is to leap from rock to rock, but as you?re in the air, pull off two roundhouse kicks. Then next time you jump, pull off three and so on. Shin was having fun with himself, until he slipped on a slippery rock when he reached 250 roundhouses. By this time, he was bored and decided to go for a small dip in the river before proceeding back to The Sanctum. As he entered the front door of the lobby?noisily as usual, he noticed something strange, no sight nor sound of life![/I] [color=Red][size=4][b]BEEP BEEP![/color][/size][/b] [I]He quickly pulled out his PSM and noticed his stats had raised since he last checked:[/I] [center][b]Stats Strength: 49 Defence: 44 Speed: 50 Ki: 50[/center][/b] [I]This, but, was not why his PSM beeped, it was an alarm set?.IT WAS 6 IN THE MORNING! Shin was shocked as he had no sleep and didn?t even feel tired. He spoke to himself:[/I] ?Meh, a real warrior doesn?t need sleep? [I]He chuckled as he walked away to his Dorm, not to sleep but to just to get a shower, sit and maybe polish his Katana. He was bright and ready for MORE training, maybe sleeping in helped him a little?[/I]
  15. Well living over in UK like Bingy said, it's hard to have such a socail time as you lot do. I do like watching American Football, but very rarely catch it. I really only know the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because when i went two Florida twice, I baught a T.B. Buccaneers window sticker and a Hat...^_^....GO TAMPA! W00T T00T T00T!!! *ahem* Sorry.
  16. Yup, i really love it. Did you see it on Friday? They nailed two 8 foot planks of Dutch Pine wood to the tree and pulled it back as far as they can and they smacked each other's arses with them, lol. It was soooo funny! I love this show *huggles it*
  17. ^_^ 'Tis is cool. Here are my Resulties!: [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbguy/goku.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animestereotype/bully.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animevampire/lamica.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dragonhalfcharacter/rufa.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/mononoke/ok.gif[/img] Thar ye go people ^_^.
  18. This is a great show. I think this will only apply to OB Brits, becuase i am SURE not wait, POSSITIVE this has not hit the States or anywhere else. It is about 6 Scottish guys, who want to be Famous at Dicking around. I personally think this is Buckin' Frilliant! Maybe because it is personal because they are Scottish. I think it is Hilarous and is a must see. They do stunts like Jackass, except, more danerous and somejust plain stupid. One for instance was....Lemon Eyewash....Snorting Chile Powder....Hot Feet (tighting rags to their ankels, soaked in petrol,then set alight)....and many many other. Sometimes, they just hit each other over the head with 2X4ers until they break! It is a must see, i think. Weekdays, 10pm Bravo. Does anyone else watch this?
  19. [i]Shin sotes about the Lobby just beside the main door, he is not sure what he want's to do. As he pulls out his PSM it reads:[/i] [b][center]Stats Strength: 35 Defense: 27 Speed: 30 Ki: 40[/center][/b] [i]Pleased with his work, he does to work on his defense, he heard some of the others speak of "Droid Rooms" but it they didn't tickle his fancy...just now. His mood was more for gradual build up, rather than his usual "Must, Fight...Always win!" routine. He decided to once again, use a makeshift trainging scheme, since his last one, worked a treat on his Ki. He decided that outside was his best resorces. He walked out near by the river and waterfall werehe was earlier on in the day. He picks up a bundle of rocks, and closes his eyes. He squeezes tight, and finally he starts to levitate. He hovers slowly up and upuntil finally, he picks up speed and a small blue aura apears around him. He flies high into the sky and then when he is almost 3 miles in the air, he catapults the rocks, even FURTHER! He half flies, half drops to the ground and swiftly takes his Bandana off and ties it over his eyes so he is blind from his beautiful surroundings. His sights sense is away, but he ususes one of his others. He can practicaly pin point every rock falling, as soon as it was in range, he would destroy it, shattering it into many thousands. He is jumping up, down, left and right. Legs, arms and head swinging everywhere, he even usues some Ki, but very little. After about an hour or so, he finally decides to step it up a notch. He ties his hands behind his back and repeats the process. Acter that he un-ties his hands and ties his legs. All in all his Legs, arms and any other bidy parts used, got there fair share. He could feel them buldging, he got the same rush as he did with the G-Chamber insident. This was becoming a regular thing, his power was really increasing, and somehow, hefelt a small burning of a rage, of pure fury...ready for explotion. He loves his new home and the training....and the rewards.[/i]
  20. The link doesn't work for me...v_v, i really want to hear them too!
  21. Shinobi

    The Hulk

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I like the Hulk Rollercoaster in Universal Islands of Adventures. :toothy:[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Me too, when you fly througha ll the steam-ish-stuff. o_O;; Anyway, I also saw the same trailer as CWB, when he is in the bathroom, and he transforms, smashing down the wall in the proccess, this look SHAWEEEET! Cant wait for this (and Daredevil).
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [b] [B]What is your style of fighting?[/B] Well recent little scruff ups after getting egged on (highly annoying), I've found kicking your opponent in the lower regions is always a treat lol. If I was in a fight I think I would get more use out of my legs (being quite long lol), I prefer kicking to punching. If I'm just play fighting with mates I like to do old-school wrestling on them as we're just mucking around. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my Lord! I am like the oppisite to you, lol. I hate kicking! Unless i stand up (After sitting ontop of them and hooking them) i usually stand up and if they are still on the ground, i would kick into their face and head area to inflick most dammage then, if i have time (usually they are on their feet or the fight is broke up by now) i would kick them in the stomach. I awlays punch, like i seaid in my earlier post, i mainly slug, and brawl, if they have me in a hold or whatever or if i'm close to them and my hands are not free i stick the nutt on them (headbutt them, also known as a "Glasgow Kiss" lol). I have been in about 15 or so fights in my life, although i havent been in a fight for about a year now, so when people annoy me, my fuse is very short because im raring to go...like i said "fight mode".
  23. Ok, put it this way...Fight may be "wrong" and the usual "never do it" kinda stuff, but my veiw is, is you want to DO IT! I don't mean walk about picking fights i mean, if there is a reason then fight if you cant settle it any other way. I can't help it, Dad was like that, my brother is a frickin Psycho when he is angry and well, when i am offended or angered at someone, i just o into a kind of "Fight Mode". Obviously i try and talk it out, but that usually doesnt work for me, i usually start talking it out, they come out with some smart as comment, then raised voices, shouting and finally the fight has begun. I only fight, mainly because i can, even if the guy is better than me, if he has seriously offeded me, i would rather get beat down on fighting than let him offend me more and more then beat down on me. I will only fight, if need be, and i admit, sometimes the fight starts because of me, because whne i am "talking it out" i get angry when "talking it out". I dunno, i just cant help but stand up for myself, i aint one to take sh*t lying down. Ok, now to answer some of the questions: [b]What would you do if someone started on you?[/b] Firstly, this is MY opinion, i know what I a capale of so this is what I would do. I would ask the guy firstly, Why is he startin' on me. Usually the reply is Bull, so i come back with something showing it is bull. He will usually start shouting, i get angry and also start shouting, he will insult me through my family or something like that and i will loose it and the fight would begin. I would usually try and get them on the deck, then sit on top of them pinning down their arms and hook left and right into their face, thats my usual tactic, firslty get them on floor. [b]What is your style[/b] Slug them, brawl, if need be use every part of your body. I never start fights, so they started it, so make the look like a fool, you finish it. [b]What would you do, if you walked past a group of people beating up another group?[/b] Depends who is fighting. If it is a gang of who I know, who is beating on one person i like better. I would tell them to lay off, if they started to push me around i would try and run firstly, if they catch up, turn round ad fight a few then run again, lol. If it was people i didn;t like/know/care about i would just walk on by. And that concludes my post on brawling.
  24. [i]Shin was astounded at the two small figures' ability. He watched with glee as they ran along playing with...KI BLASTS! Shin was loving this place more by the minute. Although he was not satisfied with his raised ability, he hasn't actually did much atoll. He grinned as he thought of an idea. He quickly pulled out his PSM from his back pocket to see what his needs are.[/i] [center][b][u]Stats[/u] Strength: 30 >> 35 Defense: 20 >> 27 Speed: 25 Ki: 25[/b][/center] [i]His Strength and Defense had raised by a very small amount because of the G-chamber feasco. He really wanted to build up his Ki, although his Speed is his weakest point. He decieded to go out into open space outside. Shin left through the main lobby from were he saw Piro venture back to his room, mabey he has had enough for today. He pushed open the two large glass doors and walked along the path out into the open. He took deep breaths and journied to the highest cliff from were a large ice blue waterfall plummeted down. He sat on a huge rock and picked the biggest tree, that was the farthest away (from in his range) and outsretched his palm. He consentrated his energy, with both eyes staring dead at the tree. With a quick jolt of electrical charge a small blue sphere emeredged from his palm. It grew then strunk then grew then shrunk. It was finally perfect size, with that Shin fired it, a small streak of blue followed the ki ball, stronger as it got closer to the ki. Finally it hit its target, the leaf at the highest point of the tree. As the ki's size increased then decreased in his hand while aiming, it felt like minutes apon minutes for Shin, but in reality, it was only a few mear seconds before it flew and knocked off the next leaf. Shin started to sweat, for now he has shot off half of all the leaves on the tree. This was intense training although it looke fairly easy. Drops of sweat ran down his forewhead then down the bridge of his nose before dangling at the tip, then falling and splatting off his chest. After 5 hours of this, he had finally knocked off every leaf on the tree. He was more pleased with himself and pranced back to The Sanctum were he would push himself to even more physical strengths, "Mabey i should work on my Speed?" he wondered to himself...[/i]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Very silly. I think it could be a rap like that Limp Bizkit song. [/B][/QUOTE] -_-.... ... You [i]are[/i] kiddin me right? *lifts hand to slap you* It was based on that song dammit! *drops hand* Sorry.... Anyway, i think this is great, i was rapping it all the way, lol CWB best get Jiggy!! :p.
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