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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. [b]Who are you in your own mind?[/b] Well, i belive myself to be, a happt, popular, easy going guy. I have no trouble with conversation with girls (They all love me, as a freidn that is, not as attractive way >_
  2. As most people know, I live in Scotland. Basically, we are the same as England.....really. Neds (Non-Educational-Deliquint) = Rude Boys (I have also heard people from England call them...Townies). They listen to trance/club/techno/dance music. They act all big, but are usually very wimpy, therefor they carry a knife and hang in big gangs. Moshers/Skaters/Goths - Whatever you wanna call them, they are practically all the same. You know the drill really. Gays (my own deffinition ^_^)/Smoothies - They were tight stuff and go for the Gareth Gates/Boy Band look. They are "always up with fashion" and are "Really Sexy" .....A HA! Mods - The deffinition of Mods has dramaticaly changed from the old 60's/50's Mods. They wore Parka Jackets and drove Scooters, Modified with mirrors and fur and so on. They USED to be vicious and have the bad boy Brit image, now they just chill out listen to music and play in bands, smoke some pot...lol j/k. I consider myself a Mod. Junkies/Jakes - They take drugs all day, drinkand are usually have bad hiegine. Geeks - Usually highly inteligent, into Final Fantasy and Star Trek and are usually picked on. Some of them are...bareable, but their voices irritate me ^_^. Wiggas - White people wanting to be black, wearing the clothes, the hair, and accent. Normals - Normal people :therock:
  3. [i]Shin stands up shaking his head furiously from side to side as his eyes focus correctly again. As the green figure disappeared around the corner Shin arose, his muscles felt immensely powerful, after only one sit up...after which he couldn't move. He struggled with all his might, veins protruding the very skin, almost bursting with capacity. The small flash back ended. The rush Shin was getting was amazing, his anticipation to go back in and try it at 60 was exploding! He needed to use the G-Chamber, it almost became an addiction. He slowly walked forward and turned to his left, opening the door to Room #2. A small green forearm snapped in front of him blocking the way. Shin looked down to find Cactuar shaking his head.[/i] Cactuar: I think you have had enough of the G-Chambers today. [i]Shin nods and sighs, his addiction fizzled out, it was the rush of the danger, pain and power. He placed his hand on Cactuar's shoulder, almost engulfing it.[/i] Shin: I'm sorry, if there is anything I can help with..... Cactuar: Uh, Yeah, can you just lift all of this gear down to my technical room for repair? Shin: *salutes* Will do....
  4. Shinobi


    LMAO! Jackass is great! I can't wait 'till it comes out in Scotland, if it's an 18 though, im fukt. If jackass is finishing :bawl: the thats crap, but there is lots more just like it. Actually there is a new series released on Monday, 10 PM on Bravo, it's called World Famous At Dicking Around. The advert says "These stunts are FAR too dangerous to even be attemped at home......That's why we get a bunch of crazy Scottish people to do them." This consists of "Lemon Eyewash, BLindfold Boxing and The Human Voltage Meter" It looks great, you should check it out. PS: There Scottish! LMAO!
  5. [b][u]General Awards[/u][/b] Overall Member of the Year:[b]Juu[/b] Honorable Mention:[b]Syk3[/b] Male Otaku of the Year: [b]ShyGuy[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Piro[/b] Female Otaku of the Year: [b]Raiha[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]QA[/b] Most improved Member of the Year: [b]Spikey[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Cyko[/b] Thread of the Year: [b]Who would you like most to meet?[/b] Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: [b]BBII[/b] Honorable Mention: Funniest Member: [b]CWB[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Dragon Warrior[/b] Silliest Username: [b]CWB[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Jin17 (actually if you know what it means in Japanese it is pretty sensible[/b] Member most likely to be here in two years: [b]Adam[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]ShyGuy[/b] Avatar of the Year: [b]Alexus Bing[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]CWB[/b] Signature of the Year: [b]Ken[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Pyskotic[/b] Best Otaku Couple: [b]Juu and Bryan[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Piro and QA[/b] Best looking Otaku: [b]Juu[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Babygirl[/b] Otaku clique of the Year: [b]Es-Clan[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Hammer Bros[/b] Best Newbie: [b]Cyko[/b] Honorable Mention:[b]Kenji[/b] Best Oldie: [b]Sara[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Raiha[/b] Best Otaku-Related site: [b]Otaku Pike[/b] Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member: [b]Wrist Cutter[/b] Honorable Mention: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: [b]Braclet Whore[/b] Honorable Mention: Writer of the Year: [b]CWB[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Mitch[/b] Role-Player of the Year: [b]FF[/b] Honorable Mention: Brawler of the Year (sparring): [b]Medra[/b] Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year: [b]Project Gamer[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Destiny: Revenge Will Be Ours[/b] Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: [b][/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Ken[/b] Entertainment Otaku of the Year: [b]CWB[/b] Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: [b]Rick Hunter[/b](Best Anime member overall) Honorable Mention: DragonBall Guru: [b]Piro[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Jin17[/b] Digipeep of the Year: Honorable Mention: Gundam Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: [b]Semjaza[/b] Honorable Mention: Nintendo "Mario" Award: [b]James[/b] Honorable Mention: The Sony Award: [b]CWB[/b] Honorable Mention: Xbox Gamer of the Year: [b]BigCajones[/b] Honorable Mention: PC Gamer of the Year: [b]Matt[/b] Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): [b]Syk3[/b] Honorable Mention: [b]Phychotik[/b] Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): [b]Ginny[/b] Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: [b]DBZMan[/b] Honorable Mention: Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: [b]Desbreko[/b] Honorable Mention: The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy): Honorable Mention: Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto): [b]Medra[/b] Honorable Mention: Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario): [b]James[/b] Honorable Mention: PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): [b]Desbreko[/b] Honorable Mention:
  6. [i]Shin was warming up, but he thought that this area wasn't much special. He felt energy surges everywhere, from his knowledge he knew their was definitely one fight, but he was thinking mabey even 2 or 3! He thought to himself "There must be more than this. Well this isn't everyone, so there must be other places." He grabbed a towel from a near by rack and walked out dabbing his head as he goes. His muscles were bulging, sweaty and all warmed up. He wanted to start "The Real Stuff" as he called it. He wandered about, finding his bearings, then he went down one level. There was definitely a fight going on there, he didn?t bother though, he was more interested in "The Real Stuff". He passed through a pair of big wooden swing doors, which were labelled "Gravitational Training" He wasn't sure what this was, but had a fair idea. He found the first door to his right to be labelled "Room #1" he wanted in quickly, excitedly and enthusiastically he pressed one of two buttons. He pressed a green rectangle and the door slid upwards with a hiss and smoke rolled out smothering his feet, revealing the round chamber. In the middle of the chamber was a huge machine, with many buttons and was bulky. Shin grinned and nodded, his face like one of a child in a sweet shop (candy store). As he walked through the door it snapped shut behind him, although, he didn't notice within his hypnotic like trance. He walked up swiftly to the machine. There was a "Main" button, so of coarse he pressed that firstly, on the small digital interface a greeting appeared and asked:[/i] [FONT=courier new]"Choose Your Gravitational Level."[/FONT] [i]As Shin pressed buttons, small beeps echoed in the circular chamber. He wasn't sure on what he was doing but he proceeded anyway. He finally pressed the "Go" button after allot of beeping, he was becoming irritated, but before he could even think, he was slammed to the floor as "100 Times Gravity Applied" was announced. Shin struggled to stand to his feet, he pulled himself up by the machine's edge, it was bending and denting where Shin's fingers were applying pressure. He quickly switched the "Off" button and his whole body was relieved of pain and pressure. His knowledge of the machine had raised slightly, so he set it to 50, he nods with pleasure and gets to work with sit ups.[/i]
  7. [i]Shin's eyes snapped open to the sound of a door slamming. Heavy footsteps rumbled the floor as someone passed by the dorm room door. Shin jumped to his feet....He Was Late...AGAIN! He ran to the door and opened it, he looked to his right and saw Kerndurnc (If he remebers correctly) storm away. Shin leapt back inside, he runs to the shower and in 5 minutes flat he has his boots and katana polished, washed and ready to go, as soon as he ties his bandana at the back of his head, another person passes the door. He is frowning and mumbling to himself, clearly angry.[/i] ??: Who does he think he is?.....*murmer*....asking about my....*murmer*....MINE! Shoryu's! No business of his he is..... [i]Shin cocks his head to one side and wonders.[/i] Shin: Hmm, must be Shoryu... [i]He then walks out the door at a half jog pase. He stands in the lobby, nobody to be seen. He jurns to see double doors open, leading to an elegant hallway. He runs down at a fair pase, looking at his sides and obove. He skids himself to a stop looking from side to side listening for signs of life. He hears some from a near by door, he turns to his right and runs to it, rumfiling up the carpet as he goes. As he bursts open the door, everyones head sharply turn to his presence. Shin prances forward and looks through a window leading down, he see's Tornberry and another, who looks of his kind, well same size and colour anyway.He turns around and everyone is back to whatever they were at. He finaly spies Laird in the corner. Shin approches him.[/i] Shin: Hey man, are you...are you.....torturing yourself?! Laird: Hell No! This is trainging my friend, Giga style! [i]As the large ammount of weight slams into him he releases a plesurable grunt. Shin scouts the area for something that would appeal, he sees what he is after.[/i] Shin: Well, I'm goin' over here, to pump some iron. [i]Laird only nods and watches him as he walks away and starts to bench press massive weights.[/i]
  8. [i]Shin rolls over in his bed and ....[size=5]CRASH![/size] Shin scrambled to his feet swinging his fists, eyes shut and mumbling words.[/i] Shin: Wanna fight eh? [i]He punches one of the lamps and it shatters everywhere. Shin awakes from his "sleep-fight"? He turns around, his lazy eyes nearly drooping off his face. The lines of blackness are thick and proud. He scratches his head and opens his Dorm door, his head popping out into the hallway. He takes a look to the left and he see's many of the "Do Not Disturb" signs are not hanging, actually only his and a couple others were still hanging. He turns to the right to see most of the fighters lounging about. Up, ready, clean and raring to go. He sluggishly turns around closing the door, quietly behind him.[/i] Shin: Man, i gotta hurry up. I'll get a shower i geuss. [i]He walked down to were the bathroom door was. He switched on the shower and thaught to himself.[/i] Shin: I'll leave it a few minutes to heat up, i'll just take a little seat here. [i]Seconds later, he was in one of his "comas" the shower still running and will be for sometime, it looks like he is going to be the last up....But will he be late for Training?[/i]
  9. It looks amazing, i have been waiting 2 years (the first time i heard of this) and from what i gathered,they are bringing them out at the same time! Oh well i may be wrong. There is a Half and hour long fight scene on a flaming molten earth. The effects used were so high-tech and costly, they will not ever be used again in the near or far future!
  10. Ok, i just saw the Clip! AH! It's AMAZING! This will bring lots of sign ups. Also i just typed the address into my browser ( [url]http://www.freewebs.com/darkstation1/NinjaOutcast.zip[/url] ) i am considering joining, it's just i am in so many RPG's just now! ARG!
  11. Well as far as i know (I haven't actualy seen all of the Buu saga because you need Digital grr) he is becomes friends with Hercule, when Hercule tries to blow him up, but Buu finds this fun, so they become friends. Buu splits into two Buu's Pure Evil Buu and Pure Good Buu. Pure Evil Buu, because he is pure evil lol, kills Pure Good Buu. Pure Evil Buu is the only living Buu now, so he goes to fight the Z Wariors, when he absorbs certian ones his image and strength changes, there are many stages/types of Buu, anyway. He then finally turns into Kid Buu (i dont know how, because i have not seen anything and have not read up on this) this is the final form. After the battle (i won't tell you what happens) Goku thinks Buu has got great potensial or something like that I am not certain about this part all i know is Buu is changed into a human named Ubuu. That is who he trains with for 10 years. That is all I know. I am not sure if that info is correct but if you wait 'till Piro, Jin17 or Gokents have a looky at this, they will tell your for sure.
  12. I just thaught of a great idea, so here it is.....I Present To You - Shin Bangkai: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=337473[/IMG] ^_^ Great eh? Anyway, i told you what clothes he wears so that is what he looks like, roughly, and you hardly see his hair, as he wears a bandana, but he does take it off quite alot so...^_^ ENJOY!
  13. AH! You must be kiddin' are you serious?!? Your a lucky @*7^@%^@£@£ :( I'm all jelous,i also wonder, how did you get it?
  14. [i]Shin felt a slight nudge to his bed and he started to wobble a small tad. He half-heartedly opened his eye, just a fraction. He made out the silhouette of Laird running about the room, saying words that to Shin's tired ears sounded like mumbles. He watched Giga run out the room and he slammed his face back into his pillow. He knew he should get up...but didn't want to. His heart told him to get up and give off a good impression, to show Tonberry that he is excited and ready for action, his brain told his muscles to move, but to no avail. He just lay there and fell back to a deep sleep, near coma status. He knew he would be last up, but to be honest, he couldn't care, he will prove himself on the battle field and training coarse......that is...if he ever gets up.[/i]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JesterSpirit [/i] [B]((OOC - oops just one single room then. oh well just means I'm going to really annoy the crap out of Shin since I'm making it my business to create the most freaked out character I possibly can.))[/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Oh dear lord! HELP ME JEBUS! Lol, J/K man. _________________ [i]Shin was puzzled as to how Giga's new bed, could be comfortable. Giga was much more pleasant now, and Shin thaught to himself: "Mabey he won't be so bad, he's a lil' freaky, but he seems pretty cool". Shin snaps out of his little trance and replied with a simple comment to Giga's theatorical question.[/i] Shin: Yup, I am pretty big, actualy my size is not out of the ordinary for Saiyans and not average either, yet I am only part Saiyan, but then again, there is many bigger than me, well Saiyans that is, or so I have heard, I have never met a full blood Saiyan before, or a part Saiyan for what I can remember, ok yeah I'm rambling. I geuss we'll have a chat in the morning?. [i]Giga replied with a small snort and grumble, then arched his back and nodded and relaxed falling back to sleep. The clinking of the chains irratated Shin at first, but he got used to it and after about 15 minutes he was fast asleep.[/i]
  16. [i]Shin stutters and stammers looking around in circles for "Gigaslave" as Tornberry called out. He was one of few who were still in the lobby, he looked around to find all couples beside him.[/i] Shin: Hmmm, he must have went into the room, aint the freindliest of people is he? [i]He murmered to himself. He stomped down the wing to the left, as Tornberry said. He turned to find the door slightly open, he walks in throwing his brown leather rucksack onto the middle of the floor. He pokes his head round the frame of the door, to find "Gigaslave" turning and flipping furniture. Shin clears his throat then proceeds.[/i] Shin: Hello, you must be....Gigaslave? Gigaslave: You can call me that if you like, my real name is Laird Tyranus, Gigaslave is a mear nickname, take your pick. Shin: Riiight. So....Can I ask, What the hell are you doing? Laird: Rearranging my room to my standards and satisfaction, Problem? Shin: No, no. Carry on. [i]Shin scouts the Dorm, much nicer than he expected. He found his room and unpacked his clothes, throwing his Bandana onto his bedside lamp, he lay, staring at the ceiling clutching his Katana at his right side, thinking.[/i] Shin: Man, this guy is a real barrel of laughs...Tommorrow I'll try and break the ice. The others here seem nice enough, just some not very talkative. [i]He kicks his boots off, with his size 22 feet hanging out the bottom of the bed, he rumffels about until comfy and sinks into a deep sleep.[/i]
  17. Shinobi

    The Tuxedo

    I saw it. I loved it. ^_^.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOr=royalblue]Oh goody....someobdy who won't mind casual nudity.[/cOLOr] [/B][/QUOTE] o_O, Hell, Shin aint pervy, but obviously he loves the women, but he kinda puts his fighting first....that's usually why he is single ^_^.
  19. *Holds in laughter* ..... *bites lip* .... *Creates image in head* ..... :rotflmao: Sorry i couldn't resist. But i remember this happened before. A small boy jumped out a window because he thaught he could call on "Charizard" the pokémon to comeand wisk him away, obviously he died. Shoudn't the kid have had a life jacket on?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Ok then, I'm going to change Shin's name to Shoryu [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, Thank you :D, I'm sorry if this caused any bother Sephiroth. When do you think this will begin?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][b][size=1] (and someone else who slips my mind at this moment), all live in the south to the east/south-east of England. (If they live in England) Manchester = As far north west as possible[/b] o_o Not fair[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Would that be me by any chance? Anyway You'se are soo lucky, you look like you two had a great time, and Cyko your face is so damn sexy! LMAO J/K! I think it would be great to meet people from OB. :grumble: Lucky....Mphrm....USA....Mphrm...Stupid UK....:grumble:
  22. LOL, they were great. Also i ahve one to add, they stuck their arrows into Cow Dung or Mud and then shot them, so if they did wound an enemy, it would infect the wound faster, likey to kill them.
  23. Good idea, but o_O what song is that?!?!
  24. [i]Visor and Shin followed the direction in which the holewas present, by now it was gone, for a good hour. The two ran and ran, it felt like days until finaly, they found the destination....[/i] Shin: Uh....Is it just me....or is....A HUGE DRAGON THINGY LYING BUTCHERED INFRONT OF US?!?! Visor: Uh, that would be right. [i]Shin walke up to it, kicking the huge carcas slowly to check if it was "real" and to see if it was truly dead, the shallow thud proved it was.[/i] Shin: Who the hell could do this?!? Visor: Well, there is only two suspects, Aerow and the others. Aerow cancels out, becuase he is scrapping with Tyron, soooo... Shin: THEY DID THIS?!? Are you sure they are good? Visor: Positive, they are really strong, and by the looks of things, that black hole didn't really look like an attack from the...."good" side. [i]Shin nodded. He turned and scouted the area, but to no avail.[/i] Shin: They can't be too far away! Visor: I agree, but were!? [i]Shin and Visor trundled up the many paths and dirt tracks leading away from the smoking rubble and carcas. But Shin notices something![/i] Shin: Is it just me...or are we walking in circles? 'Cause I've deffinetly seen this place before... Visor: Hmmm. So have I, but i dont think we have been walking in circles.....WAIT! Isnt this the place we found Valen? When he was all protective and stuff, over the girl? [i]Shin pondered[/i] Shin: I'm not sure....Mabey, but.... Shin: Well lets check!
  25. Am i too late to join? I just found out about this a couple of mins ago. v_v. ::EDIT:: Since there is 11 dorm rooms, and 2 able to stay in each taking away FF's Character that leaves 21 spaces. So i hope this is ok, here is my sign up. Name: Shin Bangkai (Shin) Age: 18 Race: Human/Half-Saiyan Height: 7"3 Description: He is huge in build. Large muscular and strong, but, he is suprisingly fast and stealthy, ninja-like. If he is close range with target and is low on energy, he would manly slug them, like a brawler. He has shallow tanned skin, brown hair, blue eyes. He is mainly topless, if not, he wears a dark army green tank top. He wears a huge black belt, black army boots and comufladge (sp?) combats. He also wears a camufladge bandana, occasionaly it is removed. He always carries a Katana with him (look in History) Personality: He is a very cheerful and happy guy. He is the one to crack jokes, even in the worst of moods. If you meas him or his family and friends about, his personality almost turns opposites. History: Shin was your usual boy,until he found out his great-great-great-great-grandfather was a being known as a "Saiyan" he was an emense fighter, one near to superiority. Shin, his father an fore-fathers all have Saiyan blood in them, therefore has the instinct. His mother was a beautiful human, blonde hair, blue eyes. She told of how his father used to try and pick up his ancestors sword and try and fight, but failed missrebly. Shin on the other hand...as soon as he pickedup the ancieant Katana, it felt apart of him and carries it with him constantly,although he would rather settle things with his fists than weapons, like a true fighter. Stats Strength: 30 Defense: 20 Speed: 25 Ki: 25 Dorm: ... wherever i am not bothered, whoever is willing for this big lump to be with them.
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