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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]Back when I actually worked, my supervisor kept telling me about this "invisible action figure toy" thing that one of the shops sold. In case you couldn't guess for yourself, it's just an empty box.. heh. Anyway.. I never actually saw one (never even really looked), but that'd be a pretty good gag gift.. heh.. [/B][/QUOTE] The Amazing Invisible Joe! or something like that from the Gadget Shop. It is sooo funny, i loved the thing its was shaped like an action figure box, with the see-through plastic molded to the shape of the figure,but was empty, lol! it was great, i suggest that, you can get it at their website gadgetshop.com.
  2. That would be really cool, but somehow i dont think my mum and dad would pay for a flight ticket over to the US for me to go myself to meet people who i dont [i]"know"[/i] in person. Mabey though, in about *cough* 3 years *cough* but who knows, i might still be here in 3 years, and i'm thinking so....not unless the unthinkable happens...DUN DUN DUN! OB SHUTS DOWN :bawl: OH THE HUMANITY! oops, sorry got a bit carried away....... *ahem* Yeah, so......um.....it would be cool, but probably not possible for me until another 3years, or if it is held in florida or sumthing and i'm over there on holiday.
  3. OMG! How did i miss this?!? :rotflmao::laugh: *wipes tears from eyes* That was great! i made one of them up, about 2 years back. It was pretty bad, but you got it all ryming, flowing....it's just amazing! PS: Yo White AZZ Can Get Mega Jiggy, Yo?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Hm.. Shinobi, I KNOW there is one more scottish member, he posted in the Anime fans isolated thread, and referred to anime and manga as both manga.. unless that was oyu.. He was like " I watyched manga abnd no one else watched manga. My borther got me into watching manga" or somehting.. *shrugs* Who in philly up in this piece? [/B][/QUOTE] Ok that wasn't me! Lol, sounds like a right dumba*s. Is she/he active though? I remebered someone! Break ;).^_^
  5. Hmmm, sounds like a good idea,but i live in Scotland and there is only a handful of members that live in the UK never mind Scotland! Actualy! I think I'm the only Scottish Otaku Member!!!! Most members are from USA and a good handful from Australia, and other countries so it would be hard,but i'm sure some do live near each other. OH and if anyone knows if there is another Scottish [b][i]ACTIVE[/i][/b] Member caould you please tell me. Thanks
  6. :wow: I made 2 lists! Well i [i]had[/i] to e on D_A's list or a serious downpour of boppage would have took place :p! He is proly my bestest freind on otaku! And you all better thank Kinetic for putting me in there because i wouldhave whippedout the puppy dog eyes,lol. Seriosuly, there is too many!!! ok, i'll try some: D_A Starlight Kinetic Psychotik Valen CWB Ken Kev Shift James Adam Semjaza Elite The One Deus Sara Mitch Syk3 AHHHH THERE IS TOO MANY, if i remeber more (i am tired and in a rush) i will edit this ;).
  7. [i]As the brothers and Shin finaly caught up with Karina, they shaw the figure that they never seen before, and the glowing ball. Visorlooked at Tyron as they both raised an eyebrow.[/i] Visor: Uh, is Karina hugging *hears a weep* and crying? Tyron: I do believe so.... Shin: Is that out of the ordinary? I mean, she is a girl [i]Visor and Tyron jump back and shake their heads[/i] Visor: No,no, no, no.....this is Karina we are talking about, and if she heard you say that, then their would be trouble. Shin: Meh, i could probably take her... Visor: Woah There Big Cheif! You would be suprised, she's one hella fighter. Tyron: True. [i]They three approach Karina once again, greeting the small girl Valen named Ari, the boy who was sick but seems to be fien now, Vahn and walked up to Karina and Valen nodding and thanking the flowting ball on the way....[/i]
  8. OMG! I AM SRIOUSLY GETTIN PISSED OFF WITH ALL THESE SUICIDE THINGIES! i THINK YOU ALL JUST WANT SYMPATHY! That was not aimed at you Elite, but it is really starting to piss me off. Anywa, solution, work your really hard Mister! No honestly, just leave teh computer, actualy, get someone(a friend,brother, mother) to hide the main socket plugs from your PC, Console and TV, so you can study! Also finish the late exams, i think that should help, its drastic, but will work. [color=red][size=1] Please do not use obscene language, and use accented letters to bypass the language fiter-Mitch[/color][/size]
  9. Ok, yeah, i didnt see this on my TV. But as Elite said and others, it is used as an insult, to people thata re stright, like *someone punches a boy, boy replies* "Mess off!, Yur Gay!". Also you it is used like TN said "that game is gay". I do use that as a term,just because i was brought up with it in school, and to be honest, Swearing is a part of life. In all honestly, i could not go a day without swearing *thinks on mabey he should get sponsered on "Red Nose Day" to last a whole day without swearin (Red Nose DAy = Comic Relief, a british day in which we raise money for developing contries, we all get to wear big red noses :D:D:D. On the internet,i have became prone to speak good english,because, well....people woulnt understadn a thing, e.g: Me: "Awright, man. You cumin doon the swallie for a mick jagger? Chum: "Naw" Me: "Aw Whit! How nae and aw-i-'at? Am 'ur drivin anoll but am still gawin' cum own! That's pure Barry White by ra way!" TRANSLATION! Me: Hello, Would you like to come down to the Pub, for a pint of lagger? Chum: No Me: Arg, Why not? I am driving as well but i am still going down. That is shít! ....basicly oops, i have gone sooooo off topic, anyway. Yes i do use "Gay" does that make me an idiot? Also there [i]was[/i] something i saw on TV it was about what people think the meaning of the phrase "a wánk" as in to have a...but nothing to do with gay, oh well. [color=red][size=1]Again, Shinobi, [i]do not[/i] abuse the language filter. If you do it again, I will send you a ban warning.-Mitch[/color][/size]
  10. wow, as everyone else said, you must have alot of guts, to tell a community of 3000 + that you are gay. You should not be ashamed of it, if you want to be so, then tell the whole ****** world! I was abit suprised though, i would never have geuss, you did do a good job of keeping it a secret, but you shouldn't need to!!! Mostly everyone has said what i wanted so say already. Just hang in there.
  11. Yay! LoTR! Can't wait! And Sere what is this spoof you are talking about? I don't recall it being put on British TV! Unless i missed it o_O;; :bluesweat:
  12. [i]The trio falled the ball for what seemed like minutes, but really about 20 miutes, finaly they were drawing closer, they could sense it. They could tell she was near enough around the corner when they were threw off their feet by a huge explotion. A dark figure levatated in mid air, then dropped to the ground walking forward, through the dust talking.[/i] Shin: Who is that! Grrrr Visor: Let's get him! [i]The three leave the ball to lag behind as they skid around the corner they find rubble, dust and two misty figures.[/i]
  13. OOC: IGNORE REPLY OF D_A ABOVE [I]Visor and Tyron, pushed with all their might, they [b]had[/b] to get in there. As the brothers rammed and rammed Shin shouted for their attention.[/I] Shin: HEY! I have a good idea. Tyron: Ok, ow *rubs shoulder* go on then. [I]Shin leans against the side wall extending his arms, spreading his fingers and faces his palms to the door.[/I] Shin: Now, both of you do exactly what I am doing, and we will all on the count of three use our magic to blast it down. Visor: Heh,I see you have my intelligent genes, then? Tyron: -_- Shin: Ok, ONE??..TWO??????.[size=5][b]THREE![/b][/size] [I]The immense power released was unbelievable. From Visor, a huge tornado made of fire, blasted at the door. From Tyron, an electric blast flew from his clenched fists. And from Shin, lava burst out like a horizontal waterfall, the door, disintegrated. The door now in ashes apon the floor, the three proceed into the dark, dindgy, cold tunnels that lurk in front of them, they don?t know what lies ahead of them. As they walked forward they were blown to the floor, by a floating, white, ball of aura. It screeched and howled a high pitched noise![/I] Shin: W..W..w..what is it? Tyron: Are you a lost soul? Visor What the hell are you! ???: *Screech* [I]Slipping on his Knuckle Dusters Visor lunges for the ?thing?, but flies right through it![/I] Visor: WHAT ARE YOU! [I]The ball slowly drops from about head height and perches onto the floor. Sudenly Tyron points to letters appearing into the dusty and dirty floor, the message read: ?Please, you must help me, I am the soul of a Ariel. My daughter Karina is wounded, and has to escape this place, please help, if you are any good willed humans, you would help, please!? [I]Tyron and Visor once again look at each other and nod. Shin erupts into excitement.[/I] Shin: Isn?t that KARINA! Your friend!?! Tyron: Yes, we must hurry if she is wounded! Shin: Yeah! LEAD THE WAY! [I]They followed the levitating ball into the dark shadows.[/I]
  14. [i]Shin runs over to the ice and snow, to feel if it was...real. He picked it up and made a snowballand pelted it off the back of Visor's bald head.[/i] Shin: Haw haw haw! Visor: Ok, you wanna see my snow ball?!?! Tyron: Heh [i]Tyron could sense what Visor was about to do next. As Visor roled up a snowball, just before it flew from his hands it was set ablaze with magical fire, amazingly it didn't melt! As he threw it, he used his powerful wind powers. The ball was moving at around 100 mph now, Shin leaped out of the way, as it crossed the graveyard and hit a tree, spliting it in half. As Shin chuckled while picking himself up off of the ground he started to sink![/i] Shin: Visor, Tyron! HELP!!!! [i]As he slipped under until his knee caps, Tyron and Visor sprinted to the rescue. They didn't reach in time. By now Shin had slipped down, with rocks and boulders tumbling down, then with a small topping of snow and ice. Visor and Tyron lept down the "hole" to find he had slipped down into some sort of passage![/i] Visor: Shin! You ok?!? Shin: I'm fine! Tyron: That's good...but, what the hell is that? [i]Tyron points to a large stone door infront of them. It seems that they have falen into some kind of underground lair.[/i] Tyron: Shin you go that way, and me and Visor will examine the door [i]Shin nods and boosts down the opposite way of the door. He comes back in a matter of minutes and reports that it leads to a latch door, above his head...it took him out to the grave yard again.[/i] Tyron: Hmmmm Visor: Well, i suggest that we....um....SMASH THE DOOR DOWN! Tyron: Ah, yes, but what lurks behind this door!That is the qustion at hand! Shin: But! It could be Aerow's "Master's" lair! [i]AS soon as Aerow's name was mentioned Tyron frowned, and was ready to break down the door, it would some task, but he was taking it up. The two brothers ran to the door, to try brute force, when they hear a voice.[/i] ???: Just leave me alone. [i]Visor and Tyron cock their heads and stick there ears to teh dor.[/i] Shin: What is it?!? Visor/Tyron: Shhhhh! [i]But they heard no more, only small scutting and whisping noises.[/i] Visor: Did you hear it too? Tyron: I did, it sounded, like...KARINA! [i] Visor gruntedand nodded and they got to work on breaking down the door...[/i]
  15. I was gonna make one of these a long time ago, because basically poeple on the 'net didn't know what i was talking about! Ok, I'm from Glasgow, an to be honest the Glasgow accent is, (personnally) the best Scottish accent, but, it is prolly the ahrdest to udnerstand, i am not kiddin' i could write about 3 pages of words we say that know one knows what we are sayin'. We tend not to pronounce our "t's" so istead of Butter is Bu'er ( pronounced like But without the "t" and then add er so its Bu'er) Whit - What Daein' - Doing Aye - Yes Wee- Small Sound/Shít hot/Mental/Quality - Cool/Amazing etc. Bass - Bastard Awright - Greeting, saying Hello,how are you in one word. also known as 'right. Beev - Hansome Min - Man Baws - Balls Fitbaw - Football hoi/Oi/Hawi/Hawio - Attention seeking sound Actualy comming to think of it, there is to many, lol. But if you want to see must of them click [URL=http://www.glesga.ndo.co.uk/glesgaglossary.htm]here[/URL] Caaaaam Down like, Caaaaam down, lol Brookside! LMAO! I love teh Dudley (doodley) accent, lol. Too coops a tee dahd! (teo cups of tea, Dad.) Anyway look your way through the "Glesga Glossery (the link i provided) and that ahs all you need, lol to be a Glaswegian.
  16. Ok, well here is mine, i have most of it :D. 1) Jean Paul Gautier - LE MALE (aftershave) [IMG]http://secure.iquiero.com/catalog/peru/perfumes/images/PER011_GR.JPG[/IMG] 2) A gold chain. 3) Clothes (really nice stuff :D) **I have got** 4) PS2: Hitman2 and LoTR: Two Towers **I have got** 5) Money :D 6) For everyone to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (Man, I'm really into the Crimo Spirit this year :D) That's about it...
  17. [i]Shin stands in pure shock, eyes as wide as basketballs his mouth also. He turns round to face the normal forest, then turns back to the dark misty graveyard that is shrouded with ice and snow! The three of them, check the surrounding area. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except from the ice and snow, gathering here when it hasnot been snowing anywhere else, it isn't even cold! The trio pondered in disbeliefwhen the felt a rumble and groan underneath them...they continued searching the freaky place...[/i]
  18. :wow: WOW :wow: That is...WOW....WOw....that is amazing, great work *stands up and claps* Honestly, it is great! The only thing is the "Within you, Within me" i kinda got confused, because it ruined the flow, but, it is still amazing, great work. The flow was constant and brilliant.
  19. This would be a great thing, with swaping of movies/MP3's and so on, it's it's just dang impossible. :(, good sugestion though. ::EDIT:: I just read Elite's Post....sounds intressting.
  20. :( I haven't seen any of the movies....DAMN THE UK!!! I can only downlaod them, oh i have tried, oh LORD i have tried. Either you downlaod then and they don't play, or they say it's in English...and it's in French.So i say, hey! i'll just get the japanese ones, with English subtitles.....IT'S ALL IN DAMN JAPANESE....with....JAPANESE SUBTITLES! If anyone could help me out in this one, please IM me or PM me, thanks. Because i know you can't post links :p or anthing like that, so anyone that could help, please PM/IM me.
  21. Man, that is really sad. In the photo's I have seen of you, you look, happy and also a popular guy. I personally don't get depressed, I dunno, mabey it is because I am constantly surrounded by comedy, and you will never see me go a day without laughing, or making someone laugh. I, well, how can I put this...I feel for you, I mean, people have suggested, just forgetting about your Dad, but it is seriously hard to forget someone that you love and brought you into this world. And your step Dad, well...I dunno what is up with him, turning like that. But I think you should lighten up, just a little bit and try and get a bit of Christmas spirit in you. If you can't do it yourself, well, Hey, I?m sure the whole boards would help ya out in that one. And what ever you do, don?t try and take your life. Come on, it would even effect me, and well I haven?t even met you! Well, that?s all I can think of just now, but if you need any help man, I?m here for ya. Also, this might help, i am not a religious person,but i mighthelp you. If you pray and that, well it can help. Also, if God wanted you to give up life, then eh would kill you, in an accedent or somthing, so it's not your time to go, it's only a rough patch your going through in life. So please, don'y do anything stupid.
  22. Wow, CWB, that is much better! Thank you very much. I can pick up on that and reffer back, to see what i have did wrong and stuff, thank you very much. And yes he does love torturing, i was going for a Psycho Killer kinda theme, like he would even kill his own family if they got outta line. And Silent Death, no i don't unfortunetly, but i think because i have had so much positive response,i shall be writing more :D. Thank you all very much. PS: Finaly i'm a MEMBER YAHOO!!!!
  23. Ah there is so many! Um, this is what i can think of right now (Not in order) Mario Sonic Dante Goku (new game) Tommy Verccetti :D Tommy :D Only if he had a really cool voice like Robert De Niro, the he would be THE man.
  24. Homer: I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode. I think it was called, "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down." LMAO! that's a classic, um i found some more: "Dear Lord: The gods have been good to me. For the first time in my life, everything is absolutely perfect just the way it is. So here's the deal: You freeze everything the way it is, and I won't ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely no sign. OK, deal. In gratitude, I present you this offering of cookies and milk. If you want me to eat them for you, give me no sign. Thy will be done." Bart: You there! Put your hands up! Ned: Me? Okay... Bart: Now, drop your pants! Ned: But my hands are up! Bart: Hula out of them! Ned: Alright officer... Moe: Uh, hey, everybody! I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt Oh, wait a minute...
  25. AH! Your all putting them up so early! No one in the whole of Scotland practicaly have their's up! anyway, it will be soon i should think, about 20 days before Christmas or something. We have a fake tree, because as CWB said the "pesky needles" stab up your feet and stuff, AH! But yeah, i'm getting all "JINGLE BELLS JINGL-Y BELLS A JIGL-Y ALL THE WAY" lol, serisouly, in school, soon i'll be walking down the corridors singing Crimbo songs :D. All the toy adverst and stuf is getting me in the mood, all i need is snow now, lol....it's bloody cold enough anyway :brr:. [b]::EDIT::[/b] I Just Found Out I Was Supposed To Be Putting It Up Today :( It's Too LAte Now, It Will Have To Be Next Weekend.
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