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Everything posted by Shinobi
Thank you Syk3, heh, mabey i do have a bit of deep poetry inside of me, :p. And the pancake part.....:laugh:.......i couldn't think of anythig else and that was what the image looked like in my haad, lol. Cheers and thanks again.
Wow, that's great, i know what it was for, WWII we had it here in Scotland also. But the poem, wow! i love the last line, brilliant.
Wow, sounds great! But i wouldn't spend money on a flight that would take 8hours and would cost lots ofmoney :(. I wanna see it though! DAMMIT the UK gets nothing.
THIS FILM KICKED ÁSS! I loved the ice car chase seen, that was so cool, people were saying it was slow to get into action...NO IT WASNT! People said it was boring until the last 30 mins....NO IT WASNT! I thought it was great,wasn't the best bond movie, but still, it was great.
Well it'sthat time again, St Andrews Day, if any of you don't know, St Andrew is the patriot saint of Scotland (just like St PAtrick is partiot saint of Ireland, and so on.) So i would just liek to say Happy St Andrews Day to all. [IMG]http://www.curlingshoes.com/Graphics/scotland flag.gif[/IMG]
Ah, simpsons, so funny. *The puppy puts its front paws up on the TV and everyone goes "Awwww"then the cat runs up and does it and Homer shouts "Get that DAMN CAT OUTTA THE WAY!"* LMAO! Ah that was great. There is so many more, when i remeber/see more i'll post 'em.
[i]The trio, walk for days on end, in search for their ice cool chum, Karina. They walked from the deepsest and darkest corners of the forrest, but nothing had came up, until they reached the edge of the forrest, they felt some strange presences. They appeared to be in some kind of cemetary...[/i] OOC: Sorry for the short post. >_<
Thank you for your comments, this is my first, dark poem, as i said, so this has gave me a boost into maey writing some more, or mabey change my style if the other poets thinks it's.....well.....crap. Thansk anyways.
Thanks alot for your critique, and welcome back, i aint seen you around for a while.
Here is my newest poem, it is sinister and pretty graphic, this is my first shot at a sinister poem, so please, c and cand also rate if you want. [b][size=3]Psycho[/size][/b] As the dark clouds in the sky, linger and hover I raise my metallic knife, wondering if I should bother Should I give grieve, to his and my mother? For the victim, is non-other, than my brother. As I thrust down the knife I slash and gash Slipping way, is the enemies life Should I stop or should I continue Thinking of his widowing wife. He should not have messed with me I am a psycho you know The blood and torture, oh I do loathe! As the blood digs channels, in the snow I walk away grinning, for I have been sinning My jacket flies open, for the wind it does blow. As the corpse lies there as flat as a pancake I ponder on if I should cut him up, or drown him in the lake He started the argument, he knew I would flip I grab my face, the winter weather does nip Why did he do it? Is he family or foe? Meh, what?s done is done At least it was fun. I look him in the face, and I say to him I?m a psycho you know, so you best lye low.
Heh, thanks alot, this is great, i thought i'd ressurect this as Vanilla Sky just came out on DVD adn Videa, about 2 weeks ago, over here. I hate the film, but it was the inspration for this poem. I am currently working on another poem, it shoukd be up soon. Thansk alot for all the ratings, :D great convidence boost.
[i]Aerow leaps into the dark, camouflage of the bushes and forrest, as he grins when he puonces away.[/i] Valen: Ah, i will kill him, slowly. Why are you'se still here? I say! Be gone with you. Visor: Ok, Valen, you've changed, alot. Your just a prick now! I mean, yeah sorry, we came out of the blue,but did we know you were revived? no! So please, tell us were Karina is! *mumbles* so we can get you back to normal. Valen: And what was that you mumbled? Visor: Nothing! Now tell us. Tyron: Yes Valen, we will meet again, we are still hopefully great buddies, We shall leave you, as soon as you tell us were Karina is. Valen: No! *to himself* She's mine! She's ALL Mine!...What am i saying? She sin't a possestion, wait...could this be lov.... [i]Valen could not finish his mind sentance, he was struck on the head with the end of Visor's Sword of Justice (SoJ). Valen, lay there for a small while.[/i] Tyron: Um, Visor, wasn't that a bit....rough? Visor: Hell, no! I need to knock some sense into him, sudenly he has changed, i dunno why, but i have a feeling it's something to do with magic! Tyron: Hmmm, yes, i think so. Shin: o_O, mabey you guys didn't have this in your day, but...it looks like love to me. He obviously loves Karina and those two, scared, frightened children. Visor: ... Tyron: ... Shin: Heh, yup. That's it.....just plain, love. Visor: Yeah, well....I don't like it! Tyron: Mabey if we get Karina back, then he would be fine again. Visor: :naughty: I have an idea. [i]Visor walks into the house, the two children are scared boneless.[/i] Tyron: We are not here to hurt, we are friends of Valen and Karina. [i]The boy and gil just stare at them. Valen awakens outside, he flies into the house shouting and screaming.[/i] Valen: LEAVE THEM OUT OF THI.... [i]He finds them sitting drinking tea and eating some cake.[/i] Tyron: Ok, since your awake. Were is Karina? Valen: I....I....Never you mind! Visor: You best tell us! Valen: What are you going to do? Hmmm? Try and hurt me?!?! ha! Visor: Yup, I'm gonna hurt you, just not physicaly. [i]Visor withdraws his Machette and Samuria. Holding one at Ari's throat the other at Vahn's.[/i] Visor: You see Valen, were still friends, you're just to warped up in some day dream of what ever has happened her. So just tell us were Karina is...and we will be on our way. *looks at teh boy and girl* Ari...Vahn, i'm not gonna hurt you, honest, this this the only way i can get it out of Valen, he is just so...Love Struck. Valen: What?!? What are you talking about?!?! ....Ok. I'll tell. [i]Valen tell's the story of how Vahn was attacked and how Karina was took way by the Dark Mage. He explained in full detial.[/i] Valen: Ok!? Now just let them go! Visor: Sure thing, Well guys, you know what we have to do. Shin: Find Karina? Visor: Yup. Tyron: I still cant beleive she would just give up like that. Valen: Well she did, NOW LET THEM GO! Tyron: Calm down, Geez, you have changed! Visor, let them go. Visor: I wasn't gonna hurt them, they are great! Thansk for the tea and cake by the way. [i]As the trio of warriors walked through the door, Valen glared at them to no extent.[/i] Tyron: *to the rest of the trio (out of Valen's hearing)* Man, we need to get him Karina fast!
[i]As Tyron stands pondering on the icey, cold, and empty grave, Tyron spies a person peeking from the side of the house, over Visor's shoulder. Tyron shakeshis head an rubs his eyes.[/i] Tyron: *to himself* Mabey it's just i need some sleep, but i'll keep my eye out. [i]Suddenly Tyron is attack...by...by, a small girl?!? The girl is clinking to his neck and sprawled over his back.[/i] Girl: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH KARINA?!?! [i]Seconds after the attack a man skidded round the corner and then a boy in some kinda of wheelchair contraption.[/i] Man: Where's Kari...nnnn..aaaaaa, aaaAAAAH!!!!!! VISOR?!?! TYRON?!?! [i]Visor putting back his weapon, while rubbing his eyes questions.[/i] Visor: Valen?! Is that, really you? *pinches himself* Valen: Is that really you? [i]The Girl leaps off of Tyron's back and aks Valen.[/i] Girl: You know these poeple?!? Valen: I sure do Ari, This is Visor ad Tyron, the other heros that saved this plant! Ari: But, it can't be, they're dea....but...so are you, so it makes sense. [i]As the half boy half machine contraption lurks in the background, while all the greetinga dn hugging continues he just sulks as he was the last out of the house when he hears a rustle in the bushes. He signals the group who ignore him. He furiosly rolls himself in, crushing everyones toes except Ari's. As he explained the rustling the reunited friends went to investegate.[/i] Visor: Hey we've only been here 10 minutes and were on an adventure again already! Tyron: Visor, Shh this might be dangerous and there is time later for jokes. [i]As the near the bushesa dark figure punces out jumping over all there heads and landing behind them, everyone turns to face the prowler...[/i]
I think Arnie Schwarzenegger should play Jack, or someone big and Foriegn, lol. He has the perfect accent for him,a nd perfect size too. I think, this would be a great film.
[i]Shin pushed his palms forward into a small black, mossy, brick wall, his hand elumanated the wall with a dark orange/red color. As the wall fell back, it all stayed in one peice revealing a huge dark room with 2 lines of big silver fridges.[/i] Shin: Here, my good friends, is my secrect stash. To the right is the swords and wepoanary and to the left, is food and drink. Take what you need. Visor: Wow, these things are great. [i]As he opens one of the food filled fridges, a bright white light lashes at his face. Visor jumps backwards pulling out his nunchucks and smacked the fridge, breaking it, to no repairable exctent.[/i] Visor: AHHHHH! What the hell is that "thing" Shin: AHHH! My fridge! They cost money you know! Visor: Sorry, it burned! Tyron: *sigh* Ah, stupid Visor, as just like the old days. Shin: You'll needto eat all of that food now, or take it with you at least. Visor: ^_^ Thats no problem. [i] They get stockedup, and ready to leave, he lock up the secret stash and leave teh warehouse. It's time for the quest to begin.[/i] Tyron: Ok, lets go, were do we go first Shin? Shin: Well, we must pass by those mountains up yonder, then through a dark forrest, it is tehs ame forrest as one of teh other heros were buried, um...whats [i]her[/i] name again? Visor: YOUR KIDDIN' We go through Karina's forrest?!? Shin: Yeah, that's her! Tyron: We must pay tribute to her at her grave! Only if she was alive now...
2-Pac: Better Dayz..this album may get you wonderin)
Shinobi replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Noosphere
Wow, i always thaught that 2Pac did fake his death and Endymion made great points, but, if he does come back, wouldn't he be arrested, i mean, by faking death, that is illegal is it not? But i do hope he does come back, but personaly i don't think he will, you never know though. ::EDIT:: Tell me if i am right in saying these are the songs to download: Intro Still Ballin (f/ Trick Daddy) When we ride on our enemies Changed man **** em all (f/ The Outlawz) Never b peace Mamas just a little girl Street fame Watcha gonna do Fair xchange Late night Ghetto star Thugz Mansion (acoustic)(f/ Nas) My Block (remix) Thugz Mansion Never call u ***** again (f/ Tyrese) Better dayz (f/ Mr. Biggs) U can call Military minds Fame Fair xchange (remix) (f/ Mya) Catchin feelins There u go This life i lead (f/ The Outlawz) Who do u believe in They dont give a **** about us (f/ The outlawz) Outro -
LMAO! This is sooo freaky! Me and my firneds were just laughing about how we remebered this,and how we were big fans! This is plain freaky! But i probably won't wotch it, as i dont have Fox Kids, you need Sky Digital for that over here. PS - See in america it was called Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles, correct? Well, when my friend was over to Florida, when he was a small chap, he noticed that.
[i]Shin was gawking at the beutiful speciman known as the Phantom Blade. As Visor shook him:[/i] Visor: Hey, let's go, it'stime to get my baby ^_^ Shin: You have another sword too? Visor: Um...Yeah! Didn't you hear Tyron a minute ago? Shin: Heh, sorry, i was kinda day dreaming. Visor: Ok, now let's go! [i]The trio walked for about 10 or so minutes, at the bottom of the hill, wear the two graceful statues glimmered in the sun, that wasperched perfectly on the tip of the moutains. Visor raised his hands, Flames exploded out of them, he scouted the area and finaly found the spot. It almost looked liked too Mole Hills, He quickly slammed his palms into the "mole hills" and his hands were engulfed, as he did so, "The Sword of Justice"rose from the ground, with flames licking it's cool, heartless blade.[/i] Visor: There she is, The Sword of Justice, the very same one used to kill Dymonoc. Shin: Honestly?!? Tyron: Yes Shin: Woah! Cool, can you train me with it? Visor: Sure, after our quest with Aerow ;). Shin: GREAT! Tyron: Now, we must stock up on resorces, then we will be on our way. Shin: Ok, i know just the place...
[i]Shin wakes up, the sunlight streaming through his bedroom window. He see's Visor at the other side of the room, lying on the floor, Tyron is sitting up and perky.[/i] Shin: Who do you think that voice was Tyron? Tyron: To be honest Shin, i have no clue at all,but i will find out, and destroy these evil beings, even if it means killing my own family. Ihope Visor would help out too, on my quest. [i]Visor pops up from under the one of two spare blankets Shin had. As soon as he heard his name, he was u,looking aout.[/i] Visor: What, hmm? Ugh. *falls back in a horesontal position* Shin: If he's going...I'm coming too. Tyron: Heh, thanks, but no thanks, your just...how can i put this in a nice way...your just...not strong enough. [i]Shin explodes at this remark, he jumps to his feet.[/i] Shin: *shouting* If you don't think i'm strong enough...THEN BRING IT ON! Tyron: Oh, you want a battle, to test your strength, well i do except, young one. [i]Once again as soon as the word "battle" was mentioned Visor popped back up. Tyron and Shin explained what is going to happen, they all got dressed, chnaged and ate, for the "test of strength"[/i]
[i]Shin, Tyron and Visor all rested, they ahd a long day, the sun was setting. Shin was pleased, but also confusedwitn todays matters, he couldn't wait untill the morning, thats when the 20 questions will begin.[/i] OOC: Sorry for teh short post, Writers blcok >.< it is clearing up, im kind getting a story line.
Well, everyone i know, MSN always screws withthem once ina while, that however i dont think has happened, although, you can save your contact list ;) So if you get a new account you can just import your contact list, KABLAM! same list, new address ;). To do this...File>Save Contact List. There you ahve it, so if it comes back, i reccomend doing that. PS: Whats your MSN addy? So i can add you :p.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I don't believe that Christmas has lost its meaning whatsoever. If anything, I think Christmas has always had a lot of meaning. Even if you don't celebrate the religious aspects, most people still recognize Christmas as a time of giving, sharing and kindness to others. Sure it's become commercialized...but everything is commercialized nowdays, even the Church itself. So yeah, I don't think people have forgotten what it's about at all. It's just that perhaps all the marketing and hype has become too loud to avoid noticing it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] As usual, James and Sara come out with great answers to things, i personaly agree with James, perfect answer.
Name: Ewan Ross Denny Age: 13 DOB: Feb 8th 1989 Location: Glasgow, Scotland, UK One Word: Funny Occupation: Superman Color: Blue Food: Sticky Toffee Pudding :D Beverage: Irn Bru Alter Ego: Michael Jackson Dream Job: Comedian Self-Proclaimed: Loves a Laugh Ethnicity: White, Scottish Extracurricular: Drawing Hobby: Drawing, PC, Music, Friends, Humour Dessert: Dessert or Desert? - Strawberry Cheese Cake :D Mac or PC? PC Nics: Big_Papa_Smurf, Denny Blog: Home Page: [url]www.revergenic.tk[/url] Religion: Christian Book: Lord of the Rinsg series Sport: Football (soccer) Won't Eat: ... lol nah, Brussel Sprouts TV Show: DBZ Words to live by: NO TRESSPASSING - Violators Will Be Shot, Survivors Will Be Shot Again. Addicted to: OB, Comp, Vice City, Freinds. Comics: DBZ, Simpsons Movie: Lord of the Rings...oh too many to say!
Well my family has always been secure, i have never seenmy Mum and Dad fight, and [i]know[/i] that my mum and dad would never get a divorce. I feel sorry for people that do have such problems though.
Nothing, really. I've never cried at a movie,but my cousin, he was about 7 at teh time, was crying at Might Joe Young LMAO! And he was trying to hold it in, 'cause when i turned round he was biting his lip an the light from the screen glimmered off all the tears bubling in his eyes! But Braveheart touched me, prolly because i am Scottish :p. Did you know that Bravehart was mostly false, or true but muddled up ;) Just a piontless fact there.