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Everything posted by Shinobi
REN AND STIMPY! My lord! They are GODs! LMAO theya re so good, so is Looney tunes and Tom and Jerry! YEAH WOO HOO!
Well here in the UK, guns are banned, as most of you will prolly know. Guns were banned because of a tragedy that happened, I think in 1996, I?m not sure if it hit US news, I?m sure it must have, but anyway. A man, he must have been a physco, went into a Primary school (Elementary School) and shot dead a full class room of 7year olds, the teacher and everything, a small boy hid in a cupboard and was the only survivor from his class. The man then shot himself, this tragedy was for no reason, and so this was the conclusion to Guns being banned in the UK. This happened in Dumblane, Scotland. Not that long away from here, actually my Dad worked there at the time. It is so sad that people do such acts. At least if there is violence it is either fists or (just as bad) knives. I wish also that the death penalty was brought back, like in Singapore and such. I also wish that violence were like in the day of my Dad, if you had to settle it, you settled it with your fists, if you got smashed in, the end. Anyway, it?s just damn fĂșcking sick!
Well me beaing in the UK it aint out yet, but it looks good, and Eminem looks as if he can act. I don't like Eminem anymore, but love rap. I think this movie should be good, seeing that it got good ratings in Empire and magz like that.
[I]Shin stood gawking at Visor, the one he has prayed to for help those many time?alive?standing in front of him. Visor, who looks around the same age as Shin, walks over to his descendant. Shin quickly pulls out a Samaria sword. Visor is took back by this, but Shin speaks. [/I] Shin: Visor?It?s a replica of the great hero of my family?s sword. Visor: Holy Sh?eh?Sugar! So it is! Wow, that?s how loved I was? Shin: Damn right! Anyway, lets get you taken care of, looks like your pretty beaten up. Visor: Heh, yeah, that does happen when you save the world. [I]A huge voice booms, telling Aerow to leave. The huge voice then proceeded to say[/I] ? FOOLS! You shall be eliminated!? [I]Shin watches as Tyron glares out Aerow, who scurried away into the bushes.[/I] Shin: Well, is it good to be back? Visor: Hell yeah!! Aint it bro! Tyron: Hmmm? Eh, yeah, yeah. Shin: So Visor I?ll take you back, get some rest, you know? Visor: Sure! Shin: Tyron! You wanna come too? Tyron:? Umh.
[i]Shin unsheaths his Machette when the person burts into a flaming aura of little blue and white. He is chating louder looking to the sky, then glaring at the ground.[/i] "I, Aerow, Shall un-earth this human, to be one of the followers of the Lord! He shall be one of us!" [i]Shin is confused and blowen away by the outburst of chanting and flames, but Shin isn't stupid, he knows he is up to so good. Shin lundges at the man with such force he is punched about 200 metres back. The man's glowing, magical hands, become imbeded under the soil of Visor's resting place. The amn is furious and shoots a large magical beam ray at Shin. Shin is forced to fall to the ground, as it strikes his chest. Aerow jumps forward lundging his hands into Tyron's grave.[/i] [b][size=50]BOOM![/size][/b] [i]A huge flash of light explodes, suddenly two rotten bodies levatatein the air.[/i]
I love Graffiti(Art) but i hate Spraypainting (a load of BS and scribbles)I love to see someof the art down the alley's in Glasgow, i wish we had a place that you can spray, like that of Saradiscribed..it would be soo cool :D.
I agree with James, i would love a site to be like that. There must be one out there, it's just waiting to be found. I loved my Gigi-pet, or what every they were called (you know,the lil' hand held pet, thingy..um Tamogutchi (sp?) they were called too.) I loved the thingy, when it was about 3 weeks old, it beeped to much to i just took the batteries out :p lol.
OOC: Sorry I haven?t been on my comp much, but here I go :D __________________ [I]A rather large man, in his late teens, early twenties, is walking around his hometown, greeting most people he sees. They all recognise the boy, so it must be a close-nit community. The man is caring two large sheaths one about 5?7 long and the other about 4?. The man walks into a flower shop.[/I] ???: Hello Ms Rose, how are you? Ms Rose: I?m fine Shin, and you? Shin Bangkai: Great! Just the usual please, its that time again, going to the cemetery Ms Rose: Oh I see, well?here you go. [I]Shin pays for the flowers and bids the old woman farewell. Shin buys a drink and finishes it on his way up to the burial ground of the last deceased member, and the oldest one at that. This ancestor was the one Shin relies on most, if in doubt or trouble. He usually goes to this one to pray. This ancestor is the great hero, Visor. His burial ground is beside the trademark burial of his brother Tyron. As Shin is walking up, he sees a figure crouching on it?s knees, it seems to be a boy, he is muttering a language, that Shin cannot make out, he is at the statue of Tyron about 200 yards to the left of Visor. On the gigantic hill, the two stand proud in all their glory. Shin is annoyed by this person, as he thinks he might be using a spell to curse the statues. Shin confronts the boy, who seems to not bother about Shin?s presence. Shin shouts at the boy who finishes his chant and looks up?[/I] Shin: Who are you? What the HELL are you doing? [I] He starts to unsheathe his Samuria when the person stands up and is about to introduce himself...[/I]
name: Visor age: 1399 alliance (good or evil): Good! Appearence: Doesn't wear anything on his torso, only wears grey baggy trousers, he is baldy and very muscularand agile. personality: Has A Good Sence Of Humor, Sticks Up For What He Belives In. Has Never Learned How To Give Up! Weapons (no guns 3 is the maximum): Samaria Sword (katana), Nunchucks and a new weapon!!! Sword of Justice. magic(three max): Flaming Tornado - A huge tornado of Flames, that bends over engulfing teh vitim into the eye of the Tornado. magic elemental: Fire and..lol just kidding
Well, Yesterday was the big day! 4 Hours straight i played it for. I'm not that far, because i was mainly sussing the place out. I love the Motorbikes and stuff, i'm on the mission were you need to blow up a building with a RC helicopter, i think it's hard. Also i am on the mission with the Coronal were teh meeting of teh Cubans and Lance helps out. :D i love this game and the Katana is soo sweet...:drools:
LMAO, Yeah, your a "Closet Mod" i geuss, sounds like you are, anyway.
[i]A dark figure walks out of a an Amumition Store and locks up. As the large fella walks down the street, he hears a muffled sound of voices.[/i] ??: Damn, BĂtch-a$s thugs. [i]The figure passes a dodgey looking man, who is blatenly covering something up in his jacket. He shouts the man's name..."Shin Bangkai".[/i] Dodgey Man: Yo...Shin! Hey! Shin Bangkai! [i]Shin walks over to him[/i] Shin: You are...OH! Stevey, hey, couldn't reconise you with your hood up. What can i do for you. Stevey: Well...I've...um..."borrowed" this pistol see? and well, was wondering if your intrested. [i]Shin swiftly smakcs the man, up-side of his head. Clearly angry with Stevey.[/i] Shin: What the hell you think i am fool! Some thug-a$s rouge like you!?! Get the hell out of here! Stupid-a$s punk! [i]As Stevey walks away, Shin kicks him up the rear end. As he pulls out his car key's *BLEEP* he opens his car. As he approches a blue Dodge Viper with 2 white strips down it, he shakes his head and wlaks to a sporty convertable. "Your still my baby", he says to himself, when he hears more screams and a large smashing sound. He jumps in his carand skids out of his reserved parking, spraying water everywhere and speeds down the road.[/i]
Damn the UK Government!!! We can't get a permit until we are 17 and then a liecense when we are 18!!! :bawl: my bro will be getting his permit soon :D He can just take me places :p. But good luck! I've drove an Automatic car, but their soo easy a baby could drive them! lol
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nimrod [/i] [B]I managed to get a seaplane after finishing a mission at Interglobal Studios on Prawn Island. You have to buy the place before you can start doing the missions for it though ($60,000). After completing the mission that has you fly the plane and drop flyers it will always appear at the boat dock through the back exit of the studio. I hope this helps. [/B][/QUOTE] o_O;; Um is this Vice City or something, 'cause i dont remember that in GTAIII-_-
Well in the UK a channel called CNX (Cartoon Network eXtreme, i think) isout, quite new, its only on digital though, shows all Aniem adn Action cartoons, uncut DBZ adn so on, its for a mature audiance (teens).
I loe the idea of Mystic's, Tuts! Everyone can componsatefrom the lose of the Web Design thread through this too! They can get help on whatever through tuts! Great idea, also Shy's ideas are great. I think we should get rid of it, and make way for "My Otaku" or "My OB"
OH! Friday is the big day! THE RELEASE OF VICE CITY IN THE UK!!!!! :D i can't wait,my bro is getting it, straight from collage :D
Um, D_A its finsihed!!! Oh! And whats this i hear! That it was ALL your idea??? It was half mine and yours! It was OUR RPG :flaming: [b]::EDIT::[/b] I have evidence, that you didntsay that, sorry
Myfriend was in the town, when abig Transit van pulled up and he tol him to "get in the back, NOW!" My friend say no and told him to "Funk Off!" And the man persisted for him to get in teh back, until the man exploded then quiteded down, becuase he was attracting attention, my friend is an athlete (he i soo fit) anyway, he sprinted to get teh bus home. The man didnt force him or anything, he doesnt know if the man mistook himf or someone else, but he really wanted him to get in.
My name is Ewan Ross Denny, I never use Ross so really its just Ewan Denny. Ewan means "Gaelic Warrior" and Denny i don't haev a clue about, i do know, when i went to America, there was a chainof restaurants called Denny's, i found that funny, lol. If anyone knows what Denny means, please tell me, thank you.
Goin down to South Park gonna have myself a time....
Shinobi replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Noosphere
I ahve not seen this new character Butters, nor teh enw eps, but i think it's so funny :D ::EDIT:: I know who butters is! Is he teh replacement for Kenny? Cool! -
Name: Shin Bangkai Age: 22 Hoemtown: Glasgow, Scotland But moved to Neo Tokyo becuase of Dad's Job) Occupation: Gun Store owner with a Dojo onside for Martial arts and Boxing. Weapon/Skill: Has easy acces to any gun, really, but always carries a Machete and Double Magnums. Machete: [IMG]http://store1.yimg.com/I/campingsurvival_1705_9695579[/IMG] Duoble Magnums: [IMG]http://www.davidsonsinc.com/dealers/prod_images/de50bn.jpg[/IMG] He is also Trained in Martial Arts and Boxing. He is athletic, stealthy and agile, yet big and bulky. Description: He is 6'10" and 370 lbs. He wears nothing but baggy, camoflaged combats. He is topless with a thick gold chain (Sometimes, if out in public, wears a dark green tanktop.)He is big and musclular. He wears a dark green and white bandana. For footwear he travels in large size 16, Black army boots. He always has his Dad's Dog tags around his neck along with his chain and always has boxing gloves tied to his big brown leather belt. Personality: He is a funny, humorous guy. But also has a very short temper. He is stealthy yet large. Agile yet bulky. He moved to Neo Tokyo for his Dad was in T.A.N.T.O. His Dad left T.A.N.T.O. Leaving many friends (bosses alike). Reason for leaving, was some of the higher bosses were corrupt. Ifanyone messes with him, his family or friends, they better be a fast runner.
[i]Dante walks in the blistering heat, his leather trench coat only making things worse. He turns to find TJ and Earl gasping on the floor.[/i] Pac: What? What are you growling at Dante? *looks behind him* :Sigh: Dante: What teh hell are you'se 2 doing? TJ: Need....funk! Earl: Neeeeeeeed Funk! Pac: Don't you mean water? TJ & Earl: Nope :D *stands up* Dante: :sigh: *slaps head*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [size=1]I'm sorry, the whole concept sort of bewilders me. Do you listen to these groups and dress this way because you wish to be a 'MOD', or are you a 'MOD' because you listen to these groups and dress this way? If you do wear the clothing but don't listen to the music, are you still considered part of this? And is it something that lots of people are actively a part of...or just a stereotypical grouping....? I suppose these questions apply to a lot of different things, don't they? Mmm. And in answer to your question, I would have to say, "No."[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] OK here we go: 1)I am considered a Mod becuase i listen to these groups and dress this way. 2)Yeah, i geuss so, it isn't always about the music, yeah? 3)Lots of people area part of it, I don't go about labeling people either, only the oens who like to eb labeled, such as Moshers or Goths in my area. I am not bothered about being labeled a mod, but i am one, you see? P.S.I like your banner and av Sara ;)