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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Ahhh, the good old pranks,:D. So many to list,the best one is probably when i put loads of white sherbert in my mouth and walked down Suchihall Street (very busy pedestrian place) on a Saturday, washed all the sherbet with my salavia until it was really frothy and that and i was wlaking down and just dropped in the middle of the street and starting jerking about, and flicking my eyes and then started spitting out the sherbt and it looked liek i was taking a ceasur attack. It was great because an old guy just walked over my foot! LMAO! No, but it was greata nd then when about 2 people came up to me, i just stood up, wiped my moutha nd walked away, LMAO, that was a good one, heh.
  2. That guy looks pure cool! That is really cool, and foredaddy, damn you funny little scoundral you *nudge*
  3. Mithc i think it's a song aout him sleeping witha girl. Good song anyway, i couldn't really get a tune to it though. Great nun-the less.
  4. I would post mine but, my mic is broke, i'll try and fix it before the dead line. I'll probably sing Billy Jean and Gangsters Paradise :D
  5. You'se all just don't know! Except Endymion, although, it's a bit diffent, not as old and...cheezy :s lol
  6. Oh! so your from Egnland? What part. If that happened to me, i would just fight! A 17 year old pulled a knife out to my friend (considering im only 13) I told teh guy to **** off. I dont care! The worst thing to do is mess with my family or friends, my dad knows people...SERIOUS POEPLE!He can get people to kill someone if he needs to! I'm not joking by the way. But anyway, if i was you, i would just ****in'kickthere as*es. Beat **** out of 'em fight back, anf then get them on their own and kick **** out of them, then get them againa nd again and again until their scared to come out. The worst thing to do was say that you were about to cry. Just wehn they said that was a great opertunity to turn round and **** him in teh face!!! If your gonnaget your *** beat, then get it beat on in style. I would rather be stabbed fighting someone, than stabbed running away from someone! Grab a bottle anything if there is a gang! AHHH!!! sorry, there was 2 fights today inmy school and im in a fighting mood,and i punched a lamp post and it really hut :( lol. What age are you anyway Break? Sorry fi this post was ahrd to read i was just so worked up today :D
  7. Hey i was wondering, anyone hear a MOD? I am! (UK version of MOD's) Mods are poeple who listen to bands such as Oasis, The Charltons, The Datsuns, Supergrass, The Shining, The Vines, The Music and The Cooper Temple Cause. The MOD's wear clothes such as woren out jeans and demin jackets, duffel coats, Parka jackets (ones with big furry hoods), stupid, pointless T-Shirts like: Blank white T-shirt with 100% FCUK or Blank white t-shirt with the MOD sign on it MOD sign is: [IMG]http://www.ishop.co.uk/ishop/images/948/ishop_poster1_target.jpg[/IMG] MOD's personalise their tops and ajckets with sew on labels, promoting the bands above.They used to jump about on scooters too. My Brother is a MOD and my Dad used to eb a MOD and i am also one :D. I was wondering if anyone else was one?
  8. Yes its tragic! Very sad, he didnt even have a purpose!
  9. Shinobi

    Jackass The Movie

    Trigger Happy is the best....Jackass is the best...Billy Connolly is the best...DAMMIT COMEDY IS THE BEST!!! lol. I love Trigger Happy when the dogs just kick f*ck out of each other...lol. In the UK Jackass the Moviesaint out, i'm going to see it though. I have started my own Jackass...called, Dumbass! lol. It's so much fun, the police caught us and we got a hcase and filmed it all :D.
  10. Heh, yeah i get what you mean AJeh...i think o_O; lol j/k. Also D E M Where you from? Some people i know would love taht remark, but i aint saying anything incase i get in trouble -_-,lol. Also, i'm getting really attached to these snowflakes. THERE GREAT!!! oh and: [b]HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!![/b]
  11. Scooter are good. N-Trance - Forever. Nakito(SP?) - Children of the Night. And so many more, i lovethem, especialy when i go clubbing.
  12. I'm.......AJeh!!! cool! lol, although,.....I WANNA BEIN IT :'( lol *starts writing PM*
  13. I see them after "refreshing" i thought you meant little snowflakes falling, lol, but you eman the titles right? There very classy. And as for Britihs stuff beaing crap, i love my Stuff :D lol. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][b][size=1]I don't see the snowflakes either... -_-; I hate English stuff If I celebrated Christmas, I'd probably be getting Kingdom Hearts and FFX (KH isn't out here yet). But since I don't, I'm going to have to whip out the money and buy them myself. I'd like a scanner too...[/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] This is dont like, i hate that, when poeple from England...wait, anywhere say, "English" stuff, I am not English, i don't have English stuff, i dont have Scottish stuff either! I have British stuff, this really annoys me, i aint getting on to you AJeh,but it really annoys me, i am Scottish, but i use British when nessesory i use Scottish (as in Scottish bagpipes and so on.) Anyway, just thought i'd state that, i hate it GRRRRRR ARRRRRRHHHH! I am getting clothes and money for X-Mas, Hitman 2,not unless i buy it on Staruday,my bro is buyin GTA:VC teh day it comes out. I'll proably get about £300 and clothes,hmmm that would be $466.50 corecct? Anyway thats my 2 cents :D cya and... Merry Christmas Otakus!
  14. Freaky, i was going to make one of these, but yes, i am pretty confused, but i'll get used to them. I was going to cahnge my anme, but have no reason too, i like the name shinobi, i think it is fine:D I was going to do something along the lines of Cera :D ecept use stupid stuff :D. But she'll think i'm copying her :'( Anyway, i didnt think everyone wanted to change so much!
  15. Shinobi

    Project Gamer

    [i]Dante was confused and asked.[/i] Dante: Who is it? Tj: You dont know?!? Dante: No. Earl: Really? Dante: No! TJ & Earl: Honestly? Dante: NO!!! [i]Dante Quickly covers up his mouth, and growls at the two, funksters chuckling together. Dante is getting cramp in his legs, because he is so tall, and they are all comfortably tucked in to the small gap, he is too large and is stuck outside crouching. Dante looks at TJ & Earl and was going to ask again, but then he turned to Pac-Man[/i] Dante: So who is it? Pac: Dante! That's... ____ Who is it? Is it a friend? or foe? find out, in the next episode of.....DRAGONBALL ZZZZZZZZZ!!!.....I mean, the next post of...Project Gamerrrrr!
  16. I cant wait for this :D I love it how you can run up walls and shoot in diffrent directions at the same time :D As alot of peopel know, I play Dante in Project GAmer, and i love him, it's such a great character over all, i cant wait :D.
  17. OMG! Everyone just calm it! She is ratehr slutty these days..yes..A VERY nice looking slut may i add. I dont liek ehr music, her voice is amazing,but, i do admit. She can wear what she wants to wear, if parents alow their children to lookliek slapper, [b]It's Their Choise!![/b] For example: [i]"Mummy, i want that one *points to slutty outfit in window*" Mum: No! Slutty kid: But Muum! C.A and Britinay have one just like that! Mum: I don't care you not walking around looking liek a slut.[/i] The End Bad Example: [i]"Mummy, i want that one *points to slutty outfit in window*" Mum: Hmmmmm Slutty Kid: Please! C.A and Britany have one just like it! Mum: okay fine then, on you go.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]It's Their Own [b]FRICKIN CHOISE![/b] Thank you
  18. Well, i hate taht type of music, eg Slipknot SOAD and so on, but there is one song taht si sooo good of Godsmack and i cant remeber what its called, i downlaoded it ages agoa nd i lost it, now its gone and i cant rememeber what it was called! ::EDIT:: I'm doing the best that i can, or sumthin' i remebered! lol
  19. OOC: By the way, no one can kill Dymonoc, only the beholder of, the ONE sword, ie. Visor. ___________ [i]Visor tells Karina to step back.[/i] Karina: NO! you cant do it yourself! Visor: Please! i knwo what i'm talking about! [i]As Visor says that he flashes the sword at Karina[/i] Karina: Oooooh! Right ;) [i]Karina steps back to look in teh pouch while Visor steps forward[/i] Visor: Ok, Dymonoc! Scum of the Earth! You will die! Dymonoc: Heh, and don't forget! I'm scum of the underworld too! *Evil Laugh* Visor: Grrrr, Bring it on!!! [i]Visor lundges forward with his Smaraia an slashes the head of Demons, he just yawns and swats him away. Visor is about to lunge again, after pulling himself to his feet but Wolf his in his way![/i] Viosr: Wolf! Get back! I know your strong but you cant do it! Wolf: :smirk: Heh [i]He pounces on the Demon, but Dymonoc grabs him by his fur, spits on his face and then somehow hols him vertical just by the palm of his hand! A red aura glows and wolf is fired about 100m back and cracks himself off a walla nd slids down, ahuge clawed hand burn is on his chest![/i] Dymonoc: Hah! Stupid little puppy! Tristam, take careof the little poodle! [i]Tristam emerges from nowhere,a nd walks over to Wold, Tyron jumps in the way and teh two start battling.[/i] Visor: Ah! You BASTARD!! You'll pay!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1] Take away the walking and begging door to door and that would be an ideal night for me. Like I said in the other thread, sometimes I'll just break out into song and all kinds of things. Earlier today in Dodgeball, I started singing a melody and dancing around the gym. I love doing these kinds of things. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] LMAO! WERE TWINS! In history i just stood up in the middle of the class and sung Billie Jean, dancinh and everything, adding "Hee Hee Hee" while grabbing my crotch and jumping over tables, then when i was half way through teh chorus my teacher walked ina dn started laughing and told me to sit down and take off my glove (note: not plural, :D i love the Michael Jackson fasion, lmao! Thats it! I'll go out as Michael Jackson thsi year!!! lmao!) But to the Sniper, that guy is freaky, have you seen his picture!!! He was an ex-soldier and aries was right, he wasnt alone, he was with his step-son, who alsolooks scarey. Hold on,ive found a pic!!! Sniper: [IMG]http://static.sky.com/images/pictures/1102684.jpg[/IMG]
  21. [i]Visor grips his Samraia in one hand and Nunchucks in the other. He clenches them tightly, he sees Karina muttering to herself, or Lacroix or mabey even the...blade??? As she looks down, muttering. Tyron flies in beside her, he says something to her and just as soon as he turns round he finds one of the two twin vipers at his face. Lacroix smirks evilly and laughs into his face. He opens his mouth to say something, there is a black blur then his jaw is ripped from its ligiments and is cracked off? As Visor watches Lacroix taunting the two, he throws his Nunchucks at an angle, the speed at which it sores is unreal! It is swivelling simutainiously and then finally connects with it's target the first handle smashes the lower jaw and the second rips it off then pummelling his eyes when falling to the ground, his jaw is now lying in a pool of dark black blood beside Visor?s Nunchucks.[/I] Wolf: :wow: Good shot Visor! [I]Visor is about to run forward but he notices Tyron gawking at Lacroix thriving in pain and then turns to Visor and growls and shakes his head. Visor steps back and does what his brother says, because he admires what he?s doing.[/I]
  22. Shinobi

    Project Gamer

    [i]As Dante walked slowly behind the group chatting away, Dante looked solely at the ground, the tension in his face grew until finaly he exploded![/i] Dante: DAMN T VIRUS!!! [i]He threw Alastor, Pac-Man turned round to see it fly by his face at 100mph. It flew ina perfectly horizontal line for about 100 meters until it stabbed an un-expected Zombie right between it's eyes. It lifted it through the air pinning it to the first wall it made contact with. Brains splattered everywhere. Everyone is :wow:and Dot is also a bit frightened by teh tall, slim, enraged figure in the shadows.[/i] TJ: Dude, calm down...I think we should all get our funk o.... *Butting in* Dante: NO! Earl: Chill dude, sup? [i]Dante falls back leaning aginst a near by wall, sitting on the ground with his knees pointing high in teh air, he ran his hands through his hair.[/i] Dante: It's so frustrating, the damn people unleashing this just for DAMN PROFIT! [i]Everyone jumped back as they saw an electical charge flicker round his fist. He punches the floor leaving a crater.[/i] Dante: I know what i must do, i must try and cure this city before it infects the whole land! It's bad enough in my home town, but if teh T Virus hit and mixed with the things i know...well...it would be a pretty sight. [i]Dot clings ever so tight to Pac-Man as he steps forward.[/i] Pac-Man: So your leaving us?? Dante: *grumble* Um...No, i must help you all, you might think i'm some tall 1/2 demon freak, but i am loyal, and great protection too. After i help you, my quest will change path. Pac: Ok [i]Pac stretched his hand out to help Dante up, they standup and start their search again, on the way he pulls his sword out of the remains of teh Zombie head and then continue.[/i]
  23. i think that she has followed a link from say her email account, you knwo when it notifies you of someone replieng to your post, well if you click that link, read the post then type in the lil box at the bottom then submit, it says please sign in, but if you click Reply and reply in the normal reply area and not the lil box, then it works. Well thats with me anyway
  24. Visor: I wish we could all just be happy again... see when this is over, i'm gonna train to be the ebst fighter in teh world, how 'bout you bro? Tyron: I'm gonna settle down. Visor: WHA!! With who? Tyron: *taps nose* You'll find out. Visor: Man...I'm glad, kinda,becausenow i can just beat on you when your all....Husband-ish, Ha ha ha. [i]He sits down beside Tyron with his arm around him[/i] Visor: I'm glad your back bro, and tomorrow, revenge WILL be ours. Tyron: Damn right.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Get over yourself on that one, lol. Anyway, on to more important things--I respect you Shinobi. ^^ Your posts in Project Gamer are even cool. The Dr. Evil stuff was hilarious. I think that it's important to remember that this thread isn't asking about which members we respect. A role model is slightly broader than that. I'm sure that the lists would be much longer if the topic was asking about respected members. Hmm, I'll bet you that if there's another one of these threads a year from now, you'd find your way onto a lot of the lists. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, i didnt know all those posts can occur ina couple of days, heh, but i thank you very much, and i do agree with the respect - role model thingy. I appreciate the compliments, i thank you very much, i like mostly everyone as i said, and respect even more! Thank you PS Cheers again CWB.....Hah still love your sig! lol
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