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Anime Things you'd never hear on DragonBall-Z
Shinobi replied to MasterSaiyan's topic in Otaku Central
o0o! ive got one!!! ____________ Vegeta: *thinks to self as Goku walks over to get a can of coke* Oh yeah! move that fine ***, o0o0o0o0, yes...Yes! YES!!!!! Goku: What? Vegeta: .....um....How about you well.....um...suck my...*cough* who-who Goku: You want me to suck youtr genitles!!!?!?!? Vegeta: Um.....Yeah Goku: No!......I would much rather take things more slowly, mabey tke you out to the Y.M.C.A Club? or the Tool Box? Vegeta: Okay *titters like little girl* **They both jump up and sing: Both: YMCA! We started singing for the YMCA!!!!! They soon get horny and..... [COLOR=red][i][b][SIZE=4]***CENSORED***[/SIZE][/b][/i][/COLOR] -
Anime Things you'd never hear on DragonBall-Z
Shinobi replied to MasterSaiyan's topic in Otaku Central
Chouzu: Lets all go see my family at "The Circus of Great Miniture Clowns With Rosey Cheeks" ________ Goku and Vegeta: Ok lets stop all this fighting and have some crumpets and tea, shall we? ____________ Vegeta: Okay, "Goku" you can seriuosly kick my *** in every way. _________ Piccolo: *sings* It doesnt matter if your black or white *stops singing*.....or green, or purple in shin's case.....or a big fat pink balloon. ___________ Krillen: I'm tall :D! ____ Bulma: I'm a stupid slut, £5 an hour ;) ______________ Fireza: I'm actualy a woman. __________ Goku: Gohan, I'm not your real Dad, i had an affair with bulma, back in teh day,a nd she was soooo much better than you chi chi, she didnt nag or anything!!!! _____ Goten: I'm actualy an annoying little prick that is Goku's miniture. ______________ Vegeta: I have an anouncement, i am homosexual and want to leave the Z fighters and join Green Peace, May Our Earth Live Long And Prosperice -
Here's my one or two: "You may take our lives, but you'll never take our FREEDOM!!!" - Bravehart "Have you ever noticed that? Show biz personalities, just don't fart!" - Billy Connolly "Marriage is a wonderful invention. But then again so is a bicycle repair kit" - Billy Connolly "Alba gu brath" ("Scotland Forever" in Gaelic) - William Wallace "You loan your friend money. You see them again, they don't say nothin' 'bout the money. `Hi, how ya doin'? How's ya mama doing?' Man, how's my money doin'?" - Chris Tucker "Weed is from tha earth. God put this here for me & you. Take advantage man, take advantage!" - Chris Tucker (Smokey from the film Friday
Yes i know :( i also have cable *boots cable box* Stupid smelly black piece of sh...*stops himself* But I'm getting didgital :D.
[I]Dante searches the deserted streets for any sign of ammo, when he sees a crouching, horrible creature with a huge tongue what seemed to be eating someone! Dante quickly but stealthy sneaked close to the alley, but not too close! He could here the blood curdling noises and screams, Dante couldn?t take it any longer! At the top of his voice.[/I] Dante: Yo! Tongue! How about you lick my B*lls!?! [I] The creature turns with very sharp movements, Dante knows it is fast and quite at moving, but it looked as if it was sniffing?!? Dante was confused by this and took a shot at it. It seemed to not harm the creature. He pulled out Ebony and Ivory and pounded away with the slugs. But again it just edged forward sniffing. He knew they were too weak and didn?t want to waste ammo, so he was about to pull out Alastor to slash and gash at it. But before he can decide it pounces on his shoulders knocking him flat on the floor, he was going to retaliate, but noticed that again it was sniffing. It sniffed and sniffed and then licked a bit of the Zombie brain from earlier. It jumped back and scattered away into the darkness. Dante jumped to his feet and ran to the victim. It was too late. He did however have a few good items on him, he had a gun, but Dante left that. He had a huge hook with about 20 keys on it and a key that what looked like a skeleton key. He flipped him over and couldn?t make out a thing, the whole front of him was ripped off. He did notice however a police officers hat near by. He checked inside his pockets and found, handgun ammo and a few shotgun shells, Dante saluted the officer and went on his way to kick some serious a*s[/I]
Oh well there is a new channel coming out on Digital over here in the UK called CNX it is a new channel aimed prodomanatly adult males, and geuss what guys? :D it's gonna show the rest of teh fusion and buu saga and then all of the DBZ eps uncut! and i can finaly watch shows such as Cowboy Bebop and so on, because they are showing taht too!!! :D i'm so happy, i personaly don't have Digital but i am actualy getting it, tommorow is when my Mum is foning up to sort it all out :D and i think i'll be posting in the CB section now, lol.
[I]As Dante sneaks off the SS Anne refreshed and ready to dive deep into his newest investigation. He leaves all the ?stupid un-aware tourists? behind. Dante thinks, ?Why can?t they ever believe you when you say a giant zombie with a huge sword, that is blood thirsty for human brains and blood, is standing right behind you?? As he sighs and swiftly walks through the outer-edge of Racoon City, oblivious to what is happening in town. The soft wind blows against his face pulling his hair and trench coat back. He treks deeper and deeper from the rural coastal to the inner city and he is amazed at what he sees. The city is trashed, deserted, it was like a ghost town. He too the lift to the top of the closest and highest building he could see. Again he just stood in awe. He swiftly leaped from the rooftop to another about 4 storeys down. He then jumps onto a small restaurant but fell through the roof and landed in the kitchen. A notorious Zombie was hacking at a door with a huge butchers clever. Dante jumped onto a ledge and jumped forward and at point blank range blew its head off with his shotgun. Black horrendous smelling goo went everywhere and the body wavered in the air for a second or too before falling like a bag of meat to the floor. He opened the door to find a woman with a huge scratch down her right cheek, her right arm?s skin was peeling off and she lunged at Dante with her teeth bearing. Dante dodged the attack, pushed her to the ground.[/I] Dante: Hey sorry lady, but I don?t like bitches with attitudes. [I]At that he swiped her head clean from the rotting and arching spine. As he walked outside again another Zombie dragging it?s leg that was hanging on by sheer flesh, groaned and followed Dante. Dante walked into what looked to be a dead end alley. He walked slower and slower, until he was about 1 meter away from the wall. He then quickly ran up it, back flipped and landed behind the Zombie, before it could turn round, he unsheathed Alastor and drove it through the back of the Zombie, flicking it in the air he dropped to the floor and pumped 4 shotgun shells into ?it?[/I] Dante: Damn I?m good, Sh*t I shouldn?t be wasting these, damn, hmmm I better try and find an ammunition shop.
Hey man see in my profile can i use this pic (attachment) because i think its cool, and you ahve it uploaded anyway.
Hey just to inform every one, there is no Dr Evil and more, for personal reason that you may have noticed in the sign up thread, anyway, I shall now be rp?ing as Dante Sparda. Okay here is my 2nd first post lol :p. __________________________________________ [I]As Dante emerges from the covers engulfing him, he pulls himself free and as his usual routine goes, he grabs an apple slips on his boots grabs his long red trench coat and out the door he walks from his small smelly apartment. As he walks down the run down hallway to the stair shaft, a blue Marionette dragging itself waddles up to Dante with a huge scimitar its throws to slice his head clean from his spine, but a Matrix style move, he jumps back through a small window withdrawing Ebony and Ivory (his 2 handguns) while dodging the scimitar kills the Marionette. As he falls about 4 floors he is close to smacking his back right off the ground when he flips backwards in mid-air and pushes off the wall landing safely and walks down the street as if nothing has happened. [/I] Dante: Dumbass, Marionettes, actually trying to mess with Mio!?! Heh. [I]As he swaggers by a electric store he notices the news with a ?News Flash?[/I] Newsman: In Racoon city there has been a reports of supernatural happenings, there has been 20 in total. This certain news reporter, doesn?t believe in the ?bogie man?, ha ha ha in other news?.. Dante: Hmmmm, doesn?t sound like a laughing matter to me, I best check this out. [I]Dante jumps a bus to the closest to the coast he could. The supernatural private detective is just south east of Hyrule when he ponders on how he is going to cross the small passage of water that parts him from his destination. As he walks around the small coastal area he find what seems to be a small surf hut or something.[/I] Dante: Hey, I was wondering, do you know the best way to cross the river? Surf Shack Guy: Whoa! Hey Dante I?m Joe! Damn! You?re that freaky Zombie killin? dude ain?t ya? Dante: *sigh* Yeah that?s me. Joe: Well with a super star image of yourself you could probably walk that and it would part like the Red Sea, HA! Dante: Yeah, anyway, do you know how I can cross? Joe: Well I could always lend you a boat, free of charge since your a show biz personality Dante: Hey thanks! Any supernatural happenings, call me! [I]As he rows through the night he finally reaches the other side, there is a small man, fatter and ruffer looking twin of Joe at the other side. [/I] Fat Joe: Hey, I?m here to collect the boat, I?m Joe?s brother. Dante: Hey, um, well? Here you go. C ya! [I]Dante hiked NorthWest for 2 days straight until finally he reached a small town called Pallet Town. Here he found out by locals that there is a large cruise ship that leaves regularly, dubbed the SS Anne. He had to stay at a local Bed and Breakfast for the night so he could catch the next trip to Racoon City. As the huge ship was tied up he walked up but was sent back because he didn?t have a ticket, so being the sneaky person he is, he dived under the cruise ship swam around the side when no one was looking and climbed the anchor at the other side. He dried off and picked a nice comfy cabin in the first class department. As the boat sets sail he just slept for most of the 2-Day cruise. He did though, wake up ready to see Racoon City emerge in the distance, it looked like the lushes Racoon Forrest infront of him, but he knew behind it was a whole different story. [/I]
:D Oh okay thanks. I'll post *** soon as possible, mabey now, but my brother might have to go on the computer, but i'll be on and post later if possible.
WOW! i LOVE this! although i would say to bevel and emboss the font and mabey drop a shadow on it too, just to make it stick out a bit more, but i havent saw any of your other banners but im sure you have improved!
Okay, hey that is cool CWB i know this must be hard to keep all this organised, reply and get on woth your life so it's cool, i wasnt nagging if you were thinking that, lol. And Ed i actualy just remembered that he has his own game "Dr Evil's Secret Lair" or something? I was gonna edit but didnt see any point, :p. And to answer the main question, i think i might just change anyway. To be honest i didn't even notice most of the characters up for grabs, so i think i'm gonna change to Dante. Sorry if this is annoying (seeing this is more work for you and Ed and the rest of PG's team.) So I'll just wait until this is confirmed and then i will post my 2nd first introduction lol. Cheers -Shinobi
LMAO thats great, i love it and i agree with piro
Hey yo! CWB i was wondering, can i change my character (if not i undrstand) Here are the reasons: 1. I'm a bad guy right? so i joined with Don luigi and so on, but for some reason all the evil people are ignoring me :s 2. Dr Evil isnt actualy a game character, so its hard for me to fit in when you arent a game character. 3. It is hard for insperation when i am being ignored and so i havent been posting incase i f*cked up the evil squad's whole story line. There is one character that i geuss i would like and that is Dante although i havent played teh full game i know most of the stroyline and my friend is a Devil May Cry buff, so if there is any problems then i could ask him. If you dont want me to change and it would be too much hassel for you then i guess i'll just leave it. Thank alot. - Shinobi PS. I really want to stay in this RPG becuase it is the best one yet on OB that i have seen.
lol Well i think it is very good, and Pshycotik I'm sure he sued 3d Max.
[i]As Visor turns round he gets bludgerd by a huge fist. As he falls to the floor he lets out a blood curdling shout and rolls around teh floor in a paralyzed manner[/i] Visor: AH!!!! i can't move, you'll have to fight without me. Wolf: SH*T!!!!!!!!!!! *runs to beast at full pelt*
[i]As Dr Evil sits in the corner of the plane, the comfy blue seats massage his back, as he has been caring a small munchkin 1/8th of his size around for ages now. As he sits Mini-me on his lap he gives him a bit of chocolate. Suddenly chocolate is spat into Dr Evil's eye.[/i] Dr Evil: Ah! WTF!?! What was that frickin for!?!? That's my FRICKIN EYE!!!! [i]Mini-me "eee's" sorrowfully.[/i] Dr Evil: It's okay *hug* But why did you do that hmmm? hmmm? Mini-me: Eeeeee! *points to window* [i]As Mini-me points to the window a greasy Italian pops his face over form the seat behind.[/i] Luigi: I think-a he is talkin-a about the "thing-a" on the wing. [i]Dr Evil emphasising every "a" says:[/i] Dr Evil: That's good-A but he just spat chocolate in my FRICKIN' EYE-A! [i]Luigi gives Dr Evil a swift back-hand to the face.[/i] Luigi: Don?t you ever mock-a my accent-a! Dr Evil: Okay, Luigi-doo! Just got carried away there. [I]As he wipes the chocolate from his eye again the trademark squeal of Mini-me is heard, but Dr Evil sees the creature too. Well it?s kinda hard not to when its smashing it?s head of the window.[/I]
o0o! i LOVE the jaw line and face altogether and i do agree the tips could be a wee tate better. but it still kicks as*
Yes i do agree, you are very good at the eyes, but the hands ruin some of those pics. I used to know a website that told you how to remove lines from lined paper on photoshop but i cant find it now :bawl:
The closest ive come to an illegal street race is when i was six....but that was with two toy cars pushing them down a hill outside my house. :rotflmao: No but sometimes the boy racers with their jazzed up motors fly by my house, one shouted abuse so we (me and my mates) panned in the window with a a brick :D it was funny because he didnt know it was us hee hee, we also hit it with an egg.....O_o just thaught you would like to know :p
o0o! i love that! i geuss it was hard to make, is there a tut at all?
Yup it's the Shiznit! I've been in a slump for ....um....about 6 to 7 months now :( lol and it still hasn't blew over, I'll need to find time to get rid of it.
[i]Don Luigi is in the conversation of Dr Robotnik, Dr Wily and Albert when suddenly "Bring Bring". His mobile fone rings, he flicks it out his inside pocket of his tux.[/i] Luigi: Oh right-a. So you will meet us-a? *murmer* Luigi: Brilliancey! [i]As he flips closed the phone he turns to find everyone staring at him with squinted eyes.[/i] Robotnik: And......? Who was it?!? Luigi: It was baldy locks and the three hairs. Dr Wily: And that would be....? Luigi: Dr Eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil. Robotnik: So.......? Luigi: He shall meet us-a, he should be here as soon as he can-a! Robotnik: Bah! More waiting!?! I need a CHILI-DOG!!!!!! [i]Time passes by, a looooong time. Just then a zombie walks round the corner drooling from it's half broken jaw, as it is about to blurt out some horrid saying its face is blown off by a shotgun. Albert puts back his shotgun. As it slowly disappears in the darkness of the black, another zombie emerges from the darkness. As it is shot at it jumps out shouting at the group!?![/i] Zombie: You nearly blew my frickin head off! [i]As Dr Evil steps forward he is plainly enraged.[/i] Robotnik: Oh shut up!!!! Dr Evil: :flaming: Luigi: Okay-a! Lets get to somewhere more safe? Huh? Dr Evil: Yah [i]As the group follow the Don back to the vehicles Dr Evil is left at the back of the group and when he turns round a small white face is seen at his back in a baby carrier. It was Mini Me![/i]
o0o! Thank you all, i agree Vanilla Sky was a load of....*stops himself* I thaught this thread was gonna become dead, but then people started replying :D, Thank you all again, this is my first serious poem, i usualy like comidic poems, i dunno why i just got a great idea when i was falling asleep at that boring movie, lol.
Looks SUPAH! Really like it ;)