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Everything posted by Shinobi
Hey, i saw this when i was in protugal on holiday, it looked great and funny too, it was also made by the maker of DBZ, Akira Toriyama (sp?). * Yaiba I'm not sure if anyone ahs heard of it, or saw it, but it look pretty funny. It contains Evil Bunnies! Who wouldnt like that!?!??! ^_^
[i]As Luigi thinks with Dr Robotnik on who else is an Evil Raving Lunatic he flicks through a small black book labeled "Evil Dudes." As he continues to flick through he calls such names as:[/i] Robotnik:[list=a]Cruager, Freddy Calypso Myers, Michael.[/list=a] Funny guy he is. [list=a]Kahn, Shao Burns, Charles Montgomery[/list=a] hmmmmmmmm *flicks a few more pages* OH! and Evil, Dr....... Luigi: That's it! Dr Evil! he lives here right!? Robotnik: Well yes up in his base. Luigi: Excelent! ___________________________ [i]As Dr Evil is just about set to go, Frau yells at the top of her voice.[/i] Frau: DR EVIL!!!!!!!!!! Dr Evil: Ah! Wha?!? Dammit, you nearly burst my frickin ear drums! Frau: Well, news just in that our special Evil Agency Team, has news about a new Eeeeeeeeevil Group swarming! Dr Evil: Rivals!? :flaming: Mini Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No.2: No sir! Their are actualy wanting your help! Dr Evil: The ultimite Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Squad!?! *pinky to lip* Scott: Yeah, there growing a squad against all goo... Dr Evil: Adabawha? Ahwhahabayata? Scott: What? Dr Evil: Zippit! Scott: *sigh* [i]As Dr Evil torments Scott, No.2 Buts in and asks him.[/i] No.2: *ahem* So...You want to join them sir? Dr Evil: Well......Go on then! Yeah! Frau: Okay, I'll ring them just now!
Wolf: Whatever it is! LETS KILL IT! Visor: Yeah! [i]As tehy treck up to the next beastie the sweat pours off them, they grind their teeth and finaly approach a huge cave, there is an eery silence haunting the cave and they all hisatate to go in, except Visor[/i] Visor: You cna leave if you want, but I'm gettin my bro back! [i] Everyone nods and continue into teh darkness[/i]
OOC: Sorry, i had a big huge story then i lost it all :bawl: ______________ [i]As Dr Evil looks out of his huge window of his base, he lets mini-me away on his leash to play with Mr Bigglesworth. His view of the land below is spectacular, he can even see beyond the coast!As he notcies a large cruise ship arnchoring at a bay off the Mushroom Kingdom region. As he ponders he shouts to his team of Evil[/i] Dr Evil: Hey! look! *points to Mushroom Kingdom* Frau: Hmmmmm No2: Yes sir, but why is such a big ship pulling up to...Mushrrom Kingdom? It's so...well...you know, mushroom-ish. Dr Evil: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, I dunno but i want to find out. Frau: Why?...sir Dr Evil: I must know all! and i'm SO FRICKIN BORED HERE! Mini-me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No.2: Okay, well i'll go get everything sorted. Dr Evil: Yes....Muhuhuhahaha Now "Doom will approach the Kingdom of Shroom!" [i]An eary silence haunts teh base as everyone looks at him with a wierd sense O.o[/i] Dr Evil: No? Not even a titter? No? Anyway, to Mushroom!
Hey, this is the picture i chose for my profile :D
Sorry I'm so late everyone! Dammit, grr homework, anyway! __________________ [i]As Dr Evil sat in his lair, stroking mini-me's head as if he was a cat. He shouted at the top of his lungs:[/i] Dr Evil: Scotty-doo! Hey Scotty! Get mini-me some "chocola" [i]As his voice changed to that of a dodgey frenchmen, Scott replied with anger.[/i] Scott: Hell no, send the lil' freak to get it himself! It's only on the table! [i]As Dr Evil closes Mini-me's ears he is enraged at Scott's insult to poor mini-me[/i] Dr Evil: Boo-Frickety-Hoo, now bring the frickin' chocolate over! Or Mini-me will bite your ankles! [i]Mini-me leans forward to snarl at Scott with chocolate splattered up his face, when he leans to far and falls flat on his face.[/i] Dr Evil: Oh poor little mini-me! You want a biscuit? okay. Number 2!!!! No.2: Yes sir Dr Evil: Biscuit No.2: right away. [i] Dr Evil looks out his window at the land bellow and switches on the TV[/i] "News just in......A new type of blood found when a minor earthquake found a mythical human, as the commander told Janney Jones reporting for Sk........." [i]The TV is switched off before it can finish[/i] Dr Evil: Excellent....Muhuhuhahahaha MUHUHUHHAHAHA! *pinky to lip*
[i]This poem was inspired by the film Vanilla Sky[/i] [b]Break Free[/b] I want to break free From this cage concealing me Is this a dream or is this reality? Everything I see, the blue sky and sea Makes me want to break free from this cage concealing me The things I touch, the emotions I feel Are they there? Are they real? Is my mind distorting the surroundings around me? I want to break free From this cage concealing me I must...break free
I had a dream that i was killing D_A and he was all shouting and stuff and the boards were like circled around me in a cylinder around me, and on the walls of teh cylinder i could read all the posts and stuff. Then Dragon Warrior jumps out of one of his Goatman posts and starts making loads of jokes about D_A dieing (sp?). Then Starlight's RPG character (Karina) Jumps from our RPG Destiny: Revenge will be ours. She then started stabbing D_A and i pulled out a Samaria sword and stabbed him in teh face. Then a really nice babe model (i think it was Jorden the super model) jumped in and started to strip, so me, Dragon Warrior and Aries (for some reason Aries and Herman/Shift and Phsycotik/Reverence>> appeared beside me :s) we all watched Jordan strip and then a big explosion happened and i landded in Argyle Street ( A main street in Glasgow) and then i went into Burger King and when i opened my Whopper i saw The One's face (it was really his Buu avatar, but it was representing him for some reason :s dont ask how, it just felt as if it was him.) and so i ate him. and then i woke up by my brother who rattled a deodarant can off my head. That is an insite to me and my Phsycotik mind :D
Wolf: Right...Well let's set up here then. Visor: Yeah, I'll leave a fire ball burining for a lantern ;) [i] Everyone un-tangles the layers and layers of bondage around there buldging bag and finaly find sleeping bags. They all settle down and the fire ball is blow out by Karina's breath, as cold as ice. The morning arose, the sun perched perfectly on the mountains at the left of the cave. Visor was first to arise and jumped to his feet shouting.[/i] Visor: Bah! What the hell! What you do that for?!?!?!?! [i] Everyone wakes up from the noise, all puzzled and annoyed, they showed this with a ratehr loud grunt[/i] Valen: And why are you shouting? Visor: Grrr! Damn Tyron, shouting in my head! *impernonates Tyron* "Get up, Get up! You'll be late! Better Hurry" Stupid human being! Wolf: We best listen to him Karina: He's right [i] So they all get freshend up and head to the next beast![/i]
Very good! Very good technigues, it effects the reader as you can see, and thats what your were aiming for, to feel what the author is feeling, very good! actualy..great!
This is a Comedy Poem I created when i was bored in my Maths Class in the Winetr there and I thought I would post it. It isn't the best, but anyway: [b]Ol' Saint Nick[/b] As I came in from work and smoked some grass, On this Eve I settled down to a nice piece of *** When all of a sudden there was a tipper-tapper on the roof It was not of a man, it was of a hoof It was Santa, but he couldn't fit down the chimney, for he was too fat The noises on the roof, was like the scurrying of a rat So they greased him up And the butter I did smell Then finally he rumbled down, like a bat out of hell! As he trampled about, he found nothing at all Until he found some stockings hung on the wall The first one read "Property of Dill's" My junkie little bro, so Santa gave him some pills In the next stocking he put in, a big rubber D*ck But, this I did fear For it was my big brother, "Robert the Queer" As he stumbled to the door he tripped over the Tree I ran down the stairs to smell the stench of pee Santa sat there drunk to the brunk, smelling like a skunk This was not a good sight He gave me some cheek, so I was ready for a fight But as I rolled up my sleeves he whisked away on his sleigh, shouting: "Merry Christmas To All, And Your Mum, Was Sh*te!"
This is a rap I am working on, and yes I am not stupid I do know this is the poetry and fan fic section, but I consider this rap, more of a poem, for I haven?t really added a beat to it, only a rhythm, and because it is a rap, it does swear, and if this rap insults anyone then I am sorry, its just my feelings right now. All these moshers masturbating, hallucinating, over Satan, Creating more of these mosher pricks and every single one of them has a half inch d*ck. They sweep through the night as if there Batman The way to sort them out, is to pull them in a Transit Van Kick the sh*t out of them Stab them in the face Clean up the blood, 'cause you don?t wanna leave a murder trace They sneak into the horse?s stable Cut its head of, and sacrifice it on the kitchen table Shouting to the floor: Satan I'm Your B*tch! 666 Now can I suck your big red d*ck?!? _________________________________ That is all I have did just now, and if people are offended by this, sorry, it's just, well people around my end are different than most people, this isn?t the majority this rap/poem is about, its the minority!
Are you scottish by any chance (like me! :D and proud of it) For you talked of Sean Connery and Billy Connely (my hero :D Funniest guy...EVER!!) I love them btw, very good, they do sounds liek a rap, thats why i like them more :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]My bro bought it and i dont know why :D [/B][/QUOTE] ?? Is Vice City Already Out In The Netherlands?!?!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shift [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1]I'll enjoy this game ^_^ But unlike my friend Solid Snake, I [b]will[/b] be buying this for the violence. It sounds [b]AWESOME![/b] Well anyway, I must get back to Otaku work! :blowingup .:Shift:.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] You tell him my brother! I also am buying it for the VIOLENCE! oh so many weapons :drool:! :D Can;t wait till October, There is about 10 games I have on my " Games I [I]NEED![/I] For My PS2" List. Also Getaway looks a very sweet deal too! and of coarse...Shinobi *mumbles*[SIZE=1]and The Two Towers![/SIZE]
OOC: Most of the characters I wanted to go are picked then I saw good old Dr Evil *lifts pinkie to lip* __________________ [b]Character Name:[/b] Dr Evil [b]Reason For Choosing Character:[/b] I have seen all 3 Austin Powers movies. I have saw the 1st one 5 times the second 6 and the 3rd 2. I always think Dr Evil and Mini-Me are the funniest characters in the films, but Goldmemeber is cool too. So is Fat Bastard, anyway I know most of his likes and dislikes, I know his bio easily I even know his real name! Before it was in the 3rd movie. So Dougie is my choice :p [b]Knowledge of Character:[/b] As I said in the last column I know alot about Dr Evil and Mini-me and most of the Austin Powers crew. I know all the words to the songs and I can even nearly role-play the whole of Dr Evil?s lines in the 2nd film. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Dr Evil?s Base
Okay, Thank you very much for that ;)
Hmmmmm. Not too shabby, well done. Although teh head looks a little bit, off. I dunno what it is. But still very good!
Wow! Nice! Very Nice! amsing actualy! very very well done! i especialy like teh Surveillance bit! *thumbs up*
That is soo cool! i love the quote, and the sniper target is great! Well done, amasing like all your other peices!
Yeah it is actualy pretty cool looking at it again. I used to have Corla, but that was when i was liek 11 and not into making anything At ALL! lol. Anyway, nice!
I think its, okay. I think it looks like 70's tacky wallpaper or something. Dont ask me why, it just does. Anyway, as i said, its okay, I'm not beaing nasty or nothing, i dont like nasty peeps! lol
Like everyone slse ahs said, there GREAT! I love the Sig your using. I have Flash, but cant get teh hang of it :( Everyone says it's easy, but not for me :bawl: Anyway well done, i love all three!!!
I like The Jimi one and The 2nd Green Goblin one, The rest are, meh! The Akira one is okay, i geuss.
Just as everyone else has said. It honestly ROXORS! Well done mate. Very quality! (sorry Glasgow Banter) Translation: Very Quality/Mental = Very Cool!