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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Ok sorry for the delay, yesterday OB wasnt working for me :bawl: anyway its working now, so here is my sign up! ___________________________ Name: Tauric Age: 19 Height: 7"8 Weight: 700 lbs. Eyes: Deep, raging [COLOR=red]RED[/COLOR] Hair: (See description) Race: Tauricous Class: Gaurd/Body Gaurd and Predator (never gives up when in search from something ro someone) Description: He is a type of Minatuar, and is very vicious to ones he hates or people who betray or annoy him! But is a very, VERY courageous and protective friend. (See attachment for Picture) Spells: Earthquake erupt - He lifts his battle axe above him and electric charges around his axe, a blue aura glows of it and then he slams it off the floor making a huge eruption and crack and follows the target until it engulfs the target and electrocutes it. Fire Tackle - He bends down and rests one hand on the floor and his horns glow neon red, he runs at the target at the speed of light with flames trailing and tackles it with his horns then pulls them and flips them in the air (usually to attack in the air, or drop on his knee or to flick off the edge of something) Axe attack - His axe is raised and fire emerges around it and he brings it down onto the target to produce serious damage, the flames make it worst! Equipment: Weapons: Battle axe, Himself Armor: A sckull on his left shoulder Clothing: (See attachment) Symbol: A bulls head with huge horns (a tattoo accross his back)
  2. Yeah, ive read some DB and Dr Slump manga, but i havent actuly watched them
  3. Yes, i know, sorry :( its just i was typing fast for i had to go do something, sorry :bawl:. Oops off topic! Anyway i think this is a great thead :p realy funny stuff hear! and you get to learn about other people too! What more could you ask for? lol
  4. Well this one isnt about fmaily, but it was so funny, my Maths teacher (well at teh time) Was Mrs Taylor, she is a cool teacher, lets you play with rubix cubes and stuff instead of doing maths... Everyone: -_- Shinobi: What its better tann maths!!!!! Anwyay, we were all having a laugh ripping teh crap out of fellow class mates ( me and my mate Scott were doing it teh most) teh whole class was in fits, when Mrs Taylor (an old-ish woman, tahst fata nd round with grey-ish hair in an afro type style) Stood up to go look how people were doing with maths, she stood up will talking to my freind Scott, her foot clipped teh table leg and she flew flat on her face, rolled 3 times tehn jumped up brushing ehrself off at teh speed of light, no one laughed incase they got inot trouble or she was hurt but i couldnt resist i burst out laughing (teh loudest i ever have) and everyone turned to me in shock iw as rolling aroudn teh floor laughing for teh rest of teh perioid (half an hour nearly) and everyone said my face was purple with laughter. Im starting to laugh visulising it again in my ehad :rotflmao: Me and my dad always have a laugh but liek Cera said, it has to be told oraly :p **Edit** I remembered one! I was going to a football game (soccer) and we were in the car, waiting to get inro the car park, my dad rolled down my brotehres window (electricly, he was in teh passangers seat) and my dad looked at me (in the back seat) and i shouted (ina voice like my big brotehrs) " OI YOU YA POLICEMAN YOUR A PRICK!" and teh police man turned round and saw my big brothers windo downa dn i pointed to my big brotehr, teh police man walked over but my dad just drove away :laugh: my big bro thaught he was gonna get into big tyrouble lol!
  5. [I] They run away from the demons, but the laugh still haunts them, escpecialy Visor. He tell's the rest about thw sword of justice, and how Visor must get it to defeat Dymonoc[/I] Valen: Hold up! Why you Visor? "Tell Valen, you are the only one with me in your heart, and i'm stronger than ever, soa re you Visor, actualy, All of you! Buts you must do it for you have more rage in your heart to defeat these demons" [I] Visor repeats what Tyron told him and they all under stand[/I] Wolf: Hmmmmmm, I see. Valen: Ok, i get it, we weill certianly hlp you in battle, all the way Karina: Hell yeah! Only promise one thing? Visor: Sure, what? Karina: To fill us in on what Tyron is saying! Visor: Heh, sure! [I] They now travel to fight the monsters of elements, As they emerge to teh first element, Fire.[/I] Wolf: things are gonna hotten up, you better be ready Visor Visor: *nods* Karina: Hold on before you fight! [I] Karina heals Visor to maximum power[/I] Visor: NO!!!!! you need to keep that to resurect Tyron! "It's ok! she will have enough for the time i want to come back! She's is tough, It's ok!" Visor: Ok *tells teh rest what Tyron said* Karina: :blush: ???: WHO DARE DISTURBS ME AND TRESSPASSES ON MY GROUND!?!?! Visor: ME! i shall fight you, slay you, and then travel to the next element! ???: HA HA HA! BRING IT ON!!!!!
  6. [I] As Visor hears Tyron in his heart, he remembers how he thaught of his mum on that day and is furious! He draws his Samaria, everything is a blur except his targat, evryones voices are low pitched and in slow motion.[/I] Tyron: Use the rage, Visor! [I] he leaps in the air at flash like speed, and a gash from Dymonoc's head to thigh in a diagonal appeared. He noticed at teh last minute but it was too late. He landed in teh same spot the only difrence was his Samaria drawen, with a dark, black blood flowing from it. He turns to teh others and says[/I] Visor: Tyron can speak to me! in my heart! he told me to: "Use the force *cough *ahem*.......rage, Visor!" Everyone: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Wolf: well anyway! you killed him good! Visor: Yeah! Damn dirty Filth! [I] The :devil: is standing tall and proud laughing with no care in teh world[/I]
  7. OCC: Wolf i made you a banner i tried to PM you but your box is full, check it out in the Banner Request Thread, Sorry i had to tell him ___________________________ Visor: SH*T! THERE THEY ARE [I] They all skid to a stop. Visor pulls Karina and Tyron who grab Wolf anf Valen. Visor had leaped into a small ditch were he saw a small child run about in while he was telling his jokes. Wolf lent against the wood that was behind him and it broke, he find himself in a dark tunnel with light pouring in from a small hole at a diagonal infron of him, then the light gets blocked by something and then the whole tunnel is luminated by a flame from Visor's hand and everyone jumps down into teh tunnel [/I] Wolf: Great! i think this is a secrect under pass to all the houses! Visor: I saw a lil' kid up there in the ditch, but i thaought it was only a ditch, this might just save our lives! Tyron: Great, lets scrurry fast to out of town. [I] Karina nods and so does Valen. The group crawl everywhere with Wolf and Visor leading (Wolf, becuase he was first down and Visor for teh light). They finaly see a small hatch above then they burst through to find they are in a beutiful valley![/I] Everyone: Awwwwww WOW :wow: Valen: B...b...b...But we didnt see this, earlier! Why? [I] Tyron, Visor and Karina look at each other with puzzled faces, they look down to see the town about a mile off, down a long hill, suddenly Visor, Tyron and Karina nod and sprint to teh edge of teh hill and jump to be forced back by a force filad of some kind[/I] Visor: I knew it! Tyron: Mhhhh Hmmmmm Karina: Yup, this is a special valley, these towns people keep secrect! Wolf: Actualy! that old man said he learned his Love Cannon in a special valley not to be told of! Valen: :smirk: We might learn some new tricks as well, Demons :D [I] The group walk forward down to a hug water fall and beyond...[/I]
  8. [I] Visor was looking for some food (as he always does) and saw a man, annoying everyone with pitiful little jokes, Visor walks over.[/I] Visor: Damn Man! That teh best you got? Unfunny Man: Phhhhhht and your trying to say taht you can do better than that? I mean, you know what they say...All braun, no brain! [I]turns to teh crowed laughing, the crowd stare in amazment that the Man actualy think that counts as a joke, the man clears his throat and looks at Visor[/I] Man: Fine then! lets ahve a humor showdown! Voice in crowd: Finaly he said something interesting! Visor: Ok, although it wont be too hard, i mean you were laughing for 10 minutes at a "why did the chicken cross teh road joke" Crowd: Hahah, he seems pretty funny, Yeah go....Whats your name boy? Visor: Visor ;) Visor: And then he said, that wasnt my Mum, that was my dog, Ruffus! Crowd: :laugh: [/I] The man kicks teh floor and stands growling at Visor[/I] Man: Ok! O.K! Here is my big finaly! What did the Cookie, say to his brotehr when his dad got ran over by a car? Crowd (in a bored, moanaful way): Dont know *sigh* Man: Oh Crumbs! [I] A ball of hey rolls by and teh crowd stare at him in disgust.[/I] Crowd: O.o Man: *sweatdrop* Crowd: Booooooo! [I] The crowd started to throw old rotten vegetable, stones and 5 breeds of dogs at teh man while he ran into his house at the edge of teh street[/I] Crowd: Visor is teh new, And much funnier, Town Funny Man! [I] The crowd carry Visor off down the market shouting "New Town Funny Man...Visor!" In teh distance Tyron heard his brothers name, He ran to were he heard it, and saw and heard what teh commotion was all about[/I] Tyron: *Walks up on the stage that was in the square werw everyone rushed to see what teh commotion was about* Well done Visor, Knowing you, you would do that, ha ha! Visor: Thanks bro! Tyron: I have something to show you! Visor: Realy? Ok well lets do it over lunch *claps hands* Lunch Please! [I] 4 people rush to his service, grabbing a near by table, chairs and cloth and places them infornt of them, they both order what they want and Tyron places his bag on the table[/I]
  9. [I] Visor looks in disgusts at they dissapear, he see's Wolf on his knee's while a dear ran down his high jaw line and wetted the fur in it's path. Visor looks at teh remains of teh bodies, then at Tyron, Tyron knows what Visor is feeling, he is remembering what he was like when his Mum died.[/I] Visor: Wolf, take your rage out on them in battle! Wolf: :flaming: Tyron: *touching his shoulder*We know, it's very ahrd, escpecialy in these circumstances, you just met them. Valen: :smirk: Visor: Why The Hell Are You Smirking?!?! *raises hand to hit him* Valen: I know how we can bring them back! Wolf: Shut Up! Your making it worst! Valen: No! Realy! I Do! [I] Valen then looks at Karina, who is sitting, legs crossed, with her eyes bubbling with tears. Karina looks at him with anger and curiosity at teh same time.[/I] Valen: Remember, when Visor created the emense power with his rage, and he didn't even know how to use magic!? Well, i think, if Karina uses her healing power but with her rage, she might be able to revive teh dead! Visor: Um.....I dunno, *rubs chin* It might just work! Tyron: Im in doubt, but it's up to wolf, and of coarse Karina [I] Karina still doesnt say anything, she just looks at her hands as a tear streams down ehr fast adn splashes in her palm, she rises and talks over to Angle first. She touches the remains of Angel and shudders at the thought of the quick pain she went through, and didn't even know what happened. Karina looks at the rotting carcas, all ready with flies hovering. She places her hand on what was Angel's chest and thinks of hows Wolf was so happy when he saw them again, and of when Angel went and hugged her dad. While she is remembering a yellow mist circles her hand and raises right up her arm, with sparks bursting and glinting, and then Karina opens her eyes and screams! she arches back and her eyes are wide open. The body starts to heal up and bones fly from nowere and return to teh corps. Karina falls forward and lets go of teh body and falls to teh side unconcious. Everyone runs over, Valen helps up Karina, Wolf heads straight for Angel, Tyron adn Visor stand back to leave room for Wolf, Angel, Valen and Karina.[/I] Angel: *splutter* *cough, opens eyes* D....D....D...Daddy? *keeps blinking for the light is burning ehr retna's* Am......am.....I back? [I] Wolf doesnt answer but just hugs his revived daughter. The next day Karina final awakes from her uncounciosness.[/I] Karina: *jumps to her feet* DID IT WORK?!?! Angel: Yes I am forever greatful *hugs Karina* Wolf: For so am I *bows* Karina: Great! Did you keep the others cover? It takes alot out of me, but, it's worth it. Visor: Yeah, your great Karina Karina: Thanks Valen: And yes, covered by Tyron's cape is Lena and the boy, with a nice thick bush found near by. Karina: GREAT! well I'll try again *rubs hands together* But this time, can some one catch me, ah my head was sore after it hit a rock *rubs head* Wolf: Thanks again, although, may you do my wife this time? Karina: Sure! Well i'll try ;) Wolf: Thank you ever so much. [I] Karina did so, for Lena and after that, did so with Lupus too. The same as Angel, were all forever thankful. Karina, is now much stronger, and does not faint after she proceeds with the reviving, although can hardly move afterwards, but is still concious. After this Visor, Tyron, Valen and Wolf, build a new home for his revived family and stay a little longer, alough must leave soon for teh evil is purer and darker, once more[/I]
  10. Visor: No problem, I mean, it's your family for god sake's! [I] Visor looks at Tyron, then looks at his feet, thinking of his Mum, Tyron thinks teh same[/I] Tyron: Yeah, come on, To.....um......were are we actualy going wolf? Wolf: Don't worry I'll lead teh way. Valen: Ok, at least I can have a rest and don't have to read maps anymore. Karina: Yeah, hee hee Visor: Come on Lads, Ladys and......Er.....Wolf Princes :p Everyone: :laugh:
  11. Ah yes, Well, im scared now! lol j/k it pretty good although your grammar is wrong, you said: I didn't had friends it should be: I didn't [B]Have[/B] friends if you fixed that, pretty good *thumbs up*
  12. Visor: Hmmmm, I See. Tyron: Yes, Well I Knew That, :smirk: Valen: Yes but Karina and Visor didn't! Visor: Well, I shall only use mine when against evil, you know I would never use my summons on you lot *lloks at everyone and down teh alley to teh room were Wolf is* Valen: Yeah, Better Not! not for our sakes, for yours! Visor: Chill! I know, you know i wouldnt, why the hell would i want to kill people that kept me alive! Valen: *shrugs*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Burned CD's I find useless. I mean, even when you burn a CD of a band you wanted, it still would leave me longing for the real thing. I can't even burn CD's on this computer, so I have my friends do it for me. The only burned CD's I have are full of songs that aren't released on CD's. Other than that I just get the real thing. That way you get what you want and you also help keep that band in business.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, most of the cd's i burn are a compulation, I've actualy only burned albums for my friends, i just listen to all teh songs on my computer, so thats why i don't realy burn albums, i only buirn compulations, and such. :D
  14. :|.......dude! this better not me SheepMan if it is you just copied Dragon Warrior lol, sounds pretty funny though lol Supper Sheep! Nananananananananananananananana Super Sheep, Super Sheep......SUPER SHEEP! (nanana..etc was supposed to be teh batman music, i bet evryone will not get that and think im cra...well taht true but back to teh post!) um.....yeah....well.....i think it might be funny, if it aint, they'll be trouble *shakes fist* 'Cause you know i love my comedy! lol
  15. LMAO! too good! lol, stoopid Arch! I luv the commercials! lol i think you should make your own post of funny commercials lmao!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GriffXL [/i] [B]thats for the gamecube.There will be one on the ps2 but thats just fighting.It sounds pretty cool to me. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I saw this thing on TV once, it showed you part of the game, looked liek a sweet deal! i didnt know it was coming out on teh X-Box though. Ah well, im going to check out icg.com and look there :D
  17. OCC: ok, but i asked Dark_Apocalyps and he said it was fine:(! Oh well, *sigh* I'll just go delete every post except this one. This was realy cool too.
  18. Real Name: Mick Denny Hero Name: Onslaught Age: 500 (See Bio) Occupation: Unemployed (To busy planning to and saving the day) Appearance: [URL=http://www.marvel.com/comics/bios/xtras/bio_images/onslaught.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Height: 10" (in Onslaugh form) 6"5 (Mick Denny) Weight: 900 lbs (Onslaught Form) 350 lbs (Mick Denny) Eyes: Feild of Red (Onslaught) Light Blue (Mick Denny) Hair: None (Onsluaght) Shaved, Brown (Mick Denny) Powers: Onslaught possessed the combined mutant abilities of progenitors Professor X and Magneto. He could induce illusions, temporary mental or physical paralysis, loss of specific memories, or total amnesia; project mind-numbing mental bolts; and sense the presence of mutants within a small radius. Also, Onslaught was able to shape and manipulate magnetic fields, both natural and artificial. Using his powers to augment his strength, he could lift up to 100 tons. Other abilities included telekinesis and astral projection. Bio: Onslaugh was a prisoner on a planet were only Mutants lived, although even back then, it still wasnt harmony, Great Ancestors of Magneto and Professor X lived in these times. Onslaugh is a spirit, released when both ancestors of the two Mutant Powers were in battle. Proffessor X's ancestor took over the mind of Megneto's ancestor, but teh plan backfired and the Power of these two was too entence, Proffessor X's ancesors control broke free and Megneto's ancestor's rage, broke free too, creating a spirit! Now one knew about this until, for the first time, after lying dorment for 470 years, being passed down by Genes to Generation after Generation it ended up with Professor X as we know him. A mutant was killed by an Anti-Mutant group of humans just outside of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, this, for teh first time ever, made Proffesor X enraged, Awakeing Onslaught. He was finaly braught to flesh and not a spirit anymore, he faught the evil of the Magento timeline inside of him, and went to teh good side of Xavier, for now...
  19. [I] Tyron in fighting stance is waiting for him to attck, at that Tyron felt a swift breeze over his face then the next thing he knows is he's lying on top of rubble[/I] Karina: Wha? He said a light fight! W M: That was! Visor: :D GREAT! your coming with us! Valen: :smirk: [I]after Tyron picks himself up, and shakes his head, then wipes all teh dust and muck off of him[/I] Tyron: Man, Your good! I didn't even see you coming! W M: :blush: *mumbles* Amatuers
  20. [I] Tyron takes a swipe at Lacroix's head, but Lacroix bends back to find Visor, pulling back his Samaria sword to slash at him, Lacroix pulls up quickly and half of Lacroix's trench coat is now cut off.[/I] Visor: Damn [I]Visor puts his Smararia away and pulls out his nunchucks to find Lacroix and Tyron scuffling on teh floor. Visor takes a swift look at Karina and Valen to see how they are holding up against Tristam, or how Tristam is holding up to them. He then goes up to the two bodys on teh floor swinging his nunchucks from left to right in a circular motion, Lacroix jumps up to punch Visor's face, but pulls back fast as the nunchucks clipped his knuckles which are now gushing with blood. Lacroix licks up the blood from his hand[/I] Lacroix: Yum! :devil: Tyron: Animal! [I] And throws a powerful punch to the gut, as Lacroix is bent over Tyron's fist, Visor sweeps his legs away and pulls out his Samaria and points it to his neck.[/I] Visor: This is your Fate! [I] As Visor pulls back his Samaria to finish him off, Lacroix throws acid in his eyes from a small bottle, lucky he blocked it with his arm but his forearm is now sizziling and burning.[/I] Tyron: YOU DIRTY RAT! EVERY DIRTY TRICK IN THE BOOK! [I] Tyron lunges at him, with great speed and power[/I]
  21. [I] Valen and Karina team up to fight Tristam, and Visor and Tyron, on Lacroix [/I] Tyron to Karina and Valen (telepathic): Work as a team, die as a team! Be Proud of each other [I] Evryone nods to there teams mates[/I] Tristam: Let the handicaps...BEGIN!
  22. [I] Visor, after congratualting Tyron for his quick thinking, pulls his nunchucks from his belt, and wraps them round Indrids neck.[/I] Visor: While the rest can't jump me from behind might as well finish you off. [I] Visor then looks back at Indrids face, now purple in color and veins very easily seen. Visor mumbles something and sharply pulls to one side[/I] *SNAP* Visor: Ha, Too Eas..... Lacroix: Never brag with your guard down [I] Visor picks himself off of the floor[/I] Visor: *To himself* Nooo! My Samaria! It must have fell out its case. [I] Visor spots a glimmer on the floor, and looks to see Tyron and Karina coming up from teh bank of teh river, Visor signels to Tyron[/I] Visor: Tyron! TEAMWORK! SWITCH! [I] Tyron baffled for a small mili-second, then comes to his sences and throws his Phantom Blade to Visor and runs to sweep up Visor Samria from teh ground[/I] Visor: o0o, comfy! [I]Tyron sneaks up to Lacroix and jumps on his back, thrusting the Samria threw his stumoch, then Visor, with teh Phantom Blade glowing, slashes his throat[/I] Visor: YEAH! [I] But Lacroix laughs, and grins evily[/I] Lacroix: Fools! If yoy faught me, wore me down, made me tired, I'd be dead, but, no no no, I've still got lots of energy left. Muhuhahaha [I] Lacroix lifts his shirt and screams, then the wound suddenly heals, the wound on his throat seals back up and the blood dissapears[/I] Lacroix: :devil: Visor: Wha? But....but....but Tyron: Oh No. [I] Tyron, enraged by this shouts in to himself[/I] Tyron: Ahhhhhhh! How Can This BEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Visor: Tyron? I can hear you but can't see you talking, whoah! everything is in slow mostion! Tyron: We...we...we must be telepathicly communicating, COOL! Visor: Great, we can plan from here, Oh no, better do it quick he's taking a swing at me! Tyron: Well, he has not alot of energy left, but taht doesnt mean he's not strong, use a magic attack while a plan an attack on him Visor: Right! [I] Suddenly Visor ducks at an amazing speed, (so lacroix thinks, it's just beacuase he say his fist coming in slow motion) motion is normal now, and Visor puts both hands in the air, his arms stretched as far as they can go[/I] Visor: Flaming Tornado! [I] a huge tonado of flames emrges from Visors palms, and grows in teh air, it bends over and suck Lacroix up and spoits him out again, he is now buring, but a flashing bubble goes round him, and he is perfect agin, he is about to laugh when, Tyron jumps from a tree[/I] Tyron: Visor! My Phantom Blade [I] Visor throughs it to Tyron, Tyron catches it and points the top of it to Lacroix's head, at this Lacroix is turing round, to see who the phantom blade reached and if it did, who is bearing it.[/I]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]Alright, after seeing all the replies i must comment... Damn some people really need to learn money management... half the things you guys buy can be stolen freely on the internet lol... [/B][/QUOTE] You tell them my brother! lol Yeah, i dont but cd's anymore, at all, since if got KaZaA and a cd burner, what mroe do you need, I'm starting to stop buying DVD's now because I have Broad Band i can downlaod Movies real fast and i have a thing that lets me covert it, so i can watch it on my DVD player :D *kisses KaZaA* Also, i just baught a hat online, its an LA Dodgers one and it has my name embroidered across teh abck, it's o cool, and 'cause i live in UK i thot it would take forever to get over, but its coming on Monday :D. Phhhhhht who need's NY hats when you have an LA one :p
  24. Visor: I don't care! I'm going, I would rather die trying, than let them inesent people die, then die after their dead! [I] Visor stroms away on his trip, to the new city, but Tyron pulls him back[/I] Tyron: No! if you die it'll be only me *back hand slaps Visor* Don't go, for me!? Visor: Fine! but when were better, and meet up with them again I fighting first!
  25. Visor: Yup, Nor me big guy. I aint goin in there myself unless you've got a plan on getting me out. [I] Visor then thinks of all the people dying over in the city, he falls to his kness[/I] Visor: GAHHHHH! I'll do it! Grrrr, So what's the plan?
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