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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. [I]The next scene isn't a huge fight of the Mobilns and our heros, it is in a large office, with a man on a computing with a toothpick in his mouth[/I] Receptionist: Excuse me Agent Smith, there is a call for you. Smith: Ok, put them through. [I] At this Gary comes on the phone in his office [/I] Gary: Hey Smith, you gotta check this out, there is a being in the city, I didn't think i had to call you but, WHOAH, freaky stuff is happening down here, you need to come quick. Smith: Yeah, yeah, Alien Shmalien! it'll be another oen of thoses pranks Gary: No sir, this is for real. Smith: Right, i'll be down in a minute [I]At that in 15 minutes Smith is in teh middle of the street and walks over to teh woods, when a [size=3] HUGE [/size] creature emerges from the forest, at this Smith takes his shades off in amazement[/I] Smith: WTF is that??? Gary: I...I...I...I dont know, sir
  2. Name: Agent Smith age: 25 Good or bad: not just bad.....EVIL :devil: weapons: Desert Eagle, Shotgun, Knife and contacts that are very dangerous people Descripyion: He has long Black hair but pulled back in a quif, with a black suit and contacting earpiece. check out what he kinda looks like except teh hair, [URL=http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/img/hugo2.jpeg]Here[/URL] personallity: He is one of the main FBI agents, he is a very dangerous man when you get on the wrong side of him.
  3. Yup, it's gonna suck, it would b realy good if they made it like how Final Fantasy turned out :D, but its never gonna happen. Also people were saying how will they make Piccolo green?, Hey take a look at The Hulk, that looks sweet and they made him green! but i hear what yall are saying, and yup it gonna suk big syle. I wish they would just animate it. Why they gonna ruin this?, Also were i live, i'll go and see it and there will be screaming children everywhere, DBZ aint a very populare thing with my age, i dunno why, its aimed at us, anyway enough of the blabbering, its gonna suck :p
  4. [I]As Visor see's out the corner of his eye, Tyron is ready to turn and pounce on "the follower". Visor pulls him.[/I] Visor: hey you and Valen might be up for another battle, but I'm not, can we mabe rest tonight and set camp here? Tyron & Valen: Ok, since you and Karina took most of the blast. [I]They find some logs to perch on, at this Visor, using his new found talent, puts his hand over a bundle of sticks and starts a fire. [/I] Visor: o0o, just remembered! [I] at this he rumages in his sack that was tied to his belt. And pulls out a, beaten, fox, but a fox all the same.[/I] Tyron & Valen: o0o, GRUB!! [I] there was not much talking as they ate, for it has been a day or 2 since they have. When they did speak there speach was muffled and sloppy with the meat. After their stumochs were filled, they rested only for a short while as Valen heard a noise[/I] Valen: Yo, guys! i heard a noise we better get ready incase of an attack. [I]Tyron jumped to alert, although Visor dragged himself up then slapped himself to awake.[/I] [I]Visor Spots a siloet through the bushes behind them as the sun's raise burst though, Visor, alerts the rest of the gang. At that the siloet burts from the bushes![/I]
  5. i didnt say he woudld b up with god i said teh people killed will b up with god
  6. [I] A huge Tornado Of Fire raises high into the air, then spins furiously and shoots thin, sharp iceicles at our enimies.[/I] Tristam: MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAaa [I] Tristam raises his hand infront of him, and the iceicles bounce and break off an invisible sheild he holds infront of him.[/I] Tristam: Awwwwwww and that was an attack his rage behind it? Hahahahahaha! Lacriox: Well what a powerfull spell. Hahaha
  7. [I]As they all prepare for battle, Visor looks deep into his soul and gets a flash back of what he thinks happened.[/I] Mother: Quick evryone my sons built this hide-out for me when a hurricane should occur, mabey we should try it against that....Monster. The Mayor: Yes everyone get to the hide-ou.... [I]The mayor never finished that senctance as there was a huge hand through his stumoch. As the mayor fell to his knees there is Lacroix standing grinning with an evil twinkle in his eyes.[/I] Mother: Oh my lord! [I] As see runs into the house and try to make it to the hide-out, but never made it[/I] Visor: *angrly grunts* :flaming: [I] Starts shaking intensly[/I] Valen: Don't fail on us now Visor! [I] Tyron looks down to see his brother in a state[/I] Tyron: *wonders to himself* What is up with hi.....oh, but, he can't! [I] as Tyron finishes the sentance. Visor's hands start glowing a dark oragnge[/I] Tyron: But how did he learn that? Valen: Wha? What teh hell us up with you??? Visor!?! [I] The glowing grows more and more intense, until finaly the 3 enemies turn the corner to face our hero's[/I]
  8. [I]As they are walking closer and closer to the door, Tyron turns to his left to find Valen sweating.[/I] Tyron: Valen, Sup? Valen: I'm thinking of, what's behind teh door, it could lead us to, another land, the King's Safe House or.........the "man in black's" hide out:( Tyron: Oh... [I]As Tyron turns to Visor at his right, Visor is :D humming a song. Suddenly Visor bursts into song![/I] Visor: WAR!.....HUH!.....Yeah! What is it good for, absaloutly nothing, Sing It Again Yall! [I] Tyron and Valen look at each other[/I] Tyron & Valen: O.o Visor: :blush: Did i say that out loud? Tyron: Damn right!!!!! Why are you so happy? Visor: I just remembered when you said "one day...... We will live with no war anymore. But that day wont be tomorrow. Not as long guys like them are around." And thought of that song. [I] Valen looks at Tyron, then Visor, Tyron does the same[/I] Everyone: :laugh: Tyron: Seriously, we better hurry up. *snigger snigger*
  9. [I]As they walk away Visor spys with his hawk like vison, a small door like shape on the side of a mountain about 1/2 a mile away.[/I] Visor: Guys, Over there *points to teh direction of the mountain* there is a door like shape on the mountain. I think we should check it out, what do you all think? Tyron: Deffinetly! Valen: *silence* [I] Valen is rubbing his chin in a, some what trance.[/I] Visor & Tyron: VALEN!!!! Valen: Hmmm....Wha? [I] Visor explaines again what he say[/I] Valen: Eh...Yeah, sure. Visor: What were you thinking about Valen? Valen: Well...If that guy, who nearly sliced you from ear to ear, was just infront of us in teh tunnel, then, he must have been, Lacroix! If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. When we arrived the Paladin was still alive, meaining, he was wounded not that long before we came. That MUST be him! Tyron: Well done Detective Valen Visor: Yeah, *mumbles something in a jelous manner* Valen: Anyway, the door!
  10. [I]As Valen rubs his nose and clings to his head, he leans aginst the wall, and feels sumthing stab into his kidney.[/I] Valen: WTF! AHHhh! Damn that was sore! Tyron: What!?! *looks around swiftly* I didn't do it! Honest! Valen: I know, it was something on the invisible wall. [I]As they all search the wall feeling everywhere Tyron turns to say to Visor and Valen that he gives up, but gets a sharp stab to the eye.[/I] Tyron: AH! my scar. *while holding his eye he grabs the thing that stabbed him, and falls suddenly forward* [I]Both, Visor, Tyron and Valen are falling down a pitch black staircase, lightened by flame torches on the walls.[/I] Visor: Well, I geuss we know what that spiky thing was. It must have been a secret handle to this....well....passage way. Tyron: *While still holding his eye* Phhht, piece of cake. Who needs that cowardly, good for nothing Achbalt. Valen: Yeah [I]Visor takes 3 torches off the walls, and hands one to Tyron and Valen. They travel down the long dark ally, pushing cob-webs and lose bricks aside.[/I] Tyron: So...this Lacroix guy. He must be pretty tough, but don't let that put you down guys, We'll take out Lacroix and "the man in black". Visor: Heh, you actually think he can stop ME! Visor! Tyron: Now, Visor, don't get too cocky, I don't know what I'd do if i lost you too. Visor: Yeah, Sorry...HEY! look *pionts ahead* Theres some light, natural light. [I]All of them drop thier torches and run for the light[/I]
  11. [I]Visor and Tyron walk forward to the main tower of Deilando[/I] Visor: Let's go in, I'm sure the King shall tell us what happened here. Tyron: Yeah sure. Although...What if he's, Dead? Visor: He won't be, he has the best warriors around these parts standing at his side. [I]They walk up the hundreds of staircases and finaly they reach, The King's Hall[/I] Visor: We're Here! Tyron: Remember, Kneel Before Him. Visor: Oh Yeah, Nearly Forgot *thinks of the fate if he did forget* *GULP**Holds his neck, sweatdrop* [I]They reach the King's thrown, but he is not there![/I] Visor: You don't think, "they things" got him too? [I]As soon as Visor finishes his sentance a scramble over in a dark corner!, Visor pulls out his Samaria Sword, and Tyron reaches for his Phantom blade. When they go closer, with mor precation they notice a small feeble person cowring in a ball.[/I] Visor: Who are you? ??: I'm the King's servant, Achbalt Tyron: Were is the King? Achbalt: He fled with his most trusted warriors, to his safe house! Visor: And that is...? [I] There is a long silence[/I] Achbalt: I can't say
  12. I Was Wacthing Spider-Man And A Certain Scene Made Me Remeber: [B]Terror[/B] I come in from school Such a delightful day I see the TV and it all fades away The twin towers, falling and crumbling People screaming, the rubble tumbling You can see the terror in thier eye Why, oh why must they people die So, Osama, F*ck Yo Momma You twsited mother F*cker That blood, splatted on the floor, that is of an inocent worker But now I'm Glad, and at piece of mind Because all of you are not living Now your up there living it large, With God up in Heaven Your away from Evil and Phyco freaks Who kill just for pleasure But when Osama dies Soem other freak, his body, will treasure
  13. I Was Wacthing Spider-Man And A Certain Scene Made Me Remeber: I come in from school Such a delightful day I see the TV and it all fades away The twin towers, falling and crumbling People screaming, the rubble tumbling You can see the terror in thier eye Why, oh why must they people die So, Osama, F*ck Yo Momma You twsited mother F*cker That blood, splatted on the floor, that is of an inocent worker But now I'm Glad, and at piece of mind Because all of you are not living Now your up there living it large, With God up in Heaven Your away from Evil and Phyco freaks Who kill just for pleasure But when Osama dies Some other freak, his body, will treasure
  14. Sorry Bout Double Posting Just Have To Add My Pic...In Attachment
  15. Name: Visor Age: 20 Alliance:Good Weapons: Samaria Sword, Nunchucks And Fists, Feet And Head Magical Element: Fire, Ice, Wind Bio: As A Young Boy He Was Trained By His Fatehr In The WAy Of The Martial Arts, And Grew Up And Has Faught Against The Evil That Has Came Near His Friends or Family. Appearances: Look At Attachment Personality: Has A Good SEnce Of Humor, Sticks Up For What He Belives In. Has Never Learned How To Give Up! Magic: Frozen Flaming Tornado
  16. Calm Down! Every Lets Just Get Along...And Anyway It wAsnt A Mistake....The End
  17. I Remeber Once On TV Bush Said: " The War Against Terrorism Is Not Against The Afghans (sp?) Indains And Packies It's Against The Terrorists" I Was So Shocked That He Actually Said A Rasist Word Live On TV!
  18. Well...I Haven't Broke Any Of My Bones (I'm Not Fat I'm Big And Strong Boned :p) Nah I Am VERY Big Built...HUGE shoulders And Arms... GIANT F*ck Off Thighs.. But I Am Alos Fat :( Only If I Lost All The Fat Then I would Actually Look So Buff :D Anway I Have Been Seriously Damaged! On My Bike I Nearly Broke My Arm, Toe, Back, And Leg (Long Story - Posted It On Here Before Ages Ago) Ive Had A Pencil Stuck In My Head...I Was Like About 7 And I Asked MY Dad To Tie My Shoelace...Although I Was Drawing At The Time (I Even Loved Drawing When I Was A Little Tatter Totter) And When My Dad Pulled My Laces To Make It Tight I Fell Backwards While Holding The Pencil In My Hand And It Got Stuck In My Forehead, All I Could See Was Blood. Ive Been Stabbed...Near My Area (Just Outside Glasgow, Scotland) Theres A Bit Were Loads Of Junkies Hang Around... The Place Is Called Carbrain...There Dead Trampy They Jump You, Usually Stab Ya, Steal Your Trainers, Jacket And What Ever Money You Have...But Once I HAD To Walk Threw There To Get A Bus And I Got Jumped Off A Guy Askin Fot My Money I Gave Him £1 (All I Had) When Then He Said "GEE ME MORE YA TIT OR AM STUFFIN THIS KNIFE THREW YER STOMACH YA D*CK" But I Didn't Have Anymore So *plundge* Through My Right Lung. Ran Into A Wall Twice (Busted Head) The Huges Bruise Ever Seen In My Life On My Knee ( It's True Big People Do Fall, Alot) And Hmmmmmmm Loads More But Cant Really Remember, Oh Well Oh Yeah...My Big Brother Beating On Me Alot e.g Hitting My Head Of Walls And Stuff...The Usual, But When I Get Angry I Totaly Kick His A*s. :D P.S. Remeber......FEAR DA SHEEP!
  19. LMAO!!! NO WAY! I'm from the UK and we havent really heard of Calvin and Hobbes but in school we had to do adn essay on a book out the school library and Calvina and Hobees *funny lil' blonde and tiger, just sitting there on the shelf* i had to take it and I had never heard of it before... What a Coinsedence
  20. Most of you will probablt know this but Fox are bringing out "THE" DBZ movie (not the movies that are already out e.g. Kooler's Revenge) this is brand new....I dunno if its gonna be censored, I hope it aint (but it will be) :mad: Anway if yall didnt know...you know now :p
  21. Do Any of Use Watch 2 Guys And A Girl : Well Pete Gets Attacked By A Baby Bear And His Body Is Bleeding But He Keep Saying "Lock Berg, I Oozing." LMAO :laugh: Its funny
  22. Ok......Yeah Blue Genders Right. I Mean Everyone Thinks Rap Is People Rapping About Drugs, Ho's, Sex...Well Your Wrong Like 2Pac For Instinse He Didn't Of Coarse He Did In Some Songs But Most He Didn't. And Rock Yeah Slipknot Are Sh*t So Is SoaD Theyt Just Shout For That Is Heavy Metal. But Groups Like Nickelback There Rock But Don't Shout, See? It's Just Stereotypes. What About Kid Rock...A Mixture And They Kickass! So Anyway... Enough Of The Stereotypesness And Well STOP THE DISSING ALREADY! Everyone Agree's That Slipknot and Soad Are Sh*t (Except Slipknot and SoaD Fans) Lets Leave It At That And Actualy Just Say Who's Your Fave RApper And Talk About Rap...Shall We?
  23. LOL yeah my other friend was just standing talking to me and this lil' cute dog came up and started like walking about our legs so i claped it and stuff then it went over to my friend and peed all over his leg then started....*clears throat*.....well......Let's just say it was Sexual Pleasuring his leg.:D I didnt tell him because this babe was walking by and she just burst out laughing at him and then he felt the pee on his leg and all he heard was *ruff ruff* lol it was so good, i did actually have a stumoch cramp for a day or something.:laugh:
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