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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Yes, of coarse Asuka, I agree. I am not dissing anyones music, It is just well everytime someone says Rap si sh*t and i say something about tehre music it's as if I'm teh only one taht lieks rap or somthing so anwyay teh piont I'm making is...Don't Diss Me, I Wont Diss You ;)
  2. Ok.......I guess yall dont like rap......Well most. Well that's fine but use cant go b*tching if we diss moshers, goths, punks, grundgers or skaters music ok? :)
  3. My most embarrising moment is involving a bike :D I was cycling along then my foot missed the pedal and my toe got stuck between the spokes of the bike (e.g. Stoping the bike while going at an alarming speed) I fliped over the handlebars with the bike following and my toe still in teh spokes then i landed with a huge THUD right on my arm then the bike landed on top of me :bawl: So i nearly broke my: Toe Leg Arm and my face was very very sore This was an embarrising thing for my friend not me. He was showing off on his bike and then teh crazy, HUGE, phyco dog next door sprinted out from teh back garden! My friend was leaning his @** over teh back tyre tempting teh dog to bite his butt, the dog was snapping at him but he was too fast on his bike then suddenly when tempting the dog his @** touched teh tyre (pulling his trousers and underwear down) so the dog was snapping at his bear butt while hes cycling about Shouting "F**king help me!" while me and my friends were LOAO (laughing our @**es off) up teh saftey of my fence Lol damn taht was funny!
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