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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Wow...15 months and you are one of the best artists i have seen! Amazing, utterly amazing! I need to agree with the arms, and i feel as if they are too darkly shaded, i'm not too sure but yeah, great work! Also, i believe your Manga - Gedden is brilliant! I think you should try and publish it!
  2. Wow only [b]ONE[/b] bit of critisims from the critisms queen - Magdalena! (No Offense if you take it that way). Seriously though, i am pretty pleased that most, if not everyone, likes this piece because I myself am bery pleased with the outcome :D. Thank you very much, everyone else with thier comments!
  3. Oh my lord! *is speachless* Tony, you have far outdone yourself with this one. It is so professional and SHEXY! *ahem*. Seriously, if that had a domain name like [url]www.theultimatesfans.com[/url] or something i would have belived that it was actually made by a professional web designer hired by the makers of The Ultimates! I swear! Also you have inspired me to atcually try and make a fanlisting (i don't think it will work out lol, but i'll try). It was wierd becuase only a day or two before you started this thread i was considering making a fanlisting but now you have defineted it ^_^. This is by far your best fanlisting, if the rest of your fanlistings are like that then you will be the most popular in the land! REJOICE! *elfs pop out of nowhere and rejoice with Thy Father Teddy Bear Shinobi*
  4. Thank you very much for all the comments, not to toot my own horn but i am happy with the outcome of this. Haze_G: I use Photoshop 6. There is a Photoshop 7 out but i just make do with what i have, also i have heard mixed reviews about PS 7 so yeah i like 6. Also the colour thing was the whole point of this piece. I wanted to center attention on the cheetah and so i made this. This was really just practise for me so that i can use this on omre complex pictures ^^.
  5. Well thank you very much. I created this for fun. Oh and by Typo i mean \\hyper.SPEED// i know typo means like a mistake, but it can also mean just text. Also yeah the background lines are actually a effect that makes the yello stand out more it wasn't actually for the motion, but i knew it would still look cool. Also here is the orginal picture: [img]http://www.cathouse-fcc.org/gifs-jpegs/zulurun.jpg[/img]
  6. This is my latest work. I usually don't do photomanipulation but, well...i geuss i did this time lol. Yeah, so this is my first photo-graphic if you like. So yeah, the usual, C&C&R. I' not too sure if i like the typo, well i like it but i dunno if i should change it. Tell me what ya think: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=494680[/img]
  7. Wow, you are a great web designer/coder! Another of the many talents of Sem! Serously though, i love both of these layouts. I was infact thinking of making a Fanlisting but the thing was, i was too crap at web design and coding it wouldn't work out lol. So yeah, well done becuase i know how hard it is! Is that just an iframe you've popped in the middle (or off-center ;)) there? I really do love your layouts, you should make some and sell them or something.
  8. I personally only viewed this film a couple of days ago. It was made in 1987 (i think i'm not 100% sure) and i think it is a classic! My friends were talking about it and how it is such a great movie so i decided to watch it. I also decided to ask my parents if they know the film at all. Well to my suprise as soon as i mentioned it both of my parents actually exploded into laughter, and through the giggles were trying to explain the scenes they were laughing about! The funny thing is, my Mum doesn't watch comedys, and when she does, it has to be a [b]great[/b] comedy for her to watch!. I later found out that it was both one of their favrouite films ever! So we all decided to watch it. I myself found it hilarious also. I overall thought it was an all round great movie! The wierd thing was, it had a unique script (and if i was told about this script i would never think it would work). Planes, Train and Automobiles is unique in the sence that when it is funny it is hilarious, when it is sad it is heartbreaking and when it is stupid it is overly stupid. I would ave thought this was a simple plan to desaster however, i was proved wrong. This simple plan made an amazing film which i extremley enjoyed! So thoughts, has anyone seen this film? Did you like it/dislike it? If so, why? Any main aspects you enjoyed the most? PS - This is my 1000th post! W00T T00T T00! Lol.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]The upcoming porno remake, I'd say. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL! Eaxactly my point. It looks like this suit would fit more at home in some fantasy porn movie. I really do dispise this whole "Let's revamp great comics and make films just to get much more money and sell lots and lots of merchandise". It realy is starting to annoy me, how they take an original destroy it then make millions of money off of it. Hmm, seems like this is going to be baaaad.
  10. Well i'm using Photoshop 6 and it took not [i]that[/i] long but long enough, becuase the person who make the banner (most probably James) either used a font i don't have or he made the font himself just pixeling it. So i copied every letter i needed and jig saw puzzled the text in lol! Does that answer your question?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal Otaku [/i] [B]Cocky arent you? Its alright but the idea has been around for a while... Fartmaster had a Trigun one kinda like that on his otaku a while ago. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not actually cocky in the slightest ^^. Also i had no idea that Farmaster had one anyting remotly like it ^^. Also thank you very much for all the nice comments. My heart is glowing with love for you all :love2:. Lol.
  12. I have also heard of this, but it has indeed been only rumours. I would love to see Zepplin out agian, but like Mitch said, you don't want them to come out, then bring out some crappy drivelle that is nothing compared to the classic hits and then ruin the whole reputation. Instead of Led Zepplin the Rock Gods! to Led Zepplin the Has-Beens Who Were Revamped And Couldn't Hack It. However, like the rest have said, i wouldn't mind Dave being a replacemnt ^^. Also Harlequin, that is funny becuase i call Dave "The Slut of The Rock Industry" as is "Pharrel - The Slut of The Rap Industry".
  13. Wow these stuff are much better than your old stuff, you really have improved! I need to get abck into graphics again lol. You and Kai have inspired me again lol. I really do love the first banner however i must agree with Magdalena when i say that i don't like the font. I love both versions of the Neo and Trinity thing. I actually like the second better also. PS - NOT ANOTHER BLUE SPREE!!! LOL!
  14. AH! IT CAN'T BE! HE [b]IS[/b] GETTING BETTER! *dies from overload of artistic graphical genius from my good mate Kai here* *is ressurected* Anyway, i really do love this little peice here, it is similar to that Trigun banner you made for me ^^ which means i really [b]do[/b] love it, lol. Seriously though, you really should write a tutorial on that effect becuase it is so amazing *cough* or just tell me how to do it *cough* lol. Great work as usual!
  15. Hah, thank you very much for all the great C&C&R! Magdalena i was actually thinking of blurring out the lines a bit becuase they are pretty jagged, also the space there was left deliberate i was trying to make it as close to the original as possible (however looking at the original there isn't such a big space ^^ whoops!). Ayokano i love the OB idea although like above i was trying to make it as close to the original, so i will make these changes adn post up the second version ^^. Thanks again everyone!
  16. Thank you very much Meteora! I have always loved that design becuase it is simple yet very effective! I love it! So i decided to personalise it like i said in my opening post. I was going to leave it blank where the links are, but then i thought it would be quite humourous to add in the "Shinobi Is The Coolest Member Here" lol. Also Megumi, i'm sorry about those stupid X's i'll try and find out what is up! ::EDIT:: Ok, i found out. My 250free.com account has reached it's banwidth >_< i'll delete some stuff and hopefully it will show again. Sorry! ::EDIT 2:: Ok, i decided to post it in an attachment so that people can see it in the meantime. When my account is open again then i shall delete the attachment ^^.
  17. Hah, well here is my latest banner! I love OB's top banner, so i decided to make it, but with a personal twist! So here is y personalized OB Rip-Off! C&C&R (Comment, Critique and Rate) ;). [IMG]http://shinobi.250free.com/banners/wolfwoodShinobi.jpg[/IMG]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I can't stand how people in movies these days use guns, they obviously ripped it off from Trigun. [/B][/QUOTE] Hah, that was a classic. Ok, i get your point people. I think i should just stop making "certain" threads becuase i can't seem to explain things the way i want to. So yeah, your all right sorry guys. I just get these things, like in the cartoons when you get a little spark in your head (light bulb) and i make a thread, but i don't seem to explain what i [b]actually[/b] mean. Ok sorry again, and if a Mod would kindly close this it would be appriciated.
  19. Yeah, i wasn't saying it was copying. I was just stating that it was the EXACT same. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen any anime scenes in movies.
  20. I have noticed latley, since the huge rise of Anime, that many Hollywood movies are using Anime scenes in their movies. This can be a good and a bad thing; [b]Good:[/b] It promotes Anime, kind of, if people actually say that it is originaly from an Anime. [b]Bad:[/b] People think that it is just some cool scene made up by the Director or Script Writer when it is atually from an anime which was brought out 5 years prior. I have noticed this latley when I was watching TV and an advert for the new film [b]Underworld[/b] [spoiler] where the main character (sorry i don't know her name) shoots a cirlce around her feet in a dead end corridor and she falls through to the next floor.[/spoiler]. This is an exact scene from Trigun were Vash does the same thing on the Seed ship. So have you noticed any Anime scenes used in Hollywood films or any non-anime film? If so do you think it is a good or bad thing?
  21. They are great, i have noticed latley a Brit Rock come back latley (which i love since this is the music i'm into). Even Americans have been discussing it latley which i am happy to see. Anyway, OCS are great, i am infact going to see them this December in Glasgow! I LOVE The Riverboat Song. So if anyone wants a good song to listen to, listen to that ;).
  22. Ah...there is so many it's uncountable: Confungled - Confused Disconbobulated - Not Working Shmeh - A mixture "meh" and anything starting with "Sh" lol. Tabogan - Cool kinda e.g: "That mobile is a cool wee tabogan." I know tabogan actually means bobsleigh or whatever but it sounds funny lol. [b]PARENTAL ADVISORY![/b] [spoiler]Anal Probe - Just as a negativity kinda thing insted of saying that crap or what ever i say "That's Anal Probe!" lol.[/spoiler] - I did that just incase anyone got offended. Funk - Instead of the "F - Word" Oober/Uber - Just a random word like: "That's totally uber." or "Uber" as just a reply to anything. There are so many more to go through lol.
  23. Shinobi


    Radohead...i love the albu The Bends...just check my audimatch for proof. I love the stuff on The Bends much better than their new stuff becuase it is more rocky and indie than the new depressing slow stuff today, however the new stuff is still good. I do love Radiohead.
  24. I love football, i'm the big star defender...:shifty:...what?!. Nah seriously, i play defence and i love it, although i am pretty good on the wing too. To be honest i am not too good at sliding tackles though, but i have a tip for ya Spikey: When you go in for a sliding tackle go in with one leg, bend the other leg and keep your studs facing the floor becuase two footed tackles and showing your studs are illegal! I don't usually slide becuase i have a tendancy of snapping the other guys legs :blush:. Also shoulder tackle. Push people off the ball by your shoulder and keep them away with your shoulder. In other words you can push then away, but as long as your hands are down and you use your shoulder. I love shoulder tackles. I play alot but i dont play for a team i just play with my friends everyday becuase football is the only sport over here to be honest lol. So take in that advice and try it out in your next game ;).
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I don't know if these are vacations or just hopeful scenarious...but here goes: I want to visit [b]Castles.[/b] I have a bit of family in Scotland, so perhaps it will be a possibility one day. Here's my favorite scenario: [b]Beautiful gardens.[/b] I want to walk through a place like Calloway Gardens. There are flowers, butterflies, wildlife, fireflies, and all those beautiful things. I want to be holding hands with that special someone and just get wrapped up in it all. [b]Mountains[/b] are extremely beautiful. They take my breath away. I absolutely loved Oregon. And I want to walk to [b]Beach[/b] at night, with the wind blowing my hair and the waves crashing against the sand. I can only imagine, but I would enjoy it so much... And as CORNY as this one is...[b]Disneyworld.[/b] Of course I've already been there twice, but not with that special someone. That would be amazing... [b]EDIT:[/b] Also, snow. Anything to do with snow. Snow is one of the most romantic things to me ever. Along with a fireplace and some hot cocoa.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Everything in your perfect Vacation is in....SCOTLAND! There is loads of castles, as you may already know. There is [b]beautiful[/b] wildlife parks (some are just full of flowers and squirrels and all the little creatures like rabbits and stuff and they run free!). There is LOADS of mountains...Ben Nevis for one (biggest in UK). There is some beautiful beaches...it's just that the sea is FREEZING and well it isn't really bikini weather lol. There is stacks of snow in the winter...the only downside is no Disneyworld :( but hey it has most of your disiers (sp?)...infact...you post has made it reoccur to me how beautiful my home country is ^^. Oh anyway, On Topic. My dream vacation would be to the Carabean. It just looks so peaceful and luxurious and...perfect.
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