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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. I have noticed Anime growing bigger and more popular right before my eyes. Pokémon started it all over here in Britian although i can't say for the USA. Anyway what i'm getting at here is that i have noticed a great deal of American shows jumping on the bandwagon and making american shows with american characters, american directors, american artists etc. but it is drew in anime style. They think they can make a normal cartoon but make everyones eyes big and bubbly, make them eat like horses and pull the usual anime things such as "the sweat drop", "the vien thing". The most shocking thing is...[b]it is working![/b]. A prime example of this is Totally Spies on FoxKids (I think in US it is on Cartoon Network). There are many more such as a new one, Muscle Fighters or something. What i'm getting at is that people are going to think Anime is for kids. All the new "anime" that is coming out is for kids and it isn't even real anime! It is american cartoons with anime features, they know that people will like it becuase of the anime/japanese craze right now. So what are your views on this, do you think that these money grabbing Rip-Off kiddie shows are ruining anime as we know it? Or do you think it's all fun...i mean they do have big bubbly eyes! So give me your views.
  2. ooc: Sorry guys, sorry i aint posted in such a long time. I've caught up on reading... _____ [i]D-Bear awoke in the most awkard and painful position he has ever had the "pleasure" to be introduced to. He woke up with his face flat against a huge pointy rock, his left arm twisted behind his back, his right leg twisted left-wards and his right leg hunched up near his chest. He stood up cracking every bone in his body. Adrianne was right, he did have a bad hangover but they had started to become "normal". He dragged himself over to the bench and slammed himself down on it, Maike was running around frantic infront of him. He ran over to D-Bear and started to lick his bleeding knuckles. D-Bear never noticed the pain until just then, he must have did it during the fight Adrianne spoke about. He stood up and decided to play about with the dog. The two looked like stupid animals as they wrestling about on the grass. One minute D-Bear is the mature silent smoker, then he is the horride fighting beast and then he is the loud playful kid. Maike was having almost as much fun as D-Bear himself when both of them noticed a shifty character in the distance. Both of them, with identical facial features and body expressions bounded towards the figure. D-Bear tackled the target to the floor and wrapped his baseball bat fingers around his throat.[/i] D-Bear: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU *****?! [i]The small dirty teenager gasped for a breath as he tried to grab the knife that Maike ripped from his hand.[/i] ??: WHO-T-THE HELL ARE *gasp* YOU!! [i]D-Bear exploded tightening his grip, the viens were pumping furiously from his neck. Maike sniffed at the guys pocket and pulled out 2 packets of white powder.[/i] D-Bear: So your some wise *** dealer trying to rip off peeps on our turf huh? You trying to stir things up over here? Huh? HUH??!? [i]He cracked his face full force. With a spray of blood, D-Bear picked him up and threw him down the alley.[/i] D-Bear: Get the hell outta here punk! [i]Maike and D-Bear both turned back to tell everyone that it's ok, he could see some of them running over already. Suddenly, Maike emmited a huge yelp, as D-Bear swung around he saw the dealer already in mid spree towards him with a knife held high. He pulled down the knife slashing his right side of his face. As D-Bear hit the floor the dealer raised it high above his head once again to drive it down, but this time right into D-Bear's chest. Lucky Maike jumped onto the dealer's back ripping at the back of his neck. The guy screamed in pain, Maike wasn't taking **** from nobody and he was especially not taking a boot to the face from this guy. This gave time for D-Bear to pull himself to his feet and pounce on the guy and beat the living daylights out of him. By this time the blood was pouring out of both of their faces. The punches he threw were getting heavier and harder, he felt the guys face crush beneath every knuckle. Just at this time the other guys had reached the alley and had seen the whole thing from a distance...[/i]
  3. [i]D-Bear staggered his way over to the alley. He started to fall to one side but was saved and held up by the alley wall. As he lent against the wall with his jelly legs crossed over. He pulled out a small bottle, but this time it was no intoxicant it was just plain water. This seemed to sober him up, but he had helluva sobering up to do. He poured the water down his thoat and threw the glass bottle over to Michaal. Still grinning like a Cheshire Cat his blood shot eyes rolled as he spluttered away. As he pointed to Michaal he spat leaning forward and pointing his tree ranch like finger.[/i] D-Bear: N-N-Now yoooou use that well, right? 'C-C-Cause a don't use weapons....These are my weapons! [i]He lifted up his two club like fists but in the process nearly falling over.[/i] D-Bear: N-N-Now i'll help yoooou...after i'm in a better.....better.....erm....better condiolion or whatever you call it. [i]He began to walk forward to the 3 thugs. Everyone just looked at him, not knowing what to o nor say. He pushed his chest out and lifted his head. He truely did look scary. Then as he raised his mace-like fist he bawled at the top of his voice.[/i] D-Bear: What's this a-a-a-all about? Right...tell you what i want?! YOOOOOU REALLY WANnA KNOW?!? [i]In true anime style he perked himself higher than he ever has and yelped[/i] [b][size=3]PEACE AND LOVE![/size][/b] [i]He burst into laughter but it was soon stopped as one of the thugs lunged at him with his knife. The stupid idoit changed in a millisecond to a feriousous beast...the influence of the drugs and alcohol almost dissapeard...if not drove him more to the edge. As soon as this happened simutaneouly everyone else has arrived, the pets included. He slammed the guy up the wall by the throat as both Michaal and Adrianne both pounced on their pray. Everyone was ready to dish out their dealings...[/i]
  4. [i]D-Bear sat in the park hunched over a small silver tin futering away at something on the space next to him on the park bench. He pulled out a lighter and started to burn away, after a few minutes of this, he cleared up the small mess he made and stuff his tin into his pocket. He sat back and placed the long, fat, white stick of joy into his mouth and sparked up. He puffed away staring at the pond glitering infront of him. A dirty blue plastic bag sat underneath his stretched and relaxed legs. He bent down and stretched into it pulling out a can of beer. As he heaved at the ring pull, the can hissed before he guzzled what looked like, half of it down his thoat. In a continues loop he drank then puffed and drank then puffed until both resources had ran out. He peered into the blue bag and a large grin emmited on D-Bear's face. As he bent over he heard a noise. He jumped to his feet and looked about. A shadowy figure was over at the park's misty entrance. He leant forward screwing up his eyes trying to se who it was. Let's just say he was in no shape to see long distances nevermind fight if it had to come to it. He looked down at the watch he stole from the pawn shop, that was strapped to his left wrist. He stared at it as it became blurry then hot towards his face. He looked back over to the figure who was gaining on him, as much as he could make out.[/i] D-Bear: ADRI-ADRI-ADR-R-R-RIANNE....T-T-THAT YOU?! 'C-CAUSE IF IT AINT! Y-Y-YOU BEST TURNS AROUNDS! AND... ??: D-Bear?! It's me! D-Bear: That's o-o-ok then. [i]As he proceeded to sit down he landed smack on the floor...[/i] D-Bear: Adrianne?! W-W-What's this bench doing m-m-movin' away from me?! Adrianne: How much beer you had D? And what else? D-Bear: J-J-Just a couple....*mumbles* [size=1]million...and a few joints...hehehe[/size] Adrianne: I heard that...hah, you better whatch out incase anyone tries to hurt any of the young 'uns. [i]D-Bear hauled himself to his feet and plonked himself on the bench and Adrianne sat down too. He slouched down to a comfy position and grabbed his blue bag.[/i] D-Bear: W-W-Wanna beer?
  5. Name: Denny The Bear Nickname: D-Bear Gender: Male Age: 16 Hair: Longish (think Wolfwood from Trigun) Brown hair, with slight blue tinge to it. Eyes: Bright sky blue Height: 6'6" Talent or Skill: Strength and Brawling Self Defense Weapon: Fists, Feet and Head - no weapons for this brute Reason You have a street life: He was alyways larger than usual in his family. They had it rough, but they tried to pull through. His Dad was a large man, but nothing comparisent to the rate D-Bear was growing at, his Mum and Dad were both into hard drugs. They were put in the slammer, D-Bear still smokes some weed if he can get his hands on it...that's just life... Personality: Big lovable father figure. Always looking out for everyone, young or old. When the going get's tough, he's up the front as a human barracade. Major mood swings (not in a bad way) He is the one who stands in the corner smoking while not talking at all, then the next day he is playing football rolling about in the mud like a little kid. Appearance: Big. Built like a tank. He wears a torn Parka (Green jacket with furry hood. Camo tank top underneath and a dark blue wooly hat. He wears old washed out jeans and big boots.
  6. WOW! This is so great. I wish i could see it...DAMN THE UK RESTRICTIONS OF ANIME! *ahem* I could have seen the BBC thing but...i didn't lol. This is great news...GO US! I would really like to see this commercial ^_^. On a side note, James, this interview thing sounds very appealling and intresting...*ponders*.
  7. I have about 400 Cd's and about 150 Burned Cd's. I listen to about 150 real ones and all of my burned ones. If i include my Dad's and my big brother's Cd's we could easily break the 1000 mark, and that's just the REAL CD's! PS - I am very curious to what you are using this info for...please tell :D.
  8. Memorabilia...such a wonderful thing, usualy associated with geeks, freaks and fat Star Trek virgin's who still live with there Mum. I, however, can't get enough of the stuff. Luckily for me...today was the day when Memorabilia 2003 came to Glasgow! Let me tell you a little bit about Memorabilia 2003. It is a massive venue where there are masses of stalls set up selling...you'll never geuss this one...Memorabilia! It is great, from vintage Beatles records to X-men #5 from 1977, it's all here. Me and two of my friends decided we would trundle along to check it out! The place was packed with everything you can think of! It was great! So we had a good nose around and we checked out the Guest Stars this year: Craig Charles from Red Dwarf Another Guy from Red Dwarf (forgot his name :p) The midget who playes R2D2 (He was the man!) CP-30 Dr Who T-X from Terminator 3 The undisbuted middle-weight boxer The undibuted feather-weight boxer The orginal drummer from The Beatles Harry from 3rd Rock from the Sun (he is the man! and he comented on my t-shirt and is gonna tell Cuban Gooding Junior the next time he see's him becuase it said "Show me the monkey" with a monkey on it!) and many more... So to tell you what i got. I ended up buying 3 plaques with 4 real movie cells from the film strip for MAtrix: Reloaded! I believed this to be a great deal, it was 3 for £20, so that is 12 cells for £20! Considering there is only 200 limeted edition made for each plaque! I also got the #1 issue of Marvel Comics X-men: The Forgotten Years for £2.70! I know it is pretty recent but it is in perfect condition so i'm just gonna store it away until i'm an 80 year old cripple and sell it on :p. I also got a free Lara Croft #1 coic with that too! I got lots and lots of free magazines too! My friend got a vintage model building kit with 11 inside 1 box for £25 RRP is £60! And my other mate got The Godfather III plaque with the cell on it. I swear i could have spend a fortune in there, it was great. There were Storm Troopers walking about too and they were really funny. So it was just a great day out. I was also dieing (sp?) to buy one of the LOTR Replica swords, my Dad really wants one, so i might get one for Christmas this year! WHOO HOO! I hope so. So the question and point of this thread is: [b]Have you got any Memorabilia or Collector Items and have you ever been to a big venue like Memorabilia 2003?[/b]
  9. Ok, here is a crappy attempt ^^ [center][b]I Try To Walk But Slip Through The Thin Air Forever Falling[/b][/center]
  10. Well people...[b]I'M BAAAACK![/b] Everyone: Oh dear lord! HELP US! Me: :shifty: *ahem* Anyway, yep that's me back, arrived at 4:30 am Sunday morning (TODAY!). Lucky my Bells Palsy did ware off while i was on holiday so you can see my beautiful smile again! *smiles, crooked teeth, black spots, plaque build-up and afew insects squirming about* *ahem* Wow, some of these are pretty serious...like the seizures and so on...well hope none of you every get them.
  11. Thanks alot people for your condolences. I am happy to say that i have made some progress but it is still pretty bad. Thanks alot for the info on Bells Palsy ;). Some of these posts are really intresting. Neil...wow...that would be VERY scary. I have alos experianced the waking up to a dead reletive also...not a nice feeling. I am going on holiday in two days (YAY SATURDAY) so i think the sun might help it (the sun always helps my injuries or if i have a cold or whatever ^^). When i get back from my hols i'll post up telling yall how i'm doing. Some of these severe cramp things are pretty bad like KOTR...ouch. I have had severe cramp before also...really bad. I had it in my foot and i couldn't walk or anything.
  12. Well i worke up on Monday morning to find my eye was watering really bad, like actually pouring down my face. So i got up and went in for a shower but my face felt pretty...wierd...it was nothing to bad, and it started to ware of later on in the early afternoon. So i thought it was i was sleeping on that side and it just annoyed my eye or something, i kinda forgot about it to be honest. Then came tuesday, i woke up to find it was once again watering, but worse than before. I couldn't move the right side of my face at all. It felt like i had a antaseptic jag from the dentist but it wasn't numb, i could feel everything. It progressuvly (sp?) got worse and worse during the the rest of the day. I told my Mum when she got back from work, and just said leave it and see how it get's on. Well later on at night it was 10 times worse than before. When i smiled, my muscles just wouldn't move, nor could i close my right eye properly. When i blinked in the mirror i could actually see my left eye close and open again before my right eye even moved! I was begining to get pretty worried. When my Dad came in, he was informed and he believed it to be Bells Palsy. He said it is when too much pressure is put on one of the main nerves. So he looked it up and it is either caused by a coldsore (which i have) and lack of sleep (which isn't that bad) and sometimes just a bad bang, like off of a wall or something (that hasn't happened). So today i went to the Doctors early in the morning. I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. He said it is not a severe case of it and becuase i am a child it will heal much faster. So he gave me medication and it should go away in a week or two (probably one week). I am going on holiday (vacation) this Saturday (no OB for 2 weeks) so i will have this for at keast a couple of days into my hols. So the whole point of this post was: [b]Have you ever woke up to find something wrong with you or your family? And Habe you ever had/have or know someone who has had/have Bells Palsy?[/b]
  13. Shinobi


    Well my first name is Ewan Ross Denny: Ewan = (Scottish) Acceiant (sp) Gaelic for Warrior Denny = Don't have a clue, but i do know it was a Scottish Hunting Clan! WHOO HOO I AM A DECEDANT OF A TRUE SCOTS HUNTING CLAN! My OB name; Shinobi, i also don't know the meaning of. I shall tell you how i came about picking this name however. I was going to join the boards with my usual second name number: Denny. I thought this would be a rather boring SN considering when i was browsing as a guest i noticed people had very unique names here. So i was listening to the radio and LostProphets came on (i hate them but the title of there song caught my attention) It was Shinobi Vs Dragon Ninja. I liked the Shinobi bit and then i remembered the great old game Shinobi for the Retro Sega ^^ the good old days. So i picked Shinobi.
  14. Yeah i know, Sorry people, i was in a really bad mood. I wasn't speaking properly. I was just moany, sorry Genkai.
  15. Actually i'm 14. Don't worry mate i can handle my drink. I never drink that much...it's called a party...you always over do things at parties. Anyway, he could stumach it easily it's just a thing called nerves. We may be changing the band, the guitarist will be just singing and my mate Shaun will be playing guitar. I think the band will be MUCH better this way and it will be 4 people...which is much better than a little 3 piece. So yeah. ::EDIT:: Genkai...I just noticed...your 12...don;t even bother giving me advice on drinking. I'm in a bad mood...and that offended me. A 12 year old giving a 14 year old advice on alcohol...hmmm somthing doesnt seem right there no?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]That's rich man. And I have also learned something that'll help your mate. When doing a gig for the first time, or whatever, wear a diaper. No joke. It honestly helps with those nerve-squirts. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :rotflmao: Oh My Lord...that amde me laugh in real life. Ohhh...*wipes tears* that was great. I'll need to tell him that one, hah. Classic.
  17. Well, sorry i didn't post last night but it was 3 in the morning before i crawled home and i was too tired to even look at the computer. Anyway, here is the story: We played, it was the first thing to do. The rythme guitarist was pissing himself and then ontop of that his amp kept giving HUGE feedback (a very high pitched and loud squeeling noise). So that made him even more nervous. I however was raring to play, the lead guitarist was pretty neverous but just as nervous as i was. So we played our first song, and it sounded crap...VERY crap. So both guitarist just stopped and i had to try and round off the sound with a drum fill or something, but it was half way through a bar, so it sounded as though we just died at the kit and amps or something. The second song arrived, and the amp was still giving feedback. We was even more nervous now. We played the second song, it sounded...average...we have played much better. The second song came and it sounded better, not the best but still OK. He started to calm down, but still both of the guitarists took ages to set up for each song (they didn't need too, all these songs were all played at the same amplifier settings, i geuss they were just fijeting becuase of the nerves.) The fourth song was a cover of Can't Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers. We played it pretty good, evrything started to look up a bit. After a huge amount of futering about, we finaly came onto the fifth song. The rythme guitarist refused to play this song becuase he was far too nervous and didn't know it well enough (he was just crapping himself). So me and the lead played as a duet. The birthday girl (Big 40) sang the words. That was our set finished, even though we cut about 3 songs out. I was furious at how pish it went, but i wasnt bothered at least we could just relax now. At this time my big brother went up and played song stuff (My brother could easily be the new Hendrix, now joke. He is amazing) So he was wailing away on lead, but his friend who was rythme had far too uch distortion and you could hardly hear anyone, including the drums. Everyone, after thier set, had something to eat off of the BBQ. Then we drank...and then drank some more...kept some for later...then drank some more. By this time, some people were getting pretty drunk (adults) and my band were itching to play again. So we jumped up and played and we were ten times better than before. It was much more fun and was just great. Then we went off...and drank some more. Until my mate was puking everywhere. I had 10 bottles of beer (loads of diffrent types) and 5 alcopops (like Bicardi and Smirnoff Ice). We all had a great time and then crawled home at 3 am. So the moral of this story is: [b][size=4]Alcohol Is God's Gift To The World[/size][/b] [spoiler]PS - Sorry if i offend anyone...its called a joke ;)[/spoiler]
  18. Well people, Today is the big day. When i woke up I was all excited, not just becuase i'm playing, becuase it's gonna be a 24 hour party :D. Anyway, we will be playing at 2:30 but i'm going around at about 1 to set up the gear and that. So later on tonight i'll post up how it went, if i'm not too drunk that is...
  19. I thought it was Homer from The Simpsons...*shrugs*
  20. Ah yes...head injuries....many times, many times. There are so many i cant tell them all but i'll tell a few. I remember i was about 5 at the time and me, my rother and my dad all finished watching Gladiators (that cheezy sports challenge TV show). So it was like a ritual that after Gladiators we all played a game called. DADIATOR. My Dad basically just fought with us (well when i saw fought, i really mean, let me and my bro kick lumps outta him lol.) So anyway, when i was playing Dadiator, i was running away from my Dad and turned around and slammed right into the corner of a concrete wall. Another one was when i was about 4 or 5 and my Dad was tieing my shoelace and i was holding a pencil (sharp side up) when he pulled my laces tight he jerked it too hard and cought me off balance and i fell and the pencil stabbed right into my forhead. It actually was slightly dug into my skull. Another was when i was playing a game of Hidey-Tig and this was not that long ago. I was running along a fence, running away from the person who was het. So yeah i was running along and i jumped onto this guys Shed. I was ontop of it hiding, when the guy must of heard me and opened up the door and strated shouting "Who's There?!". So i crapped myself and tried to jump off the shed over a fence and land on the grass at the other side ( i swear, we play kiddie games then turn them into Comando life or death games lol). So i leapt but i did it so fast without thinking (this was dark too becuase it was late at night) i slipped and my trailing foot, while in mid-jump, smashed though the shed window. So i was flipped upside down with my trouser leg caught on glass. Of course the guys started to run out and my trouser ripped and i fell head first into a Gardening Spade. Blood was pissing out from all angles. I just leaped the fence and continued the game. Then went home. So yeah. There are more, but i think i've ranted enough lol.
  21. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny was in his stance, it was like a boxing pose but more of a street brawler look. He gritted his teeth, [b]he[/b] was standing right infront of his eyes. He couldn't bear it. Aorashi pounced forward but was smacked off to the side, slamming against a wall. He did it with ease, this only made the team even more angry. Denny decided to go forawrd. He shuffled forward still in his stance. They started to side step into a circular motion. When Denny are side stepped 360 degrees he slammed into [b]Him[/b] with a huge right hook, but only to riecive a harder, more metalic one. He shook off the pain, spitting out the blood. He lundged into the centre again, this time with a combo. He gave a big right hook, left jab, right jab and then a titanic right uppercut. This actually seemed to fase him! Denny noticed that he was a woosy and wobbly. He took this opertunity to shoulder tackle him to the group, but to no avail. A very sharp steel elbow was driven into his back. He fell to the floor in excrutiating pain. This was the point where Aerow flies in.[/i]
  22. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Onslaught flew at a snail pace, he was knocked up bad. Thick black smoke billowed out of the main CPU. He started to slowly but surly he started to sink, then he crashed into the dark dusty ground. The mech was engulfed by a huge cloud of smoke. With all his might, he pulled himself up, the others helped him. He couldn't fly atall, he could only drag his ruined leg and arm behind his battered body.[/i]
  23. Hehe, thanks alot everyone. Well i have been taking it pretty easy, but the lead guitarist and rythme guitarist are getting all worked up. The drum beats i play are pretty, well i wouldn't say easy, probably the highest type of intermediate. I have a tendency to drop my sticks, but that's just becuase i am really getting into the music and then just loose grip :blush:. I seem to have all my stuff perfect and so does the others. We are having a little bit of trouble on one of the covers we're doing but i think i have it now. When we practised the full 2 hour set i just looked at the other members and just did what you guys said. So yeah, i think it is gonna be great ^^'. Gavin, Oh my God. You made me laugh so hard there lol. Once again, thanks for the advice. I was wondering if any of you are in a band? And what kind of music do you play?
  24. I am the drummer for my band, [b]The Spheres[/b]. My first gig with this band is a week tomorrow. It is for the lead guitarist's Mum's party. Anyway, i would just like to know how you handled the pressure and so on when it was coming up to your first gig.
  25. Well i play the drums (when i say this is i mean DRUM KIT). I have been playing for about 3 or 4 years now. I am in a band called [b]The Spheres[/b] and have my first gig (with this band) a week tomorrow ^^. I do believe that the Harmonica is a great instrument. I do have one but i dont "Play" it fi you know what i mean, i just play it asa hobby kinda thing. I wouldn't even go as far to call it that, but i can play it. It is actually not as easy as people think, but yeah, if you stick at it like any insturment you will be great at it. It might however drive your parents up the wall ^^.
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