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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Haha this is a great idea. Very nicely executed also. Good good ^^;.
  2. WOWEE! I got in :toothy:!!! I am very pleased by this :D. Hard Lines to the poeple who didn't get in and congradulations to the poeple who did :D.
  3. Ah yes...good old Banzai. It has been here for ages...and is really funny to tell the truth. Although Fox must be airing a new series ro something becuase that has NEVER happened on Banzai over here. Over here Banzai really just annoys celebraties and does stupid stuff threfore humilating the contestants (who are not handicapped or elderly). Also Takeshi's Castle has been here for ages also...we kept the original name and did the exact same as the Americans...only before you lot did *sticks tounge out* lol just kiddin. But seriously...i just noticed how many programmes you people take from us, put your voice over or give it an american presenter and then air it...many people think it is a brand new AMERICAN show but it was really BRITISH. e.g. Who wants to be a millionaire Takeshi's Castle I'm a celebrity get me out of here Popstars Pop Idol (American Idol) the list goes on... But yeah...Banzai aint really like that over here, so it must be a new series or something.
  4. God Puts A Smile On My Face or somthing (well there newest song, for UK otakuites) Coldplay are good. I like them...very Indie and they are British :D.
  5. *Slaps Zeh* Silly fool, if you weren't born then i wouldn't be able to slap you...or...erm...that's about it aint it bro? Lol j/k. You don't wanna be born, yet this is soming from the person who is never depressed o_O sounds like a tad bit of depression in there my in-the-closet-depressionized-chum. But yeah, seriously...if you weren't born then you wouldn't have became friends with me! I wouldn't have became friends with you! Seriously...*slaps Zeh* don't talk like that. Ruby, also don't talk like that. There is no need to. There is a girl who has tried to kill herself about 5 times in my firedns school. She tried to chop her arm off with a chainsaw (wshe failed, leaving her in emense pain) she has tried sliting her wrists (of coarse she didn't die she was found) and she jumped out her bedroom window into spikes she lay on the floor (this caused her damadge but she lived) After she told her Mum she wanted to die she got counciling and now wants to live. So maybe try counciling it can help you. Just tell someone that you are thinking suicidaly. I hope this helps ;). Anyway...me lol. I i could change one thing it would probably be to have a girlfriend. Hell i haven't had many, it's not becuase of my personality, there is not one girl in my year that doesn't like me. They all talk to me, think i'm funny, and a great guy to talk to, het they don't think i'm attractive. So probably that is the oly thing. Yeah.
  6. Haha, this was wierd becuase i was thinking how tight the Otakuboards community is and how many new friends i have made. Yeah, but my title would probably be "The Crazy Funny Scottish Guy" or something, how about this for an idea...people choose YOUR one, instead fo you saying what you think you are? Hmm?
  7. Yup, i get it too. Once it happened 3 times in the one day, all at totaly seperate occasions o_O.
  8. I got one: What is blue, yellow and purple that flies around at 100 mph? [spoiler]A baby with a punctured lung[/spoiler]
  9. [i]Giovanni sat at his luxurious desk. He pulled out a small silver tray, a long thin metal plate and a small metalic tube. He then poured out his white powder, lined it up and snorted. He shook his head as he stood up from his $800 leather chair and walked over to his balcony. He folded his arms behind his back as he stared at the view before him. "It's so peaceful...just wait until tonight." he thought to himself with a huge grimacing grin. His moment of peace was interupted by one of his many servents.[/i] Servent: Giovanni, sir. A gentleman is downstairs looking for you, he is armed, but has it holstered. Giovanni: Right, get the boys to target him and if i give the signal...they kill 'im. Servent: Right sir. [i]As he ran off Giovanni brushed down his suit with his hands as he walked out very calmly to the top of the titanic, red carpeted, staircase.[/i] Stephano: The Don!? [i]Giovanni noded contently.[/i] Stephano: I am Stephano Tontelano. Giovanni: Ah yes, Jimmy "The Beast" boy are ya. How can i be of service? Stephano: These damn Cybo-Cops are gettin outta hand Don. They be running around town just beatin up on ma boys! They've took over downtown, they've took many of [i]the family[/i] out down there. Giovanni: Machines taking out [b]my[/b] acquaintances!? [i]Giovanni snapped his fingers calling for Tommy (one of his best boys).[/i] Giovanni: Change the plans for tonight, we're going to do some spring cleaning downtown. Thank you excessively Stephano, will you be joining us tonight? Stephano: Sure Don. I'll get everyone. Giovanni: Excellent.
  10. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny blasted off leading the way. He swooped in and out of the trees and other obsticals in his way. He lead the group like the main wolf in a pack. It almost looked like a game of follow the leader. They had been flying for approxamitly an hour. They had gotten this far without any interuptions at all until now...[/i] Denny: EVERYONE! STOP AND HIDE! STOP AND HIDE!!! [i]All of the Mechs dropped to the floor and dissapeared. A huge jet black soldier carrier flew over head. They were obviously stocking up to attack another base somewhere! Denny checked for anymore, the coast was clear. The group got up and continued on there journey, but this time with more caution.[/i]
  11. LMAO! Ok, here are my stupid jokes...they are so stupid they make you ;laugh so much more lol: What do you call a man with 40 oranges in his left hand and 40 oranges in his right hand? [spoiler]A guy with big hands[/spoiler] Do you know what they say about men with big feet :p... [spoiler]They wear big socks[/spoiler] What did the farmer say whne he lost his tractor? [spoiler]I can't find my tractor[/spoiler] ___________ LOL ok here are some good ones: There is a plane about to crash but with no parachutes but only a rope. The passengers, who were 10 blondes and one brunnete, all piled onto the rope which was dangling from the bottom of the plane. When they reached the sea they were going to jump off. Becyase there was 11 people, it weighed the plane down, it was not going to make it as far as the sea. So they took a vote and all the 10 blondes voted for the brunnete to jump off. So the brunnete gave a heart warming, very touching, speach about how she would gladly sacrafise her life by letting go of the rope...for you beautiful blondes...[spoiler]The blondes clapped...[/spoiler] __________ There are three nuns and the first nun said: Nun 1: Geuss what sisters! I was cleaning the Father's room when i found...PORNOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES! They all gasped in horror. Nun 2 and 3: And what did you do sister?! Nun 1: I threw them in the bin ofcoarse! They other 2 nuns patted her back then: Nun 2: Well if you think that's bad! I was doing the Father's laundry and i found...A PACKED OF CONDOMS! They all gasped in horror. Nun 1 and 3: And what did you do sister?! Nun 2: I pricked thousands of holes in all of them! [spoiler]Nun 3: Oh ****!![/spoiler] _______ There was a Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman and they were all sitting talking while drinking their beer. Englishman: Hah! My wife is soooo darned stupid! She went out to the shops the other day and purchased Air Conditioning...AND WE DONT EVEN HAVE ELECTRICITY! The three men laughed. Scotsman: You think thats bad! Hahaha! Ma wife, went doon to the shoaps the other day and bought a washing machine...AND OUR WHOLE STREET DONT HAVE ANY PLUMING! The three men laughed. [spoiler]Irishman: Well, ye aint heard nuttin yet! I went into me wife's purse to get some money out and i found a packet of condoms...AND MY WIFE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A PENIS![/spoiler] _______ How do you confuse a blonde in a circular room? [spoiler]Tell her to sit in the corner![/spoiler]
  12. Name: Giovanni "The Don" Torcetti Age: 24 Country of Origin: Sicily Organization: Civilian; Italian-American Gangster Appearance: -Height: 6'6" -Weight: 374lb -Description: Slick, stereotypical italian mobster. His black 3 piece Gucci suit is pin-striped with small white lines. Very muscular always with his trademark toothpick in his mouth. Very mellow until he "loses it". Biography: Giovanni moved to the USA becuase his Father was in trouble with the Sicily police. He had many friends and family in high places over in the USA. Giovanni was only 3 at the time, so most his life he was raised in the USA surrounded by drugs, violence, sex and women...then there was a new addition, machines. Giovanni, exactly like his father, grew into a huge crime-lord kingpin. Many of his connection with the Mafia and other criminal gangs. He was known all over America as The Don. He began to ditest machines as they were made into Cybo-Cops which were much more intelligent and effictiant than normal police. This made Giovanni's way of life harder. "The Family" were deterierating because of the machines an this id not make him happy in the slightest. Giovanni's Father was soon arrested and brutaly beaten to death by one of the Cybo-Cops, this lead The Don to go on an all out Killing spree when it came to Machines. Weapon/s: Double Uzi Sub-Machine Guns: [img]http://www.counter-strike.net/images/weapons/mac10.jpg[/img]
  13. Well i am overweight. I know that, but it isn't damadging me or anything like my good mate Ken. I'm just overweight for my age and hieght. When i saw the nurse about it, she said becuase of my build (Broad shoulders and heavy bones). So yeah all i need to do is loose some weight and i'll be fine, which i am currently in the proccess of doing. I hope to have lost some weight through this summer. I am NEVER depressed, like my other good mate, Zeh, said: it just doesnt happen to me. Yeah i can be sad, but then after a while i will just see something funny, or make someone else laugh and it just dissapears. My Grampa died of fluid in his lungs (i can't remember the exact name for it.) that made a big impact in my life, he was very close to me but becuase he was in the British Navy he had sailed around the world 5 times. All of his hard work in the Navy lead to his whole left leg having to be put in a vast/holster becuase he could'nt bend it, then thing lead from bad to worse, he then began to "die" becuase of his lung. A year later my aunt died suddenly in Malta on the night of her Anniversery with my uncle. She died of a Massive Heart Attack. It just popped out from the blue, there was no cause for it which i very mysterious. For me however, there is'nt much wrong with me except the overweight thing, which i hope to cancel out soon ^_^. Oh yeah does being ugly and no girl wanting to touch you with a barge pole (in a crush way, i have loads of girls who are my friends...good friends but no girl in the [i]other[/i] way.) count as being a desiese.
  14. LMAO! They sound so funny...unfortunatly in the UK we don't get Adult Swim, nore do we get any good anime to be honest. October last year, the new channel CNX was released which was dedicated to action and anime. Now it is just action cartoon and stuff like The Sheild and this crappy Boomtown or something, which arn't even cartoons. The only anime they show is Gundam Wing, Tenchi in Tokyo and Dragonball GT. Dragonball GT is shown at dinner time but every other anime (that's right, those whole 2) are shown at 4 in the morning! I MEAN COMON! It used to show all those shows, then Outlaw Star and Spawn but showed them in a group starting at 7 pm and finishing at 10 pm. It was great :(. The only other place that shows anime is the Sci Fi channel which shows it once a week on a Thursday at 1 in the morning >_
  15. Ok i got one...it's a long one but meh...it's worth it. "There is a Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman and they are running away from the police. They are running around in circles getting nowhere when the Scotsman points out an empty warehouse. So the three men pile into it and there are three empty sacks, so they hop in. The police were very confused in how they could just dissapear like that, so they decided to see if they snuck into the warehouse. So when the police went in, they saw three sacks. So they go over to the first sack with the Englishman in it and before they could open it he says "MEOW!". The police reply, "That must be a bag of kittens". They go up to the second sack with the Scotsman in it and before they could open it he says "WOOF!". The police reply, "That must be a bag of puppies". They then go up to the final bag, which conceals the Irishman and just when they are about to open it he says: [b]**say this in an Irish accent**[/b] [spoiler]POTATOES! POTATOES![/spoiler] Sorry if this offends anyone, it was not meant to offend. I love this joke becuase it was told by my favrouite comedian...Billy Connelly. I think it is funny but kinda sad why they always pick on the Irishman lol so yeah you could just make it 3 guys (one who is brainy, one who is average and one who is thick or sumthin) ^_^.
  16. My mum, actually doesn;t really have a fault...except she can get to para sometimes. If she hears a noise at the abck of the house (like drunk guys or whatever, keep in mind there is a road and path at the back of my house) she leaps up to the window and looks out to see who it is. It's wierd becuase my mum is like the opposite of nosey, but they way i am explaining it it sounds like she is REALLY nosey, but i swear she isn't. Hahaha...my dad. Dont get me started on my Dad. He can;t do D.I.Y. in the slightest, put it this way, he tried to change the light bulb in my Utility Room and blew the whole socket >_
  17. Omg....i am not kidding...that almost made me cry. My heart sunk...i was just scrolling down the congrats and then i read your post...live is so fucked up! I am so sorry, even though it wont mean much coming from me...sorry.
  18. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny sat in his bunk, he was awoke by Kazuma and Aerow about half an hour ago. He heard everything about Aerow's dream. Aerow and Kazuma must be realy close. It doesn't really show though. Denny finally pulled his lazy a*s outta bed and dressed and took a wander about the complex. The place was huge and he had already laped the diametre 3 times. It was starting to get boring until the two returned from their walk. Kazuma ran in first with his pocket computer raised in the air. He waved it shouting about how him and Aerow had found some stuff that could help them defeat The Darkness. As soon as Denny heard this he was the first to reach the two.[/i]
  19. Vocals: Kelly Jones (Stereophonics) Lead Guitar: Jimi Hendrix...The Legend! Rythme Guitar: Noel Gallagher Bass Guitar: Flea (RHCP) Drummer: Dave Grohl (Well, heh, he's the damn slut of the music indestry so yeah, the guy from the Foo Fighters lol.) There it is people, my band.
  20. Wow...a great job. That is a big complement coming from the Queen of CG'ing lol. Thanks Sara, yeah the JPEG really downgraded it. I picked that picture becuase it was a unique one, it wasn't just the usual pictures you see of Vash ^_^.
  21. Ok, well here are my pieces, good idea Chris: First Entry: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=422355[/img] Second Entry: [img]http://shinobi.250free.com/Dimention.jpg[/img] Third Entry: [URL=http://shinobi.250free.com/GotenksWP.jpg]It's A Wallpaper So Just Click This Link![/URL]
  22. Thanks Sem. Well it was actually Ajeh that found it out. He just scribbled in flash and the lines automaticaly smooth and do not pixelate. Obviously when you convert into JPEG it pixelates a tad, but that can't be helped. So yeah to answer your question i use flash becuase it smooths the lines down perfectly. Also i'll check out Freehand when my computer is "fixed" it is really wrecked just now, so after i reformat then i will download it and try it out. Thanks for the comments and info ;).
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B][color=darkred]You can not be physically addicted to pot, although many may think they are, they are not. However one can be mentally addicted, I like pot, nothing wrong with it, out of all the drugs it's the safest. In 3000 years of use it hasn't really killed anyone like smoking tobacco has, but then again I smoke tabacco aswell, so whichever way, I'm screwed, lol. But yeah I don't see why people should be shocked at the fact that someone smokes weed. It's been legalised in Holland and the likelyness is it will be in Britain soon also. The US looks very harshly upon marijuana use, but I don't see why, it's virtually harmless, where as alcohol and ciggarettes do much more damage and they are widely available. *sigh* Yeah, so... snap, I smoke weed too, then again I also fight, smoke tabacco, drink underage etc etc, I don't get caught because nodoby cares. Hehe, thats the truth of it, they don't care in Britain (when I move back to the states it won't matter so much I'll be drinking legally by that age). One thing I will say, never go on to anything harder than pot though, stuff like that can really screw up your life, and body for that matter.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Basically everything he said, lol. Although i don;t smoke weed alot, like twice a year or something...if that! I also don't some ciggarettes, i think it's pointless. Oh yeah also there is this little gy around the street who was really pissing me off. I would like kick the utter ***** outta him yet the next day he would still annoy, so one day i had a badminton racket out hitting about a shuttlecock (don't ask why, the wind just blew it about everywhere anyway lol.) but yeah i was. Then geuss who ran by...that's right the same little guy that annoys me. Geuss what happened next? That's right...he ran past me but then started annoying me again then he called me a "Fat Bastard" which always hits me right in the spot that makes you snap. So i justlaunched my racket at him, but really mainly to scare him then i would batter him later (i have a crap aim when throwing anyway so there was no point in trying to hit him.) But sure enough, it cracked off his forehead with the most power i have ever seen. The boy just decked it and in a matter of second his head was out in the biggest lump i hvae ever seen. It was at least the size of an egg, no joke. So yeah, he was so scared he said he fell and hit his head off the kerb of the pavement. He has always sucked up my *** after that. He had to go to hospital and everything, and it was only about 6 months ago. He got what he desrves anyway ^_^.
  24. Wow, thanks alot people! I didn't think this thread would get anymore posts, my threads always seem to die really fast lol. And thanks alot for the banner HV i feel so proud ^^. Thanks guys.
  25. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny snorted. This guy seemed pretty cool, but he didn't like his "Chub" remark. He glared at him and plonked himself onto his new bed. Denny's mighty size was far too big for the bed, and when he stretched out, from his knees down dangled over the edge. Denny ent his knees, into a comfy position and nesseled his head into the soft pillow.[/i] Denny: Man, this deffinetly beats sleeping in mud with a rock as a pillow. So, your Kazuma? Kazuma: That's me! I'm outta action just now because of my arm. So were ya from? Denny: I'm originaly from Glasgow, but i was forced to leave because of...THEM! I have just lived in my Mech and outside for the rest of my days... Kazuma: Rough...Well anyway, nice to meet ya man, well i'm gonna get a bit more shut eye. Denny: Hell Yeah!
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