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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Wowie! Nice...very trendy ^_^. I remeber Kinetic showed me how to do that eye effect when i was a n00b at CG (not that i'm a pro just now lol). But yeah, very nice, i really like it. It would be nicer if there wasn't as much blur and more anime character...maybe that's just me though :p.
  2. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny grinned from ear to ear, rubbing his hands in glee. He leapt into the new updated Onslaught. He braced himself clearing his mind. All the excitment, the new faces, the old dead faces and not to mention any other dirty "things" that run through a man's mind. He exhaled and took off. Onlaught sored almost as graceful as an eagle. Denny scanned the area searching for the most tightly packed and complex area...the ruined town. He shot forward shooting at the rare buildings which were still half erect.[/i] Denny: Let's see what this baby can do! [i]As the buildings began to fall he swooped down nipping through the tight roads and turns while dodging the falling rubble at the same time. Onlaught was even more powerful than before. He decided to try out the weapons. He flipped backwards whilst shooting both laser beams and gun fire forawrd.[/i] Denny: Wow, if i think i can pull something off, it does it! OMG I LOVE THAT GIRL! [i]He swooped through the air, so happy and free, like a child with a new toy. He decided it was time to meet the men incharge of the corporation before he tries to hang out anymore in their base.[/i]
  3. Wow, thanks alot people. I am very proud of it because my mouse is like 3 years old lol, so it has a dentency to stick. Well thank you all once again for your c&c and ratigs, keep 'em comin' ^^.
  4. Yeah that's the picture i drew it from, yes. I can't draw Vash off by heart i always need a picture to look at ^^. Yeah that's the picture yeah. So here is the non-shaded one. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=422368[/img]
  5. So yeah i drew Vash on Flash ^^ I drew and coloured it, then out of bordom i added shading, i'm not to sure if the shading did good to it or not, so yeah, after some comment/rating and critique i will post up the NON-SHADED one. So please tell me what you think. There are lots of mistakes but i am still very proud of it ^_^; [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=422355[/img] It took about 2 hours just to draw it, about half an hour for colouring and about anopther half an hour for shading. So over all it was about 3 hours, approx. Do you think it was worth it? I do ^^.
  6. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    [i]Denny eased his weapons, the gun hatches on the shoulder armour closed, as did the beam holes on the wrists. ORGUN seemed to be against The Darkness...but Denny couldn't trust anyone.[/i] Denny: Why do you fight against The Darkness?! Aerow: BECUASE THEY ARE DOWN RIGHT [b]WRONG[/b]!!! THEY KILL INOCENT PEOPLE! IF YOU ARE WITH THEM THEN I THINK WE SHOULD JUST FINISH WHAT WE STARTED! [i]Denny smiled, he liked how this guy thinked. He nodded and lifted his radio once again.[/i] Denny: Good, i [b]LOVED[/b] that answer. I am a Glaswiegan! They BASTARDS took over and killed all my family, friends and fellow townsman...i am going to win it back. They are taking over everywhere now! Aerow: We know *sigh* We are on the same morals as you! Would you like to join me as i go back to base? You will have a bed, food and a half-safe environment.... Denny: Will i be able to kill The Darkness? Aerow: Oh yes... Denny: It's a deal! [i]Denny and Aerow guided their Mechs through the trees and forest until they reached a more civilised place (well it was until everyone was killed in it). The buildings were all destroyed and at top speeds that Denny and Aerow were flying it wasn't that easy to dodge in and out of tight spaces. Saying that however Aerow was able to do so, much more easily than Onslaught. Some how his moves and his dodges in battle were very intriguing and fast to Denny.[/i] Denny: Hey Aerow! We nearly there? Aerow: Yep, just around this corner! Denny: Cool. Hey can i ask you...how is it you can dodge and turn so easily in your Mech? Aerow: Haha! When we get to base ask Dr Trance that question. [i]Aerow snickered as they pulled into a huge hanger which snapped shut as soon as they entered. There seemed to be a large bit of comotion over Onslaught, everyone knew that i wasn't an ORGUN pilot. There were masses of people crowding around both the Mechs.[/i]
  7. Shinobi

    Eternal Darkness

    OOC: I'm so sorry about this >_
  8. Wow this is some amazing stuff...congratulations on being a top quality drawer...*envys you* lol j/k.
  9. Nice man, very...erm....pink? Lol, nah i'm just playin' it's cool...for someone who wants a pink banner...i geuss, but still uber cool ^^ *thumbs up*
  10. Well i have been in a fair share of bands. Lady Mac hit it on the head, it has always been me and my other friend who has made the band, but yeah, we just looked for someone who likes our type of music and can play the stuff we want to play as a band ^^. I hope that helps. Also playin in person is much better than a demo i think, ;).
  11. Name: Denny Nick Name: Big Yin Age: 21 Weapons: Machette, double Uzi's with special Mech peircing bullets (doesn't do much damage to mechs but is like 20x stronger than normal bullets to humans ;)) Mech: [IMG]http://www.xmen-uk.co.uk/Villains/Onslaught%20---%2001.jpg[/IMG] That is my Mech "Onslaught" except it has 2 heavy artilary machine guns in each shoulder and in both wrist armour it has plasma laser beams that shoot from each wrist. The thing that is special about my mech is that it has fake thick skin which covers all the mechanical bits (thats what all the red is in the picture). Bio: Denny joined the Army at 16, his father was a British Marine but was killed when him and his crew ere asked to check out a disturbance on the east coast of Scotland. A mach slaughtered the team, but at the time they didn't know what a Mech was. Denny (he is only known by his second name) set out to kill anyone and everyone who he doesn't like or may have had something to do with the death of his father. He also is enraged by the fact that his hometown Glasgow has been took over and made the base of Darkness.He wears his Father's dog tags along with his at all times. Description: 7'2", 520lbs, Blue eyes, Longish brown hair, very muscular (almost the same shape as Onslaught only in human circumstances). Army green tanktop with camoflauge trousers and bigheavy black army boots. His huge black leather belt holds his Machette and Uzi's.
  12. Well done mate, i remember you and Piro were the first people i ever talked to on OB and your still the exact same guy. I kinda guessed you were gay when in your blog or something you were talking about a dare and you got your first kiss off a guy? I'm not sure if that's the right story, but yeah, after that i kinda geussed lol. Well done again for being strong and tellin' everyone your true self i geuss. LMAO i felt like Morpheus or something there: [Morpheus voice]You found your true self Brian, you should be proud.[/Morpheus voice] Lol. Congrats once again ;).
  13. Shinobi

    pixel moth

    Wow nice, its wierd...but in a good way. I think it looks like an elephant ^^ buts that will probably just be me again lol. It looks so complex when you look closer at it, but from a distance it looks so simple, heh good work Kai.
  14. [i]Denny sat at the back of the ship with Boris and the others excluding Danni and Mike. Denny spoke to Boris on how his life has been turned inside and upside down.[/i] ____ OOC: Sorry people it's so short its just i'm really busy and i just don't want this to die.
  15. What about having your own midi or even mp3 play when someone looks at your profile? I say "even mp3" considering the huge space that OB, TheOtaku and Adam/James/tech staff have to play with now. So how about that idea? I also like the "Section Soundbytes" but i'm not sure if it will get a bit annoying and/or tacky :huh:. Well i'll try and think up some more ;).
  16. AH! No way! I cant believe this! This is actually blowing my mind, Kevin, the guy i used to speak to (i wondered why you hant been on so much then today i just noticed you have a new SN :p) is actually having is script made into a real movie! I didnt, unfortunatly, get to read that script of yours but i remember you spoke to me about it and also helped me with my anime knoledge. Wow, this is such great news! Like Roxie said, if your anything like you are online in real life then you will get on with this career and take it very far. Well done mate i am so happy for you, i can't wait to be sitting in the cinema with my mates telling them how i know you lol. They'll think i'm a liar lol. Anyway, Sean Connery is the same nationality as me ^^ and i know this girl who is his brother in laws son or something like that ^^. He is pretty old now, but still rocks the casba, well done again man. Congrats!
  17. I saw this movie yesterday and it was damn funny lol. I didn't really like how it was all serious and cheesey at the end but it was still a hoot, lol. I loved the part when [spoiler]Even was it? was ripping the crap outta Bruce at the meeting saying "thats the way the cookie crumbles" and stuff and then Bruce asked "Do you like jazz? Well let me give ya a little bit of jazz" then he started pretending to play the tumpet but stopped on a note giving Even the finger then said "I could hold this not all day buddy" LMAO! that was great![/spoiler] Ah well if you haven't seen it...see it It's great ^^;
  18. I have also discovered yet [b]another problem[/b] >_< in one of the RPG's i signed up to, there is a serious glitch or something on the bottom post so check it out - [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23767&pagenumber=2]Here[/URL] [b]Remember its just the last post[/b] i dont have a clue whats happened here o_O;
  19. o0o! you are gonna be nowhere near me...:( i wanted chopsticks...but yeah you'll have a good time, and take an umbrella with you heh and something water proof ;).
  20. In a way i do believe it exists i mean, the whole brain thing that is a FACT, so yeah. Spontanious Human Combustion i think may be a sign of Ki/Chi or whatever, maybe the body taps into Ki but is overpowered by Ki becuase it is such an unknown substance and doesnt know how to stop so it over powers the body and KABLAM! you up in flames. Maybe i am thinking to much into this but i do believe...nice thread ;).
  21. *looks in mirror touching face* I'm not THAT ugly am i? LMAO Good work, like i said on AIM...i hate digimon and pokémon and all other silly "mon" or monster things but this is really cool...o_O;; CONTRADICTION ALL THE WAY! ....WOO! lol
  22. I give my fellow otakuites...Weh... *bows* [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=413390[/img]
  23. Ok Becky! I drew ya, i just used one of your pics from the Picture forum, so here it is. I am so sorry it is so crap but i am tired and my hayfever is really killing me i can hardly see :drunk:...lol. Hope you like it anyway: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=412610[/img] PS - All my drawings will be done on the computer since my scanner isnt working >_< sorry people. i used this picture by the way: [img]http://miscminutiae.com/sig/beckyjune03.jpg[/img]
  24. [b][u]PERSONAL[/u][/b] [b]Member Name:[/b] Shinobi [b]Former Member Names:[/b] None ^^ [b]Member Since:[/b] 28th May 2002 [b]Current Status:[/b] Member >_< nearly Otaku ^^ [b]Nicknames:[/b] Shin, Shinny, Shinneh, Denny, Shinesiqua, Bob..o_O [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Art & Design, Otaku Loundge, Music and TV [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] Roject Gamer, DB:BF [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] Caption Contest [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :D, :p [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] The huge upgrade nad OB was down for ages... [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] *shurgs* i know! "o_O;" said by everyone! [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] Shut Up [insert my name]! Said by everyone! [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] Humour...Sexyness *rubs nipples* LMAO j/k [b]Favorites:[/b] Everyone...*hugs and kisses* [i]I will.... ......Give my Rappin skillz to Zeh so he can be in da rappin gang lol .......Pissing Av and Banner to Ajeh (use it well my child) .......Stupidness and humor to Charles just to see what it would be like to see someone THAT supid lol[/i] [b][u]MOST AND BEST[/u][/b] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b] Charles, Juu [b]Most likely to secede:[/b] Matt wait thats already happened lol [b]Worst spelling:[/b] *shurgs* Kuja lol [b]Best poster:[/b] Semjaza, TN or Charles [b]Cutest couple:[/b] Piro and Asuki ^_^ [b]Best writer:[/b] Charles and Mitch [b]Best artist:[/b] Ginny, Sara, SPX [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b] Harlequin [b]Craziest:[/b] Weh, Charles, AJ, Zeh [b]Funniest / wittiest:[/b] HC, Charles [b]Random award:[/b] [random memeber] [b]Most Incredibly Patient Person-ness Award:[/b] James and Charles [b]Teh Silly Bucket Award:[/b] Zeh and AJeh [b][u]SIGNATURES[/u][/b] [i]AJeh - One of 4 of my best online mates, your a coolies guy and keep fresh pimpadee ;) Zeh - Also one the 4, cool canadian and always likes to have a laugh Kaisuke - 3rd of the 4, great graphic guy..o_O; and good mate Charles - The 4th of the 4 - Funniest coolest guy ive ever met, keep on pimpin baby! SPX - Great girl to talk to and one of the friendlest have met...great artist too ;) Ken - Ha funny, phykotic guy who seems to like to cook and kill me o_O; Neil - Great phyjotic guy also...keep on killin baby! Piro - The first guy i spoke to on OB, i really just spoke to him because of his name lol, great guy too Chris - K3ys and ssj3 hah, great artist and cool guy. Juu - Beautiful (you wanna admit it dont you lol) girl who is also do damn friendly! Phantom - Heh, great hacker, and good mate...AND CANADIAN WOOO! There are so many more but i am really tired and i gotta go now so i will post the rest later ;).[/i]
  25. LMAO that is great! Well here is my rendition of your picture ^_^ hope ya like... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=412505[/img]
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