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Everything posted by Shinobi
Well i decided to make a new type of thread in the Art and Design forum...so here it is! You draw the person above you! You can draw them: Anime Sketch Funny Serious CG Whatever you want....you can draw them that way...as long as it is not offencive! Also the person above must supply a picture or VERY VERY good description! EG: Hey there this is my picture on [person above] [picture here] Now here is a picture of me for the person bellow: [picture or description] Get it? OK Lets begin! So here is my picture: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=412497[/img] And let the drawing begin!!!
This is working much better. Doesn't look is bland and plain no? I really love this ^_^ *points to sig* ^_^...well done mate, i think this is probably your best work i have seen form you :D.
Well i was going to go to [URL=http://www.tinthepark.com]T in the park [/URL] this year but one of my mates couldn't go and i wasnt only goin with only 2 of us. It was gonna be great becuase it was an INDIE theme this year which is my type of music! I am deffinetly going next year though :D.
Wow mate, these are great! I love the whole effect very nicely done ;). PS: I am Prejudiss :p
AHHH! ITS NINTWA! Glad to see ya back...and i hope you stay longer this time :therock:. Lol, anyway, the poem. Like i said on AIM i think it is VERY poweful and give you a good image of how society can kill...nice.
LMAO! As you would expect C-Money...I LOVE IT! OMG i was laughing all the way through lol. Great work as always.
Haha. Nice poem, very "5up3R K3wL13z!!!!111!!!111 *ahem* Very nice indeed lol.
Sorry for postin guys but i just wanted you two to see this ;). Hey both of you, that is some really tight stuff you two be spittin' there. It made me think that you two are the Godfathaz of Rap on OB. Sure loads of people love rap and wanna spit there sh*t but i mean no one has. I have been rappin for years but i have never posted any rap on OB before you guys started this so this is my tribute to you guys. I slapped it up quick while i was on AIM with Ajeh talkin about this. So yeah, it aint nuthin special but it's just to show that some peeps appreciate what you two have done and we aint runnin up tryin' to diss on your asses. ____________ [b]The Tribute To The Godfathaz![/b] C-Cat and HC, they paved the way For us crazy cats, they give us a chance to sway To let our flow rip, slip and go ova tha tip They are still the big dawgs no matta what peeps say They are the teachers and we are the teach'd We should take they're sh*t and take it as a compliment I dont wanna sound corny but hell i had ta preach These two crazy mofos they be the men, they be the kings They are like the supplier of our supah bling bling They taught us how to go on OB and show our sting There sh*t is so hot it makes ya wanna hit a ping They are the Godfathaz They have more power than us Not just on OB but lyrical wise Why should i be cocky and tell a load of lies You dawgs are the true cats And thats why i tip my hat Thats the ways its supposed to be Ive been rappin for years but not a lyric on OB Because A Mod and Admin spat the sh*t it set me free And showed us it was OK to rap for every member to see So this is a shout out to Charles and HC Yo my dawgs, you let this **** hap, thanks for teachin' me PEACE!
I REMEMBER THIS! I can see my little sheep one lol! Well here is my new one. ^_^;; [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=409587[/IMG]
Art and she returns... without a vengence! ...just a new pic ^_~
Shinobi replied to starlight's topic in Creative Works
AHHHH! ITS STARLIGHT! WELCOME BACK!!!!! on topic: Wow, this is great. I really love it, i would like to see the one with the background ^_^. Nicely done. -
They are amazing! I absolutly love 'em! *steals every pic you ever post up in advance* ^_^. 10/10
Well was going to post a long, full post but Charles has really said it all. I do however see James' point also, i do actually think that bringing the age restriction down would be a good idea, if people who really wants to get in to something they are not alowed to they just lie anyway and get in so...yeah i belive in age resctiction down and swear filter abolished to certain aspects. Also if we cannot get the swearing filter stopped for rapping and writing then when we write or rap can we use symbols to get by it without breaking the rules (i know that this is a rule by using í á and so on to by-pass the filter) so maybe we will be allowed to use this? Thanks.
[b]WEEE OH MY GOD LM![/b] *is actually REALLY happy now ^_^* That is the best news i have heard all day. I know we ahvent spoke that much but OMG CONGRATS! I always thought Ross and Mike were cool names ^_^ also Ewan...:shifty:...*cough* Yeah, he looks so cool! *will send over a mini kilt for ya* LMAO! That's teh first time i have made fun of my own nationality o_O;; HAPPY DAYS! I hope you well...;).
Writing No Love 4 Me: cAt Re-hash (language)
Shinobi replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Creative Works
Damn foo' this is da BOMB yo! *fold arms* Grandmasta Shin-Cat runnin' through da hood I aint no scavanja i gots piles of food Hangin with ma cats Ajeh and Charlee Hell lets go on a little Kitty-Cat Killin spree LMAO. Really nice, i rapped it to the real song and it was great. Very goodlums indeed. -
WOW!....*is in awe* Tis JUU! and she looks like a supermodel with Kaiukse's treatment! Ai ai ai! It is beautiful. *is till in awe*
Wow they are great. If you stare at them for long enough it looks as if they move...woah...nice job mate.
Wow-ee! I have already told you that i love your art, but this blows everything outta the water...10/10, amazing.
OOC: Sorry guys, i have been really busy and then OB wasn't workin for me earlier >_
Wow...this looks VERY good, i cannot wait to see the final! The sketches are actually very good for a very rough copy.
AHH! Most of them you don't like! >_< i would love to be able to draw like that...you lucky thing you! I love all of them heh.
[i]She swished in from the right, her perfect body strutting into the presence of my "territory". I lay back in my chair gazing at the perfection of this human. She flicked her hair out of her face and looked over her shoulder at me twitching her sleek black, long eyelashes at me, almost taunting me...my heart fluttred. The beauty of Ciel was unbearable. Even in the Matrix i was single for almost a year! A batchular for almost a year...and now i am in this "place" and with a super model of a girl prancing around infront of my love filled eyes. Her deceptive taunts are only just part of her everyday life, most probably a new addition Mike had added. I shook my head to rid me of the thoughts of loving a machine...the devil and angel on my shoulders. The devil telling me she is a machine...cold heartless and will probably turn against us soon. The angel telling me The Truth, she is mostly ALL human, only her neck area where she needs some type of connection to the computer and so on. The angel convinces me that she will soon be ALL human. I stood up in my hypnotic trance leaving the angel and devil squabling behind me.[/i] Denny: Your beauty hypnotises me... [i]She turns quickly shyly smiling she blew me a kiss...did i say that out loud again!? I blushed and dropped my head in embarrisment. How am i supposed to be able to pull a girl like this when i can't even keep my thoughts to myself?! She sipped her drink she had created her moist lips leaving a print on the edge of the glass. Once again my heart flutters. I haven't felt like this for almost a year! Hell i have loved someone but just killed the thought knowing i wasn't good enough but i am a new person and there isn't a world full of competition and i think she might...just might, kinda like me? :toothy: I stand beside her leaning against the worktop table she had pertched her elbows on. Her body was the closest to perfect, thinking about it she remotly looks like Danni. Nah not really...but hell she is one girl. I only wish...[/i] Denny: So how are ya Ciel? Ciel: Great as you can be in a place like this... Denny: Hey don't say that, i mean look at you know. Your a new person just like the rest of us...you wouldn't be able to live this "improved life" from what you had without us. Especialy Mike. Ciel: Yeah thats true...i geuss here does have it's...advantages. [i]With a small smirk she took another ship of her drink.[/i] Ciel: Well i better go check up on things... [i]I stood with my jaw open staring at her as she elegantly trotted off leaving me like a dog out in the rain...she playing hard to get?[/i]
I really love this. The shapes and pictures you can make out are endless, but i do think it would look MUCH better if it had a slight tint of colour...sky blue maybe? I just think it is TOO grey if ya know what i mean.
Wow i really love this one and your photography skills seem pretty good too ^_^. Very nice although i think it woul be nice if the text was a little bit bigger? I dunno *shrugs*. Nice anyway. PS: If you have a digital camera....MORE PICS IN PICTURE FORUM! Lol.
These small groups of Kitties decided to get high by licking some Brazilian toads after whatching it on the Discovery channel. They couldn't find any toads so they decided to lick the dog across the street. Instead of seeing spots they grew spots! Moral of this story people....never lick dogs!
[i]I stepped out of the conversations with everyone because i noticed Ciel walking back in with a very worried and puzzled face, anyway i had to speak to her about something anyway. I made my way over to her and asked her my questions.[/i] Denny: You awright? Ciel: Um....yes, how may i help you Denny? Denny: Oh eh, well i was wondering...could you know you said i have the ability to slip in and out of the Matrix at my own will? Could you try and teach me how i actually do it?! Ciel: Well i could try... [i]She placed her soft tender hand onto my forhead as i felt a huge electrial surge run through me! She began to nod and then she jumped back with what looked like, an electrical shock! She grabbed her hand soothing it softly.[/i] Ciel: Ah, that was damn sore! Well...i got most of the "source" i geuss you could call it... Denny: I see...and...? Ciel: Hold on! Geez! I'm trying to process it so that i can implant it easy for you to know exactl what to do...you already ahve the knowledge you just don't know how to use it. It's like you have the times tables in your pocket yet you don;t knwo how to count. I must first make it into, almost a manuel for your brain. Get it? Denny: Yeah...man you have brains and beauty... Ciel: What?! [i]I just noticed that i had said that out loud...[i/] Denny: Eh...nothin' nothin' Ciel: :smirk: Ok...Well here it is... [i]Once again she touched my forhead and the jolt of energy errupted into my body. This time it was me who got an electric shock! I leaped back looking at my hands...I HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE![/i] Denny: I'm gonna try it out...Chow for now! [i]Ciel gave a small smirk and wave as my body digitalized*** as i jacked into the Matrix at MY OWN WILL! I landed straight into the middle of Glasgow! MY HOME CITY! I pranced down Argle street, then onto Suchiehall street looking at all the people oblivious to what is happening. A junkie barged into me squeling for "Any Spare Change, Pal?". I've always wanted to do this! I said to myself as i picked him up and threw him for at least 100 meters. "I hate them, they kid on that they are in need but they are wearing top brand names with half an ounce of crack in their back pocket....bastards! Just then the junkie that i had threw started to run at me at an amazing speed then his body began to mutate! He turned into a large man in a smart, sleek, black tux with pitch black shades.[/i] [b]SMACK![/b] [i]I was canondated 300 meters back! My face was bleeding bad and the man kept running...he liftd his arm and as soon as he was inches from my face i digitalized back to Yugi![/i] Denny: ****IN' 'ELL! Ciel: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?! [i]She ran over with extreme distrot as i collapse to the floor, everyone ran over from all ends of the ship...even Mike left his laptop to see what had happened. Ciel fixed me up quickly before i died of blood lose...that's how bad of shape i was in. I jumped to my feet explaining the story to "the crew"...[/i] _______ *** Like when in The Matrix they answer the phone and there body digitalizes and the wierd noises happen ;).