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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Nah i played it about an hour every day and i completed it in 4 days the timer said 4 hours 20 minutes. I conly completed it with Ghost...but did ALL the hacking which was probably about an hour or two's worth of time.
  2. [i]I sat staring at the damn sexy Ciel! I looked over to Mike admiring his new gear. I lept to my feet...i was still the normal me so i decided to get my change.[/i] Denny: Hey Ciel! Ciel: Yes Denny? Denny: Can i have a makeover please? Lol. Ciel: I'm not sure i might have ran out of eyeliner... [i]I erupted in laughter, it was even more funny becuase it came from what was a big square computer o_O;;[/i] Denny: Heh, yeah well...i wanna be really buff! Ciel: Buff...o_O? Denny: Yeah like muscular, like what i was in the matrix! Ciel: I see...ok... [i]***Suddenly my head snapped back and my eyes turned white! My arms flared out and the muscles and veins popped out everywhere! I had the perfect fighting body. Power, speed and strength. My head dropped forward. I stood up opening and closing my palms...it felt good. My abs were rock solid and my pecks were like steaks. My clothing consisted of faded sandblast jeans with a mock t-shirt which was a squirrel eating a nut with huge writing underneath stating "NUTTER". I also asked for weapons: Two Uzi Sub-machine guns [IMG]http://noxnoctis.tripod.com/gunpic/smgs/Uzi.jpg[/IMG] and a small personalized switchblade. I was ready for action, locked and loaded. I pranced over to Mike while he was tapping away at his nifty little gadget.[/i] Denny: Hey man sup? Mike: *still staring at screen* Hey... Denny: Do you even knwo who it is? Mike: Yeah John... Denny: Mate...look up... [i]As soon as i said "mate" he looked up seeing the new me...[/i] Denny: :smirk: Whatcha think? ______ *** Think the Hulk meets Dragonball Z LOL! except...human lol. I have a picture but i cannot scan it in! >_< i'll get it up as soon as possible.
  3. Shinobi

    Snow Labs

    Like i said on AIM, i think this is AMAZING! I think it looks so damn....funky! I love how it is all kinda...out of preportion ^_^.
  4. Well that's me completed the game LOL! That is one side-effect, it is too easy and short. I have beaten the game with Ghost and with ALL the hacking known to knowledge (i'm sure there are a few secrets in there). It took me 4 hours 20 minutes...
  5. Heh reminds me of the Wal-Mart tags the employees have. So therefor i think you should make it look more "weathered" by making it more grainy than perfect ice white if you know what i mean.
  6. Well here is the second version. Thanks to Dark Death for the new improved anaimation. I personaly think this new version is better bt what do yall think? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=397465[/IMG]
  7. OOC: w00t t00t t00t! *** kicking time. And to the thanks of Mike i have added some good music for the atmosphere. Please play the music when you see (it will be at the beginning of the fight scene. ________________ [i]I awoke sharply. The dreams sharply dissolved as I stood up from the hard floor of Yuginocho. I slapped myself a few times for a nice morning wake up call. I decided i wanted to be jacked in to The Matrix by "mother" once more. I loved the feel the rush of the abilities, i sometimes wondered if i am addicted to The Matrix. I walked over to "mother" sitting down in the chair.[/i] Denny: Jack me in Maw will ya? Mother: I am sorry, but who is "Maw" ? Denny: It's my accent... Mother: Ok, from now on i will recognise that. [i]The pin impaled my main hole and i was in the white room once more. I decided to call it the "loading dock". Data popped in to the loading dock.[/i] Data: Hello Denny...i see you are in your Matrix style once again...big, muscular and eager to fight. Denny: Heh, yeah. I really want a bit of training can ya hook me up with some survival fighting with some bots? [i]With that a huge Sentinel I-Series pops infront of me![/i] Denny: WHAT! I don't want no metal-assed-squid! Loadin a gun for me doll! [i]A double-barrel shotgun appeared in my hands.[/i] Denny: OK...Let's Rock! [i]The squid flew forward screeching as it's demonic red eyes glared at me. I flew forward with my shotgun outstretched infront of me. With a pull of the trigger i shot it right in ther eye. The red glass hattered in my face making me plundge to the floor. It swooped down shooting plasma lasers at me. I ran for my life as it gave chase. I truned around face to face with the metal squid i jumped backwards in slow motion cranking in more bullets and the....BANG! It bounced right of it's metalic head and it angered it! It slashed me across the face. I started to fall in slow motion my blood trailed behind me. Head first i plummeted to the floor. I gazed up to find that the Sentinel I-Series had dissapeared and Data was inplace.[/i] Data: Good? Denny: Helluvagood! *spits out blood* Data: Very well. I shall update your stats such as indurance, speed, power and so on. I will also give you the art of gun handling. You seem to already know how to use a gun pretty well. But after this is done you will think of a gun as an artistic utensil and the world your canvas! Denny: Hey! I like the sounds of that! [i]My body paralyzed for a moment and then it released...i felt like a new man![/i] Denny: Thanks Data, now Jack me out! [i]As i was lifted from the chair, i crawled back to yuginocho for some rest, hell i needed it after that beating![/i]
  8. Well it is here! The matching Avatar. Please Comment and critique both the sig and avatar if you have not already ^_^. KKC, Kaisuke was only playing heh. Dark Death thanks for the offer. Please contact me on AIM or MSN or PM i would like to no more becuase i am not sure if you mean you can actually ake fonts :p. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=397422[/IMG]
  9. Thanks people, well i know the font's a little sucky but that's because it did everything by hand, pixel by pixel. Thanks guys ;) i am in the process of making a matching Av.
  10. Hehe, thanks people. I hope this doesn't get me into trouble i mean i am not doing it to offend anyone in anyway. I was thinking though, piss is not filtered out in the swearing filter there for OB must not find it offensive so in that sense i hope that it does not offend anyone ^_^. Thanks for the comments guys.
  11. Well Kaisuke made a very cool wallapaper and i loved it and asked him to do it with a little man doing a whiz instead of just standing there and i drew a little diagram for him and he did it. So i decided to change the words and name from Shinobi to Denny and TADA! Here is this banner for you to Comment and Critique on: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=397359[/IMG]
  12. This looks pretty cool. I think it would be so much better if it was a triple threat match....FREDDY VS JASON VS.....MICHAEL MYERS! That would be Grrrrrrrreat! Myers wuld deffinetly win, becuase he is my fave and i saw he would win...:therock: LOL. I will go see this, if hope it will be out the same time over here (UK).
  13. I bought it yesterday and OMG this game is AMAZING! The fighting is so intense that you think it's real! The background music gives a real Matrix Movie feel to it becuase when you get into a huge gunfight rock music blasts out. I think it is amazing how you can have heavy rock pumping while your run along a wall, do a backflip off of it and crack some guy on the jaw all before landing on your feet, lol. Also the "Hacking system" is great. Instead of any other game were you have a cheats section, there is a hacking section where you need to work out yourself how to hack into get cheats enabled and so on. If you haven't played this game...PLAY! If you haven't bought this game...BUY!
  14. THIS IS AMAZING! It will suit my desktop perfectly! very nice job there.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I think pretty much any word makes almost no sense if you keep saying it for a while. Mail. Mail. Mail. It's weird. I can't think of a word that still sounds right if you keep saying it and thinking about it. And peopel say it "kehn" around here... and actually anywhere I've ever been in my life. [/B][/QUOTE] I was going to say that exact same thing. Say Bolanaise (sp?) (the italian food you eat with spaghetti :tasty: ) and it sounds so stupid and wierd lol.
  16. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=395245[/img][/center] Nevermind Spiderman, Batman, The Hulk and The X-Men. No no no no! There is a NEW superhero in town! [size=10][b][center]POTTYBOY![/center][/b][/size] Not only is he a boy...but he is also...HALF POTTY!!! You better watch out, if you sprinkle when you tinkle...you better grab a hold of your winkle! 'Cause Pottyboy won't have none of it! __________ *boy splashes about in water* Boy: Mummy, there is a brown mushy sausage down here...but it doesn't taste like sausage... Mummy: :sick:
  17. Ok....that is VERY annoying, that also makes me suspitous about your picture that you submitted into the Imaginary Contest...
  18. OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legacy [/i] [B][color=teal] [b]Denny:[/b]Not me, I'm scared of anything back there. Would my friends even remember me? [/color][/B][/QUOTE] I know you haven't played my character alot but i can assure you that would NEVER happen. I am stong and willing, also a warrior but i just have yet to show that ;). I aint moaning or nothing just next time remember that my character isn't [spoiler][strike]a pĂșssy[/strike][/spoiler] like that. _______________ [i]I looked down apon the two small bodies curled up weeping. I wonder what happened happened in there!?[/i] Denny: Mother! I would like to...well, not have a go...but see how this contraption works? Mother: Permission granted. Please be sitted. [i]I sat as my head lay against the cold, ragged leather. I felt the metalic needle slip into my "main hole" and straight into my brain! I flashed into a everlasting white room! I was in a long trench coat, black and sleek. My muscles buldged to unbelievable proportions. Data popped out of thin air and startled me and then like magic i flicker back into the system with Danni, Blaze and Mother! Then just as fast i had arrived i had departed back to the white room! Data tilted it's head and continued.[/i] Data: Ok...that was wierd! We will investigate that when we go back. But first we shall give you some "moves". Denny: Moves? You mean fighting moves?! Data: Precisly! Now judging from your build; 6"3' large shoulder and muscles. Definetly a slugger/boxer/judo. Denny: :therock: hold on a minute! I don't need moves! I can kick your *** easily! Data: Heh, Ok i geuss we will do this the hard way...hit me! [i]Without hesitation I swung a deathful right hook with all my weight behind it. I MISSED THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!! With ease Data had dodged it letting me fall forward, it felt like i was suspended in air for a second or two before having a knee thrusted into my gut![/i] [center][b]Back in the [i]real[/i] world:[/b][/center] Mother: Stupid boy... [i]Danni raised her head with tears streaming down her face. My body was in a state of fit and blood was spewing out of my mouth![/i] Danni: OMG! DENNY! WHAT'S HAPPENING MOTHER!?!? Mother: Well....he didn't do what Data told him too...He'll be fine, but i am realy intrigued by that disapearing act he did... [center][b]Back in The Matrix:[/b][/center] [i]I was canondated back at least 100 metres, it was hard to tell in this white universe.[/i] Data: Now listen to me...you need moves, heh. Denny: *grunt* Ok... [i]With that i shot to my feet, my body paralized, i could feel the energy fly through me. As soon as the tension was released i fell to a fighting stance! I glared down at my body in confusion as i felt a rush of knowledge.[/i] Data: Heh, you are done...much less painful the easy way is eh? [i]With that i flashed back to the system with Danni staring at me in complete horror. As soon as i tried to move the pain rushed to my nerve ends. I spied the blood...it felt like i was ran over by a bus![/i] Mother: Hello Denny, nice was it? [i]I sheepishly moved my head to face Mother, more blood dripped out my nose.[/i] Mother: Now to the little trick you pulled there, it was very impressive i must admit, how did you acomplish that? Denny: I...I...*cough* Don't know...it seems to happen now and then. Mother: Don't worry, i will look up the log data and check it out. [i]Mother tappped into the Log, one of the computer screens flashed with emence power and Mother turned back with a very confused expretion.[/i] Mother: Data! Come here and check this out! [i]Data walked over and also turned to face me sprawled on the chair.[/i] Mother: Denny...you were not tracked on our Log! I think...you may hvae the ability to switch from here to The Matrix at your will! [i]I sharply turned to look at Yuginocho...Yugi was right![/i] Mother: This is AMAZING! We will polish this ability up to top standard. Do you know how you do it? [i]I shook my head with the drips of blood flying from both sides. Mother and Data talked among themselves and Danni hugged me and then helped me up with Blaze and placed me ona small black box down in the back corner.[/i]
  19. LMAO! I actually was laughing for 10 minutes at the pimped up skeleton! That's gonna be me when i die. LOL. Anyway, the first picture = The colours are wierd and the face is a little...i'm not quite sure lol. The second picture is brillaint well done on that one. The third picture is very complez and VERY well drawn everything is in proportion except i think the head is a bit too small. The fourth is just perfect, you should i written "Pimpin' Like A Dead Man" LOL! Oh i crack me up....*ahem*
  20. I WANTED BRUCE LEE!!! And Oh My Lord it is amazing one at that! Well done indeed! But i must admit his facial expretion looks tad off on his standing one. This is deffinetly 10/10!
  21. Shinobi

    Lady K

    AH! *Grabs Ginny and takes her hostage and ties her up and shines a really bright light in her face* Me: What's the secrect!? Ginny: What secret?! Me: You know what i'm talking about! The backgrounds! LOL, sorry my random insanity rant is over. Wow, i like it, and as my insanity rant may have suggested i really love those backgrounds...*remember your first tiny banner*
  22. Wow, that is amazing SPX, i think the big Vegeta picture looks brilliant. I think it looks perfect in the way you have drew him, yet in your own style which i love! I also love the "Sketchy Sketch" as PA brilliantly put it :p. Much like Juu, i thought it was going to be REAL Vegetables LOL. PS. What does the Japanese say?
  23. [i]I awoke from my slumber...chitering from the cold. I lay there pondering on what the hell happened earlier. It was as if i had just slipped from this place into my normal life. I stood up, it was to cold to sleep. John, er i mean, Blaze, seemed to be a cool guy and Danni and him were REALLY close. I sighed as i don't have anyone close...no one anymore. I walked over too Yugi and had a small chat.[/i] Denny: Lonely eh? Yugi: Sometimes i feel that way....WAIT! That was eaither a huge coinsedense or [b]Deja Vu[/b]! Denny: :therock: and that means what? Yugi: There has been a glitch in The Matrix! Denny: And that means what? Yugi THERE IT IS AGAIN! Denny: No that was just me...:p. Yugi: It means we may be able to hack into The Matrix! Denny: Really?! Did Danni tell you what happened with me earlier? Yugi: No, but i felt it...you slipped through The Matrix! You must be able to switch from both world at your free will! Denny: But i don't [i]know[/i] how i did it. Yugi: Don't worry, you will know...sooner than later. [i]With that i nodded and i went to rumadge in the warehouse. On my return i had new faded Levi jeans and a two nice juicy rats. As soon as i hopped aboard, Yugi sped us off into the night.[/i]
  24. Thanks Mitch man, if you look closley there is alot of white patches Woops! Lol. But yeah i was bored and wanted a little 5 minute filler.
  25. B&W cat: I fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee! COMON! W Cat: You might think your Ali but wait 'till you see me....I'M THE BIG SHOW! *music plays* BEAR HUG! (Big Show is a wrestler and he is a huge guy, i picked him because the B&W one looks like he's boxing and the other looks like he's gonna bear hug him...just incase people didn't get it lol) __________ *camera cat's voice* YOUR DOING IT! NOW WALK! White Cat: WEEEEEE! Look at the floor it looks really low down Ehehehehe! B&W Cat: *slaps head* Oh God... :EDIT: The cats who think they can play instruments: B&W: I can play my invisible flute....*plays invisible flute* White cat: I can play the piano! LOL! sorry, it had to be done.
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