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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. Lol, yeah...actually if orgot to mention i don't know who Long is, so i just coloured him the way i thought would look good...did i not mention that? :huh:
  2. [i]I sat there...we hadn't spoke in a while, we were both too wrapped up in our thinking. My mind was slipping almost to the extent of uncounciousness (sp?). Suddenly i felt a thud! I wasn't on the ship no more, nor was i in the place i have been for the long passing months...I was home! I leapt to my feet, i was in my room. I felt the bedside cabinet, hard as a rock, IT'S REAL! I sprinted outside to find a Detectabot starring right at me.[/i] Denny: How the hell did you get here?!?! Detectabot: Loading>>>Ewan R Denny>>>Code:012367275169963254>>>[SIZE=3]DESTORY![/SIZE] [i]It's beady red eyes lared at me with a menacing glow. It flew for me. It's side flapped open and the huge coiled arm emerged. Three pointed needles flew forward bound for my eye socket. The gurgling sound was horrific and then it happened. Just before the "thing" was gonna peirce my eyeball i woke up! Danni was furiously shaking me, but we were outside the ship![/i] Danni: DENNY! WAKE UP! Are you ok? Denny: Erm...*grunt*..what happened? Danni: you just fell through the floor...like you were a ghost or something! Denny: Really? I was back home! The robots are there too! Danni: I'm not kidding, you did actually dissapear! Denny: Wow...
  3. That drawing is amazing man! It was so good (and i was bored) i decided to give it a quick colour. So tell me whatcha think. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=393813[/IMG]
  4. [i]I sat there, staring at the craftsman ship of this beautiful ship. Back in the day though when i was at school and all this would have been a piece of junk, but all of that has gone now...and this is like a porche! It may be a big round porche but HELL it saved me didn't it?![/i] Denny: So, Danni, how the hell did you find me? Danni: Well... didn't really... Denny: Oh so this ship did? Danni: Erm...no, we just came along on you :blush:. Denny: Hah, i see. Just fate i s'pose. Man remember those days when we used to talk on our computers via the 'net? Man, those were the days indeed...now if i saw a computer i would want to smash it! They have....*raises voice* ****ED UP MY LIFE! Actually...I DON'T HAVE A LIFE! Danni: Yeah...but calm down man, nothing to worry about now...we have Yuginocho to help us get through this! Denny: Who's that? ???: That would be me... [i]I jumped to my feet startled. Where the hell did that voice come from? I looked up, down, left and right yet nothing. Danni grabbed my shoulder.[/i] Danni: Heh, it's cool dude! Sit down, it thise ship...it can talk! This infact is a robot. Denny: I see...but why is it helping us? Yuginocho: I can explain that, you see... [i]I sat and leaned back in the comfy leather seats. The story was almost making me snap! Those bastards! I felt as though i was this ship's brother now...i mean it saved my ****ing life! As i stood up i exclaimed:[/i] Denny: Yuginocho! We will not let any robot try and attack you, you saved my life so i will be in debt of your..."life". Danni: Me two! Yuginocho: I geuss that is a fair deal..he he he. Denny: Now...what are we gonna do for food? [i]As Danni pondered i would never have thought i would have been talking to another human over food in a huge round talking "porche".
  5. [i]The light burst into my room. The golden glow sluggishly hugged my body like maple syrup dropping onto a nice big stack of pancakes.[/i] Denny: That reminds me! FOOD! [i]I leapt out my bed but did not seem to land...i just kept falling and falling....yet still falling. How can i fall through a floor?! Black and silver twisted around me.[/i] [SIZE=4][b][/b][/SIZE] [i]I woke up rubbing my head...once again it was just a bitter dream. My true surrounding were hell-of-a-diffrent. The dark smelly alley i sleep in was, as always, blanketed in the thick billowing smoke from the "human farm" not that long away from my "home". I hate it, on the run constantly. No true home, no true humans...only these stinking robots craving not just my possestions but me! I heard a scramble in the distance.[/i] Denny: Damn detectabots! [i]Detectabots were almost like police only if thy found what they wanted, they didn't obide by the law...OK so it's identical to the police. The thing is, these things don't give a **** about me or anyone else unless they are hooked up by some wires with a ****ing metal coating! I heard it's wheel whirr in the distance, it has most probably sniffed me out (Sniffed me out, HAH thats a good one) i could smell it's rusty tin *** from a mile away. Sure enough it spun around the corner, pistol cocked and loaded ready for some meat. There wasn't much on todays menu either...in other words, I'M ****ED! The first thing i could grab was a brick which would do the trick nicely. I pounded it off the stupid 'bot's face, if you could call it that. As it was distracted i lept the wall behind me. I could hear it whirring away, hissing as well...it was really pissed. That wall won't give me much time either.[/i] [SIZE=4][b][/b][/SIZE] [i]It had blown the wall to splinters. I spied a down pipe leading to the sewers...if i remember correctly Detectabot's don't have a map programmed for sewers, thats those annoying little tracker bitches that know all that stuff.[/i] Denny: Meh! Ally-oop!
  6. JU-ON also known as "The Grudge" looks WACK! I swear i was under the bed quivering just at the trailor!
  7. Well...I really noticed this that in my area, nice chaps like me seem to never get girlfreinds (sure i'm not the nicest looking guy, infact i am not nice looking.) But i have ALOT of girls who are very close friends of mine who always say..."Ewan your really a nice guy, your what boyfriends should be like" yet i still don;t get a girlfriend. The thing that i am getting at is that the people who are getting pretty girls...actually just girls FULL STOP are Neds. Neds are people who run about looking for fights and are usually junkies. They carry weapons and run about in gangs. People actually go outta their way just to hang around with these people! I MEAN COMON! I am not a geek or anthing infact i am VERY popular yet still no girlfriend...it is actually starting to piss me off now...>_
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B] [COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 8/10 Ah our first graphic entry. I see you used your favorite color, very you. The thing that puzzels me is the "Oasis" part. [/B][/QUOTE] Ah you see, Oasis is my favourite band...;).
  9. AH! I just noticed this and it looks AMAZING! _______ Name: Ewan Denny (known as Denny) Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 6"3' Eye color: Light blue Hair color: Brown, long hair to the bottom of the neck covering my ears. Life Bio inside the Matrix: Life was great...wealthy family, good grades, then it hit me. My mind was being distorted, people called me insane but i knew i was right i could sense an uprising. No on believed me, it became so bad that i faught everyday at school and eventually ran away. Luckly i did too! Time of awakening: 5 months ago. I woke up with a pounding head, i lay in a ditch covered in mud...naked. I scurried off with exctreme embarresment until i noticed that i was somewhere else... Equipment: I scrambled around the dark, cold, metalic allies. I found an old t-shirt...it looked like it was from the 19th century or something in an old dumpster! It had a torn sleeve so i ripped off both sleeves it was much comfier that way. It was a light blue top with a large logo on it...an S or something in a red diamond (for the less imaginative people it is a superman shirt). A piece of leathery material...most likly from a cows heind was also in the dumpster, after attacking it and ripping it to suit me it made a fine pair of trousers. It did become itchy without any underwear though. An extra piece of cow hiend was left so i tied it around my waist to hold up my trousers. About a month or two i also found a huge piece of cloth...like a towel. I decided to create a small bag from it with some rope and wire, the wire held it together and the rope worked as straps for my two shoulders. Luckly two days ago i found a pair of boots, bage in colour they are called "Cat" boots...they also must be from AWAY back...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]so long as its [SIZE=3]appropriete[/SIZE]. [/B][/QUOTE] Um...:shifty: *scraps porno idea* Lol, j/k. Well here is mine...i'm not too sure if i like it or not but i don;t think i can make anything better so... [img]http://shinobi.250free.com/Imagination.jpg[/img]
  11. I'll try...i geuss. See if a judge place is free slap me in there ;).
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][size=1] [b]Jackie Chan is easily a better actor than Jet Li. Jet Li was reared to be a martial artist and competitor more than anything. And Jackie Chan went through acrobatic and threatre acting, or something along those lines. And it easily shows in their films.[/b] My fighting and martial artist vote goes to Jet Li (Bruce, if he was included), and acting goes straight to Jackie Chan (or Bruce o.-).[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree! *sigh* Though Bruce was so the man! Did you know that Bruce Lee didn't even have any acting lessons (well he did have a short month session before Enter The Dragon but that was it) I think that is amazing.
  13. [i]Bruce nodded his head as he look up to the screen showing the matches.[/i] Lee: Ha! See that? That guy thought he could get away easy by kicking in his opponents head and then jump out and think he could get through. HAH! Yo, my fight is gonna be SOOO Much better than that, how about you? Kaisuke looks pretty good too. Velius: Yeah, Kaisuke, he came 17th did he not. He must be pretty pleased with his change of events. Lee: Uh Huh. Man, i can't wait to fight Conan. Yo, i betcha that Link will win. 100 credits? [i]Lee pulled out a bundle of notes folded and tied up with an elastic band.[/i] Lee: Deal?
  14. Heh, i like it, looks cool. Thanks man ;).
  15. I love their new song, and i really like the video, although it does give me a sore head after a while. I will probably get their album soon, i would have just downlaoded it but my speakers broke last night >_
  16. [i]Lee scanned the room, everyone looked about average, this should be easy. He walked over to the water fountain and were he turned around he bumped into some guy with long pointy black hair.[/i] Lee: Some of these people are seriously wierd [i]He walked on again, squeesing through the mass crowd of fighters, he bumped into another and it cut Lee's skin. He looked up to find he had bumped into a man with armor, his armor had scratched him.[/i] Lee: Hey man, whatch what your doing with that stuff you got there. ??: Oh sorry there.... Lee: Yeah, so who are you? ??: I'm Velius Excalibur, just call me Velius. Lee: Hmm nice to meet ya, I'm Bruce Lee. [i]They both shook hands and started to have a friendly discusion.[/i] _________ Sorry i know it's crappy it's just to get things running ^_^.
  17. Ok, i think that's alot, heh...man these were great! All of them. I think i'm gonna go with Chalres and the winner and runner up, Sara! Well done people...;).
  18. Man....This is **** Hot! I swear by the way, i am gonna have nightmares, lol. Very well done indeed, i love the sketch feeling you got goin' there.
  19. ^_^ Yup people, that's it people! Let The Tournament...BEGIN! Let me clear one thing up too. If you die in your "fatality" then you cannot post in the waiting room, however, if you were anything else in the "fatality" and still lived, then you are aloud to post in the waiting room. For example, if you were ordered to your knees and kiss the winners shoes, then you would go into the waiting room and descuss how humilating it was and how the fighting was and so on...you get the idea. So remember, if you die...the RPG is over for ya, sorry. Ok now...LET THE BATTLES BEGIN!
  20. Man, i LOVE your style so much ^_^. I love this guy's shades and little twig thingy me bob in his mouth. I so wish i could make those Chibis ^_^.
  21. Well Tasis, i know where your coming from but...i dunno, hmm. I think i will put a post limit for matches to like 2 for each player, so in total there should be 4 posts per fight, sound good? I haven't talked this over with Ajeh, but i think that might work. I also love Krillen's idea, so yeah it will most probably be 4 post limit for every fight and the waiting room idea. I'll clear all this up as soon as Ajeh get on ;).
  22. I just watched this a few minutes ago! My friend told me all about it and it was god damn great! I love stupid stuff like this, man i was in hysterics. I loved the Vantrilaqists (sp?) too, especially "I'm swinging more, I'm swinging less, But we are still Vantrilaqiests!" LMAO! Man this film was great. EE OH EE OH EE OH!
  23. Um Vicky...it's a film...and werewolves don'r even exist...sooo they can make them look the way whatever they want. Anyway, yeah i have seen this, in the pictures infact. I loved it, maybe becuase it was a British film and there was Scottish actors and stuff in it and made it feel that you could relate more to it. I also thought it was Hilarious! It was a black comedy, and i find other peoples missfortune (like having their belly slit open) pretty funny ^_^.
  24. Okay, i think we will be starting soon. Maybe a couple more becuase of drop outs and stuff so, yeah maybe one or two more and the BATTLE WILL BEGIN! :p.
  25. YAY! I own! ^_^. *Miss World voice* Oh My God! I so didn;t think i was gonna win! *bites lip* I promised myself i would'nt cry...I want to thank my Momma, my Daddy and my Dawg! :bawl: Ok, here you go people...see what you can do for this little baby [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=387767[/IMG]
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