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Everything posted by Aakosir

  1. My boyfriend loves to argue just because he can fluster me, so it's a game to him. I do not like arguing with him because of that. So yup, I'll look up facts for my own sake and to get him to stop. Just last night I looked up how much blood was in the human body. He wasn't happy to be wrong, but it saves me the needless argument. I don't just do it during arguments, but if I'm not sure about something or I see/hear something at work that I don't know, I will. I'm a Vet Asst, so I'm still learning the field and I want to make sure I'm not giving out misinformation. Google is a nice learning tool, if you know how to use it.
  2. I've been a bit bummed thanks to things going on IRL. Not much going on in my mind
  3. Hello, I've been on Otaku.com before, but it was years ago (probably close to 10) and under a different name. I'm a mother of two girls, a girlfriend, a gamer, body mod enthusiast, mild otaku who loves dark fantasy, action and monsters. Some of my faorites are Outlaw Star, Attack on Titan, Bleach, Darker than Black. I love gardening and flowers, making jewelry and painting projects. I like to talk so I'll probably be around a good bit.
  4. I just finished watching the first season of Attack on Titan. Now I need to find the next season...
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