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Everything posted by marbar

  1. [i]They pull up outside the mansion.[/i] Gio: *whistles* Man, this guy is loaded! Baz: Okay, everyone make sure you have your weapons loaded. This is going to be one hell of a firefight. Sikes: *pulls out his two 9mm Ludwig automatics and spins them round his finger* I'm ready. The others pull out their weapons, check they are loaded and walk to the huge double doors of the mansion. Baz: Well, here goes nothing! [i]He knocks...[/i]
  2. [I]As the others get more weapons, Giovanni searches the Records Room for any information on Dr. John. In the deep recesses of the filing cabinet dedicated to the Voodoo locals, he finds two newspaper clippings. One is a story announcing the appointment of a new curator in the Voodoo Museum with a picture of Dr John. After Gio read the other clipping, he strutted into the armoury with a smug look on his face.[/I] Gio: We got an address! [I]He brandishes the 'want ad' proudly and reads aloud,[/I] "Looking for any Voodoo antique. Will pay large amounts for any genuine artifact. Please contact Dr John at 43 Oscil Street."
  3. [I]After a slight detour to retrieve their weapons, they head out to the swamplands, near the city limits.[/I] Gio: So, what do people know about these Voodoo locals? Angel: They're just a minority with some weird beliefs. But these murders go way past weird. Baz: Seems hard to believe the Voodoo locals are fully behind this. They keep to themselves and are usually quite peaceful. Gio: Oh, well. We'll soon find out who did this. [I]They pull up beside the road to find a group of men around the crime scene.[/I]
  4. Moving story. I know that this is against your, 'please don't reply without valid point' thing, but I'd just like to say [SIZE=4][color=green][b]GO THE 7UP!![/b][/color][/size]
  5. Hey, can i join? If yes, Name: Giovanni Tepes Rank: Detective Badge #: 836 Gender: Male Age: 27 Bio: Following in the footsteps of his murdered father, trying to show he has what it takes. A bit impulsive. Description: Wavy black hair, brown eyes, Equipment: Nightstick, 2 revolvers
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