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Unusual Otaku

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Everything posted by Unusual Otaku

  1.    Hey guys, I'm the Unusual Otaku. I hope I'm posting this to the right forum, the videos are something I "Create" after all...       Anyway, The channel is a gaming channel I've been working on for the past couple of months. I went from 5 to 19 subscribers over the past week and have been looking for places to help spread the word of my channel. However, I don't like Facebook or twitter and Tumblr confuses me so I was at a lose until I stumbled across this site. Fellow Otakus are my kind of people so I feel more comfortable posting on here asking for help. Here is a list of what my channel CURRENTLY entails(it will change as I find/think of more stuff to do on it):   The Stomping Land-        This is a Multiplayer series I'm doing with a few of my otaku friends. The game involves survival crafting elements with dinosaurs. Though based on how the series has been going I'd say that other players pose more of a threat.   The Walking Dead-        I know a lot of people have already done a let's play of this series, but my subs voted for it. So far I've been enjoying it but I think my commentary quality isn't that good in it as I'm mostly trying to focus on the story.   Otaku Says-        This one hasn't been made yet. Its a review show I'm planning on making where I will review different Anime, Manga, Movies, and other things should people request it. The reviews will be in-depth looks at the content so there will be spoilers and stuff.   That's about it for right now. As I said its a brand new channel so there is still a lot of growing to do. I still need to have a custom banner and profile pic made (right now I'm just using pics I googled a while back)            The channel's name is also Unusual Otaku if you wanna check it out. here is the Url: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA22YSfmxMs-NUnx1hvjGQ
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