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- Birthday 02/10/1987
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, this is quite funny, because my boyfriend and I were Just dicussing this topic. And I agree with James. The longer our relashionship has lasted, the better the sex has gotten. We got better attuned to the others likes/dislikes and got to pratice until it was just heaven every time. And theirs always new things to try. Personally I think a lack of mutualy pleasing sex is the fualt of both parties, of either lack of tryg or just, lack of intrest. No one can be truly BAd at sex. We all have the same parts ect. Just gotta learn how to use it properly. Ya know? [/COLOR] [quote name='Doukeshi']Have you exhausted all methods? Now I'm not saying get all kinky and S&M here[/quote] [quote name='Lore][color=#333333][font=trebuchet ms]Not that there's anything [i]wrong[/i] with that.[/color'][/font][/quote] [color=darkred] Nothing wrong with it at all.[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Kasuka sat silently wating, watching the man that had risked his own life to save her. The item in her hand clutched to her brest tightly, so much so that her arm hurt, and she feared her bones would shatter if she released her grip. A sudden crash errupted from outside the door, and yelling followed. Her heart raced. Was it them? Did they find her? No she conculded, for they would have her dead already if they had. She gulped as Horres stood. Why did he have to be shuch a nice guy? She stood and walked to the window, peering out it, she noted she was safely inside the city. Rather far from the northern gate, which was where she needed to be; however she feared to ask this stranger for help.. no one helped trash, the likes of her. most likeyly he would she how useless she proved to be and he would sell her. No matter whathe said. Men lied, that much she knew.. but this one, seemed.diffrent. A fool no less. An honest fool maby, but a fool. She paced across the room, looking in drawers and hidden compartments, nosing mostly, but also looking for a hiding place, if it came to that. Horres reentered the room and sat on the bed, seemingly lost in his toughts. Kasuka turned again to the window and saw a figure running. Her eyes widened and she grabbed a goblet from the table and threw it at the window. Without hesitation she jumped from the second story, landing seemingly without harm on her feet. The woman stopped short and turned, hearing the noise. Kasuka ran to her, hoping her tiny size would detur the woman from drawing a blade. [/i] Kasuka: Miss please! Don't go!!! [i] Kasuka fell into the womans open arms, tears flodding her face, the child's crying soothed by the woft, almost wind like wispers of the womans voice.[/i] Kasuka: I..I saw you, there. You knew her, you knew Godmama... you held me when she died! I.. saw you..was it a dream? .... please I... [i] Kasuka's eyes closed, her eyes rolling back into her head. A flash errupted in her mind, blinding her cnoushous. She saw a man, leading a city guard out of a wooded area. Kasuka fell back, hitting the ground. Her eyes opened and she turned to find Horres standing beside her and the woman. Supposedly she had been out for sevral minutes. She quickly stood and clung desprately to Horre's shirt. Her eyes tearing and wide with fear.[/i] Kasuka: Its them! They, well, and man that knows them! He's leading a city guard and there headed here! and ..he..he knows my name! but he dunno what it means.... Lillutha: Child calm. Tell me..how long, have you had them? Kasuka: Oh.. that. Um...as long as I can remember, I guess. [i]Lillutha's eyes narrowed. Her darling had grown so much. How was she to know..as a half elf, she would inherit the sight? And from her display on jumping from the window, at least some of the agility known to elves. How..could she have known? Another thought also troubled her. With a quick elegant movement her long slender fingers reached out and pulled the har from the side of Kasukas face to behind her ear. Her heart caught in her throught as she stared unblinking. Kasuka cringed and turned head tear streaked eyes away from Lillutha. From the top of her ear to the middle of the back side, was scarred and healed over. Her first master, seeing the points starting to devlope, saw fit to cut her ears, so she looked human. The other ear matched it. Kasuka bit her lip, almost to the point of bleeding. Horres just started, a slight watery look to his eyes. Lillutha knelt and picked up the crying child, holding her in her arms gently. [/i] Horres: We have to leave, now. [i] Horred nodded. Slightly startled he noticed something odd. Even with the jumping from the window, and crying now, her left hand remained tightly fisted, never opening even a fraction. This unsettled him somewhat, but he understood the pain of keeping a secrete that could end your life. The three stole away into the night, taking back alleys and hidden ways, making their way toward the norther gate of the city...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=darkred][i] Shikyo's eyes narrowed the moment she awoke hearing random knocking. The person in question was sevral doors away, but she knew the destination. "fool" She mumbled to herself. What an idioth e was. And he yelled her name!.. he would pay sorely. She dressed with lightning speed, deep down longing for her husband, knowing full well last night would not happen again for quite some time. She flung the door open, only to find the world's biggest idiot standing before her.[/i] Shikyo: *mumbling* I thought we killed you already... Onuir: What was that miss? Shikyo: Nothing! What do you want you insolent food. I should run you through right now. [i] He commenced in babbeling on about knowing something or other, she only half listened, her mind on other things. She gave him a gleering look and slammed the door. Throwing her hand up once inside, a small purple glow emitted from the door and all outside sound silenced. The wood door also didnt lock, it simply grew, as any tree would, into the wood frame, making a solid wall, that looked like their was a door there. She knew Morrslaed would use the window upon his return anyway. There was a tree placed oddly perfect with their window. She knew why he had chosen this room. An easy exit without having to drain their sgrenth using magic. Shikyo suited up, collecting her belonging and opened the window, looking around inside one last time. It looked normal enough, she left a knife under the pillow on purpose, the bed sheets on both beds ruffled and looking as if fully slept in, and some random clothing on the floor. Yes, normal. As if she knew what that was anyhow. Jumping from the window to the tree branch, she tood for a moment, poised perfectly, slender feet on almost tiptoe as she gased around. Clear blue desert sky, not a cloud to be seen as far as the horizon. The wind wipped through her hair, her long ponytail splaying out behind her. She closed her eyes softly, listening. The foot steps of the people in the bizzar, the slight rustle of tree leaves, foot steps approaching her, the soft chirp of baby birds.. wait, footsteps... Someones hand tightly grasped her shoulder, and that same someones lips pressed softly to her neck.[/i] Morrslaed: Beautifull. [i] Shikyo's lips arched upward ever so slightly.[/i] Shikyo: Hardly. I know we have met women ten tims ad beautifull on our travles my love. Morrslaed: Not hardly is more the correct term my dear. As of all the women you are by far the most stunning, with your elegant and most raidant beauty. [i] Shikyo silenced, knowing he never lied. Well, maby hes just blind. She figured as much sometimes when it came to her. She turnd swiftly around, lightning speed, and just as smoothly, pressed her lips to his for a fraction of a second, before leaping from the tree, to land softly on the ground; without so much as a thud. She landed in a kneel, and quickly stood, Morrslaed already standing next to her. Shikyo turned her head, looking up to the sun. It was around 2pm. Good. Enough daylight hours to ask around, then they could hunt tonite. Sniffing out a small child shouldn't prove too difficult of a task. Morrslaed walked brishly from the small courtyard, pulling his hood up, even in the daylight. Shokyo did the same, but save the fact the instant she drew up her hood, she vanished. So morrslaed walked, seemingly alone, except for in shadow, Shikyo walked beside him. The gifts of a daycloak, making the wearer invisivle by sunlight when the hood is drawn. And when the hood is down she casts no shadow, by any light.[/i][/color] _____________________________________ OOC: As usual I promise this will be spell checked ASAP! :)
[color=indigo][i]The first thing Kasuka realised, was that she wasn't dead. The second was that she was very uncomfortable. Kasuka woke, keeping her breathing the exact same as if she were still asleep. She listened first, hearing nothing she changed her breathing, to someone who might be dreaming. Hearing nothing still she barely opened her eyes, then slightly more, until she laid perfectly still, eyes open. Waking the same way since she was small, letting her know if she was safe or not. A skill she had mastered. Never knowing if a beating awaited her waking or not, never knowing who slept beside her. She was lain out very sporadically, her legs bent and an odd angle, and someone had placed her atop a piece of armour. She lifted up slightly, eyeing her surroundings. She was in a room, all of wood. 2 bunks sat across from her, but the bed she was laid upon was alone. The window showed the early hours of dawn. Kasuka sat upright, removing the piece of what she now saw, as an arm plate, the rest of it on the floor beside her. The door to the room closed fully, but a beam of light from the other side showed shadows walking across it. Her breath quickened and she rose and headed to the window. Pulling at the lattice that clung to the bottom of the window she struggled to get out. A small resounding crack, emitted. She froze. The shadow under the door ceased moving and the lock clicked, door sliding open. A man entered, most obviously the one belonging to the armour. His eyes shifted first to the bed, then to her. She blinked, frozen as a deer in the light.[/i] Man: Well, your awake, good to see. I thought you may sleep forever! I'm Horres. [i] Kasuka stuttered, then suddenly the previous day came rushing to her all at once. She swooned, falling to her knees just as he swept in to catch her. He grinned and carried her to the bed, lieing her down again. She looked at him, eyes full of questions he knew he couldn't answer. [/i] Kasuka: I...I'm Kasuka... Horres: Hello. Feel any better? You must be starving! I'll go get you something. [i] He stood and exited the room. Kasuka refusing to move just lied there, thoughts running through her head. How is this man, and why did he save me? Did he wish to enslave her? Or worse?make her do things...to him.. or maybe he wished to wed her. She heard rumours of girls being married off as young as 11... Horres re-entered the room, carrying a steaming bowl of stew. Kasuka stood and ate hungrily while Horres explained all he could. [/i] Horres: Well, I bet your wondering why I saved you, well.. I saw you in trouble, and could not let a seemingly innocent child be murdered in the middle of a desert. I don't want you to think badly of me, I mean you no ill will. You can stay as long as you like. Were in The Talon. An Inn on the outskirts of the city. It seemed you were heading here. Might I inquire why? [i] Kasuka's eyes widened, her grip on whatever was in her right hand tightened. Horres only nodded and stood, walking to the other bunk to lie down.[/i] Horres: Well, if you wish to talk, feel free, until then I will keep you as safe as I can. [i] Kasuka merely nodded. [/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=darkred][i] Shikyo sorely wished to find an Inn and settle down for the night. Her husband, however, would not allow that. Much was to be done. Was it to much to ask, to spend the night in your lover's arms before possibly months of searching the city with no time to speak to each other save to yell orders in fights? They neared a small wooden building, tucked back into an alley. A small, cheep, lantern hung outside the door. Morrslaed pushed the door opened and stepped in before her. The room was dimly lit, a bar to their left, and stair on the right side. Random tabled scattered the small room, only one or two visitors still left out. Walking to the bar he sat, Shikyo preferring to stand. The bartender walked down, asking about drinks. Morrslaed simply cut him off, stating they needed a room with two beds. Shikyo was used to this. He always asked for two beds, so people might think they were siblings or related, not lovers. The man handed Morrslaed the keys and he and Shikyo proceeded upstairs. The moment they entered the room Morrslaed dropped his pack next to one of the beds. Shikyo simply placed hers on the other bed. Her ears perked up as she felt his presence behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood, her heart racing. Morrslaed?s hands were around her waist in a instant, his lips found her neck. Turning in his arms they kissed deeply, like a longing had grown since the last time they were truly alone. His hands wrapped around her, lifting her up as he carried her to the unoccupied bed, laying down pulling her atop him, swiftly drawing the covers over them both. This being the only times they ever let their guard even half way down. Their lips met, both muttering almost un audible I love you's. If anyone ever knew the true extent of their bond.. they could surely use it to destroy them. As long as everyone thought them partners, it was fine. No one could ever know, because even while of making love, they were still very alert, and very deadly....[/i][/color]
.[color=Navy][center][size=5]This RPG Is Strictly rated R! [SLV][/size] (sex, launage, violence) Ok, now that, thats cleared up, I would like Gelgoog Pilot to make the first inital post after mine, he needs to see and or attempt to save our little child. I'll be PMing Gel with certin details I would like incorporated into the post. Anyhow, to not interfere with the rescue thing, I'm gonna backtrack/flashback, and re- set it up for our darling child to be saved.[/color][color=darkred] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Sevral Months Earlier [I] Shikyo Sendo's eyes were narrower than usual, her long dark hair pulled back tightly. She and her lover stood back to back in the darkness, the grayish smoke of ther campfire freshly put out was only visivle to the trained eye. Any slight shift in the darkness, she would hear it. And minute soud; She would know. She barely felt Morrslaed's breath, as he held it for a count of seven, exhaling and holding it for a count of seven. The subtle controlled breathing was slightly arousing to her at that very moment, but she forced thoes thought away instantly, focusing only on the matter at hand. Someone, was watching them. She knew it in her bones. What truly scared her however, was the fact, she, of all peopl in the world, couldnt not sence anything but it's presence. Her verry unobvously semi pointed ears perk up just slightly, having hinted at movement, however slight. It could be the wind, a bug, or maby someone in hiding just gave themself away. Her eyes darted to the spot. "Humm," she thought to herself" so someone thinks they can cloakc themself in invsiblity and get past me?..." Her schimitar snuk out, catching whoever or whatever behind the legs, or where they should be, however her blade was met with a deft cling of metal on metal.The moment the clang sounded a scream errupted. While the assasilant was distracted Morrslaed hooked out with one of the rather sharp katals strapped to either of his arms, turning his arms into blades., and grabbed the person from behind his right leg, cutting the tendon through throuly.[/I] Morrslaed: It isn't like you have much choice. Speak or die. [I] His blade quickly found it's way to the mans jugular, the fne egde pressed periously close to the skin. The man shook, trembling from head to toe. Shikyo looked down, relalitivly pissed.[/i] Shikyo: Who are you. Man: Oh please mistress do not kill me! My lod, he sent me, Lord asked me to bid you an..assignment. Shikyo, You are wasteing my time. Get to your point. Man: OH Please! Please no, don't kill me... A Job.. most highly priced. The blade pressed tighter to the mans neck, creating a thin red line. Man: Miss, Master, please, so hear me, I am Kael Sinivarian. A Humble servant of thy Lord. Morrslaed: Whomever is no Master to us. Give me a name. Kael: Oh no Master I do implore, he dose not speak his name to so unworthy a servant. To possess ones true name is to controll that person. They Lord would never reveal his name.. Shikyo: Well then if he has no name, then he has no business with us. Kael: I sware miss I sware, he has no name!..He wishes only to give you this letter and I will be gone. [I] Kael fumbled with his coat, trying desprately to keep his upperbody stiff so to no slit his own throught. Morrslaed's grip never laxed on the blade. He merely look down with contempt, the nerve someone would dare try to sneak up on them. Kael withdrew from one of his namy pockets, a folded peice of parchment, a black seal encrusted on the back. It was of the king.[/i] Shikyo: What is this rubbish! Tell me now wurn or you will die, Who is your master! Kael: My lady! please i beg of thee! My Lord is of the Council of the King, a verry powerfull man, verry rich man..please read his letter and let me be gone...plase Madam I beg of you. [I] Shikyo lifted her eyes to Morrslaed's, they met and she nodded. In one swift movement the blade was removed. Kael half stumble half crawled into the forest and away. Shikyo signed, and began to open the letter. Morrslaed slipped up beside her, place his arm around her, with his hand on her oppsite shoulder, looking down at the parchment.[/i] "Sir and Madam, [I] I so humbly apologize if my worthless wench bothered you any. I merely needed to test you. That pethetic fool means nothing to me, kill him if you must. An Item of great value has been reported. This item is worth a great deal, and I will pay you a great deal to aquire it by any means neccicary. a map is locaked on the back of this letter, to read it timly pour a tiny dab of salted water and it will become clear. Please take heed this item is of great importance to the council and we must have it. I trust in your skill.[/i] Lord" Shikyo: He surely has a stick up his ass. [I]Morrslaed simply nodded and lowered his head, pressing his lips softly aginst Shikyo's neck. Her eyes turned, but not her head, a thin smile spreading across her lips. She tilted her head the oppsite way, allowing him more room. Her hands fumbled, releasing the letter and found him, gripping at his clothing, wanting him to kiss her. Hid head lifted, then dove down, pressing his lips firmly to hers. Shikyo knelt, sitting on the ground, Morrslaed and his kiss followed, his arms wrapping around her, cradling her to him... The fire crackled and went out...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Day [I] Shikyo and Morrslaed raced across the desert, quickly gaining on a child. No more than 13, she ran across the desert, feebly attempting to ourun them. She knew what must be done, child or not. Her eyes narrowed. "No time for a soft heart, focus Shikyo!" They gained speed, the gap closed steadly. The girl fell, a pfft of dust and sand went up about her. Shikyo turned her head slightly, looking at Morrslaed, his blade was unsheathed, ready to strike. Shikyo couldn't be sure, but under the thunder of their horses hoofs she could sware she heard another set..Impossible she thought, and dismissed the notion completely.[/color][/i] [color=navy](This will be spell checked by Flynn tomorrow I promise!)[/color]
No need to even read posts at the moment, Heartless me aka Randy aka my brother of course your in, um... darkfire, sorry but were jam packed and i can still tell ur a newbie..sorry can spot it a mile away, aka the double post? Expirenced rpg'rs only. Sorry... next time? Eh but this is final and last sign up i accepting, you lucky u my brother and i love u!! :-p, sorry again about not posting..a....lot of bad stuff just happened recently, I will tomorrow night after work i promise!
[color=royalblue]Ok eh Neko, no guns. Sorry this is mythical, only reason their is slight robotics on Kakashi is cuz i allowed it, and even that isnt tecnology, its just a spell that makes metal act like a human part or w/e. :) but no guns, no no, sords and other typed only, no fire power, only thing remotely close to guns in the time age are on ships and their cannons. Sowwey, just minor edit, other than that everyones in. And as this I'll end the sign up, no more people allowed, we gotts our max. I think this is gonna be good growing expirence for all. Only point i am making is if you fail to keep up with the story and post AT LEAST every other day...you'll be out of rpg and ur char killed off...sorry :-/ we did it in Seige and we'll do it again. haha Right Flynn? ^_~ anyhow I promise the auctual rpg will be up by tomorrow night, so, look for it, and I'll prolly pm all of you letting you know its up, so thats fine :) thanks everyone ^_^ *group hug*[/color]
Ah most beautifull people!! Yes yes all in of course! well put also, much room for char, devlopment. I shall now type my 2 char bio's and let the games begin, within the night, or tomorrow evening, be looking for the rpg in the arena!! :):):):):):):) [center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/center] [color=indigo] Name: Kasuka Age: 12 Race: Half Elf Class: n/a Height: 4'5 Weight: 72lbs Eye color: Grey Hair Color: Black Short Bio: Poor, Filthy, and relatively alone in the world Kasuka (kah-sue-kuh), spends her time wandering from master to master. Yes, she is/was, a slave. Her history is not much to recall. She was like many, born to slaved parents, forced to mate like animals being bred. Her father, a strong strapping man, and an equally fit mother, she was to be the cream of the crop. Genetics have a funny way of telling things. At 4 foot 5 she is a very scrawny olive skinned girl, almost opposite of her jet black skinned parents. Many claimed her mother's pale skinned owner was her true father, and the girl was shunned, called a bastard child, and left for dead on the deserts edge. Her entire life thus far has been a string of bad luck. From owner to girl, she has been bought and sold to many times to count. Over the decade, she grew taller, and scrawnier, an ever minding symbol of her heritage, known only to her. One slightly fateful day she came to be in the possession of a very harsh man, who's elderly mother lived with him. If it was not for that woman, she would probably have been beaten to death by now. She was spared the wip, and taken care of like a person, not a possession. While the man was out one evening, the lady took Kasuka into her confidence, saying she was the closest to a daughter the woman ever had. She entrusted the girl with something very preasous, that even the king himself, would kill to get his hands on. She was told to run, as quickly as possible, to a priest born on Théode, for he was the only one with the correct knowledge of this item, and use it rightfully. If the wrong person were to get his hands on it.. god help us all. Equipment: She carries nothing but the small clothing on her back, a Dusk brown full dress, falling to her knees, patched and worn with many years ware. The small butterfly barrette the old woman gave her once, and a tiny knife tucked into the strap of her under loin. Armor: N/a Spells: Unknown. Abilities:Unknown. Weakness: pretty much everything. Strong against: Nothing.[/color][color=crimson] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Name: Shikyo Sendo Age: Appears 24 Race: Drow Class: Assassin Height: 5'9 Weight: 108lbs Eye color: Dark Green Hair Color: Black/Brown Short Bio: (Shh-key-oh) Born among a clan of assassin riders, known as the Da'leic, Shikyo spent her life from age 2-17 training. Same every day, sunrise she awakens, practicing fighting with every weapon imaginable, and occasionally, her fists. The caravan rarely stayed in one place, allowing her another of an assassin's many traits, knowledge of location. Traveling Ashrania, she came to know more places than most any in her clan. Any time they camped she scouted, ducking in building,s finding names, hidden ways' alleys, ect. By the time she turned 17 she knew practically every shop owner, their life history, and their family secretes. Shikyo turned 17, the age when her guild recognized females as adults and allowed them to choose a path for themselves. She chose to leave her clan that had been her life's blood, and travel alone, tending to follow a wealthy group of merchants' taking hires for dozens of high priced kills. On one such rendezvous, she encountered a male, rouge assassin, much like herself. Their meeting sparked interest, and they chose to stay together, friendship grew, then close companionship. They confided everything into each other, trusting only one another, and this, soon lead to being lovers. Her and her lover's, Morrslaed, skills as an assassins were known of all the leaders and council members, never having not seen a job through. This reputation, however, would come back to haunt her. The pair was contacted in secrete by a member of the Kings council, A group of ruthless politicians who were not afraid to take what they wanted. It had come to their attention a certain item had surfaced, after centuries of being lost. It was their job to retrieve it. They came to learn a certain slave had come into possession of the item in question... Equipment: She carries manny hidden knives on her person, but her most obvious weapon was hand made by her grandfather, an 8 bladed hand held weapon of immense power, for the magic and symbol of her clan was imbued to every blade, sharp enough to cut through solid stone without so much as denting or scratching the blade's surface. She carries a pack slung across her back under her long desert's cloak, with a wraparound to cover her face and head, so only her eyes show. When her cloak is thrown back, her mouth , nose and neck are always covered, wrapped tightly for reasons unknown. Armor: underneath her clothing, even her undergarments, she wears a thin lightweight, but highly sturdy, ethereal chain mail. Spells: Ki - simply put, summons a short ki blast from her palm Disaku- produces a small disc of darkness that slices at the opponent, producing wounds no one has yet to find a way to heal.. (others to be learned as rpg progresses) Abilities: Teleportation, gliding, enhanced agility and speed, invisibility. Weakness: Cats (no one knows this) And Very young Children. (newborn to 5)[/color] Attached is a picture of Harlequin and I's Char's, for the most part..
Of course your in! Seeing as only...oh you 2 have signed up!!!!!!!! *cries!* please more pplz join... *goes to beg reiha to accompany me..*
[color=indigo] Well done old friend :) *bows* Hope I can come up with half as good a sign up as yours, I did however ask you to join ,it'd be verry wrong to not let you in lmao. I hope some more people join, this will be quite intresting.. i spent all night typing post # 1. That is, jst need a hero's name to put in to save the poor girl, or she just will die, one char is cool with me ^_^ [/color]
[color=indigo] Rules: 1. No spamming, multiple posts, or one liners. Each post should be more than two pagraphs please! 2. No Godmodding. 3. All speech is in play format. Example: Alex: Mom come here, Mom: comming! 4. Be considerate to other chars' when controlling their person, based on their previous posts you should be able to eaisly understand what they would do in a given siutation. 5. Do not join if you do not intend to keep up with the storly line. Well... I think that about covers it... Now for the story line! [center]_____________________________________[/center] On the Continent of Ashrania, in the country of Ashenhire. The capitol city of Theode was uncommonly desolate that morning. The market place didn't hold it's usual hustle and bustle, the sandy streets lie baking in the desert's sun. Theode is located amist a massive desert. Ashenhire is quite a lushous and green place, with the exception of the desert located at its western edge. Bordered on two sides by forest, one side by sea. The Altmara sea lies nearly a half days ride from Theode, roughly a days walk. Nearly four leagues from the city, A girl stumbles through the desert. Her bare feet kicking up puffs of sand and dust as she walks, half hunched. She stumbles, barely catching herself before she falls. The item in her right hand stays hidden, clutched tightly to her chest. She stops, hearing the sound of pounding hooves. To afraid to look back, she runs, bolting for the city, now a league away, settled into the haze ahead of her. The sound draws nearer, almost upon her. She stumbles again, not catching herself in time, the girl falls face first itno the sand. Her stubborn right hand refuses to move from its place, she tries to sit but only manages a kneel, looking directly at the two horses comming closer to her by the second. The girl's eyes widen as the cloaked figures near her. Their dusk brown cloaking wipping in the wind behind them.. Her mind races, assassins!! She yells out please for them to stop, not noticeing the blade slipping from beneath the cloak of the rider on the right, atop its ivory stallion.... [center]____________________________________[/center] I'll be needing a hero to save our poor little victem. As for myself I'll be playing that little girl andone of her two would-be killers. Hopefully Flynn will be the other one. I'll post thoes signup's after I'm done with this. The only two bad guys are thoes two, I could use an insider whos loyal to the assassins, but is pretending to be in the group of hero's. This is gonna end up a quest but, lets get the party togather first. Name: Age: Race: Class: Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair Color Short Bio: Equiptment: Armor: Spells: Abilities: Weakness: Strong against: Please don't mind my spelling!! *hides*[/color]
[color=darkred][size=2] I wasn't going to Join, but you grabbed my attention.... Name: Serenity Amano Age:17 Gender: Female Height/weight: 5'5, 115lbs Hair/eye color: Dark Amber, Crimson Eyes. Skin tone: Gostly White Body type: Thin an agile, speed over sgrenth. Personality: Quiet but deadly, a child of the darkness, Thoes who dare approach her delicate beauty almost always back away when seeing her bright crimson eyes. Friend: Her only friend and companion is a devlishly tricky little creature, bred from a cat and a ferrit. Its pure white cote often contrasts it evil nature. long curled ears and tail, aginst it this squat body with short but slender legs. It's with her Always. Race: Icari (female Vampire, able to walk in dayling, for short periods of time, lacelike black wings folded delicately upon her back.) Grade/Occupation: 11th Bio: Serenity, ironically named, stays mostly toherself. She'll never admit she desprately longs for a friend, someone to talk to, but the ways of her kind keep her secluded, and no boys dare to speak to her, no matter her beauty, for her eyes tell a diffrent story. Her mood changes like the weather in Louisiana, and she can usually be found hidden in the corner outside in shadow, away from the light.. Good? Btw, My Avatar is a small picture of her. I've attached a bigger one, mind you, you can't see her wings in this picture, but cept that, this is what she looks like..[/size][/color]
[color=Royalblue][size=2] Auctually, I love the Idear of a sequal, their childrens kids or sumtin meet and finally nd up togather and stuff, ya know? But for that to work wouldnt the phantom have hada have a kid? I dont think he'd want anyone but her.. Anyhow! I would love to dicuss this Topic more and help devlope a senario and possibly be in the rpg. I think a parody would be a bad Idear also, why ruin a classic?
Anime Real Life Anime Girl! (this is wierd)
Shinkoru replied to W00t,iM uNbAnNd's topic in Otaku Central
[color=royalblue][size=2]*is auctually female and knows no girl moves like that.* Its male, whatever IT is.... *shivers* Thats to much! Now I admit I've gone to conventions Dressed as Chii from chobits, but I spent hours sewing my costume and making ears ect, REAL cosplayers make themself look as much like the char as possible wihout face masks, that THING is just..just, an Asian version of the chucky doll!!1 *hides under bed* Omg that thing is disturbing. Whoever that is should be..like... sent to a mental instution or sumtin. I'm obsessed with Japan but thats redictlous.[/size] ..*mumbles*... and my mom says I'm bad for wearing my yukata around the house...[/color] -
Anime What type of storylines appeal to you?
Shinkoru replied to Redemption's topic in Otaku Central
[color=royalblue][size=2] Hey guys, I'm baaak! :) Time to get postin' again. eh sorrie... _> Honestly I love plot lines with cute guys and drama. Like Fruits Basket and Boys over Flowers. Kare Kano and Chobits being my favroite anime;s you can guess my style. Oddly enough though DNAngel and others like Record of Lodoss War, are attractive. The Shojo type anime (girls and boys ect.) Usually delves in one or both parties involved getting messed over in some way and I think its so cute/funny, how the main char;s try to get back up and end up further down then when they started, as in boys over flowes. The Battle type scene, like Rolw and Bezerk, ect, is good in its own bloody gory I wanna see who dies next kinda way, ya know? The pointless why does this exist kinda anime, like Quest for the stars, and Hyper Dolls, is funny because most epsiodes don't follow one another, like a dumb sitcom, but funny, none the less. (why else did people like friends so much??) Then you have the Spacey future save the woman you love and the galaxy at the same time, type anime, like Tenchi and Maps. Outlaw Star too kinda, but thats a mesh, hot guy, and cash, what more can you want?? Anyhow I think you get the Idear of what I like... not like.. you know, anyone cares or anything.. .... .......... .. .[/color][/size] -
[color=royalblue][size=2]Hey Sepiroth, I can't remember the name , but i'll ask me friend. She lived there for three years while her husband was in the military, anyhow, there is this kinda getaway, all traditional, men wear robes ect, like in kenshin! :-D there is no electricity and tons of hotsprings, I'll ask her and pm you later about name & location. Japan in kinda small so wherever it is u can prolly get to it easy. Someplace near ourskirts of Tokyo, close to Shizuaka i think. You stay in this cabbin, all private and yours, they have tatami matts on the floors and all, verry ethnic, i think it would be a good expirence, I can't wait to go myself! :) Do me a favor, check out the anime shops and tell me what kinda cool cosplays they have? pleeease?? ^_^ ~ Danni Chan[/color][/size]