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Everything posted by Shinkoru
So u want me to shrink the pics in the links u put up????? *is confused but willing to help*
Oh...wait pause rewind, u colored that on comp??? If u did WOW. I cant color at all comp wise tee hee hee...:) still 9/10
Oh its nice. I love Edward!! *hugs Edward plushie* ^_^ The bg kinda clashed wif her hair thou. Maby u should use a diff bg color... but the rest of it is nice and fits well. :) nice job 10/10
Oh cool nice job :) I like the vegeta in the bg and the shadow is asome :)!!! (still semi-hates DBZ, knows u people r slowly working me in to likeing it) hehe 10/10 nice job :):)
Well. Good crtonrasival issue here, I'm an artist, have been in gifted art since grade 4. Playboy, I see no real problem with it, if you look at it or read it or do whatever Is none of my concern and should stay that way. the problem is its gotten to big, people flaunt it and its the topic of conversations or threds like this. If people would respect their own privacy then I think no one would have problems bcause it wouldnt be everywhere. But nudity in art is nudity, not pornography which is totally diffrent, art express the human body as a elegant and gracefull part of nature, to look at and admire not to lust for and want. Playboy and all the other porno mags WANT guys to buy it to look at and think thngs from, thats its porpouse, not to show off the human body as something nice and wonderful but as something to sleep with and be "nuaghty" with. Well theres my opinion. -Danni
Yeah I sence that its missing sumtin.. just dunno what.... *thinks* humm dunno. But its nice 9/10. The icy blue and what work well with the gray of the twists, nice color scheme and ok grapics. :) good jobbie
Yup I'm so jelous. Verry *takes Legolas plushie and runs* Bwahaahaha!
Ide want to be like Kitty :) Shes great. Muntants rule!!!!! But Rogue os my favroite. :)
Art Absolute failure or decent banner? You decide.
Shinkoru replied to Geist's topic in Creative Works
Yeah diff color font and the edges of the char could be cut a bit better, And diff font style would look way better. :) -
U didnt start coloring til 15???!?!??? Well ive been in gifted art since grade 4 so I'm kinda shocked. lol I colored like that at 6 :) *is boasting* Sorry. But ITs still a realy nice Picture. :)
Oh nice. I like the top left and middle one. 10/10 overall. The coloring is a TAD TAD TAD TINY TINY BIT lax, but I like still. Nice job.
Art Here is a Bakura Avater if any1 wants it
Shinkoru replied to The Majin's topic in Creative Works
ITs nice. :) I like how u put an outline. But uh.. it prolyl belongs in banner request section.. nevermind heh -
First off u should PM Charles and ask him to change your name to Eve, the non cap looks odd, second;y I created a RPG char named Eve, that was one of the first pics I used 4 her. :) Here on otaku I imagine pplz looking like their avitars if its an naime char. :) Thats how i percive you.
[color=red][I] I looked at John's eyes as they waterd, Stephi.. with me and John gone...[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] Stephi!!! NO!! [I] The pain was unbareable, I hit the ground sinking to my knees, my eyes flodde with tears as I refused to face her death, I mumbled mindless about maby she woke up, maby she was alive, maby she was here, we coudl save her maby she. John bent down and held on to me hugging me as tightly as he could, his eyes spilled with tears as well, he didn't need to be strong for me now, he didn't need to be. The pain was almost unbareable, my best friend, gone, the one person I lived each day for the past 6 months for! My stephi was gone! And all the other people I loved, would they be gone to.. would Chris.. have forgotten me?.. no never.. but would he have moved on? My mind wirled and blazed with questions and answers and pain, I just held on to John with all my might as I cried my eyes out...[/I][/color]
[color=red]OOC: Ok look, I understand ur noobs but still post more than 2 lines, and Ohkami ur a seemingly newb at rpgs so i'll help u both out. POST MORE THAN A PAGRAPH! and see how actions get [I]italiciced![/I] = [I} [/I] and talking gets bolded [B]Blah:[/B]Hiya =[B}[/B] (its [ ] around both but I put } so u can see what I mean. :)) and space thigns out not all squnched up if u say somethign then space then space under it, see my post, and post more than a pagrapg or dont pozt at all. and if u talk like i am now OOC: (out of char.) then put IC: when its the rpg. (in char.) IC:[i] Eve tossed and turned in her sleep, she way always a troubled sleeper. Her dreams woke her up often.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Uhh! [I] She sat up fast awakeing from her nightmare. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the digital clock on the dresser.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Oh gheese, its 5 am. Oh well *yawn* I'll go get some of Otik's pancakes for breakfast. [I]She looked over at the other sleeping girl. Figuring not to disturb her Eve got up and stumbled down stairs, having a slight hangover from the prevous nite.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hey Otik, G'mornin', Gimme 3 of your best pancakes and a side of bacon, plus a glass of oj spiked with some of that smirnoff u sware u don't sell but I saw it under the counter. [I]She winked at Otik before moving over to the bar, sitting down she sipped her drink and noticed a guy watching her. Without turning her head she spoke.[/I] [b]Eve:[/B] What do you want? [B]Guy:[/B] Who me? [B]Eve:[/b] Well for one your the only person in here, and the only person looking at me. [B]Guy:[/B] Uh..oh Well I'm DFX. And I'm looking for a girl summoned by Eden, might that girl be you? [B]Eve:[/B] No. But I recently joined her. I'm guessing you hurd rumor of a reward, which is false, but if you wish to help, bluntly, save the world, your more than welcome to join us. [B]DFX:[/B] No. I came to help, I heard nothing about a reward. Where is she? [B]Eve:[/B] She also known as Sakura, is asleep. Its 5am. heh I'de expect her to be out for quit some time. [I] The guy DFX nodded, Eve and him sat talking about the aproaching danger and getting aquanted..[/I][/color]
AH! How could i have forgotten Stellar?!?!? ANd Drops of jupiter-Train. Also, Miss you-incubus and fool -American hi fi :) ill put more whn I thinka em
I agree with Transtic on this one. That was one of THE WORST movies EVER. Its "humor" If you call it that was completely wasted on anyone who watched it. If you call that funny U have verry VERRY high humor rate, meaning u find a squrril running up a tree funny. And it was disgusting. Plenty of the just plane ewww parts coulda been left out. Thats my opinion.
Well it is odd. And I do like it lol. Thats odd cuz I'm not a bigoo dbz fan. (kinda hates dbz)And tknkz for the advi syk3. I have been a lil lax lately. heh. But it does liik like the big colored ones head is the ned of a huge bannana. Sorry but thats what it looksl ike to me. *laughs* :) The small one is asome. Perfect sketch in my opinion. *loves sketchy sketches* And i stick with my 10/10 rating.
O i like the sketch, and the quick color, maby not the color its SUPOSED to be, is great! I rember when I thought Ayeka from tenchi was a blond, lol omg *rembers* but it looked ok :) hehe 10/10 on both :)
LMAO! thoes r dijimon. lol :) Neopets r cool, but really only has meaning if u were there b4 they got popular, liek myself. :) Good job keep it up, nice hsading too, i iddnt do that good til i was like 14 hehe (is 16 now) :) 9/10 :):)
Dont double post tisk tisk, as a newb first lesson NEVEr under ANY curnstances, double post :) wait 4 sum 1 to reply or be smart like me and just copy the linkand go to it :) hehe which i did. Verry odd, bu i like em :) The first one u attached : 8/10(camel one) Second one (deadalus one) 7/10 :):) Camels r cool i guess hehe Its better than penguins..
The images I see inside my head, Their of you and the life we had, Why the dreams I once held close, Have gone with the wind? I feel the cold icy wind as you speak to me now what did I do to deserve your hatred? All I did was love you, life was the one who tore us apart, but why now after all this, do you take it on me as if its my fualt? Your the one who ended it, your the one who said goodbye. It wasn't me who made the final note, now please tell me why. What did I do ot turn your love to hate? What did I do to make u loath me so? I loved you once upon a dream, and still do.. I still do... The love I held had waverd, but will forever ring true, As a Friend t you I shall always be no matter how you think of me. For you Michael. I wish these questions and many you would answer.
[color=crimson][I]My dreams made me tremble in my sleep, I could feel the protective arm armound me, kepping me safe, but I wasn't safe, not hardly, not from myself, my own mind was my worst enmy, one my belived brother could not save me from. I screamed, the darkness pressing in, the lonliness, the avid cold death, everything, pressing in, my life, gon wrong, everything. My life flashed before my eyes as i lay there in the middle of a place I used to know as home...[/I][/color]
I was wondering IF we can edit our pics n post em gain here for a possibly better judgement