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Everything posted by Shinkoru
Rock on! :) But *** Metal Ainst THAT bad, but I perfer women japanese pop or their slow songs, many good anime openings... nice and gently, almost fluid joices, dont u think??
*laughs* I know, I'm just defensive, thats y i live here now, I wanna try to become otaku in 30 days without spamming at all or a lil as I can. :) heheh
Welcom? Ive been here for a year, lol read my location. Ive been here longer than some otaku's *folds arms* :) I kow how he is but I just recently started posting on this forum, I'm usually in rpg's and art or poetry. hehe
Ah. I see now, thats it. I was thinking he just didn'tl ike me. Well If u just don't like the band, I guess I respect that, but I ask you not to knock it, I don't go around syaing what you like is a worthless piece of crap now do I?
I htought so to but I was only doing what I saw, Its from the second series, cronicles of the heroic knight, Deed just don't look right in that series.
Yes it most certinly does. As I said, Listen to MY Plague. Please before u judge ALL their music. And trust me, I can handle a lot.
*bows* thank you thank you*
then copy it and paste it to where ever u edit it maby??
I need my avi to be 80x80 bu its a cgi and if I edit it , it won't move any more. can someone make it 80x80 for me please???
*looks at Eve, wondering y her name is Eve... lol big thign with me, but prolly for BIG diff reason, Eve, me, means Manatsu No Eve. Daughter of Darkness, in japanese. But Yes we really like it THAT much. ^_^
OH WOW! The first one is definatly 10/10!! *claps, bows* I like #2 best, the blue ink of the elf.. amazing, but #1 is breath taking! I love the others as well #2 10/10 #3 9/10, #4 8/10, #5 8/10, #6 8/10 .. *claps more* Verry nice and the pic you enterd in the Imignation contest, 10/10 definatly.!! ^_^
*eats the cookie* thank you *bows* I only did it 4 you. I wasn;t gonna bother but I remberd I promised you soo.. hehe ^_^
[color=crimson][i]while on our way out wizzing past thousands of mazes of pipes I'de still be stuck in if not for this nice lil bot. The closer we got to the surface the more I could smell burning, like charcoal. [b]< EEERRRK>[/b] As I was thrown forward I stood cursing.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] what the **** was that? [b]Yuginocho:[/b] We seem to have found another human. [I] I jumped to my feet and looked up at the screen. sure thign a guy was jumping down into the sewers, running fron some odd looking roots.[/I] [B] Danielle:[/B] Lets go save him. [I] With that the little ship took off after him, he seemed to have thought we were trackers so obvously he sped up.[/I] [B]Denny:[/B] Oh crap! [B]Danielle:[/B] Is their any micro phone thing? or way for me to speak with him??? [B]Tuginocho:[/B] Yes to your left. [I] seeing the mic looking hting i grabbed it yelling:[/i] [b]Danielle:[/B] HEY DUDE! STOP RUNNING!! I'm HERE TO HELP! [I] The boy slowed up and turned, finally stopping. We pulled up next to him and the door opend, he stepped in. He looked relived at seeing another living being. Walking over to me he held out his hand..[/I] [B]Denny:[/B] I'm Denny. And I didn't think there were any humans alive here. [B]Danielle:[/B] I'm Danielle... or Danni. [I] I looked at his hand for a moment before grabbing him anf hugging him, having not seen another living being for quite some tim I was extremly relived. He seemed shocked but hugged me back. I released him and we talked baout our "lives" here so far. He commented on my hand made clothing and noted on the surface there were quite a few abandond places I might find clothing. Yuginocho took off for the surface as we conversed about or lifes now and as we were inside the matrix. It was odd but we had know each other, via the internet.[/I][/color]
well SORRY. Shiezh, I didn't look much in to it, but still, The newer guy does sing the new version of gently and this wasn't SYUPPOSED to be about what u said, i just wanted feed back on that piticular song. Just gently cuz frankl I think the older singer sounds better, I don't care how long the newer singer been with em, he hasen't been with slipknot form the BEGINNING thank you and puddle of Mudd is asome fyi. So your the one who needs to watch your mouth. I made no inslut to you so don't go telling me to know anyhting. I know enough. I have both cd's gently is on and there are 2 verry diffrent people singing them.
(my favroite topic, the wind :)) Look in to my eyes and you will see, They way I wish, wish I could be, Soaring high above the clouds, Like a bird without a doubt, To ride the wind so wild and free, To be with the wind is where I wish to be, To as a bird, one with the sky, To be as a cloud floating up high, The wind the clouds the birds you see, Ts way up high where I wish I could be. ~~D.Blume
Second one. The biohazard thing hehe i love ^_^ Second one, definatly, the grapics on it are way better. rate wise i give it a 10/10 :)
Its ok. REALLY REALLY simple, but ok. 7/10 for plain ness
[center][img]http://wave.prohosting.com/~shinkoru/animetrix.GIF[/img][/center] [color=crimson][size=2] [I] The dripping of murky green water can be jeard for miles, trashy, rancid smell all around, no escape. The cold hard steel of the pipes I live in make for my current "home". I've been living in this hell of a world for the past six months, or 180 flushings of the pipes. I have little ot nothing and have yett to find my way out of this Labrynth of pipes. Walking through the waist seep gunk, I'm afraid I'll catch a cold and die soon from being wet all the time, I try to listen for the tracers, what I call the small machienes that occasionally go through the tunnels in search for living things I guess. As I walk along I see piles and piles of junk, as well as floating carcases, I refuse to look at any faces incase I might have known them. My slightly splashy footsteps echo as I trudge along, as I have done day after day. I see a small light ahead so I dunk down, still moving forward. The light dosen't move, so I slowly creep closer, curisoty having the best in me. It fades a bit, waneing, then growing brighter. Seeing its lone and "weak" I break out in a run, hopeing it will mean survival for myself. As I grow nearer my pace quickens, my run at full speed. Upon reaching the machien I look up, to my horror two tracers are attacking this machiene! Grabbin the side of it I drag it back in to a small pipe, the thing I'm dragging barely making it in. Haveing not seen me the tracers flying past in search of the craft I found. Looking at my find I noticed it was a small craft, verry light but verry,big. Big enough for probly 10 people, with room to spare. Oval and round, about 8'ft tall and maby 20 square feet. I never was good in math. Pokeing its sides lookign for a switch I notice one, a little red button, I poke it as the door opens sideways. Stepping inside the door closes behind me, turnign around my fists automatically go up, banging on the door, it refuses to open. [/I] [b]Voice:[/B] Please, do not be alarmed, if you wish to get out, simply ask. [I]Startled I look around..[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Who..Who's there?! [B]Voice:[/B] You are inside of me. [B]Danielle:[/B] Oh.. I didn't know you ships could talk. Your not a tracer. why, why were they chaceing you, I figure your not friendly with them. [B]Ship:[/B] Sadly yes, I disagree with our wyas of feeding off humans, its crule. Many shar my opinion but ear destruction of we are discoverd. I accidently spoke out. [B]Danielle:[/B] Do you have a name? [B]Ship:[/B] name? [B]Danielle:[/B] Yes, what do they call you? I'm Called Danielle. [B]Ship:[/B] Oh, Hello Danielle. I am unit 0000000654332076658. [B]Danielle:[/B] Uh... Can I just give you a nick name? [B]Ship:[/B] I am not certin of what a nick name is but I will allow it. [B]Danielle:[/B] *laughing* Its a shorter version of what someone is called. I knew a thign sorta like you but it had eyes and stuff. From an aniem I loved, Tenchi, I'm going to call you Yuginocho. [B]Ship:[/B] Yugi-no-cho? I will accept this as my new name. [B]Danielle:[/B] Cool, can you floy or are you to damanged? [B]Tuginocho:[/B] I shut down so they would not detect me, yes i can fly. [B]Danielle:[/B] GREAT! lets get outta here please!! Anywhere just away from these sewers. [I] The ship dubbed Yuginocho light up inside, I was amazed to see many chairs with up, linkings to them, looked like osmething that went into my the hole in the back of my head, which I can't figure out what it is. Walking to the big screen shwing whats infront of us I sat down on the oddly comfy chair. I watched as images od bodies and pipes and water flew past in a blur on our way to the surface.[/i][/size][/color]
Yeah If I were you I'de Delete the second post. :-/ Kinda late now thou, oh well maby the "Gods" will let it pass. But as for the picture, Its not the best, but I like it. ^_^ Its verry nice. FOr paint. lol Trust me I simpthaise because I have just ms paint, but I've masterd it so I'm lucky. :)
One of my best drawings Yett. Deedlit The High Elf from Record of Lodoss War. Also shown in my banner. Tell me what you think, please comment I worked so hard on it.
Yea good point, I'm still sad Pru died. She was my favroit, But I'm a redhead as well so I'm obsessed with Page. :) Shes asome and Her constant attempts to live up to Pru's magical abilities is remarkale, I've seen enough to help. ^_^
HEY! THATS MEAN! You prolly on puked because you couldn't handle them. Slipknot is pretty hardcore, but still! Its my fav band, and FYI not all their "singing" is almost inchorent yelling. Listen to MY Plague, until you have you won't understand. Their singer is borderline Puddle of Mudd, sounds almost exactly like him. Don't know it til you hear it.
Well, ok heres the thing, MY ALL TIME FAVROITE Band is Slipknot, I'm just one of many metal heads here so help me out, As any true Slipknot lover would know the lead singer was changed a while ago, and their Cd Iowa has the new singer on it, Well they re-sang Gently. My second fav Slipknot song. I soo think the older one is WAY better. But most my friends say it sounds the same, but theres a BIG obvious diff, and this new singers is horrible compared to the orignal. And well, Dose anyone agree? Gently , the older version, is sooooo much better. I know someone must agree with me!? Right??