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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. A lot of anime's Ive seen also have Wiccan content, aka the use of pentgrams for many animes involveing spells, aka Ah MY Goddess, Ive seen plenty of Christian religous symbols as well, Lik in many vampire animes, the use of crosses ect. But Don't they know Crosses don't work on vampires unless the weilder of it has true faith to back it up? lol. But as well, I'm me and I know what I belive, just because an anime or cartoon promotes or invloves somethign dosen't mean I'm gonna go out and do that. :)
  2. IK have to say Mushroom Samba. Its by far amazing. And funny. For thoes of you who havent seen the ep it involves my 2 fav chars a lot as well, Ed and Ine. Ed goes looking for food and finds some illegal mushrooms dropped by a pirate, Fatts Domino. (no relation to the singer, hehe) And their well "shrooms" And it shows Spike, Faye and the captin guy tripping, the part about the stair to heaven is hallarous. I think thats the best overall ep. I own it as well as Balled of falen angels and ITs asome too, Verry sweet and heart felt. #2 on my list. ^_^
  3. Ive seen the demo besrion of ZOE 2 played and Yes its well worth buying, Its a tad better than the first but its asome. I highly reccomend it.
  4. I have made an intresting discovery. Record of lodoss war, the orignal 13 eps is part 1 of the legend of the acursid isle. And eps 1-27, of cronicles of the heroic knight, is the second part, it says so on thew dvd featurettes, i had forgot all bout em and it explains how the dragon of fire dragon mountian wasnt killed and pirotess returned, it was many years after the group left that this happend thou the eps don't tell you. So hehe ^_^ and since cardis couldn't be resurected then a new way had ot be discoverd using lady neese as the doorway so infact its al one incredibly LONG series and then they have the legend of cristania or sumtin which is Lord ashram and pirotess ect ect.. hehe Go me.
  5. Megatyoko..well I know the guy who did the drawings for it ^_^ He showed me some manga tequnics. Hehe if ya want his name or handle just ask. It is good but not his best works.
  6. *nod nod* Ooooooh. Nice, Verry deep. I also sence it has a hidden meaning within yourself. *smiles* Or it could just be that I can relate in some wyas. *shrugs* But verry nice, your flow was a bit off, and the form wasn't all to wonderul, it didn't follow a direct pattern and was slightly choppy in place, but besides that, a tad bit of work and it'd be a 10/10, but since it not hehe I give ya a 7/10. I likded it verry much.
  7. Well, I think i'm done, its not all to good but i made the bg my self on simply ms pain, heh. Thats all i got so gimme a break. :) lol. Its grapic but also inclused a drawing of sasami i did so go head count it as grapic even htou i drew part of it, Well it isnt the best but its my imignation, at least, one side of it.. ^_-
  8. Shinobi, u in. Of course. Serendity. Your in. And Darkness your in. Ok everyone I'll starts this... um, this afternoon. Thanks for signing up.
  9. IS ANYONE A judge plz gonna answer my question? If we make a grapic image can we use anime chars???
  10. I have a BIGG problem. I try installing more fonts on my comp, I take the true type files and put them in front's but then i open paint and none open! Can anyone help me please?!?!?
  11. Ah I see,*kciks my comp for not liking flash* grr *grumbles and walks away to try instlling it again*
  12. speaking of the grey witch, I have it. *hides*
  13. Awwwww. Thats the sweetest. I like it 10/10! Incredible! (just made it my bg) hehe, the words are a TAD bit hard to wead, but its nice.
  14. Ca we use anime pics from like anime or has to be orignal?
  15. OOO nize, BTW I wanted ask, how u get the words to fade in and outm I'm a total newb when it comes to that kinda stuff, but I'm ok at banner making, aka my own I have now. like? lol but how do u do that??!!?! I MUST KNOW!
  16. 10/10 definatly. What are you using to color it? And BTW the blue for that elf guys face, Genius!! PURE GENIUS! BWAHAHA! :) sorry hehe
  17. OH wow. Thats tight. ITsl ike from an advance art class, I didnt do stuff like that til My gifted art class's 5th year. I was doign that stuff, but not for credit. Thats great, how'd ya doit? 9/10
  18. The fire type thgn is Cool but yeah the big emptiness on the left, maby u should put an anime char there. I have a few that would look ASOME there. If ur intrested pm me. :)
  19. Name: Manatsu No Eve (Called as Eve) Age: 649 (looks seventeen) Race: High Dark Elf Class: Dark Mage (Dark Sorceress) Height: 5"7 Weight: 120lbs (feels like 5) Hair: Red w/ Dark purple highlights. Eyes: Deep forest green Equipment: A black cloak which is able to change colors according to weather or Eve's likeness, she wears a Heathrow undershirt, silver belt of protection, scabbard worn around her waist, in it holdign her legendary sword, Shinkoru, and boots with hidden holsters in both sides where she stores very sharp dagger in each. Her pants are made of an almost impenetrable black and purple leather. Also she carres a staff with the carving of a dragons head upon it top. If anyone but Eve voluntary touches the staff the will be knocked unchoncshous. Short Bio: Manatsu No Eve, last daughter of darkness. A child of the scared winds and a lover of the forest. She has but one companion, her dragon Ryuu. Eve was one of the 8 heros that rid the world of Nilothakir, the Evil Necromancer. Her skill and power have grown to emmence levels. (if ya wanna know more read the rpg here on OtakuBoards, Seige of the Necromancer, It's finally finished and its realy asome)After Their defeat of Nilothakir the 8 heros stuck togather, but eventually dispersed, Eve wanders with Ryuu through the world looking for adventure.
  20. Ah nice nice nice. Well lemme get to work lookin over people so I can post how made it. :) ITs not to lte to sign up if ya hurry, I'll be going over it all day and ill post tomorrow. :) SO if ya wana sign up better doit today or tonite. :)
  21. Well my gost pokemon knows a lot of psy moves so i gotthat handled, plus it knows a gost so thats taken care of as well. I tried again last night and I only got to round 5.. :-/ I hate this lol
  22. anyone else wanna link? PLEASE DO I wanna get as many affiliates as I can. I already put mike and Azazel's link up on my site. ^_^
  23. ^_^ ya found me out, I "borrowed" a bit of it cuz its so nice, :) I was gonna just use my own pic of that guy but I noticed he had a bg thing in it so. hehe there ya go, besisds that r they ok lookin?
  24. ACUTUALLY WHen I'm done with it, Its gonan be mainly anime. 90% anime. lol SO it wont be personal once u add me. :)
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