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Everything posted by Shinkoru
Here are some lil sig htings for my site, I'm lookign to link up wif as many pplz as possible. Please send me ur link. :) e-mail em to [email]shum_dum@hotmail.com[/email]
Oh wow. I really like that. Honestly ITs really good, If you didn't look atanyhting to draw it, If ya did its still good but could be better. heh thats all for critizem on my part.
Ive seen a lot of His work! He is pretty Good I Own Both sprited away and princess mononoke. Their asome, ALthout Princess was kinda, shall I say exausting, I thought it would never end, but once I finished, I watched it 3 more times. lol. And As for sprited away, It was asome, the love htign was the sweetest, even htou they were like 10? lol, but still his work will be greatly missed.
Ok, heres a GOOD question for all us record of lodoss war fans, Ok ROLW orignal 13 eps then Cronicals ofthe heroic knight, 27 eps Does the orignal 13 follow the 27 of COTHK? Because if so they messed up big time. IT didn't make sence because they already killed the dragon, then they try to resurct the same woman but in diffrent ways? But it also seems like they followed because I saw the 27 before I saw the 13 so I was like, whos Shris, whos Orson, how'd they get there, then i saw the 1 and it showed how they got there, So.. I'm confused. Help me out please.
Hah. NO one oculd be a bigger Lain fan than I am, sorry but I'm obsessed. First off Serial expirments lain is quite simple, i own all 12 eps, andthat correction Lain has 12 ova and theres one lil add on they try to call an epsiode, but its more like a shorter skit cuz if u notice all lain eps are 20 min long, this "final" one was 15 min long, and not as intresting as the rest. Boogie pop is confusing, and quite frankly its ment to be. You have to have a broader mind and deeper understanding of her feelings and more in drpth to understand it really. But besides a few confusing twists it easy for osmeoen lik me to understand, but, I live more in the wired than I do in the real world anyway, SoI would get it eaisly, now wouldn't I? heh hope I didnt offend anyone, and if I did I apologize , cuz I did not intend to.
Yeah u shoulda draw the rest of her, Its verry good for beginning work. But the lines, you could go back and use a ruler to make some a lil srtaighter, and it clould be less, um.. whats the word.. sketchy, Ive stated in other threds sketchy is best but for anime its always best to try and do it perfect as you possibly can. But good job, 8/10
I'm wiating on two piticular someones to sign up.. *cough*John* *cough*neil*cough* *clears throught* sorry I must have a cold. :p
ITs adorable, and up there someone said pokemon, I wouldn't think so, If anyhting it looks like a dijimon, matter a fact it does, hehe but its verry cute, and I agree, *COLOR IT*! I love the wing pose too, kinda hard to do, I don't think I could and I'm in gifted art, so heh, in other words, Great job, and color the pic so I can make more critical remarks ~^_^~ mmk? :)
Your soo right on the font, its extremly hard to read, serously, but its a nice banner, I don't think shrinking it effected it much, if so its hard to notice. But If I were you I'de make the font a brighter purple and blue but nothing bright like yellow or red because it would clash with the bg, a darker green maby with the blue, humm that might look good. But besides that yeah its really nice. 8/10 finx the font and I'de give it a 9.9/10
Hum... tough one, Well personally I'm With D_A on this one, really sketchy sketches are the BEST, but if itsl ike an naime, andh ow they do the sketches some times insteda moving pics, the moving pics (drawings) Are WAYYYY Better, but as I said, pends on if its anime. If not, then usually sketches are much better looking, in my own opinion.
Hey, here I have A banner I JUST finished but i'm stuck, theres one with a chalace in the middle and then without it, which hsould I Use, and like, which is better? I like both, but I'm not sure.It kinda looks better without but, I'm still unsire, can you tell me what you think please?
Verry much helpful, but that wasnt the point i was getting at, each stance has a certin meaning, and for the pplz that know me, like Mystick's knight, know hwat they mean, but I'll help ya out, ya kow when thigns r bad, andthey can't POSSIBLY get any worse? then they do. Well thats how it is. For example,"drowning in a poll of sorrow, waiting wishing for the morrow" Well drowing is me drownign in a pool of depression, and waiting for the morrow, basically waiting for twomorrow, because I live day by day, not really caring, and another example "friendless lifeless and all alone" Well i was recently expelled from school so itsl ike instantly i lost all my friends, me n my boyfirend just broke up recently, aka Mystick's Knight, by no real ault of our own, but still. The poem is ment ot set a mood and explain feeling, not really much else to it but my ranring, wiritng poetryl ike that helpes ease the pain a slight bit. Besides I have thousands of other things gone wrong, writers block foro ne ^_^ lol
Tee hee hee :) Yes I'm back, and Yup thats where its from, Ain't she asome? That book is really great, its a big help for manga drawers like myself. :)
I gave up a long time ago, I just hadn't realised it yett. Life is full of tests and challanges, thigns to try to make us see, but why? Who has the right ot test me? who has the right ot say I'm good enough to stay? Or who died and made someone god to stay I dont fit in. Who decides normal here? Who decides fate? Wish I Knew cuz if I did I woulda had him fired a long time ago. pardon my spelling its to early in the morning
Me cherish life? You know to much about me to know why I don't wantto be here, trapped in this termoil, Why does The Goddess test me so? Is it that my faith isn't strong? Is it that I don't trust in her enough to let her sort my problems? Or Is my fate at fault of God, whos sees fit to test me so often trying to tear my life apart.. I don;t know, I'll have to ask them when I get back to Avalon. If I ever get back to Avalon.
Ok, heres the thing, I've beaten all the tournaments in The first Stadium but 1, the masterball level of the lvl 50-55 category, no matter what I do I can't win! Any suggustions for stragities I could use or pokemon suggustions, right now I'm bout to re-enter and I've got: Vapeoren Lvl 54 Joelton: lvl 51 Flareon: lvl 51 Gengar: lvl 50 Dragonair: lvl 51 Golem: lvl 51 I think the lvl 1-100 was so easy cuz I had all my best pokemon al lvl 80-90 so i rare candied em' up and won, but, Help me someone. I've been at this for almost a year and I'm completely stumped.
Ah, ya had ta see the thing i drew it from, thats lips, but the way it was in what I looked at, i'll try n get the pic, it was from my dvd of cronicles of the heroic knight, i own all 27 eps. ^_^ I'm a big rolw fan. The opening, when shes standing on the pillar and the wind blows by her, its really soft and sad looking, I was moved by it and insisted on drawing it, much to the displeasure of my younger cousin who was watching it with me. Teeheehee :)
Yup. Take whatca like, I was bored so i cropped my fav anime pics. :) Have at it. :)
[color=purple]Drowning in a pool of sorrow, waiting wishing for the morrow, Dark and deep are my fears, from my eyes pour my tears, friendless lifeless abandoned and alone, this pool of depression is now my home, Ive lost the love, the life the joy, my wounds will never recoil, this place again I thought I had left, I found was buried still within myself, so here I sit sad and lost, no friends no life, They were the cost, of the decisions that I made, So I wheep, sad and nearly dead. ~D.Blume Whatca think? Rate please, comments and suggustions greatly apricitated.[/color]
[color=crimson] [center] [B]The Animetrix. [/B][/center] The year is 2090 AD. Computers have controlled the world for fifty years now. Something has started, something is happening the machines did not expect. Randomly people are awakening. Many die upon being flushed, the older people, but a few teens and a bit older have escaped. After being flushed they survived, eating what waste they can find. Most stuck in sewers, searching for others, some made it out, walking across the barren remnants of the world hoping to find others, but the ones who make it form the sewers die from the cold. One or two who knew each other inside the matrix make it out. It is the age of death. The Teens will rise, and the computers will fall. Your char¡¦s age CANNOT be younger than 15, or older than 21. I¡¦d like for you to not make up a new char, but use yourself. You, being you, waking up from the matrix, leaving the life you know now. Actually, You MUST use your real name. Ya can make up a last name, but use your Real name. Anything you carry MUST be primitive; clothing must have been made by things you find, scrap junk etc. Everyone will eventually meet to form one big group. Then they will make their way to the only free city near the center of the earth¡K an abandoned ship might be found on the way¡K.. ^_- Oh yeah, This RPG Will not be in the usual third person, ¡§ She walked across the wasted land¡¨ Its in first person ¡§ I walked across the waste land¡¨. OS talk like your talking, But when you talk to another char, don¡¦t put like ¡§ HI, ¡§ I said. No no no. Just put Ex: [b]Danni[/b]: Hiya. Seeeeee??? :) hehehe ok now to your char, aka you. ^_^ What Ta Put: [b]Name: Age: Height: Eye color: Hair color:[/b] (remember if you just awoke your bald. And girls have short hair, pending on how long they¡¦ve been out.) [b]Life Bio inside the Matrix: Time of awakening: [/b](now, how many days, weeks, months ago etc) [b]Equipment:[/b] (including clothing, remember if u just awoke ur naked and needa find clothing) Ok datz all ?º [b]Name:[/b] Danielle aka Danni [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5¡¦3 [b]Eye Color:[/b] Purple [b]Hair:[/b] Short, down to my chin, and blond. (Was red, died, inside the matrix) [b]Life Bio:[/b] I was a complete waste of life, I was headed down a one way path to nowhere. I was mostly alone, but for few friends. One or two of which have awakened as well. I was recently expelled from school and sat at home doing nothing; my life was in need of a jolt. Well, I got it. Time of awakening: I woke up about six months ago. Without the sun it had been hard to keep track of time. I keep track by the emptying of the swears I sneak around in. [b]Equipment:[/b] While scrounging around I found a big piece of what looked like a plant. It¡¦s a dark greenish and kinda leathery feeling. It doesn¡¦t smell like other stuff I saw so I took it and ripped holes for arms and the seam is in the front, kept together by a piece of rope like wire I found. So I stitched the top together. Its really short, a bit higher than my waist, I used a piece of smooth waxy feeling silver stuff that I washed in the clear water for bottom under garment, (I couldn¡¦t find anything for a bra) and for shorts I found what looked like a old time armor, it was a dark dirty looking gray, and it had two holes in it so I slipped my legs in and keep em¡¦ around my waist by more thin wire I found. It¡¦s almost completely solid but it makes some noise when I move around, it¡¦s very flexible. I used the rest of the stuff from my shirt and the wire to fashion a back pack like thing I carry what little edible stuff I find and stuff that looks worth holding on to. [B] People who Definatly Made it: Mystic's Knight Arikel The Harlequin Etarah's Maverick Dark_Apocalyps Shinobi Serendity Darkness Medra [/b][/color][B][center][color=red][SIZE=5]OK sgnups are CLOSED, Thanks for comming out![/SIZE] [/b][/color][/center]
Here are just a Few Avitars I've MAde, U can have or use any U like! Be My Guest :) Are they Nice, Do you like? Please comment! :)
IT is verry good. BTW u should change the pic, she edited so the girl had blond hair, I saw it, looks really good. BUt the poem, I love it. I'm gonna start writing again. And BTW DON'T TA KNOW HOW TO TELL UR SISTER HI ONCE IN A WHILE?!? Hummmm?? Lol, well Still, Ya could improve on the flowing of the poem ,the word choice and the way u set it up are asome, Great job, 10/10 ^_^