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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [color=cromson]Its a pretty good poem too.... "On Avric's white plain, where an icarus now wings To steeps of Terrain from Tour-of-the-Kings, And damosels twice-seven his brides have all become: A far cry from heaven, a long road from home -- Then strong-hoof of a starhorse must hallow him unguessed, If adamant's edge is to plunder his breast. Then, only, may the Warhorse and Warrior arise To rally the warhosts, and thunder the skies. But first there must assemble ones icari would claim. A bride in the temple must enter the flame, With steeds found for six brothers,beyond a dust deepsea, And new arrows reckoned, a wand given wings -- That when a princess-royal's to have tasted of the tree, Then far from Esternesse's city, theses things: A gathering of gargoyles, a feasting on the stone, The Witch of Westernesse's hag overthrown. Whereafter shall commence such a crule Sorceress War, To wrest recompense for a land leagured score. With her broad sword Bright Burning, the shadow Black-as-Night, From exile returning, shall dare dragons might For love of one above who, flag unfurled, lone must stand, The Pearl of the soul of the world in her hand. When winterock to water falls flodding, foes to drown, Ravenna's own daughter shall kindle the crown"[/color]
  2. [color=cromson]well.. whatca fink'? Dont mean to double post but im going to keep it to one or two threds... Depression and Love Depression is sumthin that makes me sad, something I was hoping I would never have. I can only regret what I haven't done, the string of my fate...is already spun. This my friends is what depression can do, you lose your will to live and your hope too. But it can be changed unlike the past, I wasn't quick enough...I lost it all...so fast. Love is something dealing with joy, it's an attraction between a girl and a boy. But it's more than just that, it's when she understands you...and you understand back. Now love...what can I say? I never experienced it until this day. I met who I thought was made for me, But I was wrong. Life is but a toil, can't you see? Love is something that wasn't ment for me.[/color]
  3. [color=cromson]ide' like to know what u think...dunno where it came from.... but You are But a poor reflection Of yourself. But you don't fool Me, With your Cool, clear Unrippling Outer surface. Others gaze at You And see themselves In your careful Yet indifferent Reply But I know That behind That cold perfection Your blood runs With mercury fire. I have touched you And come away Bleeding From your razor Sharp edges- That catch poor Unwary people Who worship You[/color]
  4. i agree. and sis, i know hwat u mena, Seige for instance EVERYONE in it loved the story plot, it was asome, it sorta.. died! i was sooo mad. but were starting to brign it back.. harqulein and kool-aid needa post,then thign will be perfect again :) and heaven quest is ofically dead and buried lolso is beginning of the end and well.. no not yett hehe BTW how come u havent signed up for none of my rpgS? id live my sister to be there with me....
  5. [color=royal blue][I] Ryoko nodded as the last had not yet made himself known,but it was to no matter, time pressed as she jumped back up to the comfortable chair. she bowed her head as she thought spoke to everyone.[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B]*thought speaking* Before I begin... Siren. I know of something but I am not shure you wish everyone to know. *thought speaking privatly to siren* I know you are not a full icari. For your appearecne is to beautiful and your eyes, deep but amazing. Trust icari are know to be ugly souless creatures. Heartless as well. But you posess the ability to love, and i know you have soul. You are just as Irrylath once was. Do not worry.. i shall not wisper to anyone else your secrete, for I have been speaking to only you these past few moments... [I]Ryoko looked to Siren, but her expression showed no emotion. Good. At least she'd learned to not let tell all with her eyes. Ryoko then sat back on the chair, lifting up, her front paws in the air, so she sat up as a person would. She began to change. Her fur grew cream colored as around her head turned green. Her eyes turned a deep maroonish purple. Her body hrew, her paws leghtend and turned to fingers as her arms and legs got longer. around her bust a dream colored top formed while fur was still there, as did a small skirted bottom, being all one peice it tied at her right, the tethers hung loosely. A Silver ring appeared around her right ankel, it was slightly bigger then her ankel and could eaisly slip off, but somehow it remained.oments later she was fully changed. Her long green hair flutterd lightly as a breeze enterd through an open window... She looked to the group as they stared slightly in awe. She smiled.[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] Well, This is still not my true form, you doubt you shall ever see thst, but this is how i am as a human. [I] Moments latre a brown ropelike necklace appeared around her neck. A talon hung from it. looking down to it she smiled.[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] If this give you any hint as to my true form, lest u might know now. If anyone of you can guess it I shall not hesitate to transform,but for now I shall remain as I am. [I] She smiled as she crossed her long slender legs.[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] Now my new compainons. it is time to tell you why you are here. As we are yett missing two people. and now Fox is a i belive the only male here. *slightyl giggles* I shall continue and fill the other two in soon. But for now. I know you are all, or were all wondering why I was covered in blood. Well, that has to do with your tast. I foguht with the evil that ails this forest. *looking to the Elf* Deedlit, can you not feel it? The pain.. and the portals. You know as well as I they should not be here. The evil has sent many minions to falter us. But we must defeat them. We must travle to the center of the forest, it is many many days walk from here. Three weeks ot be exact. We cannot go in a straight line either, for that path would cost us our lives. I shall navigate through the forest for you, u must keep follow to me, and I can be sure we shall get seprated more than once. If it happens do not move. I shall find you. We will encounter grave termoil and it may or may not coust one or all of you your lifes. I ca die, though nothign we face can kill me, only the evil may, I do not yet kow what it is i fought with. A creature, hooded in a all black cloak...lookignat it.. made me want to just die right there.. [I] Ryokos voice cut of as the memory flodded her. Tear drops fell from her eyes. The shatterd as they hit the floor. As if made of glass, or.. Ice, for a pulled remained in the wake of the shards..[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] Yes.. I cry tears of ice, I.. oh I should weep, i must be strong but... [I]....*her voice failed again as she almost fell form the chair, Fox sprung up to catch her, as did Deedlit. She fainted in their arms as Fox took her in his and paid her on the empty bed. He then looked at her, She seemed to be struggling with something, She was out, obvously, but it was as if she dreamed, for she occasionaly cried out, sometimes screamed. No words she mumbled were aduable. She jerked about often, as if struggling. Fox wiped his eyes before returning to his wife. They say beside the bed as the others talked, they awited her awakining, Fox held hopes she might tell her what it is she drempt..[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Lookit pickie, isnt Ryoko so pretty?[/color]
  6. OOC: go back and read your last post.. Everyones in diff places. Im DEAD lol im in hell and my dear brother is bout to storm nilos keep. i belive u had gone off and are in a tunnel of some sort.
  7. [color=green]I know the most bout the books so hehe i know what im a do. :-D [B]Name:[/B]Aeriel [B]Class:[/B] Human, (sometimes called a sorceress) [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, about 17-20 [B]Appearence:[/B] If you read the book you would know,but i shall explain. She has long blond hair, a slender attractive body (good nough for a Icari, hehe)Her eyes are a Green, the color of sorceresses eyes, (This is Aeriel, the one John spoke of hehe) [B]Bio[/B] A body is but a vessel for the soul. As her Grandson was turned the Ancient Ravenna started construstion for Aeriels body. Makign her flesh and bone, Taking Aeriels sorceress green eyes and calling Heroin (a whie heroin, a messenger of the Anchients} back ot aid Aeriel. She foudn Aeriels Staff and called fourth Aeriels soul from the heavens, from its place on the crown of the madens. Aerile awoke and Talib, the little mage of downwending was called back. More would have to be done for Irrylath to return, if he ever did. Once Aeriel awooke She, Talib and Heroin set out in to the desert of Pendar, seeking then Golden Lion. She also had hopes of seeing her grandson... Well, how bout that? hehe Good nough Brother?[/color]
  8. [color=indigo][I] Daniell sat up and looked around. The trees surrounded her as the moorning sun glinted through them, casting patches of light in the dimly lit forest.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] BANDIT!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!? [I] Looking around her eyes darted from tree to tree. Moments later a small fuzzy creature datrted out form the brush and rushed at Danielle..[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B]*catching the creature in mid jump* AH! there you are you little rascle. *setting him down* didja get me anyhtign to eat? [I]The Ferret looked at her and cocked its head to the left. Danielle looked it over.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] wonderful... looks like we better go find a village. [I]She grabbes Bandit by the back of his neck and tossed him up on her sholder. Grabing her backpack she stood and brushed the dirt off herself. She checked herself over and brushed a clump of dirt of her ferret's nose. She wiggled her nose as he pressed his ot hers.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] hehe, silly Bandit. [I] She smiled as she started of, walking on her tip-toes looking, hoping to see smoke or the tops of huts. After walking for fifteen minutes she stopped. Taking Bandit in her amr she tossed him up to a tree.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] You go, look for a village or town! CLOSE TO HERE! then come back down!*yelling to him. *mumbling* dumb ferret, like he can understand me anyway. [I]She laughed to herself and pointed up ot the top the tree, as she did so she pulled a crumb out of her pack, letting him see it. He hissed lightly and darted up the tree. Moments later he jumped to her sholder and ate the crumb from her fingers. He then looks to a thorn bushe and hissed.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] oh no.. u men to tell me the closest village is that way?! god u stupid ferrit. [I] She smiled and patted his head, wonderign how to get through the what seemed miles of thorn bushes. She sat down on a boulder wedged between two trees and brought her pack around to her front. She slipped out her shoes and slid them on. She tossed her pack on her back and stood again, looking ot see how far it went back.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Humm.. not to far, maby a foot or two. [I] She took Bandit and tossed him over the thorns. He landed safely on the grass with a thud. She giggled as she threw her pack over too. Looking up she saw a branch over the thorn bushes. Jumping up she grabbed hold of it and swung hard, tossing forward. Her left knee hit the ground as she yelped. A thin bloody line appeared on her arm. For the most part she made it, only with one scratch..she giggled to herself.[/I][/color] [color=brown] ----------- [B][size=3]Somewhere in the Northwestern Hemisphere of the Planet[/size][/B] -----------[/color] [color=blue]Ilythiirtar felt a slight twinge and looked down to hsi right arm. [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] How the hell did I get a cut on my arm? [I]He moved his arm to his side and wiped the blood off.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] Strange...[/color] [color=brown] ----------[B][size=3] Somewhere in the Northeastern Hemisphere of the Planet[/size] ----------[/B][/color] [color=indigo][I]Danielle laughed slightly as she stood, wiping her arm off. She shook her head as she lifted Bandit to her sholder and slung her pack on her back. She started off. In a few moments the trees stopped and the grass turned an odd red color. [B]Danielle:[/B] *mumbling* the rusted plains.. Some time later she saw smoke about a mile off.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] NO WAY! BANDIT!! YOU BROUGHT ME TO THE CITY OF BARDS?!?! YOU KNOW I HATE THIS PLACE! ... I forget the villages name but.. its SOO HARD TO STEAL FROM HERE! ..humm.. maby I can vishit..no.. i won't. I'll just eat and be on my way. [I] She approached the gates of the village as a cheery looking jester jumped in her path.[/I] [B]Jester:[/B] HELLO HELLO HELLO! Welcome ot the city of life, the of joy the city of song! Welcome travler have a nice day,! sing be fair then on your way! happy day, happy time.. [I] Danielle had, had enough. She pushed past him as his song died in his through. Walking to the nearest fruit stand she smiled, setting bandit on the ground she pointed to the gold goins people were flitting around,buying goods with. His eyes sparkled as he went off, sneaking around. He dissapeared from her sight as she stood and walked to the man.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Goodday Sir. How much are thoes melons? [B]Man:[/B] Well goodday Miss, why there on sale! only 5peices a pound! Thats a good bargin! [B]Danielle:[/B] Humm.. i dont know.. Last stand had them for 3 peices a pound. [B]Man:[/B] OUTRAGEOUS! I'll sell them to you for just 2 peices a pound! [B]Danielle:[/B] humm.. maby later [I] She grinned as she turned and walked away, the man calling after her. She noticed a ladder leading to the roof of a building. She climed it and looked down at the stand. A cround had gatherd hearign the offer for 2 peices a pound. She grinned. Jumping down she walked to the croud and slipped up almost in front. She stood behind two men trying to get the Shopkeepers attention. Her hand then darted out inbetween them and n to a smaller melon. She took hold and swiftly yakned her hand back without notice. She slid it in to her pack and decided to be daring as her hand darted out and quickly grabbed a small bunch of grapes on a vine. She slipped back and quickly put them in her pack and zipped it shut. Slipping it on her bakc she walked away unnoticed. She put two fingers in her mouth and wistled a high pitched shrill wistle. With all the commotion and the busy street no one hardly noticed. Just then Bandit came funning and slipped in her pakc through a hole in the side. She sat and inspected his findings. She had a gold wrist band, two gold peices, three silver peices and one bronze peice. Also three shiny rings, with jems embedded on them. She nodded approvingly. [B]Danielle:[/B] Good job boy, should fetch a nice price, dotn you agree? *smieling* i think we should pay the Dwarf queen a visit, I woder how long its been since she las sat me? I was but a babe. She will be quite suprised. She must have heard of my capture as well.. quite a supprise this will be. But where to go? I was just a babe, I dont rember the way, only Brothers teachings and how to get here, the shore of speaking shells..the rusted plains.. humm [I] She talked outloud quite often to Bandit, knowing he didn't understand her much, but glad he was there to listen. Bandit fidgeted in the pack before climbing out to Danielles sholder. She zipped the pack closed and started off back the way they had come. The exited the gates just as..[/I] [B]Jester:[/B] goodbye, goodday, i bid you adue, have fun, farewll... [I] She grabbed the jesters hat, stopping his song once again. She tossed it back in to thw city as she ran, flitting through the short rusted grass of the planes....[/I][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------- ooc: like love?
  9. [color=royal blue][I]Ryoko spoke privatly to Karina..[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] *private thought speak* *chuckles* I'm sure your pertty nervous.. *smiles lightly, the corners of her muzzles lifing oddly* I shall tell you what the task is as soon as your fellows return.. [I] with that Ryoko nodded to Karina and hoped she approved.[/I][/color]
  10. [color=royal blue] [B]Eve:[/B] WELL ILLY! *giggles* whatca wanna do? Its up to you love. :)[/color]
  11. [Color=indigo][I] Eve watched everyhitng Her brother saw thru her left eye. She saw what he saw, as he saw what she did thru his right. They were linked my heart, she didnt not know if he realized yett what he saw. She teared up as she read his thoughts.. he had wished so much for a child, her dear brother.. she cried lightly as she griped Ryuu's hand.. She turned to look at him as she smiled, he wiped her eyes with his sleeve..[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] My dearest, you musen't cry, we have a job to do if were to get you your body back and get you in to your Illy's arms as quickly as possible. [I] Eve simpley nodded. Taking Ryuu's hand and progressing onward. She finally noticed their surrounding and Eve cried out, holding on to Ryuu with all her stregnth. Her body trembled as she saw the rising pools of lava surrounding the five foot wide path they were on. het hands turned red she griped his garment so tightly... Her hands.. HER HANDS! Eve cried out as she looked at herself, almost in tears. Her shirt was silvery color, as was the daycloak stren about her sholders, her brown... skirt? Eve looked at it in puzzlement, as did Ryuu. The brown loose skirt fell to her knees, her black boots comming up to right under her knees. She nodded, pleased with this much better then the skimpy outfit Nilo had made of her. She touched her face, yes, it was herown, no longer blue, and her long whit hair was now short and red with purple highlights, as it should be, she grinned, her hand flew to her side as she checked the scabbard at her side, she was almost afraid to touch the hilt of the sword that lain in it. She slowly drew the sword, the moment her eyes laid upon the shining blue blade her heart lept, she fully drew the sword and hugged the shrap blade protectivitly..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] SHINKORU!! MY SWORD SHINKORU!! [I] Calming down she slid the scord back in its scabbard and walked on, hand in hand with Ryuu. His white hair standing out in the surroundings od frd and black, as did his white garments. hid odd but, somehow handsome facial featured made it all blend togather. She Smiled thinking of what was to come. Her long kept secrete, even Illy did not suspect... Her heart tightend.. Ilythiirtar.. her Illy.. her love.. She wondered if he even thought about her now, she wondered if he loved her still as she loved him so, she wondered if he knew she was dead, she wondered if he knew did he even care... Ryuu stoped walking and looked to Eve. His hand cupped her cheek as he glared in to her eyes..[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] Eve.. he loves you still, you know that, think of all you have been through, do you think he would leave you so quickly? Do you doubt your love so? Have faith in him, I feel he would be disipointed to hear you thinking that way... [I] Ryuu's lips pressed to Eves forhead as he turned and tugged her on. They walked in silence but for Eve's going over of what she must do.. thet would die unless she saved them.. their names rang sweetly in her heart... Rei.. Matthew.... She smiled inwardly as they approached the end of their path.. They appeared in front of a door. Its wooden frame lined wiht a black ash that crumbled off from time to time. She reached her hand out to touch the handle but instantly coiled back..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ITS HOT! [I] Ryuu nodded as if mocking her. He reached out his hand and gripped the handle, it sizizled lightly as he released it slowly. As he did the door creaked open.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Why you little.... [I] Ryuu grinned as they walked thru the doorway. Eve's hand trembled in his.. She looked around and shrunk in to Ryuu more, the figures in the swirling darkness around them scared her, the faces, figures, demons, monsters, her fears... Eve looked forward ignoring the images. The path ahead stretched farther than she could see. She wondered what dangers lied ahead.[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: i was gonna make one long post but whats the use?[/color]
  12. [color=indigo][I]Ryoko looked around. Her catlike eyes scanned the forest. She needed more hunting grounds. She'd already drained every homless person in the area. She looked around irritatedly. Her thirst pulled at her throught, bluured her thoughts, she saw red out the corner of her eyes wherever she looked. she growled lightly as her ong slender fingers stroked her cats fur. She thought wearily as she sat on the roof, bored out of her mind. She was ashamed of herself. She knew herself difrent. She needed dicipline. she had the skill, the power,the hunger, but she lacked what she needed to get by fairly. She wondered if she should go to the only place she'd known as home once she was turned. Central Park. She grinned to herself slightly, scopping the kitten up in one arm she jumped down to the upstairs balconey of the old french style New Orleans home. She sat in an old reclining chair, her cat in her lap. She wondered at how to "catch" a plane...[/I][/color]
  13. [color=royal blue][I]Ryoko lifted her nuzzle to the air and sniffed. She nodded her head and growled, calling everyone in the cabin. She jumped to an empty chair and looke around as everyone came back in.[/I] [B]Ryoko:[/B] *thought speaking* I'm ready to tell you...[/color]
  14. OOC:..your MY silly canadian.... ---------------------------------------------------------- [color=indigo][I] Eve paused and turned in Illys arms..she looked at him with eyes full of tears...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] why... i ask you why!?! [I] Bawling now she released him and ran off in to the Mire. Illy surely following. She lifted her cloaks hood and disapeard..moments later a scream was heard....[/I][/color]
  15. [color=indigo][B]Name:[/B] Danielle A'mano [B]Age:[/B] Seventeen [B]Eye Color:[/B] Violet [B]Height:[/B] Five Foot Three [B]Weight:[/B] (prefer not to disclose) [B]Hair Color:[/B] Red [B]Class:[/B] Warrior/Adventurer [B]Nationality:[/B] Born in Fynicnaria, an Isle off the shores of Gwedon, in the northeastern hemisphere of the planet. [B]Ambitions:[/B] Stay Alive. [B]Skills:[/B] She has a quick mind and a fascination with sharp objects. Also anything to do with science or Magick. [B]Gear:[/B] A brown pack including: A black box with a silver pentagram on the top, which holds assorted throwing, stars (stolen from a drunken guy when he tried to grab her) A pair of kacki cloth shoes which she rarely wears A dagger with a marble handle in a marble Seth, thou she has not yet figured how to get the dagger out of the Seth. An all black leather bound book. The words are of some sort of Ancient Elven she hasn?t ever seen, thou it appears to be a spell book of some sort. A wolf skin water flask On her person she carries: An Emerald Handled weapon of some sort. She vaguely knows how to use it, the "blade" of sort is circular and touching anything but the tip is smooth and harmless, thou the tip is deadly sharp. (she keeps it slipped under her belt, clearly visible if her cloak is open, the belt serves as a holder for it) A armor made of an odd silvery metal, linked together very tightly, not even her odd dagger like thing with its fine tip can pierce it (worn under her shirt) A thick metal ring worn around her right ankle, semi tight, it won?t slip off, must be melted. She wears a sliver chain necklace with a small dream catcher on it. The feathers are real as the band is metal and the web a fine silk. (Stolen from a merchant who ripped her off one time to many) A metal chain link, which is about three-foot long. She keeps it wrapped tightly around her left wrist, for easy access lest she need it. A golden ring she can no longer take off, slipped over he middle finger on her right hand. An incorruption lies upon the band... only she and few others and read the language. A 7' long silver thing. Like a chopstick with to sharp points on the ends. (She uses it for a hair pin.) [B]Appearance:[/B] Her red hair stays pulled up, held by her pin sticking thru it in the back, in front her hair looks short and boycut but if looking at her from behind you can see the silver pin stuck thru her hair keeping it held up. She usually goes barefoot but in case the land goes rugged or her bare feet can?t take the circumstances she slips on her cloth shoes from her pack. She wears a long navy blue dress to her knees, which is tight around the op but billows freely down to her knees. It has no sleeves and wears a white slip on the top in front. Her violet eyes are shifty and alert as are her ears. [B]Bio:[/B] She has little recognition n her birth place except that she was born on the isle she currently resides on. She was stolen a babe and sold a slave in the trade markets of Terrain, in the southeastern hemisphere of the planet. The man she calls her brother bought her off a cruel man when she was Twelve in the city of Orm at the slave market. He raised her and taught her to read and speak, which she could not do. He taught her how to steal and pickpocket. He left her a few years back, set her free of her slavement. She travled north toward her current homeland, the legendary isle few have found. The sea saw her way there one stormy night when she was about the age of fifteen. She has resided there ever since, with her ferret named Bandit, whom she trained to come to her call and steal shiny coins and jewelry. She travels her way across it, knowing the land well, thou how she does not know. She has so far travled from the shore of speaking shells to well across the rusted plains. She steals for her food and money to pay her way.[/color]
  16. [color=royal blue]OOC: WTF JOHN!!?!? U HAVE NO RIGHT OT MESS UP WHAT IM DOING! RYUU WAS THERE SO U DONT BOTHER ME!! LEAVE MY CHAR ALONE UNTIL I GO TO YOU@! -------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] Eve turned her head and looked to Illy.. His eyes gazed back to hers.. She leaned in and pressedher lips lightly to his, feeling utterly content for about two minutes. She then pulled back from the kiss and nuzzled Illy gently. Then she stood and walked to Blaze..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Go to the others, tasks await you, as well as me, our paths split here dear brother.. I bid you goodbye.. [I] With that Eve lifted the hood of her cloak and seemingly dissapeared. She pulled her hood about a mile away. She turned back to look in the direction in wist she had come... She wispererd to Illy..letting the wind carry her call to him, and him alone..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] come to me my love... follw me, I shall await for you here... [I]She looked around and sat on a huge bolder. She felt odd, as if she was not alone.. she felt it strange that there should be so many bolders here and no where else had she seen in the mire... She looked up and lept to the lower branch of a tree. Lest the bolders be some creatures... best let them alone..[/I][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: john u best not follow me..
  17. [color=royal blue](back at the fight) [I] The Eve [Ryuu] followed Lacroix as they enterd the outter gate. He made sure to act as much like Eve as possible....[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: ok sorry for thepost but, i really dont know what to do, kinda watin on either Flynn to move us more in the facility and posting to give my love leway to post now, so he didnt double post. hehe..[/color]
  18. i somewhat agree with james but as i said earier, you dont know him, they SAY he has no connection with the victems but ya know the usa's police, half they time its just bs. ..ya just never know.. but if they are random killings, and he is caught, let the law decide. im not one to really stink my nosr in to thatk idna business, and u all know how nosy i am.. heh well, that really all i have to say, im goign ot bed, peace out
  19. I totally agree with Neil. Justo ne lil hting, if there are random kills then it is uncalled for and totally innocent people are dieing and its not right. Seconly if the targets were someoen connected with the killer he/she/they prolyl have some right to do what they did. I mean if it was my friend shot id be mad and wanna kill the sniper, that make me just same as the killer htemselfe, frankly i dont mind. hehe XD Well, wrapping up my lil rambling my opinion I think ya'll should back off of the people cuz ya dont even know them or their story. so think about it.
  20. OOCL Ok it has come to my attention that some didnt quite understand what I ment up there *cough*john*cough* Look, I only ment to end a fuss but seems i started one. and im sorry. first of all John if u EVER and i mean EVER say ANYTHING mean or offensive to Michael EVER again I will so as Flynn thretend and light ur azz on fire cu i will NOT tollerate it. i couldnt care less that it didnt hurt mike, but i do care it was said to him and ur lucky it didnt hurt him cuz if it woulda ide kill u now. As for our rpg chars, dont kiss Eve on the corner of her mouth anymore and watch houw u word thigns, i re read the hand on bare chest hting u made it sound way to intimate. cool it down a notch, im ur sister not distant lover aight? but rember, even thou im a lil agaverated with you i do love you, and. well heh guess thats all there is to say.
  21. OOC: Yo Lacroix, first read my post then your sign up for this rpg, see where u are, i already got ya and ur ayt the cabbin, it helps to go back and auctually rember who u r wihtou a buch of confusion, u know thats johns job to maek the rpg go haywire :) hehee
  22. OOC: wonderful, I'm LATE AS USUAL! Lmao. Well I has sumti nall planned to do but, heh cant do some of it, but still the basics of what I wanted. I'm sorry but no one stoppin me, hehe im following my heart on this one?. ----------------------------------------------- [color=royal blue] [I] Eve looked past everyone in slight horror as Illy had dissapeared in to the darkness. Her heart struggled. She despratly wished to follow him, but alas, Blaze.. how could she.. She knew she must act quickly. She grabbed Ryuu and slipped in to the the shadows behind a tree. Dropping Ryuu she spoke to him quietly.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ryuu, darling you know how I act, and I cannot be two places at once. Please forgive me for leaving you? [I]Ryuu nodded and started to glow, his small figure grew as he stood, his red scales turned to red hair. Eve clapped gently as there stood before her a perfect replica of herself. She hugged her image. [/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Thank you Ryuu, I promise I will repay you. Now go, take my place and Save my brother? I will see you again as soon as I can. [I] With that Eve turned and pulled her cloak over her sholders and fled in to the darkness, following Illy's path?. She knew once she caught up he could not see nor hear her, her cloak had just as much if not more power than she, her father had made it, befor he died, she cherished it and its abilities. Keeping her perfectly consealed, as one of the shadows. She finally caught up with him and stayed sevral paces to his right, walking in steph with him. She watched the way he walked, intranced by his movement? she walked in complete silence, lest he find her and send her away. She smiled to herself . At least he wouldn't be alone? Nor would she. Blaze would forgive her, she really knew not why she had the longing to acompany him, she just knew she must? lest he need her in some way. She feared he loathed her, but thought better of it. Maby he was a friend, if not, a good aquantiace?.she silently prayed if she was dicovered he would not send her from him.. Eve didn't think she would be able to take it.. Her heart silently cried out to him, as Eve realized she had fallen in love?.. Ryuu had re-joined the group and played Eves fighting perfectly as they entered the facility. He knew her well?no one would know the diffrence?.[/I][/color] ----------------------------------------------- OOC: not to shabby?eh? .....
  23. OOC: ... oh john. Michael, please.. don't let blaze die!!!! I, LOOK i know ur a bit jelous but, please understand to us it has zERO to do with stuff liek dat, sure i know a few thigns im a due to mention BUT still. i odnt want blaze to die! We've been thru a lot and for a long time we were all each other had. He saved my life so many times it aint friggin funny. heh, ok well maby it is, but hahah, still, please love, let blaze live. And john, even if he dont say anyhting, u BETER, make blaze live. or i will personally smack you. lol ^_^
  24. [color=royal blue][I] Ryokos un-chonshous was trouble with dreams and images. Her mind strried with visions of who had hurt her, the danger, the evil, it all flashed before her closed eyes. Her limp body twitched slightly in Fox's arms. He did not notice the pack of wolves circleing them and watching his every movemnt. They blended in perfectly, but for the pack leader, a sliver wolf. Their eyes glinted as they kept their distance, watching, making sure their lead female wasn't harmed. Ryoko's mind still swam, she couldnt think, just watch. She knew nothing of what was going on around her..still she drempt..[/I][/color]
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