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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [color=royal blue][I]Ice cold? the dead of winter. A thick blanket of snow covers the ground and trees. A lone pure white wolf races through the forest. Blood streaks her pure white fur, making her stand out in the snow; otherwise she would blend perfectly. She races across the land, running swiftly. The trees whiz past her in a brown and green blur. The snow crunches under her paws and leaves her prints, which are quickly covered, in the falling snow. The sun shines brightly as the snow falls. She races fast as she approaches the edge of her forest home. She sees a log cabin about three miles away. Her sense telling her the occupant is home. Upon reaching the cabin he doesn?t stop or slow down. She nears the front door and lowerd her head, ramming it? Once inside she stops and looks at Kredion..[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking*[/B] I am Ryoko Ama?no. I have been sent to fetch you and six others. There is a danger in the forest. You must listen to me? Stay here and I will alert the other warriors and send them here. Please welcome them, and I will inform you upon my return what to do further.. [I] Without waiting for a reply she turned and ran from the cabin. Leaving a stain of blood on the carpet from where she had sat down. Her fur still streaked with it. Racing again through the forest she was to lose in thought and ran in to someone, knocking him down. She jumped back and instantly knew who he was.[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking*[/B] Vensir! I was coming to find you. There is a cabin about a mile from here. A guy named Kredion is there. He is expecting you and a few others. I have not time to explain Please do as I say? [I] Again she took off, running at what appeared to be at least forty miles and hour. Her destination the city of Valis... She caught a blur of black amidst the brown and white. She stopped abruptly and and turned. Facing the being. Watching the black wings. Staring in its eyes she bows her head.[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking* [/B] Siren.. I am lucky to find you. Yes I know u no nothing of who I am, but all I can tell you is to run quickly and try to follow my tracks, the lead to a cabin not to far from here. Go there and wait for my return, there will be others there and more will join you, the spirits have a mission for us. [I] With that said she turned and kept running, she could almost see the snow covered walls of Valis. Her mind raced with the tasks at hand and what she must finish. Also of how was she going to manage to get past Valis guards. She chuckled to herself. I am a messenger, no mere mortals can stop me? She paused upon reaching the gate. It towered above her small-bloodied wolf form. [B]Ryoko ? (thinking) well? which way in, kill the guards before they see me, break it down, or just walk right in. then once I am in I must find the warrior Fox, son to the great Parn.. Ah yes.. his mother is also one I must fetch?.time presses, I must do what I have to.[/B] She lowered her head and made her way forward. She noticed a break in the gate no human could fit through, but a dog, or, wolf, could. She squeezed under the gate and sprinted in, the guards only seeing a blur of red and white like a red bird flying low. She looked up as she ran, the knight?s palace loomed in front of her. She stopped and looked at the windows, then to the front door?. Thinking for a moment she walked slowly up to it and butted her head against it. To her luck a young man answered it. She watched as his braided sliver hair glinted elegantly in the sun as he looked down at her.[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking*[/B] Hello fox. I am Ryoko Ama?no. You have a quest. Proceed in to the forest of time immediately, follow the trail about fifteen miles back, there you will find a cabin with a few different occupants in it. Await there for my return. Do exactly as I say or you shall regret it. (she said the last part because she knew of him and if she did not warn he would try to follow her, and that is something she did not need, nor want.) [B]Fox:[/B] Alright. [I] She turned and walked from the doorstep leaving him to pack his things and get off. Her mind turned with what to do next, and she was already limping. She hoped she would make it to the rest before she died, or stopped to let her wounds heal them selves. She then decided since she had already made it to Valis she would take the short run to The Forest Of No Return and fetch Deedlit. So She started off. Her mussels flexed as she lunged forward and kept running, she would be there in ten minutes at this pace, but finding Deedlit, would be another thing.. [B]?Fifteen Minutes Later Inside The Forest Of No Return?[/B] Ryoko looked around. She had been walking for five minutes. No sign of Deedlit anywhere. She proceeded walking, her blood spilling on the snow, on account of her slow pace. She heard a crunching of footsteps behind her and swung around. Her yes and head lifted as the Elf stood before her. Before Ryoko could say anything Deedlit spoke.[/I] [B]Deedlit:[/B] I know why you?re here. I know who you are. I will go the Cabin in the woods. I have been following you for some time. As well, nothing goes on the forests I do not know about, except for the information you have to tell me and the others you have gathered. I will be off. [I] She then jumped up to the branch of the nearest tree and disappeared. Ryoko stood for a moment stunned. [B]Ryoko: (thinking) I guess I was to deep in my thought to notice her slipping behind me? but how. Never mind, I have but two more to get. I should be off. My next stop shall be to Canterville.[/B] She ran somewhat slower than before, but still she ran, not allowing her mind to linger on the pain. She entered the city and looked around. She was lucky this wasn?t like Valis with guards and a gate, she didn?t know if she would have been too lucky they have dogs. She paused as her eyes searched for the home of Karina. The came to land on a smaller home near the other edge of the city. As she walked Ryoko felt uneasy? this city with its computers and lighting, so near her world, she had forgotten she passed a time barrier at the entrance of the city. She didn?t belong there and she felt it, she wondered if Karina would feel the same once she entered the forest. [B]Ryoko: (thinking) Curse the warped world, all kinds of time barriers linking the past with now?! Why, this isn?t right!..Hopefully our quest will fix this as well?.[/B] She approached the door and looked next to it. The window was open. She decided not to wait and jumped through the pen window and onto a carpeted floor. A girl sat in the corner at a desk, typing away, unaware of her visitor. Ryoko rowled and the girl turned and almost screamed. Ryoko had hoped for a remark along that line. The girl stared at the bloodied wolf in shock.[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking*[/B] Well Hello, little mage. I have come for you; there is a task that needs your help. Enter the forest of time and proceed to the farther end, it is approximately thirty miles from here. Ten miles into the forest from your location. I have been told you have a device of transportation called a motorcycle. Please use it and bring anything u might need for this. The more items' u have the better. Do not dawdle, leave post haste. [I] Ryoko bowed her head and jumped from the indo as the girl snapped out of her shock. Ryoko races as fast as she could, this final one was a long way off? she must hurry. She ran along the treeline of the forest until she came to a wall, semi hidden in the trees. It was just as air except it rippled like water. She slowly walked throughout as she found herself in the middle of a huge city. She looked back as the way from which she had come disappeared. She sighed. Looking up she looked awed at the tall buildings and cars. She nose darted west as she saw a tall brow bricked building. Her sharp eyes could faintly make out a figure atop it. She set off. She hadn?t expected to make this much commotion, but everyone noticed her snow and blood covered fur. She neither paused nor turned her head and kept running. Ryoko reached the building and looked up. She pondered how was she supposed to get all the way up there. She looked to a door that had 3 doors, meeting in the center, it turned around and around as people walked in. she stepped in and kept walking as the walls moves with her. She stopped and ended up right back where she came in. turning she saw what she had done. Laughing at her own foolishness she tried it again and turned right as the way opened to a corridor. She saw stairs against the back wall and sprinted to them. She didn?t stop till they did not go up anymore, but led to a landing and a metal door. She nudged it open and walked out in to the sunlight. A man stood infront a refrigerator and talked to what appeared to be dead bugs. She looked him over. .. His hair was long and pulled back in a ponytail, his skin was as light as her fur and his close were black as his hair. She looked upward and asked the heavens why was this to be one of the chosen. Would he even believe her? She had to try.. She approached him as he turned to look at her, his face showed he somehow knew who she was, and had expected her, but he said nothing and let her speak.[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking*[/B] I do not know why but I have a feeling you now who I am, but I am certain you do know the task that awaits. Follow me and I shall proceed with you to The Forest Of time and greet the others. My Name is Ryoko Ama?no. Let us be off. [I] He nodded as she walked down the way she had come, he followed her. They walked out on to the city street and turned in the opposite direction that Ryoko had come. They walked at a steady pace for about twenty minutes as Ryoko made a sharp turn down a dark alley. The back wall of the alley appeared to be the same watery wall from whence she had come. Ha paused as he watched her enter throughout it and seemingly disappear. He followed hesitantly. The emerged from out the other side at the edge of the forest. Smoke rose over the trees signaling the cabin that they were headed to. Ryoko took off. Running flat out to the cabin, Lacroix running behind. She slowed and finally walked, through the cabin door. The other were all inside waiting, they gasped lightly seeing Ryoko and their final companion. Lacroix walked in and sat down as Ryoko walked to the center of the room and collapsed. Blood still pouring from her wounds.. She looked up as a few rushed to her?[/I] [B]Ryoko: *thought speaking* [/B](sounds like she is gasping for breath) forest? danger?warriors.. Must? [I] Ryokos world went black as she passed out?[/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA BE LONG!!!!! Do ya like it? I hope so! :)![/color]
  2. SORRY 4 DOUBLE POSTING BUT IM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!
  3. lol sorry guys, hurricanes been keeping me at bay, and no electricity to type ya know. lol. im down here in louisiana where all the commotion is and i live in that "soup bowl" they call new orleans! lol flooding. im lucky i have my comp. it should be up asap go check it im just bou done and yes its friggin long! :D
  4. OC im a chill on posting for a bit, this is Flynn's rpg and its only us posting!! that boy needs to take some responcibility. lol looka me talkin liek dat, lmao. well he still should post...
  5. [color=indigo] OOC: yes bro, it was much ot my liking... *wipes eyes* verry much so...*smiles* ------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Tears were streaming from Eves eyes as she looked for someone ot hold on to. Seeing that Ilythiirtar was nearest she reached out for him, un knowing if he would help her or turn away. He approached her slowly as he reached his hand to her, she slid her hand in his as he kept her balance as she shakily stood... She looked in his eyes and smiled...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *voice still shaky* ..Thank you... [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] Don't mention it. [I] Eve realsed his hand as she stood on her own. she almost cried out as she looked around her..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] RYUU!!! [I] No sooner had she called his nmae that the Labrador sized dragon came running to her. She instantly scooped him up in her arms as she cradled him gently. wispering to him to not run off like that. She set him up in one arm as her other laid on her blade at her side. she gripped the the daggar Shinkoru. She had carried it since she was a chile. It was her gift from the goddes, she treasured it more than her own life...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *looking to Rastilin* SO, What shall we do? [I] Rastlin didnt reply as she stared forward. Eve looked around as she shifted nervously. Ryuu wined out a bit on her sholder. She almost jumped when hse realized she was hurting ihm the way she was holding him. she moved him ot both arms cradling him as she walked up beside her old friend Lacroix. She looked forward, standing next to him..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I was wondering of you know what happend.. after you left, well.. after we went our seprate ways. Do you know how long I've looked for you. And what happend to Eslyan and Mara... [I]Eves eyes started to water as she refused to turn her head as she waited for Lcroix to answer..[/I][/color]
  6. [color=indigo][B]Name:[/B] Ryoko Hokori [B]Age:[/B] Actual 75/ Appearance 15 [B]Clan:[/B] Gangrel [B]Generation:[/B] 9 [B]Appearance:[/B] Boy cut extremely short black hair, a thick long strand on the right front of hair is an Electric blue. Green cat shaped eyes, which laminate in darkness. Slightly pointed ears. Blending in with humans except for her eyes and ears. Silky pale skin, and a slender figure. Wears a black tank top and blue jean shorts with straggled edges. She wears no shoes and has a thick metal ring around her right ankle. [B]Personality:[/B] Liking only animals and various plants, Ryoko is a solitary person. If approached by any male she usually feeds on him if shes hungry. If approached by a female depending on the looks of the woman and the time Ryoko is approached depends on whether she feasts, leaves the scene or decides to talk to the stranger. Extremely rarely talks to anyone she is approached by, for she is always hungry. If encountered by a person with an animal she bypasses as lets them live. [B]Background:[/B] Embraced as a virgin, Ryoko was alone in life except for her pet cat which still follows her around. Taking on the Wiccan faith and a life of solitude, having little to no emotions. She stalks the streets of New Orleans, sticking mainly to the parks and the outskirts of town, feasting on young handsome males, settling for anything else. Always having been intune with nature and animals she finds it easy to control and manipulate them. She has often favored cats and wolves, alas her catlike features. She lives in n old run-down house on Patanya St. Which was burtn down once in the 1500's. (The place like in Interview with the Vampire: Same location and all. LOL thats where i live! *screams*) [B]Equipment:[/B] Wearing a old blue backpack with one strap. She carries a retractable dagger in her right pocket and in the backpacks she has thick glass jars of different liquids, the contents of the jars are still unknown. Also in the backpack she carries two locked small chests. One contains tons of throwing stars, and the others contents are unknown. She also wears a necklace with a silver pentagram on it, and small hoop earings, silver. [B]ATTRIBUTES[/B] Physical 3 Social 3 Mental 5 Willpower 4 Appearence 4 [B]Disciplines[/B] Animalism 2 Fortitude 1 Protean 2 [/color]
  7. [Color=royal blue][I] Eve screamed and fell to her knees, her hands on the sides of her head. She shook violently as she cried out again. Some how she had seen what Blaze saw, Blaze, Delita, her.. brother..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] BLAZE!!! [I] At this she fell face first into the ground shaking. Muttering Blaze, brother, over and over, She went in to shock as the world around her darkend, and the memories flodded back... [B]Blaze:[/B] Eve, sister, Will you be safe? [B]Eve:[/b] Yes of course brother, you know me, saving a few babt dragons is simple for me [B]Eve:[/B]BLAZE!!! [B]Blaze:[/B] ITS OK! I'm ok! RUN!! GO!! [B]EvE:[/B] NO! I WONT!! [B]Blaze:[/B] TAKE RAIN AND GO NOW!! [B]Rain:[/B] EVE COME ON! [B]Eve:[/B] ILL BE BACK FOR YOU! I PROMISE!! [B]Blaze:[/B] Merry Christmas Eve [B]Eve:[/B] ..F..for... for me? [B]Blaze:[/B] Who else? [B]Eve:[/B] OH! Its so pretty! You, you slouldnt have! Its so pretty! wow! [B]Blaze:[/B] Its the color of your eyes... Snapping back to reality eve screamed again as everything was still dark. she struggled to move but found she couldnt, her mind raced as she tried to stand but fell. her head hit the ground hard as she passed out..[/I][/COLOR]
  8. [color=royal blue][I] Eve stirred lightly in her sleep, her dreams troubling her.[/I] [Dream] [B]Eve:[/B] Where am I? everythign all blurry. fire? FIRE!! *screams* ILLY!! [I] Lookign around everyhtign came in a blur of red and green..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] MY FOREST!! my home!! NO!!!!!!!!!! [/Dream] [B]Illy:[/B] Eve! [I]Eve slightly opens her eyes to see Illy holding her shaking her lightly..[/I] [B]Illy:[/B] shh its ok, it was just a dream, your safe now. [I] Wraping her arms around Illy she begins to cry slightly as he rocks her. Her eyes slide half closed but keep slightly alert, looking at his gentle face and warm smile. With gentle re-assurance she shuts her eyes and drifts to sleep..[/I][/color]
  9. um auctually this rpg sign up ended a long while ago, otaku was just down and i didnt get to post my opening everyone had already been chosen. sorry. but to everyone already in ill post later today in about an hour. :D! oh and ill pm everyone once it is up :)
  10. I wanted to ley ya'll know that im ap ost the open to this SOON. im almost done :)
  11. itll start once i can finish the first post, its gonna be LONG!
  12. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve rushed outside and in to the forest. Stopping abruptly she screamd. Bleeds shadowy figure stood before her..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] YOU!! YOU DID THIS! DIE DEMON! [I] Eve jumped up in the air and brought her hand in front her, orange light luminating her hands path. moving her hand straight out a blast of orange shot at him, goign straight through him. stainding on the ground again Bleed laughed. She knew what he was thinking... He didn't think it would hurt him. She grinned. Watching him. About three minutes later Bleed screamed, his soul evaporated before her.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] We won't be seeing him for a while... [I] She raced through the forest now to her burnt home. Grabbign a flower growing on a tree than luckily did not burn she rane back to the castle. Reaching hutners side she moved the hand with the flower ot her mouth, she bit it in half and chewed it, moving her lips down to his she forced the cwed flower in his mouth. pullign back she ordered ihm ot chew. Seeing he was to out of it to do so she moved her hand to his jaw, makign him chew lightly. She tilted his head back as he swallowed it. She took the rest of the flower and crunched it in her hands, covering them with a odd pinkish substance. she moved her hands over his wounds. He screamed as it touched him, burning painfully.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I'm so sorry.. I know it hurts, but.. Its the only way.. [I] She finished goign over his cuts and she washed her hands. Bandageing his cuts she took Karina by the arm and she took Illys hand. Leading them out the room...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Go back to your rooms.. [I] The turnd and went to their rooms, Eve letting go of them. Illy waited until Karina was in her room when he turned to Eve, he hadn't let og of her hand. She smiled and put her finger to his lips.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Shhh... [I] She leaned ot him and kissed his cheek. Letting go of his hand she turned and went back in to Hutners room, Illy turning and going in to his own. Upon entering the room she sat down next ot hunter on his bed, runnign her hand over his forhead, brushing his bangs aside lightly. He opend his eyes slowly and turned his head to her.. The moon cast a think sliver of light on the floor of the otherwise dark room. They could both see perfectly though.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ... Don't say it... I know.. [B]Hunter:[/B] But how? [B]Eve:[/B] I knew from the moment we met... [I] Hutners eyes look confused as Eve shushes him.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] All that matters is that I know... but we shall be torn apart again in the not so near future. We will meet again though.. but I can promise we will not rember.. All that matters is right now ... my brother... [I] Eve bends over and kisses Hunters forhead, smileing. He holds Eve hand as she stands and walks form him, letting their hands slip from each other... Eve walks back to her and Illys room, knowing Hutner and his kinky thinkings, knowing the reason he had made Eve and Illy share a room.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *thinking out loud* Darn sicko... [B]Illy:[/B] *lookng up ot Eve* What? [B]Eve:[/B] huh? akk.. oh nothing sorry.. [I] Eve walked ot her bed and almost instantly fell asleep on impact of her head on the pillow. Illy walked to her, covering her with the blanket. Noticing her shaking still he got in bed with her, on top the covers not under with her. Wrapping his arms around her, calming her shaking he rested his head on hers, her back to his front. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep...[/I][/COLOR]
  13. Heheh. KEwlio Piro. I liek it, looks like water to me. but the center.. yea looks liek an eyes but.. i dunno. *stares at it for a few hours* Well I think the same htign as b 4.. lol. Maby u could help me out with sumtin Piro.. this banner. well, i htink it lookz kewl, but, can u give me any pointers on what else to do with it? Rember , I have MsPaint only.. lol
  14. [color=royal blue][B]Eve:[/B] What have you to be sorry for? You did nothing to harm me. If anyhitng I should thank you, and I do. You,Karina and Hunter saved me. I would be dead at My Lord Bleed's hands if not for you. ..... You seem puzzled. Yes I said My lord... You see.. I am still in bond with him, we had a contract signed in Blood. Although I run form it now... I know I shall have to live up ot my end of bargan someday.. But be sorry you shold not... [I] Eve lowerd her head as a single tear rolled down her cheek...[/I][/COLOR]
  15. Wow. Frankly i didnt expect this many people to sign up.But thanks for doing so. After a lotta reading and tthinking how the diff charictars wuld work in to the rpg i chose on these 7 out of the 8 people that signed up. 1) Stormwing 2)EvlinFoxKnight 3)Sirven_2002 4)The Harlequin 5)kool_aid13 6)Starlight 7)Ugamon
  16. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve's eyes narrowed as a htought struck her mind. She walked ot Alastuin..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I'll go with you. See, Ive been working on my transforming, and I can turn in to a ferret, small, fast, sneaky and hard to detect on a persons. I know the danger... Will you.. let me go with you..? [I] Eve stood in front Alastuin and awaited her reply..[/I][/COLOR]
  17. Yeah u have been. Starlight. Your posts have been getting longer and more detailed, i compliment you. :) Go ahead but as i said, depends on who signs up, but put ur sign up anyway. :)
  18. sure thign Stormwing, ill put your name as well as Johns on the pplz in rpg list. But rember people i will be reviewing all posts, so it dosent count on when you post its on how well you do ect. you know the drill. lol :D
  19. Deep in the forest of time evil is stirring; no one yet knows what or who it is; only one can alert the warriors that must fight. An Unknown destiny, an unknown danger. Who will be the warriors the one must find? It?s the dead of winter in the forest of time. So where ever you are must be near in or no more than 50 miles from the forest of time. You can be old or modern. I?d like someone with New age stuff, hand held gadgets, computer ECT. MY girl is old/new age Elvin. I also want some good old fashion all out Elvin warrior people. The forest of time is hidden amist a normal forest, not far from a big city so you can dwell there. The year is 2053, but habitants in the forest are still in the ancient days where magic rules and, well you get the point. What I will need is what is below; I will use my entry as an example. Name: Ryoko Ama?no Age: 17/ actual 236 Race: Elvin Class: Shape Shifter/Sorceress Description: She lives in the forest of time. People rarely seeing her true form which is an Elvin women, standing at about 5?6. She has short shoulder length brown hair. She wears a silken sliver shirt and long blue jean type pants, which are tight at the top and the legs, get wider starting at the knee. (Yea, blue jean bell bottoms.) Bio: Her background and history is unknown. Only that she is a shapeshifter. Location: Forest of Time Century, New age/old age: Old time, but must go in too new to retrieve warriors who are there. OK well that?s bout it, so um. I hope u sign up and remember, I need some new and old age pplz. :-D and for inventions and gizmos for the new pplz, be creative! :D Members so far are: MysticDarkElf Stormwing ElvenFoxKnight sirven_2002 The Harlequin kool_aid13 Starlight Ugamon
  20. [Color=royal blue]Eve looked to Lacroix as they walked around the side of the temple and stumbled upon three others. A wolf looking man, a huge guy and someone Eve thought she rembred seeing once on her jumping through the forest. [B]Eve:[/B] Hello! [B]She waved to them from atop her husbands sholders. The looked at the new comming people with weary faces, the wolf guy looking as if he just awoke..[/B][/COLOR]
  21. Well now i know what to call you. :) hehe Thanks Flynn. :)
  22. OOC: Sorry for this psam but um, im lost.. i understood what u put up until ur voice got erous. who was the comment dieected at? ?_?
  23. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve rested her sword next ot the wall, thankful to have it back. She looekd at the fallen Hunter, knowing he could not stand. She shakily stood, blood over her as the glass only buried deeper the more she moved. She walked to Hutner and picked up Alaris... Knowing no one else coudl hold it but him.. She made it.. she is the only acception. She spun around looking at Karina..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *in a low shaky voice* back up...! [I] Eve jumped high up in the air, as she would jumping in to a tree... She spun Alaris and brought it to a stop, blade faceing straight down.. When she jumped she pressed forward slightly, sending her directly over Bleed.. She came down on him as the blade enterd through his scull and went directly down, a scream echoed through the palace as it killed him alomst instantly. Eve fell.. She hit the groung hard, Alaris in Bleed all the way to the hilt. The mistical Blade peircing him. The instant before her eyes closed she saw a shadow exit Bleeds body, at flew throught hte wall, and then she knew, he would be back... Her eyes closed as she passed out, inches form death...[/I][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=royal blue][I] While inside... Eve screamed, which could be heard outside as Hutner and Illy's ears perked up. Bleed walked in to the room, he grabbed the chain which held her and yanked it from the wall.[/I] [B]Bleed:[/B] You friedns cannot save you if you are dead, now can they?! [B]Eve:[/B] AAAAHHHH!!!! [I] Bleed dragged her behind him liek a doll on a string, dragging her through the glass, Eve screaming... He dragged her up the stairs, she tried to keep her head from hititng the stone steph but, being dragged by a chain connected to your right ankel well, you kinda can't help it. After goign up a long flight he stopped and turned to an open doorway. It was a marveously beautiful room, considering everything was black and red. A throne sat in the center back wall. He walked ot it and threw Eve towards it as he sat down. she winced and snak back in to the corner watching him. A bubble appeared in front him as he watched Hutner and Illy fighting his minions. Eve stared eyes wide in the corner. Her knees tp arms aroudn them, crying and bleeding, bits of glass stuck in her skin...[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: THIS IS MY 300th post!!! WHOOT!!! ... -_-[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve awoke, the note in her hand. She read it as a tear rolled down her cheek. she clenched her fist tightly, bring the hand with the note inside to her chest. she tilted her head down, eyes closed..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *wispering* my love... [I]Eve stood and walked out the cabin, knowing she would doon die. The previous nite she had been shown where to go and what would occur, but the dream stopped at her death. Eve knew not what awaited her. After walking through the darkend forest for about twenty minutes she ran in to something. Startled she lokked up. Her eyes travled up as she saw red. The creature bent down and picked her up, cradlign her lovingly. She wraped her arms around its neck as she wept..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I.. thought you had gone. OH MY RYUU! [I] Ryuu set Eve down. She then realized her shrinking spell had wore off. She looked next ot Ryuu and screamed...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] RAVEN!!! [I] Eve srunk back in horror as her sister stood befor her. Eve was afraid. She has not seen her in years and was worried..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Um.. sister... I [B]Raven:[/B] Silence. I am here to kill you. You know this, for it is the only other way to return you to your normal self without Nilo's demise. And He can only be defeated by Hunter and youeself, side by side. You cannot do your strongest attack in this form... [B]Eve:[/B] I.. willl be alone.. [B]Ryuu:[/B] Im goign with you. [B]Eve:[/B] Ho Ryuu! Thank you..so much.. [I] Eve jumped to Ryuu's "sholders" as Raven continued. Eve noticed her long blond hair, her violet eyes glinting in the moon light, her cape billowing silently...[/I] [Raven:[/B] Eve.. come here and face my, take Ryuu's claw so he may join you in his human form. [I]Eve jumped down as Ryuu changed, growing smaller til he was Human. His hair blood red and eyes a deep blue. Eve took his hand as she faced Raven, her long lost, but never forgotton sister. Raven raised a daggar over Eve as she chanted..[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] With this blade .... Let th evil be undone! [I] Raven brought hte daggar down, it perced Eve's flesh as it sank in to her chest, killing her instantly... Eve fell to the ground as a tear rolled down Ravens cheek.. Ryuu had colapsed as well, Ready to walk his love through the underworld back to life...[/I][/COLOR]
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