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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve awoke with a start and jumped from Alriys arms. She looekd from Him, then to Elsyan, then to Oblivion. she looked to herself and made a disgusted face.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Hey um.. I'm sorry, I cant stand to let you guys see me..liek this, I'm hideous... [I] Eve then covers her face with her hands and ran off. hoping Elsyan would follow her. she needed a girl to talk to...[/I][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=royal blue] Ok, hehe well i dunno how ot do that cuz well, as i said good friends, me love did the lettering. Hows this one ? You like? rate em both pelase.[/COLOR]
  3. I have a lotta pics that would look cool there. ill do a few exaples and post em here ok? their mainly shibby girls pics, anime of course but, they look good. i hope u like. me ger workin on now. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 minutes and a lotta wining later.... Ok here ya go, hope u like. I had ot get my love to help me on this one :-) hehe
  4. Lookie! Ms Paint sux but not if you have the right friedns and know what ur doing :D hehe tell me if you like it!!
  5. OOC: Hey john i think u needa change a few thingsi n that post. Blaze may be Lacroix's friend BUT EVES KNOWN HIM LONGER! Shes a better friedn to ihm than Blze. I mean really.....
  6. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve wiped her eyes before the tears started. She turned and walked into the forest. she struggled with herself. [B]Eve thinking:[/B] You idoit. You cant cry. You not a weakling. It was my fault Bleed came and its up to me ot get rid of him... alone. It shall probly kill me, but hey whoes gonna miss me? She kept walking lookign at her Shinkoru. [B]Eve thinking more:[/B] Me, chosen to have a sword by the God and Goddess..wow. I.. whats so speical about me? Why was I chosen for this, to meet these people... I... I deserve none of this.. [I] She looekd at the icy white blue blade of her new sword. She paused and pressed it lightly to a tree. She watched as it slowly froze over. She smiled, moving her hand to the tree creating a fireball, she slowly melted the ice. Walking on she sulked, head hng, heading towards her cabin. Hearing a crackeling noise she looked up. She screamed as she looked ot her cabin hut in the trees. The fire blazed. At the base of the tree supporting it one word was written in blood... DEELB. She screamed again knowing he was near. She did a quick about face and couldn't speak. She looked in ot his cold dark green eyes, reflecting her own. His Jet black hair hung over his eyes like two twin daggars. His black cape billowed behind him lightly, sword glinting in the firelight...[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] S...s..um.. *gulp* I mean...Bleed... [B]Bleed:[/B] It is time for you to do as you promised. [I]Eves eyes went wide in horror as Bleed took her wrist..[/I] [b]Eve:[/B](as bleed dragged her away,clutching her wrist tightly.)NO! please NO!PLEASE NO! IM SORRY I NEVER WANTED TO PROMISE PLEASE NO! LET ME GO PELASE!!! [I]She hit the ground hard, kicking and hitting at his arm.She couldnt reach her sword. Her head snapped to her hut as she screamd again, the trees going up in flames...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] NOOOOOOO!! [I] Eve screamd in pain as she felt the burning tree's pain. She stopped strugglling as she scream echoed through the forest, reaching Illy's ears first, then Hutners, then the others... After dragging the now unchouncse Eve for about twenty minutes, they reached a cave. Bleed walked ot the side of it and kicked it. A pannel opened up and he proceded to drag ehr down with him, the door shutting behind them, invisible ot the naked eye.. He picked her up by her wrist and flung her on to a table. Hittign her head hard Eve snapped back to choncenseness.(sp¿) Bleed walked ot her as she backherself to the wall. He clamped a metal ring around her right ankel, takign her shoes and disgarding them. Looking down to the broken glass and thorns littering the ground. She winced, the feeling on the clamp driving her insane. She looked at is, seeing the chain leading from it to a metal bar drilled in the wall. Her eyes started to fill as she pushed them back. Bleed looked to her.[/I] [B]Bleed:[/B] Well now. Its time you pay. [B]Eve:[/B] No..pelase no.. [I] He threw her a top and skirt, both brown and torn. She looked from them to him, fear reflecting in her eyes...[/I] [B]Bleed:[/B] Put them on! [B]Eve:[/B].. I.. u mean with you.. [B]Bleed:[/B] NOW! [I] Eve jumped as he yelled. She nodded solumnly as she removed her clothing,Bleed watching her evey move. She tried her hardest to conceil herslef as she undressed and redressed. she noticed her sword on a table across the dark stone walled room from her. She winced lookign to the blodied broken glass. Finally fully dressed in her, new clothing, the skirt somewhat short, and top a bit revealing. Being ten she didnt have much to show anyway. She watched as a evil smile spred across Bleeds face. He turned and walked up the stone steps to his tower. Eve looked around, refusing to cry. Haveing been in this position before she caushously steped of the table, wincing as the glass pearced her feet. suddenyl something came form behind her pushing her forward. She hit the ground and the glass hard. The tears fell, she sat, notmoveing, bloodied from head to toe. She turned her head slowly and looke up at Talon, Bleed little goul.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *in a shaky voice* Curse..you..demon... [I] She looked back down and almost screamed as she moved her arm,scraping it on more glass, resgin her head on it so it did not get cut more. She sat,not moveing, crying and bleeding...[/I][/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:Well you know what to do....
  7. [COLOR=royal blue] [B]Eve:[/b] I do not want ot og to the temple of Darkness first, for it shall be our last and hardest temple. I merely wish to pass by it and see if possibly soem other members of our little chosen group are there. [I] Eve giggles looking ot Mara as they walked,Eve still atop Illys sholders.[/I][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=royal blue][I]Namida stayed her distance from the rest as Haas and Mara talked, Alriy leaning aginst a tree. Mara got up and walked to Namida..[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] You look lonley all alone. [B]Eve:[/b] I am lonley as long as Koru is not with me. [B]Mara:[/B] Oh. Well I dont see him. So I shall keep you company. [B]Namida:[/B] I would liek that I think. [I]Namida looked around not seeing koru. She figured he was probly hunting so she started talking to Mara. They discussed their mission and how they died as they awaited danger...[/I][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=royal blue][I] As Eve laid on the ground not moving, barely breathing, her mind raced. She felt Illy leave and she knew why. She knew he wouldnt be able to stand seeign her like this. Tears rolled from her eyes as Elsyan knelt and picked her head up, making her drink some postion. Oblivion looked on horrofied as Alriy knelt to Eves other side helping Elsyan pick Eve up. They rose her to her feet as Alriy took her in his arms. Carrying her They set off, heaing towards the screams. Alriy took lead, Elsyan almost directly next ot him, Oblivion on his other side as they walked silently through the darkness..Oblivion hovering gently as always...[/I][/COLOR]
  10. [COLor=royal blue][I] Eve just sat holding her love in her aems rocking him gently..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] SSHH..come now love. Your the strongest man i know. Do not let these dreams gt to you. I love you. All three of us know your strong. [I]Illy juts nodded and sat up taking Eve in his arms. The rested and Eve stood.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I advise we go to the temple of Darkness. love i know it makes you uneasy but, its closest. Please let us og there. [I] Illy said nothing as the three started walking again, Eve upon Illys sholders. The headed tards the temple. The would soon reach a fork in the road leading of one to the fire temple one to darkness. The Temple of Darkness was closest Eve hoped Her love would allow them ot go there...[/I][/COLOR]
  11. OOC:NO ONE CAN MAKE MY CHAR DO AS I DO NOT WISH!~!! [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve ended the hug with Blaze adn walked outside in search of Ilythiirtar. She spotted the newcomer.[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] Hello, and you are? [B]Raistlin:[/B]My name is Raistlin. [b]Eve:[/B] Did a elf pass by here? [B]Raistlin:[/B] Yes over there. [I]Eve nodded lookign behind the cabbin. she saw Ilythiirtar sitting meditating. Walking ot the back of the cabbin she sat aginst the wall waiting for him to finish. she did not wish to interrupt him....[/I][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve sighed deeply,lookign to everyone. Feeling alone for the first time in days. She longed for her Ryuu to keep her company. She tenced up as Blaze approached her.[/I] [B]Blaze:[/B] Hi. You seem lonley. [B]Eve:[/B]*snaping her head twards him* And what concern is it of yours? [B]Blaze:[/B] I I didn't intend ot anger you. Only being a friend. [B]Eve:[/B] I have only one friend. He is ovver there in his lovers arms. [I] She glared in to Blazes eyes. Her frown slowlt dimmed, fading,then she smiled.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Thank you. [B]Blaze:[/B] Don't mention it. [I] Eve smiled as he sat next to her. Sliding down the wall,putting his knees up. Blaze, Eve noticed, had seen how her eyes did not detur from Ilythiirtar. Illy caught her eyes as he waled twards the two.[/I] [B]Illy:[/B] Mind if I join you? [B]Eve:[/B] Not at all. [B]Blaze:[/B] Nope. [I] Illy sat down on the other dise of Eve as they say dicussing the mire and their comming ot learn of it...[/I][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve awoke in Alriys arms, as remberences of the prevous nite. Alriy had come and she welcomed him, they talked well in to the nite. They has spent most the time dicussing the mission and blushing when the convo has turned to their likingnes of eachother. Namida had swolled her courage and crawled up in Alroys arms as he held her, them bothing falling asleep but not boefore sharing a sweet goonite kiss. Namids shifted in Alriys arms,smileing at him. He opend his eyes and looked at her.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Well.. *streaching* We have a temple to get to. [B]Alriy:[/B](air) That we do. [I] Namida stood as she hugged Alriy and grabbed Korus tail as the three dissapeared. The re appeared beside Lacroix and Firemyst.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Well hello you two. Shouldnt we find Haas and Mara and that other guy and get moveing. [B]Firemyst:[/B] Yes,lets go. [I] They walked on joining up with Mara and Haas, Mara still asleep. They walked on in search of there other comrad. So they could then proceede to the temple...[/I][/COLOR]
  14. OOC: ok i didnt wanan double post but i wanted to put a pic of how eve looks. and one u post u cant edit and add a pic. sigh. here she iz.
  15. [COLOR=blue][I] The moment he walked away Eve followed her brother, lingering behind him like a shadow. Her heart screamed out for every life he took but she refused to let it phase her, they would regain their lives shortly... When she could no longer linger in the shadows. Hunter was in the village square when she showed herself...[/I] [B] Eve:[/B]*yelling* YOU F****** FOOL! YOU IDOIT! I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS! [I] Rage consumed Eve as she tilted her head back and screamed. It echoed through Hunters head. Eve?s eyes laminated an angry red. She pulled out Shinkoru and charged at him, hitting him in the head with her sword's hilt. He howled in pain as he flung Eve from him like a rag doll. She got up and decided to test her new bracelet. She dropped her sword and ran to Hunter, grabbing his arm she flicked her wrist and threw him aside easily. Impressed with her self, Eve walked to the fallen Hunter. She looked down on him as the fire went up all around them, making a ring. Their shadows danced around in the flickering flames. Eve kicked him hard as he grabbed her ankle and through her in the fire. She hit the ground hard and screamed... it echoed all around them, the pain she felt was almost unbearable as the fire consumed her. Her eyes matched the flames flickering madly as she fought the pain and stood. She emerged back into the fire made ring, cloths torn and burnt as parts of her skin were ashy black. She could not be burnt physically, but she could feel the pain. Looking to Hunter she howled in anger as she jumped on him, slipping a dagger from the side of her boot she stabbed him repedidly, kicking and punching him with her free hand as well?. After a rage filled, extremely disturbing twenty minutes she backed up and looked upon him. He lay on the ground, Human now, the wolfs rage being calmed. Blood flowed from his torn body. Eve looked at herself, cloths torn, bleeding as well, for he did fight back, and hard so. She now had a deep cut under her right eye, parallel with it. Blood streamed from it as she raised her arm and wiped it, using her arm not hand. She shook her head and hit the ground on her knees screaming in pain. Hunter numbly got up and looked upon her. Kneeling beside her he set a hand on her shoulder. Her pain surged through him as he yelled. He could feel her struggle... he knew the pain looming in her, the darkness seeping out...soon it would...be?over... [B]Eve:[/B] AAAAAHHHH!!! [I] Eve rose as a dark voice boomed?[/I] [B]The Voice:[/B] EVE! It is time, my daughter shall now join me. SHE HAS NO CHOICE! [B]Eve:[/B] *screams again* [I] She was then flung back in the flames. Hunter could see her lying on the ground, barely holding herself up with her worn arms. He watched in horror as her clothing was burned away and her hair scorched, her skin shriveled, as she did not speak, her eyes closed in pain as she lay there, buring. Hunter could not move. Eve then started to glow a shimmering blue as her body was swept with it, her skin turned the odd blue as Her hair lengthened and turned a pure white. The wooden staff lying in front of her grew a Seth like blade from its top. Her cape turned the white of her hair. Her little clothing was dotted with red and blue gems. Hunter screamed. She stood, grabbing her staff/Seth. [/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I AM MANATSU NO EVE! DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS! [I] With the scream, fire wrapped around her body making her unseen to Hunter whom stood watching still in horror. When he could see, she was gone. She appeared again in the forest of time, outside the hut where Mara stayed. She looked in the window, her green eyes luminitated. She knew what she was ordered to do. Mara must die. Pulling her Seth back she sent it through the front door as she stepped in. Mara and her friend screamed. Eve walked to Mara. Without a word she brought up and moved the Seth blade down on Mara, slicking her head cleanly off in one rapid movement. Her friend screamed as the same thing happened to her. Eve walked from the cabin and disappeared. Appearing again where Illy, Alriy and Oblivion were. The jumped, startled momentarily. Illy recognized his love instantly, unsure what had happened though..[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] I am Manatsu No Eve. You shall all die. [B]Illy:[/B] LOVE NO!!! [I] Eve jumped at Illy bring the blade down in the same way she had on Mara. A millisecond before the blade would have decapitated him she flung it back, A watching as it hit the wall. She glared in Ill?s eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Dropping to her knees she stared at the ground.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Mara is dead. I killed her? [I] Illy, Alriy and Oblivion looked at her in horror. Ryuu then appeared next to Illy looking at her. He held a small necklace in his teeth. It had a small hourglass on it. Eve lifter her head. She stood taking the hourglass, now in her mind but not body. Slipping the necklace on she held her hands under it chanting?[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] TURN BACK NOW THE SANDS OF TIME, UNDO WHATS BEEN DONE, THE EVIL HATRED CRIMES! LEAVE ME HERE MAYE THE DEEDS BE FORGOTTEN,LET ALL BE WELL! AS IT IS SAID...IT SHALL BE DONE! [I] Eve fell to her knees, drawing a pentacle on the ground with her finger. Snapping the necklace off she threw it down directly in the center, the small hourglass shattering, the sand spilling. As it did the pentacle luminitated green, glowing brightly as a wall of black appeared in front them, surrounding Illy, Eve, Oblivion and Alriy?.. Hunter was walking toward the forest as he heard yelling. He looked back to see the fire form the village gone and the bodies of the people rising as if nothing had happened to them. They all were alive. Hunter hit his knees praying, thanking the gods that his crimes had been forgiven, somehow. Mara stood with her friend, perfectly normal. They looked to the door remembering what had happen, still in disbelief. Eve watched all this in her minds eyes, as she fell. Having fought the evil with her love. Her love for Illy being the only thing to her stronger than the evil that still tried to consume her. See laid on the ground, not moving, her chest rising and falling ever so slightly, blood still dripping from her Seth as it lied next to the wall behind her? Eve?s appearance still unchanged?[/I][/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Um.. ok..don?t ask. I..dunno. hehe I?m still shocked at my self. Oh and if anyone posts Eve waking up, make her say she cannot regain her normal form until Nilo is dead. :) ykz?.wow?
  16. TSUNAMI! HELLO! SHE CAN DO ALL THE LIGHT HAWK SWORDS!?!?!? ?DUAH! YOU PEOPLE PLEASE!?!?! Look at the facts not popularity!!!
  17. I was saying that to the pplz already in it to go post on it i opened it lol. yea a lil late
  18. [COLOR=blue][I] Eve had screamed when she heard Hunter cry Bleeds name. When he returned she knelt at his sid, holding him tightly, Mara still havden't. Eve sat ther, Illy at her side,standing,hand on her sholder,holding Hunter,crying,knowing he was ok,but scared of the fight he had just incounterd...[/I][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve looked to him, the biggest smile on her face. She jumped ot him hugging him.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ITS OK! [I] After squeezing ihm tightly she let go. He was rather out of breath,and she figured Illy wanted to say something....[/I][/COLOR]
  20. Auctually neil its dark red, im drinkign it now lol . Well i am. haha
  21. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Eve ears perked up. She looked ot Illy and Kissed him before dissapearing. She appeared some ten feet behind Elsyan. She stopped and turned, sword drawn. Eve stepped from the shadows.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hey I thought I might help you outta here. Its quite a big maze. Ill show you the shortcut. [B]Elsyan:[/B] Great, thanks [I] Eve walked to Elsyan and grabbed her in a hug. She closed her eyes and the two elves appeared on the roof. Hunter clapped at Eve's acute hearing. Eve just let go of Elsyan and smiled. Walkign back to Illys loving arms they awaited Mara and Oblivion as hunter emmerced ihm self in a conversation with Elsyan... Lacroix watching the scean from a short distance...[/I][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Namida it the pool at the base of the waterfall,zooming under the water elelantly. Comming back up for air she swam to the edge of the pool. Climbing out she watched Koru approach ehr...[/I] [B]Koru:[/B] Rather dramatic, don't you think. [B]Namida:[/B] Yes, verry. [I] She wasn't wet in the least bit. Except her hair. she liked the wet look though. Namida and Krou would probly stay there, lookign at the sky talkign all nite,unless someone interupted her, or came looking for her.. proble not though,she thought...[/I][/COLOR]
  23. Yeah i know. :) Turning in to a space ship is kewl too :D heheh
  24. I agree. But Auctually he did fall in love. and it was in tenchi in tokyo,she went to his collage. non of the "girls" though. but he ends up wuith all of them in one series or another. Even washu. lmao, :D
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