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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [COLOR=royal blue] [B]Namida:[/B] What?..Sigh.. You worry to much. [I] She laughed and walked over to him, flipping his hood back she kissed him. pulling his hood back up she giggled. Then she did a verry graceful dive off the edge, going stright down with the waterfall. She dissapeared into the mist...[/I][/COLOR]
  2. Thanks Yall. OH and, the pourpose of the words IS to be hard to read. because well.. its supposed to be like blood. and blood id dark so. ya get it? tkz. i dunno HOW i came up with it but i like :)
  3. Just letting thoes of u who dont know. the RPG IS OPEN! GO POST!
  4. [COLOR=royal blue][I] Nimada's mind raced. She focused on Koru so he wouldn't bite her for neglect. she giggled, talking wiht ihm in thought speak as Namida and Haas approached the camp.. [B]Namida:[/B] *To Koru in thought* He's cute, ya think? [B]Koru:[/B] You needa stop mimicking that Mara girl. [B]Namida[/B] WHAT?!? Oh..dear.. I'm just goign ot Stick with my friend and leave emotions out of this. [B]Koru:[/B] Best Idear you've had yett. [B]Namida[/B] Verry funny... [i] The exited the treeline walking to a rather calm scean. Someoen had built a fire, and Lacroix, Namida noticed, was sitting off by him self in a tree. Alriy was off a ways as well, while Mara and the other guy..she forgot his name.. was near the fire. She nodded to Haas and walked to Alriy, Koru traling her. Reaching Alriy she placed her right hand on his left sholder..[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Hows it going? [B]Alriy:[/B] Fine. So you enjoyed your stroll with, whats his name? [B]Namida:[/B] Um.. it was ok. Im a be getting going though. [B]Alriy:[/B] Where to? [B]Namida:[/B] No where. Well, see ya. [B]Alriy:[/B] Later Namida. [I] Namida walked on for a few miles, towards the rising sun. She reacked the end of the "feild". It turned out to be a cliff. She sat down, letting her legs dangle over the edge. It was a good hundred feet drop. She looked to her right, seeing a waterfall and a river down below. Standing up she walked to the waterfalls edge. She looked down,then to Koru...[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] I think I'm goign to jump. [B]Koru:[/B] WHAT?! [I] Namida looked over the edge and slipped her boots off. Lookign over the edge. thinking it over. She dipped her foot in the water. Oddly, it was warm. She smiled, stretching, preparing for the jump/dive.....[/I][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=royalblue][I] As Namida and Haas she noticed he was rather attrictive. She quickly dismissed the thought as they walked in silence. Breakign the silence she paused,looking ot him...[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] I can show you how to talk to trees. The are the best allies a person can have. No one suspects then and they hear and see everything. [I] She smiled looking to Haas, takign his hand she placed it on a tree,holdign her hand on top his, his palm to the tree it stared wispeing to him.. She noticed him close his eyes as the tree engulfed him in information..[/I][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue][I] Namida looked around. she backed up in to the shadows... fading from the group. She had noticed how Haas had yelled at Lacroix for wandering off but she could do as she wished. Koru by her side she walked about the forest, aquanting herself with the trees. She looked around, choosing a tree near the others, watching Haas. Heeping her eyes on Alriy, smileing at her old friend...[/I][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue][I] Eve looked around the room as they stared at the wanderer who stutterd in his mind. Totally out of charictar Eve walked ot his side,lookign ot everyone...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Um.. you know Lacroix. your right, names don't matter. He'll tell us when he wants. Right? [I] He nodded, thanking her telepathcally. She tol him no problem in his head s they all sat down,dicussing the mire over drinks...[/I][/COLOR]
  8. Auctually, it wasn't called Tenchi Muyo in love. it was called Tenchi Muyo, in love. meaning Tenchi wasn't necciclarly in love. get it. Tenchi muyo, just his name, the name of the movie is called in love. :D I own it. lol. and it that way because of his father and Atichaka, however u spell it. Thats why.
  9. Shinkoru


    OH! ok . thank you for clearing that up. :) that explains a LOT :)
  10. Auctually NO!. Sasami cannot use Tsunamis powers. Because 2 reasons. 1 Sasami is not Tsunami. and 2 Sasami will be Tsunami. makes no sence. lol lemme explain. Sasami will turn in to Tsunami upon turning 18 yrs old. Until then they are diffrent and theirfor cannot use Tsunamis powers. yett. clear anyhting up for you. OH and Daughter of darkness... lol its Manatsu No Eve... aka. ME! *grins* thats my nickname. and rpg char's name. :D
  11. AWWWW ITS SO CUTE! For a beginner banner i give ya a... 7/10 ^_^= Koot, keep up the good work :)
  12. How dod I do this? I was messing around and, WAM! this is my results? Rate t please? You like?
  13. [COLOR=blue]OOC: pplz in this rpg are MysticDarkElf Mist Wolf Maximas13 kool_aid13 The Harlequin Phantom KabukiOwari Shinobi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] Eve sat up sweating. The images of fire and blood running through her memories... Nightmares again. .. Illy sat up from next to her and hugged her..[/I] [B]Illy:[/B] Shhh.. angel..shhh its ok.. I'm here.. [I] Eve gilped and nodded slightly as she rested her head on Illys chest. She slowly drifted back to sleep, as Illy laid back down, Eve in his arms. They woke the following moorning to a crash outside...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] RYUU! ARE YOU CHACEING UNI AGAIN! [B]Ryuu:[/B] *muffles slightly from outsied*... no.. [I] Eve just giggled as she looked up, noticeing a white peace of paper on their dresser. Eve jumped up, Illy watching and walked to it, opening the envloped a flash of light enterd the little tree hut...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *reading out loud* The Jewl of the Elements must be put back togather. You and and a few chosen others will travle ot the elemental temples to collect the gems. Returning finally to the Temple of Life a mage shall resurect the Jewl. You must then enter the pits of hell and kill the Dark Lord Lucifer.*stopping* Love.. we have another "mission"... [B]Illy:[/B] Oh great... [I] Eve looked ot Illy.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I wonder who will be joining us. Hopefully a few of our old friends. [I] Illy nodded as Eve walked to him, sitting in his lap. He wraped his arms around her as they sat snuggling befoe they had to get up,eat and pack lightly...[/I][/COLOR]
  14. I love the poem, espaclly knowing i was their when it was written. :D LOVE YOU. AND IM NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT!! ..or am i?....
  15. [COLOR=blue][I] While atop the roof Eve welcomes Lacriox as he enters. She went up to him hugging him, he seemed rather startled. Going back to her Illy Eve immerces her self in his loving arms once again. Eve sighs contently,waiting on Mara, Oblivion and Elsyan to return. Lookign to her love she kisses him, hugging him tightly,getting lost for the time beign in his arms and loving embrace...[/I][/COLOR]
  16. aawww John. SWEET. I know who both thoes pplz r. u talking bout. i loe it. so sweet. :)
  17. [COLOR=blue][I] Aftering haveing walked away from Oblivion, Eve made her self scarse, stating within the shadows, not letting it be known to everyone why her name was Manatsu No Eve, Daughter of darkness, though they would soon find out, not just yett. Knowing now what she was and why, not letting it be know to anyone else, she kept her thoughts hidden from mind readers,such as Illy and Lacroix. The enitre time though, she was not alone. Ryuu, lurked in the shadow with her, staying crouched low. Eve looked up at he moon, it caught her eyes, glinting them through the darkness surrounding her. She slowly progresses towards the tower, slipping in the door, Ryuu in behind her. Looking back only once, to see her Unicorn horn glinting in the moonlight, the sliver flashing on his horn and eyes as she wisperd for him to stay their. Turning she looked to Ryuu...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well Ryuu, lets fix your size problem. [B]Ryuu:[/B] Yes please. [I] Eve Held her hands over Ryuu's head, chanting. At this his color faded back to the blood red it used to be. He was now about the size of a young horse.. They walked on. She noticed a pair of metal stairs to her right, her and Ryuu walked up them slowly. Cashous of every noise, watchign every shadow for a enmey. Reaching a door at the top of the stairs she pushed it open slowly. In side she felt a sence of evil. Lurking somewhere in the darkness. Ryuu's nose lifted, sniffing the darkness...[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] .... Dragon ... [I] At this Eve's eyes widened, green eyes pearceing the darkness. She spotted it. A deeper black than the shadowns, her eyes caught the light coming in from a windown some three stories higheri n the huge ceelinged chainber. Her eyes magnified that light so she could now see perfectly. She watched as the Dragon slept, its chest heaveing up and down slightly. She looked the thing over, noticeing on its scaly wrist, a braclet, blending in almost perfectly...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *quietly to Ryuu* Ah Ha! The DragonScale bracelet. [I] Eve frowned, knowing now that it would be a b**** to defeat. Maby she clould out smart it. She motioned to Ryuu who followed her. She moved silently to the sleeping dragon. Looking to its wrist she drew her sword, it made a slight niose of metal sliding...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Damn! [I] The dragon opend its eyes and wacke Eve out of the way with its tail. Standing up she now say why the ceeling was three stories high. It looked down over her as she looked up in its silver eyes...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well, it makes the wearer able to defeat one of these... I see why now! [I] Ryuu groned as it backed up in the shadows..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] EXACTLY WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING!!! [B]Ryuu:[/B] Um just over here... [B]Eve:[/B] OH NO U DON'T! [I] Ryuu gilped and walked shakily ot Eve side. Straightening (sp?) his face. His eyes narrowed as he growled lightly. Shooting a spirt of flames from his nostrills. Eve, sword drawn, pulled Shinkoru back like a javelin. She hummed the glinting icy blue sword at the dragon. it inlodged its self deep in the dragons stomach. It let out a howl of pain as it gleemed at her, silver eyes showing anger. Eve jumped on Ryuus back, now stradeling him like a horse,as his small but powerful wings lifted them up, soaring around the dragon in lightning fast circles, dizzying it. Eve jumped from Ryuus back,on to his head. Grabbing a daggar from her boot she plunged it deeply in his head, pulling it out the blood squrited out. I picked up Eve by the back of her cloak with its huge clawed hands, flinging her aside like a doll. Ryuu swopped under her as she caught him by his tail, he wiped it, bring her to a nice plop on his back. She smiles holding around his neck tightly. Decideing she and him both like him this size. The dragon growled as it knocked Ryuu form the air, he slammed the wall hard, falling to the ground. Eve healed him quickly and told him to stay put. He nodded his head warily. She advanced upon the dragon, now void of weapons. She looked to her pouch, getting an idear. She pulled out a small vial of red liquid. She shot up, gliding straight up. hovering in front the dragon it looked shocked. she pulled her arm back and threw the vil at the dragon. It landed betwee his eyes, glass shattering,getting in its eyes, the red liquid seeped in its mouth as it licked it up. It screamed the moment the blood toughed its lips. Holy Blood. Hunters blood. nothign dark or evil can stand the touch or taste of pure blood.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well, Hutner WAS pure, at that time...*giggles to self* auctually, so WAS I..*cracks up lauging* [I] Eve flew stright at the creature,landing on its nose. Grabbing a chain taken from Mist's broken one earlier. She wipped it down,wrapping it around the dragons mouth. Pulling its mouth shut with the chain she turned.Standing on its nose she looked in its eyes. Her growing an angry red...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] NOW YOU LISTEN HERE! I'M NOT IN A GOOD MOD! YOUR GONNA GIVE ME THAT NICE LITTLE BRACLET AND NOT MAKE ME GO KAMAKZI ON YOUR FILTHY EVIL *** OK!!! [I]The dragon gulped, proveing a common fact. (Eve was verry beautiful,but VERRY scary, when angerd.). she hopped ot the floor. Lookign up at the dragon. it moved it "hand" to her as she slipped off the braclet,lookign at it on her wrist,admireing it...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *patting its hand* Thats a good lil dragon now isn't it. [I] Eve laughed,lookign to Ryuu as they walked out a diffrent door form in which they came. They fel ten feet straight down. Landing on a soft,squishy floor Eve stood. Ryuu hung low,growling. A dark raspy voice came from everywhere at once,but from nowhere...[/I] [B]Nilothakir:[/B] Eve... [B]Eve:[/B] YES??!?! Who are you?! [B]Nilothakir:[/B] Nilothakir.. the necromancer.. your party is here I believe to kill me... or rather destroy me. [B]Eve:[/B] Oh crap.. I'n in trouble.. [B]Nilothakir:[/b] Not quite yet... I shall let you die in front your friends.. I will not kill you alone here. I need to speak with you... about your "Mother"... [B]Eve:[/B] *in a shaky voice* G..gg...go...on... [B]Nilothakir:[/B] You mother, just after haveing Hunter, had an affair. With a young man, whom is not,dead, and cold. He came to be a demonic necromancer...... Oh yes, and do not fear for your love.. Illy. you call him.. my dugeons have .."taken care" of him.... [B]Eve:[/B]ILLY! NO!!! *eve starts crying* Illy..my ..darling oh..no... [I] Nilothakir approached Eve, reacking out a dar bony gloved hand. Resting it down on her right sholder she screamd. A wave of cold and darkness sweaping over her. Her scream could be heard outside and all aroudn the castle for miles. Causing all her friends to look up at the same time and yell: EVE!... He let her go and she fell again, Ryuu glidign down next to her. Eve looks up rubbing her head and screams again. Sheilding her eyes from all the light she looks around. The room is full of mirrors. A carneval tune comes on as the room starts to spin. (like in the haunting..exactly like that) She stares horrified at her reflection. Her eyes, are black, her skin,red! And she was.. PREGNATE! Eve hit the floor hard as she fainted, the spinning room going out of focus fast. Eve came to, Ryuu lickign her face. She closed her eyes, rembering everythign she just learned. [B]Eve:[/B] Thinking ot self and Ryuu* Oh my..Nilothakir..my..father.. well..Manatsu No Eve.. makes sence..and ILLY..omg ILLY!! [B]Ryuu:[/B] He's ok,Nilothakir was prolly messing wiht you to make u upset. [I] Eve nodded. Their was a trace of bood on ryuu's head. She looked around. All the morrors were broken...[/i] [B]EvE:[/B] OH RYYU! [I] She hugged him tightly Eve stood, lookign down at her bracelit. And to her tummy, uncertin... She sighed, noticing a glint of sliver wiz by. she jumped to Ryuus back as he saw it too. It was a door. Ryuu hoverign she opened it, the glided in a circular room, slanted ceeling, and STAIRS! She looked down nodding to Ryuu as they reached the middle of the room. they paused,looking up. the stairs sprialed up for at least a mile.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Oh..my... [I] They decided to take the short cut. Ryuu flew straight up at about mach 1. Eve noticed eyes flashing as she zoomed straight up,knowing now y he flew so fast. They reached the top and a huge wooden door. Eve flung the new door open eaisly, help of her bracelet. She saw hunter and ran ot him,telling ihm everyhting that happend,what she saw and what he said. they talked about it as she showed off her braclet and waited for the others to arrive... (The meething Hutner after Hunters next post mind you.)[/I][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue] [I] Eve sunk to the floor. Face in hands crying. All she could mutter is...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *sobbing* Its my fault...all my fault..[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: THIS POST MAKES ME A JUNIOR MEMBER!
  19. lol. Sorry. Soon my friend. soon. like. in a few minutes. lmao.
  20. [COLOR=blue] [B]Eve:[/B] ALRIY! [I] Dropping the goblet she still held, she ran to him, grabbign his sholder and spinning him around...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hey, look, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were born as that. I was bitten. [I] she looked to him, gazeing in his eyes..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Look, please, I thought it would be a nice gesture. Sorry Alriy, I really didn't know....[/COLOR]
  21. HEY! go read my poem again. the lil skit! i messed up on part. had to fix. now what u think?
  22. [Color=blue][I] Eve jumped from behins Hutner, bringing the sword down deep in the monsters left side. She jumped back, watching it freeze over. Eves ears perked as she heard Mara state somethign was to strong. Appearing Next to Mara Eve smiled..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Well "sister" lets show this damn monster who's boss! [I] Mara chuckled as Eve telepathcally told her plan to Mara. Mara nodded,hopeing she could pull it off. Eve jumped to the left of the head, Mara to its right. She lashed out with her chains, restraning it momentarliy. The second it went to rid its self of the nuccence, Eve struck, her icy Shinkoru hitting the base of the neck, cracking the bone, freezeing over the flames in a mystical ice. Eve turned to Mara and nodded. She cracked her chain like a wip, hitting the head with a loud crack. The ice shatterd and the head fell to the floor in a million peaces. Eve gave Mara her congrads as she left Illy to her, as she attacked the body. Lacroix and Oblivion ran to Eve as she reached Hutner. She noticed hunter had been bitten by the tail and thought she might let out a little agression as Lacroix fought next ot hutner and Alriy continued to make the creatures blood boil, while Mara attacked the body, Illy guarding her. The moment she reached the rear side of the Chimera the cobra head snapped at her. Barely dodgeing it hit the ground in a roll, knowing now more she would need speed than stregnth. In the flash of an eye she was no longer human. The serphent paused for a fraction of a second, looking to Eves new form. this however,was all she needed. she lunged forward, grabbing the cobra right unfer the hood, clamping down hard. It flung her about wildly but her jaws were locked, not even in death could anything pry her jaws from its neck. slowly the thrashed died and became less wild. Finally the tail dropped, her jaws unhooked and she turned human, knowing it could still strink. Bringing Shinkoru up, then quickly she severd the head. Watching it momentarily she returned to Hunter and Lacroix. Looking to thremaning head and Mara attacking the body still, lookign quite content as blood flew from it at her as she lashed out at it. Eve looked at Hunter as he yelled..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] OH CRAP! GET BACK! HE'S GONNA USE WING SLASH! [I] Everyone retreated. Looking as Hunter stood hovering in front the Chimera. his heavenly arura raidated from him. Taking Alaris he held it in front of tim. Bowing slightly. A flash and blinding light caused the others form seeing for a few minutes when they looked to him again, still seeing little white spots, he was standing on the ground, wings spred, looking rather angelic. He turned to the party and Smiled, glanceing behind him. aginst the back wall was the remains of the Chimera. splatterd, looking rather disgusting, dripping with reds and greens. Eve jumped running to hunter, hugging him tightly. His wings folded gently around her, almost hiding her from viue. she shed a tear thankful he was ok. She turned seeing Mara and stepped back. Letting her to hunters arms. Smileing she looked around. Her smile faded as she did not see Illy, but quickly returned as he appeared behind her, wraping his arms around her waist. She smiled, turning in his arms, kissing him gently. Wraping her arms about his neck she hugged tightly. Looking to aliry. she got an idear. Letting go of Illy she grabbed two goblets from her pack. Walking ot the wall, scooping up some fresh blood, filling the glasses. She walked to him, handing him a goblet...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Share a drink with me?[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue][I]Namida walked to Alriy talking wiht him brieftly before walkign ot the outskirts of the new little "band". Nestleing down lightly in the grass, Koru sat next to her, purring as she stroked his fur..[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] U know Koru, I don't know how I got here, or really why, but, were in nature, and your here. So I'm happy. [B]Koru:[/B] Yes Namida, that is certin. [I] Namida smiles and hugges him lightly, resting, leaning on him. She sat watchign the moorning shy as the others congreated. Sittign alone, starign at the sky, leaning on koru, feelign the wet dew'y (sp?¿) grass beneath her, and Koru's soft fur under her arms. To her, nothign could be better...[/I][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue][I] They raced off towards the Temple palace. Upon reaching it Ryuu was waiting for Eve outside.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ryuu, Uni, go! [I] They looked to her and nodded, running of around the side of the temple where they could be reached when needed. Eve and Oblivion opend the huge doors and walked in right on the fight. The two stood baffled as Mara, Illy, Hutner and Lacroix advanced on a gigantic beast.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] A CHIMERA![/COLOR]
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