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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[color=crimson] [i] eyes flashing deep red Eve lunged at Aliry, claws outstretched ready to rip him to peices. His hands went up the moment her hands were six inches from his neck, he gripped her wrists and pushed back, eve throwing all her weight into tearing into him, but still to no avail. Her eyes flashed red then green again, just for a moment, terror struck Eve's tearing eyes, then in seconds they were red again. putting all her might into her hands Eves claws slowly got closer to Alirys neck until the tips were barely scrapeing his flesh. In one strong surge Aliry pushes back on Eve, she stumbles and falls backwads, her head hitting hard aginst the floor. Her eyes flashed green as her hands went to her head and she screamed softly, weeping, aliry kneeled and wiped his hand over her forhead.[/i] [b]Aliry:[/b] controll yourself... try to keep your bearings... you can do this. [i] Eve cried softly and looked up...[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] I...i'm not strong..... i've heard of you..master Aliry..but..why help me? [b]Aliry:[/b] ..... [i] Eve yelled out and doubled over, coughing, gagging on some invisible liquid in her throught. Her eyes flashed red than went to black with a crimson glow in the center. She stood, aliry was already up on his feet and backed away, ready for more. She walked towards him and hunched over, going on all fours, a deep rumbling growl was emitted from her throught as she turned and bolted out the door into the darkest part of the forest. Aliry growled, slightly adgitated, and set ut after her. Eve raced throught the forest as never before. On all four's slowly se began to change, her boy grew smaller as she ran, her skin turned darker until it melted with the shadows, fur sprouted all over as she continued to shrink. Soon she was a full grown cat, running through the woods, jet black fur dark red glowing eyes. she hissed as she ran, slowing then turning, looking back at aliry who was standing right behind her.[/i] [b]Aliry:[/b] Like you powers don't you. [i] Eve hissed and tried to run, aliry swiftly caught her around the middle and picked her up, he hummed her into a neary by tree. She fell to the ground back in her Elven shape. she lifted her head and growled, preparing to pounce, claws extended, her hair flowing in the night wind. The shadows hinted aginst her face, hsowing how beautifull she really is, but the dark red glow of her eyes turned all that away, her fangs protruded over her bottom lip as she lunged....[/i][/color] OOC: Have fun Randy :) "Wip" me into hsape ^_~
[color=teal][I] As the blood surged through Eve's veins she gasphes out softly and fell forward, her Elven body not being able to handle the human blood. She fell into Aliry's arms, he picked her up, carrying her deep into the Darker part of the forest. Her eyes opened slightly, her unknowing what day it was, or the time. Aliry stood over her his arms folded. She groaned and passed out again. Theo nly thing she felt before she passed out was his hand on her forhead and the straw undernath her.[/i][/color] OOC: Randy do with me as u will lol. It'd be nice if you took care of me..*hint hint* NO ONE FIND ME! Direct order. lol. I wanan stay away for a bit, ya can look just not find, I'll find you.
OOC: Hey T-man. IF you don't spiff up your post quailty muchly so, I'm gonna kick you out, thats redictlous. You needa spell check foro ne, also you make ZERO sence. If your gonna rpg with the big kids ta least attempt to amount to us, everyone agrees. So I suggust you go back and fix that last post, 1 make it longer 2, HOW did u get hese abilities? All my powers are backed by pages of learning and gaining skill in prevous RPG's. You needa tell how u know thigns and decribe stuff in much better detaill..shiezh.
[color=teal][i] Eve's hand connected with Corellon's cheek, the sound echoned around as everyone giggled.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] After a hundred or so years u'de think I'd get used to guys hitting on me...haha.. [i] Eve smiled and took Hunter's hand, leading everyone to the Inn, she hopped up and settled heself on Illy's sholders. Illy looked up at her and half smiled.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] You don't mind do you? [b]Illy:[/B] Not at all. [i] Eve smiled as they entered the Inn, Corellon sat down and started his rounds of wiskey, everyone else ordered the drink of their desire and Eve just got herself straight Dragons Breath. She cocked her head at Hunter who had the same. She giggld and knew it was time to test her drinking abilities...[/i] [center].:: Eighteen rounds later ::.[/center] [B]Eve:[/B] *Hic*..Hunt....a...*hic*..I tink...we tided... [B]Hunter:[/B] *cough*..*hic*..bah I shal....t...win.. [I] Everyone laughed as Eve and Hunters head titled and they passed out. they wouldn't be out long, Elves can hold their liquer, as can Hunter, being the one who taught Eve how to drink. Everyone chit chatted as the hour got late, Hunter and Eve finally awoke, Hunter got a big room with bunk beds for everyone and the party headed upstairs.. one room for the guys one for the girls. Eve was happy, considering it was just her and Elsyan. Late into the night after Elsyan was sound asleep, Eve climbed into the window cill, withdrawing her flute she started to pay, the soft serene melody floated around, dancing on the wind. Afte a while she noticed something, a smell on the air. She stood in the cill, putting up her flute. She swiftly, but elegantly, lept from the window onto a nearby branch. She looked around then saw it...far back into the village where the houses got scarce..someone in the streets...holding someone else.. She smelt blood. Swiftlly ike the shadows she moved down the streets amungst the trees until she wasright by the two men. One was limp, bloog dripping to the ground, the other holding him, his lips to his neck.. Eve wispered to herself.."A Dampheel...." All of a sudden, she felt somethign inside of her...her eyes flushed a bright crimson then faded to black. She lept from the tree and dashed to the dieing body... She knocked the Vampire from her way and went crazy, licking and lapping at the bloog on the mands wound, then drinking herself, the whole time the Vampire looking at her meanceingly, but somewhat amused.[/i] [b]???:[/b] First drink I see... you have vampire blood in you. [i] Eve's eyes returned to green as she lifted her head.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] Where am I?...who..are you? [i] She stood and her hand went to her blade, ready for a fight if need be..[/i][/color]
[color=teal]OOC: Second to come to thine aid. :) IC:[b]Eve:[/B] A little assistance brother? [I] Hunter looked to Eve and in a moment he understood. He nodded as she ran to him and lept up, planting her boots onto his sholders. She grinned, missing the way they fought so much. Eve balenece her self so perfectly that Hunter could fight normally and she would not fall nor inconvience him in any way. After takeing in this wnderfull feeling of having her brother she wiped her face clean of emotion, her arms shot out infront of her and her eyes closed half way..[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] amateru shanteai Chikara! [i] A thousand or so blacker than night discs with neon green edges shot from Eve's open palms, shooting right at the Ballista and the remaning bounty men, exploding on contact and even misses were made deadly by the sharper than any blade edges. Eve grinned to herself and kep with the spell she favored so much, laughing as they tried to run but the discs only following them. She laughed out contendly as the fight raged on.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i] As Hunter carried Ev'es limp body down the tower, everyone following in suit heading to Eve and Hunter's home town of Ashenhire, the capital city of Ashrania. Half way down the tower and through the forest Eve twitched, stirring in her unchosnous. Her eyes opened and she screamed out, her arms wrapping around hunters neck. She looked at him and blinked, staring as if she'd been absent the past few hours. She looked around her, To Valen, then to Illy, then to the two newcommers.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] Who are they? [i] She pointed to Bal and Crewgar as Valen tried to explain who they were and how they got here. Telling her, the message she sent out did infact reach everyone. She sighed and settled herself in hunter's arms, smiling to herself happy to have her brother back, after all, it had been fifty years...[/i][/color]
[color=teal] [i]The disturbance in the air pressure made Eve's elegant semi-long think ears shoot straight back, she turned, shifting Ryuu behind her. Bleed stood before her, she scuffled behind her a pile of feathers over Ryuu and she stood. bringing her left hand in front her, her right hand holding a sharper peice of the glass scattered on the floor. She lunged ta him and took a good swipe, catching him across the face, a deep gash appeared but no blood, somethign dead cannot bleed. The moment her had was pulling back he grabbed her wrist.[/i] [b]Bleed:[/b] STUPID WHORE! [i] He flung Eve back aginst the fathest stone wall, her head hit hard, sending another wave of sharp pains throug her body, but strugging feircely she stood, her once elegant dress now more bloodied and tattered, ripped in numerous places.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] I'm..not that weakling you knew over fifty years ago... [b]Bleed:[/B] No, I can see that, your even weaker. [i] Eve mumbled somethign along the lines of bastard and she rushed him again. His arm shot out to grab her but her swiftness had kicked in, her head ducked under his arm as she delivered a blow to this side. Bleed yelled out in anger and twisted, catching her by the throught. She coughed and struggled, her hands going up to his hand that was rapidly chokeing her. She tried to gasph but the more she struggled the tighter he squeesed. After a few minuted Eve fell limp, he tossed her aside and made to walk out. Down on the ground one of her eyes opened and she grinned slightly, grabbing her shard she lunged. Seconds before she would have hithim he spun again, catching her around the waist.[/i] [b]Bleed:[/B] Little whore never learns... [i] He tosseds her hard into the ground and leaned over on top of her, straddlign her.[/i] [B]Bleed:[/b] Must I show you again what I can make you do. [i] Tears streamed from Eve's eyes as she grabbed ehr shard and held it to her own throught.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] I'de rather die than that happen again. [i]Bleed laughed and grabbed her ankles. moveing himself inbetween her knees, She struggled and he laughed, making bloodied marks in her legs where he was holding her to tightly. She looked at him, fear stren across her eyes, pure terror glistened in her raidaint gree eyes. She screamed, it echoes for miles on loud and of pure terror, not one living soul did not hear it within a fifty mile raidus..[/i][/color] OOC: To be continued....
[color=teal][i] Eve's eyes opened once again to find her amr bands undone but her ankel braces still in tact. She sighed. "Not this again.. well I am not as helpless as I once was...but I'll sie without fresh air.. I'm not dead though..there must be a draft..or window someplace.." Eve stood and looked around by the hardest, the throbbing pain in her head worsening by the moment. She almost fell when she noticed a small ray of lightthat did not come from the candles on the wall. She walked to it and saw it, a verry small circulr window.. "Wind, bearer of life, come to me.." She held up her hand to the window, even then it lie a good eight feet above her. In moment a small gust blew in and circled her hand, filling her body with warmth.. She nodded. "Thank you my friend..please..send this message to all who may listen.." She knelt and clasped her hands togather in a praying position. Wispering gently she let the wind carry her words far and wide to all whom may hear. "Dark and alone, trapped and improsioned I call to thee, be my saviour and come to my aid..please find my brother.." Once her words, wishing she had her flute. Getting an idear she looked around. Just then a single solitary feather floted down from the tiny window... black as night and soft as downy... She teared and grabbed the feather. "Raven..come to me....Raven...come to my aid.. aletaru cantin shatou, matesou Manatsu no Eve....Raven..coem to my aid." Moment later a bright white light surounded Eve, and the form of a boy with brillant black wings appeared before her. The Boy knelt and grasped Eve tightly.[/i] [B]Raven:[/B] Eve..forgive me, but I cannot stay, you know that. Your lucky Iwas able to come to you now, but I come bearing a small gift, to keep you company and provide hope for you in these darkening days. Eve rember I love you.. [i] Leaning down he kissed her lips softly and vanished, a wake of black feathers, amist the pile of feathers a small red for shook and cried out. A baby dragon poped his head from the mass of feathers.. Eve smiled softly and scooped it up. "Little dragon, you shall keep me company.. little Ryuu..." Eve's tears fell onto the back of the small creature, she held it close as she wept, salty tears falling to the ground, the wind carrying her sobbs for miles and miles..[/i][/color]
[color=teal]OOC: ok well were all big people here we know who's in and who's not. Ron, Robert, Corey, Samantha, Flynn, John, T man, Randy, Mike. :) 2 of who as of yett have not signed up but are going to so yeash. IC: ~PREQUAL~ Green eyes glinting in the moonlight, her red hair falls to her shoulders lightly, the purple highlights in her hair catching the moonlight, giving an enchanted aura about her. The trees rustle in the wind, the knee-high grasses sway gently, Her footsteps make almost o noise as she walks silently, her long slender ears twitch lightly as a tear rolls down her cheek. Reaching a clearing she pauses, looking at the glass coffin, the moonlight seeming to shine only on it. Her silent tears stream down her cheeks, her white silken dress billowing behind her gently.. Upon reaching the coffin she kneels, her hands folding as she pulls them to her chest, then lowering her head... Eve: Oh sir...please my your soul rest in peace...Great King Serenol, I promise to take care of your son..my brother.. ???: Yes, sure you will....Manatsu No Eve... Eve turned and looked upon the face of someone she hadn't seen in five long years.... Eve: Bleed.... you die! Bleed: Wrong my dear...very wrong.. Eve's scream echoed throughout the forest, Valen's ears perking up recognizing it instantly.... ~Present~ The first thing Eve noticed as her eyes opened was the severing pain in her arms, second she noticed her arms were straight up above her chained to a cold stone wall. Then she noticed the throbbing pain in her head and waist, and that her ankles had thick clamps around them connected to chains that connected to the wall. She groaned and leaned away from the wall,, the moment she did a sharp pain shot up her arms. She leaned back agisnt the wall again, then she noticed her outfit, her dress was tattenr and torn, like she'd been drug thru thorns, seconds later she saw the gladd spred across the floor. She mumbled to herself "He never changes does he?" Her eyes tried to focus but stayed a blurry mess, all she saw was red everywhere, lots and lots of red, the dried blood matted in her hair...[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] *chokes* ..help me...brother..[/color]
flynn darling the sign up threds are for questions about the rpg and he was asking a legitimate question..Stephi said she wnated to join but yett again I fall in last place when it comes to who matters most ot her...and yeah john u know ur in lmao.
Otay well yesh thats all Balerax erm Robert ur in duah. That all and no offence inugirl i dont want humans much for this rpg. Well thats it closed for business. Ron Corey Flynn T man Samantha and Robert. All in I'll start it either tonite or tomorow evening. Thanks bunches!
Oooooow keewl. :) Wow Flynn u really outsid yourselif I love it. Ron your in Corey your in Flynn ur in too and T Man dunno what it is bout u but something appeals to me, your in . Samantha I love ur sign up but c'm on ur in an ES Rpg u were in Seige and Elsyan isn't even gonna grace us with her presence?? :) [Edit] Ok Samantha needs to post her double sign up, shes in, and will be playing 2 chars.
[color=teal][i] Green eyes glinting in the moonlight, her red hair falls to her shoulders lightly, the purple highlights in her hair catching the moonlight, giving an enchanted aura about her. The trees rustle in the wind, the knee-high grasses sway gently, Her footsteps make almost o noise as she walks silently, her long slender ears twitch lightly as a tear rolls down her cheek. Reaching a clearing she pauses, looking at the glass coffin, the moonlight seeming to shine only on it. Her silent tears stream down her cheeks, her white silken dress billowing behind her gently.. Upon reaching the coffin she kneels, her hands folding as she pulls them to her chest, then lowering her head...[/i] [b]Eve:[/b] Oh sir...please my your soul rest in peace...Great King Serenol, I promise to take care of your son..my brother.. [b]???:[/b] Yes, sure you will....Manatsu No Eve... [I] Eve turned and looked upon the face of someone she hadn't seen in five long years....[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Bleed.... you die! [b]Bleed:[/B] Wrong my dear...very wrong.. [I] Eve's scream echoed throughout the forest, Valen's ears perking up recognizing it instantly....[/i] Well I must admit it has been a bit since I did my favorite kind of RPG. The ones involving my main chars. This is another prequal to Siege of the necromancer, a fantastic Rpg that was done here on Ob a long time ago, and this is a sequal to beginning of the end. Also a good Ob rpg. I hope of the people from both the sequal and prequal will join up as well as a few new friends to play in future sequals. Here's what I will need: [b]Name:[/b] [B]Age:[/B] (EVERYONE is within the 12-16 age range, no matter your age, just ur char's age MUST be 12-16] [B]Race:[/b] [B]Decription:[/B] (Include height eye color hair color ect. BE DETAILED!!] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Weapons and or belongings:[/B] Heres Mine: [B]name:[/b]Manatsu No Eve [b]Age[/b] (143) Appears 15 [b]Race:[/B] Dark High Elf [B]Decription:[/B] 5'3 Red hair with purple highlights, hates dresses, usually wears a black leather tunic that comes down to her knees, a leather belt hung semi-loose about her waist, a think Eleven sword dubbed tinker hanging in its scabbard at her side, Knee-high brown boots and a silver (color changing) hooded Cloak strewn about her shoulders. [B]Bio:[/B] Read Beginning of the End rpg. It?s very short but gives full bio. [B]Weapons:[/b] She Carries Shinkoru, and a pack under her cloak holding a box of throwing stars a dagger or two and numbers glass bottles containing potions and various herbs. Well Happy hunting!! :)[/color]
bye, You'll be missed.
[color=gray]Hey uh sorry this things kinda dieing ive had somewhat of a problem I promise i'll post as soon as i can think of something lol. ~danni[/color]
*nods* my spelling sucks. I will edit this later into a few "forgotten" vurses. I don't think I'm quite done with this poem's devlopment.
You act as if you don't know me.heh...guess thats you.. Well Acutually I thought that was final Vurse, but I don't think it will be...
[center][color=gray]The lines blur...[/color] [color=darkblue]Two becomes one...[/color] [color=gray]I take you into me...[/color] [color=darkblue]For all eternity..[/color] [color=teal] The lines meshed, two become one, The good and the bad, Togather at last.. Which was the real? Which was the mask? Now I know, So I'll tell you, The pain was real, And the happiness too. Both were the real, But both were the mask, Both holding false hoods, Both holding truth, So who you see now...[/color] [color=gray]Is[/color][color=darkblue] whole[/color][color=gray] and[/color][color=darkblue] True.[/color] [color=gray] We are one. One in the same. [/color] [color=darkblue] We are whole, Two became one. But Can you tell... Can you see? If a darkness, Still lurks within me? I am the one that took her pain, I refuse to accept this. I have had enough of this love, How dare she say I am un needed any longer.. Espically with what she laid to me the other day.. I will rid her of this pain, for now I am her, and she is me. Two into one, but still I will rein.[/color] [color=gray] Happiness comes, But still the darkness wheeps.. I will try my best, to console her heart, and repair the damage I have done.[/color] [color=teal]I am whole.[/color][/center]
[center][color=gray]Yeah, who said my poem was imignary? *looks around* I certinly Didn't..lol. And Its not about what u think Karma. Its not like that.. _______________________________________ This love is stronger now, My eyes tear to see him.[/color] [color=darkblue] Her love is not what it should be. I must protect her.[/color] [color=gray] Wishing, waiting, Hoping, That my dream Dosen't come true. If it did I would hurt so many... That I love.[/color] [color=darkblue] Twisting up inside, Staring at the Abyss. This love tears at our heart. Beating as one. I want to stop it, I want to stop her pain.[/color] [color=gray] I want to stop this, I want to stop my pain. I want it to go away, I hide.[/color] [color=darkblue] There is a secrete. Many do not know. The mask she wears covers me. I am her she is me. But which is which? Am I the mask? ....or is she?[/color] [color=gray] Reading between the lines, They blur then dissapear. I hide my pain.. Or does she hide in me? I don't know anymore...[/color] [color=teal] The Line between the reality and ilusion blurrs.. Can you tell the true heart? Can you see the true me? Am I a mask or the pain? Please tell me...[/color] [color=gray]I don't...[/color][color=darkblue]Know anymore...[/color][/center]
[color=gray][center][i] Danielle's eyes flashed and suddenly she was not where she should have been. She was outside her home, running through the graveyard, Michael, Kris Kiara and Alice running with her. Danelle leading the way. They lept , ran, sprinted across the countryside, not going more than a mile or so before running to an extremly tall brick wall.[/i] [b]Danielle:[/B] Uh oh.. [i]They turned to see a small pack of Hunters comming their way.[/color][/center][/i]
[color=gray][center] Danielle's eyes closed and she fell from her corner, falling from her sitting position, making little ound, attracting no attention, but just a small enough shuffle of dust to mamke Alice's ear twitch so slightly. Her eyes shut still, her mind plunged in darkness, a small even darker than shadow glow about her body. Alice's heart struck with fear... It was them.[/color][/center]
[color=gray][center] Today that pain came back even harder. That pain from love, I had to run, And hide... In "her". [/color][color=darkblue] Today her pain grew. He did it. I know he did not mean it, But her hurt her. I did not wish to se her cry thoes tears again, So I took her pain. This pain hurts. This "Love" that brings pain. Why when he is not near her, She hurts so much? Can someone answer me? Is this love good? Because sometimes it makes her so happy. But others, She is so sad her heart feels.. Like it is going to break.[/color] [color=gray] It wasn't his fualt he had to go. But I really want him back. I miss him so much, My heart hurts so bad.. I want my love back...[/color] [color=darkblue] I must protect her....[/color] [color=gray] From?[/color] [color=darkblue] This evil...[/color] [color=gray]L[/color][color=darkblue]o[/color][color=gray]v[/color][color=darkblue]e[/color][color=gray]....[/color][/center]
[color=gray][center] Within myself, there is another me. She sees what I see, Says what I say, But she is not me. Her eyes are deeper, Her sadness so obvious. Taking my pain, and acting on her own.[/color] [color=darkblue] My pain is her pain, I see through her eyes, I lie within her soul, I take her pain and make it my own, I lok it away and try to stop her pain. My eyes are dark, my heart is cold to everyone but her.[/color] [color=gray] She is me, but not. She thinks and acts on her own, I go to her for shelter when I am all alone. She takes me away, Making me safe, Taking the pain, Making it go away. This time was diffrent, IT did not go away.. It hasn't gone away.[/color] [color=darkblue] This pain was a knew one, She had never felt. I tried to stop it, To prevent it, But it just hurt her more. Love is this enmey, That caused her this pain. I cannot stop it, Nor will I try, But I can be there, When the love is gone.[/color] [color=gray]When the Love is gone..[/color] [color=darkblue]I will still be here.[/color][/center]