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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. OOC: I suggest u all go delte thoes spams on this and the last page. OMG u know we coudl lose the 5 star rateing for that! shiezh.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=blue][I] Eve was a little pissed at the dissapearence of everyone and knew ot head ot the temple. Instead she looked ot Ovlivion and asked..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Wanna handle the beach then go to temple? [I] A nod of his head was all she needed and then took off, reachign the beach at lightning speed. Hauling her Unicorn, still un named, the jumped to the beach making a rather starteling scean. As Eve hoped their were now les of them, maby a hundred, but that was still alot. Te jumped ot the ground, Eve's boots sticking lightly in the sand. Oblivion hoverd gently over the sand, poised for attack. Swords drawn. As the first wave rushed at Eve and Oblivion they worked not sepratly but as a team. Jumping forward and takeing out about 5 to 6 at a time with one slash of their swords. Eve jumped up, beheading three just as Oblivion jumped next to her and took out six coming up behind her...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] (yelling) Thanks! [B]Ovlivion:[/B] No problem! [I] Eve charged in to the middle of a "swarm" of them. At least 15 coverd her. Bofore Oblivion could react the pile over her turned to ice and shatterd, Eve stood in the middle...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well, that comes in handy. [I] Whe smiles ot Oblivion who laughed as they kept fighting off wave after wave...they just seepem to keep mulptlieing....[/I][/COLOR]
  2. Ha. I get ya, and i like the wone about women scorned. Hehhe :D it fits. lmao. I like. Even htough odd post a few more sometime I'd like ot read a few.
  3. [COLOR=blue][I] OOC: I'll do it. heh some anyway. It Illy, fight, only he can finish it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eve Jumped up as did hunter, both hearing it. running to where Illy laid on the ground. He was shaking drastaclly. Eve looked to Artea. I know how, i mean.. here. She took hunters hand in one, and Arteas hand in other as eve turned looking over her sholder. Tyron, Valen, Karina. DO NOT LEAVE! Eve turned back looking to Illy. Claping hunter and Artea's hands tightly sge knelt, bending down kissing Illy softly on his lips. the instant she did, the three of them dissapeared. Re-appearing In Illys "feild" clearing, faceing Grief. the three let go hands. Hunter and Eve helped illy to his feet as Artea checked him over and healing his back so he felt no pain. Eve turned to Illy..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] It is because of me we are here. Know your not alone. [I]Illy nodded,smileing gently. Eve almost screached, looking to Illy,Artea and hunter, then screaming looking a herself. She was..they were all.. older. She quickly shrugged it off, turning again to face Grief. The four stood poised ready for attack. Eve handed Artea a Daggar she kept hidden in her boot, so Artea would have more than magic with her. Artea thanked Eve, as the four stood, weapons drawn, poised for attack...[/I][/COLOR]
  4. *nods to justin* I thank you for writing them down and posting here. makes you think a lot. I have a few thatd I'm a post here if you dont mind. :) Best friends are the siblings god never gave us ~ You miss 100% of the shots you never take ~ Cherish love if you find it, for without love you are nothing ~ What is popular isn't always right, what is right, isn't always popular ~ so why does everyone usually do the popular thing ~ If I have seen farther it is from standing on the sholders of giants ~ their is only power and thoes to weak to seek it ~ Love is only an illusion to controll the weak ~ MY old Fav.. Alls fair in love and war ~
  5. JOHN!! Why do you always write about that?!?! I know its horrible and nice to get out but, that..day..oh John....*hugs you* I know, I write abotu it too.. sorry. Well HEY look at the bright side! Thanks to him were all not GREAT poets. heeh :)....:( Well I give ya 9/10, although my judgments a little biased. Wouldn't you say. Me knowing what event your decriding. but don't forget... you never did see that all to fimillar shadow looking in the background, ready to give his life for you.. and with him carried my love you know. I was their, as promid. Don't forget john, I swores. And I'm keeping that promoes. You know which. OH Um..sorry.. lol..but yes, poem..loved it...heh...
  6. Ok WOW TIME!! WHAT ABOUT THE POEM?!?!?!!? shiezh. wait. its 6:40 am? DANG? lol but the poem please! comment on the poem!!!
  7. Well john you asked me to poste what I think. Here it is. I agree with harquline on ryhming, but I also know thta poem was with feeling and depth. I think mainly me more than anyone understand the basis and meaning of the poem. Heh.. John, later, tell me if I'm right.
  8. [COLOR=green]To carred away with what. Phantom loves me and Valen, Neil too and my friends. Didn't say you had to. shiezh, so much love here, meh. Hers a FUNNY poem a friend and i came up with. Gottz to give her most the credit but lol i helped. lmao hope u like. --------------------------------------------------------------- Stoners live and stoners die, but in the end we all get high. If I die bury me deep, put weed in a tray upon my feet. Put rollin' papers in my hand, and I'll roll my self to the promised land. --------------------------------------------------------------- LMAO! funny huh? Its 3:32 am! Gimme a break. lmao. :D[/COLOR]
  9. Um. Yeas, thoes poems are about you know who. Sean. I don't mind if everyone knows. It was a painful time for me and others. And that poem was written, the first part, the day i almost did what the second part says. But as the other poems showed. I'm all happy now :) oh and. I know yall love me. :)
  10. [COLOR=blue]Here we go, a lil brighter and more cheery. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------- [B][size=4] My Pledge[/size] Take my heart and take my soul, if you take it, take it whole. Love me true and love me deep, my heart and sould you'll forever keep.[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------- How Ya like that one?¿?¿ OOO, here try this... ----------------------------------------------------------------- [B] [size=4]The Judgement Gate[/size] (an AH! My Goddess! spin off poem) I look it over, standing tall and luminating, like an angel of death ready to wisk your love away from me. Holing his hand, I look beside me. I gaze lovingly in to his eyes and tell ihm I love him. We share a kiss and walk forward, taking one weak step after another. Reaching the gate we pause. I grip his hand tightly as we take one more step. A step that would decide our fate. My mind races through the possiblitites in an instant. What if we don't make it, what if I dont love him enough to make it through, what if..what if,... my heart quickly slaps me. I know I love him enough, i know he love me.. we will make it.. A warm feeling passes over us as we walk through the watery gateway. Exiting on the other side I squeeze his hand tightly. He squeezes mine back. Tears flood my eyes as I turn to hug him. I tell him I love him a hundred times, as he does the same to me. Now I finally know, its a definate, our love is strong and pure. Now I can face everyday, knowing, no matter what happens, we will make it through...[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, What do you think?? Good huh? Maby. Oh Yeah, both thoes, are to Phantom, michael, my love, my life, my soulmate. I love you Mike. If you want more just tell me. I'll write em. I'm full of stuff like that.[/COLOR]
  11. Thank you for the comment. If I find my notebook I'll post more i have but. Tkz. Ad i Like ur poem. heh
  12. [COLOR=blue]Theirs more to it. I guess I'll put it. I just finished writing it. So heres the rest. ____________________________________________________ [B]....it finally got you. Pulled you down with it, swriling your mind in the abyss and darkness. A flash of silver a drip of red and it would all be over. You sit pondering what to do. The darkness closing in and ever present. The distant glint in your eyes tells everyone its coming to an end. You look over your arm slowly. thinking over the conquences. No you jump I jump now. this isn't the movies. Knowing he jumped only three days ago. A promise made. Glint of sliver, red everywhere. A mornful cry.. A promise kept.[/B][/COLOR]
  13. I got bored, and decided to write a small fan fiction of my charictar Namida Shatzueo. hope you like it. I guess I'll call it.. Um.. what should I call it. O I know. Give me suggestions when you read it!! :) I would greatly appricate it. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COLOR=blue][I] Namida looked up from where she was croutching, her long straight black/brow hair flailing gently in the wind. Her Golden green eyes flashed, senceing danger. Jumping up from where she was she landed on the lower branch of a tree. Looking down she saw a band of with tigers entering her forest..[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] (To her self) Humm.. thats odd.. tigers dont travle in packs.. [I] She looked to them and saw two cubs among the pack. Deciding to greet them, her being able to speak to any animal that enterd her forest, she approached them. When she was ten feet away, the tigers ears perkd up, senceing her presence. Walking out in front of them on the path , the lowerd their heads and growled angrly at her.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Hello! And welcome! I am Namida, Guardian and daughter of this forest. [I] Upon hearing her introduction the leading male came forth.[/I] [B]Leading tiger (Koran):[/B] (in a low growlish tone) Thank you for your introduction, although I warn you we do not trust eaisly. Stay out of our way and we shall not harm you. [I]Namida looked startled. No animal had ever thretend her. She merely shrugged her sholders and was gone in the blink of an eye...[/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, what do you think? I'll include a picture of Namida. and um, Do you like it? Theirs more, but I won't bother if no one's going to enjoy reading it. So if you like it please tell me and I'll continue.[/COLOR]
  14. LOL Da thats cute. I'll try one :) Looking arouns I see the mods, running around like a little squad. Ruling us with iron fists, one almost broke my wrist. This little place I call my home, is Otaku Boards, the place I rome. OMG that sucked. lmao!! :D It wasn't al THAT bad was it?
  15. [COLOR=blue] Here's a poem I wrote called depression. Tell me what you think.(Yes I know it does not rhyme) [B] Staring at the wall, sititng all alone, silent tears falling gently down your face. You didn't see it coming, until it was to late... You wished you would have notied yourself slipping down, slowly.. before you coudl help it, you were drowing. The darkness all around, swolling you whole. You try to scream, but no sound comes out, you fight to get to the surface, you can see it, inches away, you struggle, but just sink in deeper... The pain is unbearable the tears now blend in with the darkness, swollign you whole.. drowning you in a pool of depression...[/B][/COLOR]
  16. Tsunami I'd say, can creat all lighthawk wings plus a goddess. power. but if u go with bigger badder and distructive, ryoko takes the cake.
  17. [url]http://www.unitedanime.com/neelick/[/url] Kagato's Bio and stats for further information click da link.
  18. Auctually, Tenchi does come on at 1 am here in louisiana on adult swim, yes. Its gonan take a whiel but its coming back. Should definaly take place of a few dragon ball z time slots. i hate the show but have respect for it but.. THEY SHOW IT TO MANY TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Kagato first appears in Tenchi ova epsiosed 5 auctually, 4 if u count the lil flashes of him. :D. and if u really havent ever watched tenchi dear, y post here.lmao. but hes a real;y bad vilan guy who took over ryoko at one pint and well. tried to destroy jurai. and he like.. is really BAD!! shiezh. ill mail ya the tape and then youll know. :)
  20. Shinkoru


    SISTER! Now u know lil ms tenchi girl!!! As Ayeka stated in an epsiode i know for a fact you own, that we humans may seem it od ot marry your brother or sister. BUT on Jurai its not. their, you see?!?!!? GOLLY!. but ya know to us... REDNECKS!!! I would like ot know as well. WOULD OSMEONE PLZ EXPLAIN THIS TO ME! MY wonderful sister got her self banned. good hting 2 comps. diff houses. haha she cant come on :D but um yes. id like to knwo as well and ill inform her of resusts if anyone can help me.. plz..
  21. My personal fave is tsunami. But omg the puppets!!! i crack up EVERY time :D I mena fall off the sofa, clutchign my side lauging. :rotflmao: HEHE!! And in the baby epsiode. She auctually had her hair up pulled back if u noticed. I own the episode. :)
  22. [COLOR=blue] Yeah :) NO problem Deary :) And its name is Ryo-Chan. Case u were wondeirng.Also its Ryo-oh-ki. Thats is the correct Japanese. spelling of it. Looks nicer as well. :)[/COLOR]
  23. Yes I agree Kagato. Definatly. Calm and evil :) Just like i like em :)
  24. I give it a 9/10 it was asome and i feel somehow i.. can.. relate to it.. tkz. :)
  25. Um.. whats the pourpose? Im fighting Boba Fett in a spar lol :) its kinda.. odd but. really whats da pourpose?
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