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Everything posted by Shinkoru
I like it.. its diffrent but.. cute, kinda.. i dunno but.. i like it.. :)
wow.. it wasnt al dat good and. i guess its "ok" but.. tks :)
WOW. Dude.. I.. love all them.. really sweet. and heart felt. I... im in awe.. really.. *wipes away a tear* i like rember me the best. wow i mean..sweet...*sits entranced, re reading them all..*
Yeah. Linkin Parkey8 hehe i love it! *shakes ur hand* yes i think its asome :) keep it up. i cant write dat good. meh :)
[COLOR=blue][I] A sudden pumbling shakes the inn and bar, as a few people scream. Outside Eve jumps from Ryuus back, her unicorn commng ot a hault next to him.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Shatzen, namadeau balmoste! ( Stay here, don't move) [I] Eve walked ot the door of the bar, throwing the doors open. Noticing Oblivion she walked to him, grabbing the stool to his right. She looked up at the bartender.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Gimme a burbon on the rocks. [B]Bartender:[/B] Comming right up miss. [I] Turning to Oblivion Eve leaned over wispering in his ear..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] After I have a few drinks theres something I needa show you. [I] Oblivion nodded, lookign warily at her. Eve lifted her head as the bartender slid her, her drink. Picking it up she chugged it down.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Bartender another! [I] The bartender looked at her and went to getting her another drink. Eve turned to Oblivion again.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well... I guess I'll fill you in on everyhting thats been happening. [B]Oblivion:[/B] No need, I already know. [I] Eve looked to him uncertinly. Shrugging she turned to catch her second drink. chugging it down as quickly as the first she stood. Tossing the bartender four golden coins, she walked out the bar, Oblivion paying for his water soon followed her. Eve looked to Ryuu..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ryuu, go. [I] The dragon nodded and took off. Looking to her Unicorn she jumped on its back and looked ot Ovlivion.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hop on [I] Eyeing the creature for a moment, Oblivion hesitated then jumped to its back, holding Eve, sides lightly...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I advise you hang on! [I] She kicked the Unicorns sides lightly as it took off, funning at lightning speed. Ovlivion held tightly ot Eves back, almost falling a few times. Eve directed the unicorn, holding tightly to its mane, pullign slightly when she wanted to turn.... They raced through the forest, closing in on the palace the reached the gates and turned sharply, running along the wall, just to dart back in the forest, nearing the ocean... Eve pulled back on its mane causing it to hault suddenly. Oblivion hit the ground. He stood up, spittign out sand, dusting him self off..[/I] [B]Oblivion:[/B] You coulda warned me. [B]Eve:[/B] Sorry.. hahah [I] Eve jumped from its back and to the ground. She grabbed Ovlivions left arm with her right hand, pulling him back..[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] *Wispering* .. you idoit! Don't walk out their! look! [I] Oblivion turned looking just beyond the tree line. His eyes widened as he looked upon the scene. Dark Gnomes crawled all about the beach, over dead carcuses of animals and fish...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Makes your stomach turn dosent it? [I] Oblivion nodded as his face showed his disgust. Eve motioned to the Unicorn. Nodding He jumped up after Eve, holding her slolders this time for better balance. Eve kicked his sides lightly as he took off, raceing toward the palace... reacking the gates the guards tried ot block their entrance...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I command you as your princess Manatsu No Eve LET ME IN! [I] The guards not apealed by her words drew their weapons. Bad move to make on a pissy girl riding a Unicorn. The Unicorn reared up, almost knocking Eve and Oblivion off. It then charged at the gate knocking it down. Eve saw Hunter and Illys faces emmerge from the window seeing what the commotion is. Lookign down upon Eve as she haulted the Unicorn looking yp at them..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] THERES TROBLE GET DOWN HERE NOW! [I] They all rushed down grabbing their "gear" jumping on their horses, Oblivion still holding on to Eve's sides as she raced past the broken gate towards the beach, in to more danger than they know...[/I][/COLOR]
OOC: Im not in this lil love war. All's I willest say is I love my darlign with al my heart and soul, more than anyhting and I shall always do so. heh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] [I] Eves eyes widened tearing up. Then tears fallign they flashed to an angry red. Eve turned looking to the windown. Seeing she was a good sevral stories up, she turned abruptly.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Tell me "Mother" Why was I sent away. I have no Faimly. Raven is my brother. MY ONLY FAIMLY BESIDES MY DEAREST RYUU! [I] Turning ot the glassless window again she jumped out it. At which the action Mara screamed, knowing the height. Landing on Ryuus back they took off, her Unicorn running as fast as they flew in Ryuu's shadow. Mara looked from the window as they flew on...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]OOC: Enter Namida... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire rose all around her as Namida and Koru ran through the forest as it went up in flames all around them. Running swiftly the Elemental daughter of the forest reached a clearing. Her eyes widened with horror, as Koru, jumped at the Daeep Black dragon, which was causing her preachous forest ot suffer. Namida screamed, feelign the pain of her forest. the darkness in her showing through her forest elf attire. Taking her bladed staff she jumped, slickign the dragon, almost beheading it. She screamed as Koru hit a nearby tree, almost dead. The dragon turned to her fireing a blast of flames. Being to weak to move She glaned around, wathcing the shadows flicker as the passionate flames engulfed her forest. The moonlight caught her eyes as she glared deeply to the dragons. The instant the fire hit her body she screamed... Awakening slowly, she could feel Koru's soft fur under her arm. Lookign around in shock. Her darling was laying under her arm..alive! And her cloths had not changed at all, except now, they no longer blended with the darks of her forest but the cloth was a bright white and the antlers on the back of her cloak as well as the golden part of her attire already was, shone a brillant gold. She urned her head looking to her staff laying at her other side, the wood of it shining brightly, and the once silver blade was now golden, a white indentation spiraling all the way down it. Looking up she noticed she wasnt alone. She noticed only one girl and the other guys looked somewhat scary. Unitl...[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] ALRIY! [I] Alriys eyes widened as he went to her, helping her up. Namida then bent and picked her staff up in her left hand and Koru stood, comfortably sliding his head under her right hand. Moveing her right hand up she half hugged Alriy. Smileing.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Ok..So, where am I? [I] She looked around, seing everyone was dressed in the same heaven like attire as she...[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Wait.. am I....dead... The dragon.. I remebr..feelign the pain, trying to save my forest... [I] Alriy just nodded as Namida took in everything....[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] I'm Namida... Child of Darkness and the Daughter of the forest. Um.. Please..to meet..you.. [I] Namida seemed to be in shock still as ashe looked around Koru seeming to be scared rubed up gently to Namida's side...[/I][/COLOR]
I once caught a mewtwo using 5 ultra balls and 6 pokeballs (caught him with pokeball) it does weaken the pokemon. :)
good point. ok i retract fire blast and insert flame thrwer. and the purpose you will see when you make it to the elite is that you quickly run out of flame attacks unless u got a lotta iron. :)
OOC: [color=blue]Welcome :) Im Eve :) Illy's "girlfriend" but in real life Phantom/Mike's (hehe your name is mike too) wife. :D Nice to meet you and welcome to the clan :)[/color]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve looked from the current fight to Hunter, seeing she would not be all that needed she ran to his side, kneeling down she picked his head up and with her other hand grabbed a potion bottle from her pouch. Bringing the fragile jar to her lips she bit the cork off and spit it out. brining the blood red potion to his lips she kept pouring until she emptied the bottle. He coughed and sat up...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] thank the goddess I was in time. [B]Hunter:[/B]*cough* Mara is.. [I] Eve put her finger to his lips silencing him. Then looking down at her friend she kissed his forehead and put her old day cloak over him, knowing he would be invisible to everyone but her. Raven then appeared at Eve side. he bent down and wisperd somehting in her ear. Eve looked up...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] NO! [I] Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at Raven in disbelief. Looking down to Hunter, knowing he is far from ok but the potion she gave him would do only one hting, keep him from dieing. Unicorn blood comes in handy sometimes. She dragged hunter off in the forest a bit, lying him down text to a tree. Coveirng him with the cloak she knew he would be ok until she returned, but now she must go. She looked to him once more and ran off through the forest. She ran jumpiing from branch to branch at lighting speed for tewnty minutes, covering about twohundred miles. Seeing a blast of red flames she screamed..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] RYUU!!! [I] She kept running until she reached a huge clearing. She looked upon the scene in horror. Ryuu was in the center, defending a young stallion unicorn and its band. As a Huge blood red dragon, twice Ryuu's size attacked them. Raven appeard in front of Eve. He kissed her cheek and jumped from the tree, drawing his sword as he ran. Eve looked down at her "new" attire. Drawing her sword as well she went to stealth mode and advanced uopn the dragon... Eve appeared in midair above the dragon, holding her sword straight down, she brought it down on the dragons head, pearcing the skull. She struggles to pull it out but it wouldnot budge as the dragon flung her off. She hit a nearby tree hard. Falling to the ground. She picked herself up quickly and dusted off. Pausing her eyes went wide in horro as she watched Ryuu get a flame blast to his side. Ryuu howled in pain. Eve shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] NAMIDA! [I] Eves entire body was doused in a bleish flame. Holding her hands abover her the flames came more, making a huge, what looked like a cloud, above her. Eve Jumped up and as she did a blast of wind blew the "cloud" at the dragon, connecting causing the dragon to hit the ground. It screamed as the flesh was torn away from its bones at its left flank, the acid having done its job. The dragon stood, turning to Eve, looking her dead in the eyes. She stared back showing no emotion. She screamed as a lightning bolt shot down and struck her, bringing her to her knees. She look up at the dragon pain in her eyes...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] So..*cough* you controll the weather..*cough* [I] Eve's eyes turned a eerie luminated green. She was on all fours, having hit her knees and then almost fell over form the shock of lightning. Her cloths started to melt togather as she started to shrink. Her body turned a coarse black as she transformed fot the first time in to a jet black wolf, the only hting that could now be seen if Eve were her lumintaed green eyes. She growled and attacked the dragon, delivering a series of arndom blows. Reaching its head she grabbed her sword in her teeth and pulled hard. It came out eaisly. she fell and hit the ground, changeing back to her normal stressed self, picking up her sword she drove it deeply in the dragons underbelly, pearcing its heart. She pulled her sword out just as the dragon came down with a crash. She looked at it then to Ryuu..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Janetau setai malanera! [I] At this Ryuu took off, heading twards the direction in from whihc Eve had come. Returning ot help the others. She looked at the unicorns. She smiled, sliding her sword in its scabbard. She turned and walked away. Her ears perked up as the leader, the young mustang, came up to her, leavign the rest behind. It nuzzled her hand with its nose as she turned to face it, looking in its deep black eyes. Looking at its horn then to its beautiful sliver white mane, then to its smooth pure white hair. She nodded as she jumped to its back. Kickign its sides lightly with her feet, the unicorn took off, facing at lightnign speed through the forest back to her friends to join the fighting...[/I][/COLOR] __________________________________________ Ok the picture attached shows my new Unicorn and wolf morph. :) tell me what u think :)
[COLOR=blue][B]OOC: OMG MARA!! NO!!!!![/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve giggles loudly as she ran swiftly to the clearing to Illy, Lacroix following close behind. Eve knew he coudl eaisly out run her, she assumed he wanted to make it challangeing. Seeing the opens area not far eve jumped straight up and continued running from branch to branch even faster than she ran on foot down below. Finally reacing her destination she jumped from the branch in to the clearing and right in to Illys arms. Shocked he barely caught her as he cradled ehr lovingly kissing her forehead. Eve then moved her hand to his cheek and pulled his lips to hers. Then jumping up and walking to the now visible Lacroix. Jhe placed her hands on his sholders and jumped up, not sitting but standing up full height on his sholders. Looking down then back up again...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well everyone... [I] She stoopd down and patted his head...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Look whos finally realized he has friends! [I] Thoes who were their looked astonished. How this sorceress got to him. Eve then sat down on his sholders, wary he might throw her off, so she braced her self, ready to be flung, or to say the least, hurt for what she had done. She sat waiting, but nothing came. Then smileing she stood again and jumped down. Deciding a hug was to risky she patted Lacroix's back, and then for the fun of it, quickly hugged him then she dissapeared. re appearing behind Illy, incase Lacroix was to kill her. She then hoisted her self on to Illys sholders and motioned him to the waterfall, wispering lightly in his ear...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] [I]I need to talk to you...[/I] [I] He just looked up a little curious but did as was asked of him. Reaching the waterfall Eve jumped down. She stood faceing him...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I saw Mara, when I was running through the forest... She had that look on her face you only get from one thing... [I] Illy looked at ehr smiling nodding he understood, knowing Eve wasnt finished...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well love, I want that look. [I] At this Illy raised both eyebrows and stared at Eve, trying to think. Eve pulled him close putting her finger to his lips telling him he didnt have to. She merely kissed him as he picked her up, cradling her like a baby as he ran through the waterfall with her in his arms, finally to dart behind it. Not to be seen until two hours later...[/I] [I]Eve and Illy emmerged form the water fall. Well, morel ike Illy immerged, carrying Eve. Eve, obvously having had no problem with pre-marital relations. Illy set Eve down next to the waterfall. She sat looking up at the afternoon sky. Then reaching up and pulling Illy down with her, there the two sat, wraped up in each others arms, enjoying the moment, hoping no one would disturbe them, hoping they had all nite to stay like this, having doubts they would htough. Maby, just maby, they would get their wish...[/I][/COLOR]
I agree with everyone here, if you breed a pikachu and a ditto you get pichu but ive found out that if you can get a male picka and femlae pika it works out better, espaclly if the male has good attacks cuz the pichu learns the dads best attack. just a lil research the biggest beauty in pokemon did :)
dude on your typloshion on silver, you needa have 2 good fire attacks i learne that really quickly. seeing that my best fighter. silver lvl 75 trust me get a fire blast in their too. youll need it. :) just a lil tip from the biggest Beauty ;) hehehe
[COLOR=blue] WOW! Looka me I wront a poem, Im shocked!! :eek: Well Here it is:[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] [B] With a love so strong, and hearts so pure, they battle the odds, no doubt it won't work, every thought it will, they live everyday, like it might be their last, knowing that if it is, they loved each other, and they always would.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Well? what do you think? (Be brutal) BTW just for fun I included the picture of when i first did this![/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve jumped up from Illys back and on to the ground, walking to Hunter and dragging him to the front og the little band, next to Illy.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] WHAT?!? [B]Eve:[/B] Well Hunter, you know more about Lord Bleed than I do, although I have met him... [I] At this Eves voice trailed off as is she was ashamed to continue. Hutner looked at her, knowing already and nodded. Eve looked to Illy then to Hunter, and decided she wasnt walking. Placeing her hands on Hutners sholders she jumped up and sat down on them. Looking at Illy she smiled then turning to a semi jelous Artea.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] What? He's MY best friend little Ms. bride. humph. [I] Artea laughed as they walked on dicussing Lord Bleed.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well I know wheir he, dwells. [I] The all stopped and looked at her stunned. At the sudden hault and staring she jumps off Hutners sholders, landing faceing the group[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] YES! OK! I HAVE BEEN THEIR!! [I] A few tears rolled silently down her cheekes as she turned and ran of through the forest jumping up to the limb of a tree jumping fast from branch to branch, tears streaming as she ran/flitted...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve kissed Illys forehead and jumped off his sholders.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I'll be back in a few minutes, you can go on without me I'll catch up [B]Illy:[/B] Ok [B]Mara:[/B] Sure thing [I] Hunter just nodded, seemingly out of breath. Eve turned and walked over to where Lacroix was standing, leaning aginst a tree. Eve stopped in front of him.[/I] [B]EvE:[/B] Well, you still haven't answerd me. [I] Lacroix just stood lookign at her, knowing she had more to say.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I was listening ot what you were thinking, about emotions being weaknesses. Well, I have a proposition for you. I have long wanted to consider you a friend. Although seeing your feelings towards it, I would like to be able to call you an ally, perhaps. You evaded me before, so answer me now please. [I] Eve watched Lacroix as he ran the htoughts through his head.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] And just so you know, friends, loved ones, don't have to be weaknesses. You can look at them at stregnths as a matter of fact. [B]Lacroix:[/B] How so? [B]Eve:[/B] You know how much I love Illy, and hunter is my best friend Yes, I would be crushed if anyhtign happend to them, but if in a fight, one of them were killed, I would not so much as flinch. No emotion would surpass me. I would keep fighting. After wards, I would go home and cry, yes, but, it makes me no weaker in battle. Also having friedns in a fight, more people you have to aid you. Not like you can't take care of your self. I know verry well you can. [I] Lacroix just nodded. Eve stood lookign at him, waiting once again for her reply. Turning and looking over her sholder she decided she would like a bit of privacy, away from prying ears and minds. Turning her head she motioned up to the tree. Lacroix looked up and followed Eve as she jumped up the branches until she was well near the top and far out of range for any mind readers or prying ears. Looking to Lacroix she taped her foot lightly on the branch waiting impaintently for her reply. Sitting comforatbly on the branch next to him, leaning on the tree, she rached in her pouch and took out a small purplish device. Lacroix looked to her a odd look on his face.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] What? Time travle is great don't ya know? hehehe [I] Eve looked back down to her hand held device, her fingers moving quickly oner the bottom of it. Still lookign down she spoke[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I can hear you ya know, but hey take your time. think it over, don't mind me. Heheheh [I]Lacroix just shook his head and looked down to the ground, thinking over what she had said. Eve just sat playing around with her little "toy", which occasionaly made an odd noise, and caused Eve to giggle excitedly. Lacroix soon got used to this as he lost himself in thought...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue] [I] Eve got out of the water and sat down on a boulder at the waters edge. Twisting her hair out drying it out. She stood up, moveing her hands in front of her she looked up, moveing her hands in a swift motion in front of her a strong breeze came forth and surrounded Eve. She jumped from the boulder, completely dry.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Their thats better [I] Eve made a motion with her hand towards Illy, sending a huge gust of wind his way, partly drying him. She giggled and ran to him, hugging him tightly. Then jumping in his arms she put her hands on his sholders and jumped up. Illy walked towards the cave, Eve on his solders, where Mara was waiting for a slow Hutner to catch up. Illy and Eve reached hutner and walked beside him towards the cave, reaching Mara. The others had started making their way towards the four....[/I][/COLOR]
OOC:We meet again Lacroix ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Manatsu No Eve (Called as Eve) [B]Age:[/B] 643 (looks seventeen) [B]Race:[/B] Elf (High Dark Elf) [B]Appearance:[/B] Penetrating Deep Forest Green eyes, that often change color according to Eve's mood.Sholder legnth blood red hair, with bits of deep purple highlights streaking through it. A long silver hoded day cloak is usually over her sholders, hood almost always down.(during the day if the hood of a day cloak is up the wearer becomes invivible) She wears a velvet black shirt, underneath which she wears a impenetratable Heathrow. A silver belt worn around her waist, dark brown pants blending in with the bark of trees, also her boots come up to her knees, her pants tucked in her boots. She has a triangle on her forehead that often glows. A scabberd at her left side holds the magical sword Shinkoru. [B]Bio/History: [/B]Haveing heard rumors of Dæmons in and around The Mire, Eve set out with Ryuu, her dragon. Also haveing known her old friend Lacroix lived in that area, she hoped to run in to him. Traveling days on end without stop Eve reached the Lake Of Matakra. Stopping finally to eat and rest. Picking up her belongings and moving on she set out toward The Mire, still barely half way there... [B]Spells/Abilities: [/B] [B]Kiseki[/B] (my strongest spell. Calls upon the power of Eve's goddess sending her overwhelming power, gives divine protection to Eve) [B]Namida[/B] (Eve can only do when a friend or loved one is hurt, it allows her to blast her opponent with acidic water) [B]Shinzin[/B] (allows Eve to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding) [B]Eve Chikara[/B] (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but Eve. Making a small explosion) [B]Haradachi[/B] ( Inglufs me in flames only to rocket the flame tward my enmies) [B]AI[/B] ( can only be done when a floved one is in danger, douses me in a dark red shawod, coking them out rendering them unable to breath) [B]Gensou[/B] (allows me to become invivible) [B]Henka[/B] (allows me to transform. In to a jet black wolf.) [B]Jounetsu[/B] ( Creates spheres of energy which I throw at my enemy) [B]Kenshin[/B] (my second strongest spell, allows me to create and controll monsters,demons ect.) [B]Starting position: [/B] The area of land in between the Mire and the Lake Of Matakra.[/COLOR] Well old friend. Hope thats good enough to make it!
[COLOR=blue] [I] The worls is getting dark and only one thing can turn the tides, the Jewle of the Elements. The Jewl was divided in to eight peices, according to power and color. The peices were stored in their approarate temples.[/I][/COLOR] [B] [COLOR=green]Earth[/COLOR] [COLOR=burlywood]Air[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Fire[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Water[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]Lightning[/COLOR] [COLOR=sky blue]Ice[/COLOR] Dark [COLOR=white]Light[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=blue] [I] It is a long journey to each of the temples, and you will encounter many trials and hardships along the way. Monsters, Dæmons, undead creatures. ect. One you have retrived the Geams you must travle to the temple to the Temple of Life, wheir you will find a Holy Mage, who will unite the Gems in to The Jewl of the Elements. Then, and only then, your hardest taks begins. You must take the jewl to the verry depths of hell and defeat the Dark Lord Lucifer. (yes the devil) Using your skills and finally the Jewl, you must defeate him, the fate of the world rests on your sholders.[/I] [B] Ok ok ok theirs u background story :) 6 positions open for this rpg. 7 members total (self included) The info I need: (ill use myself as an example) Name:[/B] Manatsu No Eve [Eve] [B]Age:[/B] 17 (auctually 453) [B]Height:[/B] 4'7 [B]Weight:[/B] 120lbs [B]Eyes:[/B] Deep Forest Green [B]Hair:[/B] Sholder legnth, Deep red with dark purple highlights. [B]Class:[/B] Dark Sorceress [B]Spells:[/B] (if any) Kiseki (calls upon the power of Eve's goddess sending her overwhelming power, gives divine protection to Eve) Namida (Eve can only do when a friend or loved one is hurt, it allows her to blast her opponent with acidic water) Shinzin (allows Eve to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding) Eve Chikara (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but Eve. Making a small explosion) [B]Equipment[/B] [B] Weapon(s):[/B] Sword Shinkoru and a Staff [B]Armor:[/B] none [B]Clothing:[/B] (type out clothing but im a just include a pic) [B]Symbol:[/B] Up side down triangle on my forehead (it occasionally glows) [B] Well datz all :) Hope u sign up !! :) [/B][/COLOR] [B]SO FAR PPLZ IN THIS RPG ARE![/B] MysticDarkElf Mist Wolf Maximas13 kool_aid13 The Harlequin Phantom KabukiOwari Shinobi (BTW HIYA MARA!! Nice to see the clan stickign togather my right hand girl :) ) [B]Ok thats all! This RPG is closed! Congrads to thoes who are in and sorry maby nextime to thoes who didnt make it :)!![/B] Run with the Es Clan!! (I'm saveing a spot for my friend Shinobi. RPG will start once he arrives and posts his stats)
OOC: Yo John ill take her place :evil: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Namida Shatzuo [B]Age:[/B]17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Class:[/B] Dark Mage [B]Height:[/B] 5'8 [B]Weight:[/B] 120 lbs [B]Hair:[/B]Dark Red, falling down to my knees [B]Eyes:[/B] Icy almost white blue [B]Personality:[/B] Extremly Edgy and a tad pshcyopath, but sweet when calm [B]Extreme Physical Attribute(EPA):[/B] Acute sences. Can see better than the sharpest Hawk and Hear better than the most alert rabbit. Also Can jump high and enyos running through the trees from branch to branch. [B]Spells:[/B] [B]1.[/B]Haradachi ( Inglufs me in flames only to rocket the flame tward my enmies) [B]2.[/B] AI ( can only be done when a friend or ally is hurt, douses my sny in a dark red shawod, coking them out rendering them unable to breath) [B]3.[/B] Gensou (allows me to become invivible) [B]4.[/B] Henka (allows me to transform. In to a jet black wolf.) [B]5.[/B] Jounetsu ( Creates spheres of energy which I throw at my enemy) [B]6.[/B] Kenshin (my strongest spell, allows me to create and controll monsters,demons ect.) [B]Class Abilities:[/B] Agility Skilled Fighter Stealth [B]Equipment:[/B] [B]Right Hand:[/B] Usually on the head or back of her companion [B]Left Hand:[/B] A staff with a large blade on the top [B]Body:[/B] Heathrow Armor worn under shirt (thats strong silky thing Frodo wore on Lord of the rings) and a black hooded cloak. As well as a scabbard at my left, incaseing a thin magical elvin sword, which is a icy blue, freezing anything the blade touches. [B]Legs:[/B] Barefoot [B]Head:[/B] Nothing hood of my cloak is usually down [B]Special:[/B] Golden cuffs worn around my wrists and a silver ring around my right ankel, giving me stregnth and even more swiftness/agility. As well a upside down triangle on my forehead which glows from time to time.[/COLOR]