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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[COLOR=blue][B]OOC: Hope u like the pic of Ryuu (the color only Ryuus body shape is not like that! ill add a pic in my next post of what his body shape. Hes cute not, mean. :):)[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] Eves eyes widend in horror as Hunter rode off after Mara. Ryuu looked down at her, a tear trickeling down his scaly face, knowing Hunter had not done a good enough job. Eve and Ryuu being linked spiritually and magically, Ryuu felt Eves pain. Eve screamed as tears of pain fell from her eyes, which were now a deep blue, not the icy blur they often turned. She laied their clutching her stomach screaming in pain. Ryuu lifted his head. Rembering he was suppoed to have brough both Ravens here. Spotting them both running after Mara and Hunter with the rest he tilted his head back and roared in anger/pain. Flapping his blood red wings he went airborne, flying over the kingdom once again blasting it with fire. Suddenly out of no where Ryuu rockets downward,hitting the ground, making a minor earthshake. Getting up quickly he lookes up to see his attacker. Another Dragon. Dark blue in color. Obvously a minion or Lord Daisans, Ryuu turned his head to its, shooting a blast of white hot flames at it. Ryuu charged at it horns ready, pearcing the other dragons scales it screamed, ramming Ryuu back. The other dragon then shot a deep black fire at Ryuu, knocking him down. Ryuu screamed in pain. Ryuus eyes flashed from a sweet red to an angry backish purple. Ryuu thought to him self that if his friend/master changed more powerful, he would too, match her criteria. Ryuu screamed, glowing brightly. The same white light surrounding Ryuu as did Eve only a few days before. He stood up as the other dragon watched on. His head tilted up, shooting a blast of blue black flames straight up, as his entire body shiverd. A wave passing over him, changeing his scales from Red to deep Black purple, the exact color of Raven (guy) hair. Ryuu looked at the other dragon, as it stared back.[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] ... I ... I ... I .... DIE! [I] Ryuu snapped his head, knocking in to the other dragon. Ryuu jumped up, coming down hard on it. Moveing his sharp edged wing he slicked through the other dragons neck, cutting deep, severing its head. Ryuu looked up, looking perfectly pleased with him self as he remberd Eve. Getitng up and soaring to her he sat next to her, cradeling her in his wing. Lowering his head next to hers, nuzzling her cheek, icy tears gliding from his eyes. Dripping on Eves cheek. Eve was silent now. Not moveing. Ryuu feared she was close to death. So he sat their weaping for her, cradeling her gently in his wing...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]OOC:LEAVE MY CASH ALONE!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] Eves eyes went an angry red. Leaning over to Ryuu Eve yelled...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] RYUU! BLAST IT! [I] Miliseconds before the carrage went up in flames Eve flung a Green disc to Mara who caught is as it wizzed in the carrage window. Grabbing hold of it she clutched tightly. Ryuu opend his mouth as a blast of red flames shot out, engulfing the carrage in flames. Eve then shot a black disc outlined in green towards the carrage. It blew up on contact. The group looked up at eve in horror, not seeing that she threw Mara a disc. Ryuu soared down, flaming everyhting in its wake, every feild in Lord Darien's kingdom. Eve jumped off, letting him have his fun. She came down on Lord Darien, bring shinkoru to a hault when it was through his chest pinning him to the ground. Her eyes calmed back to Green as she slid her sword in its scabbard. She turned ot see Mara with hunter, perfectly safe, still holding the disc tightly. Eve then screamed and hit the ground,. Every one turned to look seeing Dariens sword through Eve stomach, as Lord Dariens head fell back, now dead...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][B]OOC: WAIT A MINUTE HERE!! Heehehe. This isnt it. o way. We all know thta Bleed isnt dead yett and i nor does anyone get seprated til well in to 15!!! WE STILL GOT A LOT A FIGHTING AND GROWING TO DO!! GET UR BUTS BACK HERE!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [I] Eve turned to Hunter and wacked him up side the back of his head.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] EXCUSE ME!! Leave me so soon?!?! I dont think so! [B]Hunter/Fox[/B] OW! Ok sorry! ok ok ok shiezh! [I] Everyone laughed as they walked on from the falls.[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] HEY! I know how to cook! Lets go eat! [I]Everyones eyes perked up as they nodded hungrly[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Alright then! Lets go!! [I] On they walked to Eves tree house hut...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][B]OOC: Sorry I took so long!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [B]Eve/Hunter:[/B] ITS ARTEA! [I] Eve grabbed Hutners shirt and ran dragging him behin her. Stopping short at a tree Eve jumped up taking Hunter with her. Noticing the others following close but not daring climb the tree, waited at the base. Dropping Hutner on the floor of her tree hut, she jumped to a corner grabbing a thin peice of metal out of a stone fireplace. Sitting down at a bench she took a hammer and frequently asked Hunter to grab her diffrent tools. Down below all that could be heard was loud clanging and Eve barking out orders. Twenty minutes later Eve stood. Showing the blade to Hunter.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I dub this sword Alaris [I] Hunter smiled and nodded as she handed it to him, and slid it in his empty scabbard. Eve then took her thin elvin sword and tossed it in the corner along with its scabbard.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] What did you do that for?!!? [B]Eve:[/B] The goddess juts spoke to me, told me she will present me with a mystic blade. [I]Hunter looked shocked as the entire hut started to glow a brilliant blue. Eve looked up as a chest appeared in the air, glowing brightly of the blue light. it slowly lowerd and then rested at Eves feet. Hunter watched on in awe. Eve bent and opend the chest. In it lied two swords. One of an Icy Blue blade, the name Shinkoru carven in to its silver hilt. The other sword raidated an angry red, the name Gensou incribed in to its hilt. Eve reached to touch the red sword, but quickly screamed and pulled her hand back. A womans voice came out of no where.[/I] [B]Goddess:[/B] The sword Gensou is for your sibling dear Eve. Its true owner shall be revealed to you in the future. Your destined sword is the blade Shinkoru. It is fate that you will own this sword, for it shall help you greatly over the years. [I] Eve grabbes the hilt of Shinkoru. The moment she did this she felt a surge of could pass throught her body, which soon died. A feeling which she could not decribe passed over her. She then knew this sword would indeed have a great deal to do with her destiny. Hunter and Eve jumped from the tree hut to the ground, showign off both their new swords.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I know this forest better than any of you, the scream was near water you could tell by the dry echo. Mystic falls is closest to here. Lets go! [i] They took off Eve and Hunter in the lead. Followed right behind by Illy, then Valen, Karina and Tyron closeing in...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][B]AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW THE DRAGONS SO CUTE!!! :) hehehe. Yeah you see how i set it up so you and Aliry still get to fight? Ya like dat huh? How nice am I? Go me go me! lol heheeh I feel so speical. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eve:[/B] Its cute, wont ever be as big or powerful as my Ryuu, but mabt Ryuu could train the little tyke. Would be nice, theyd both have a friend. [B]Elsyan:[/B] Yeah! That would be cute [I] Eve looked the tiny dragon over, knowing it would smeday match Ryuus power. Shaking her head she dismissed the thought. Turning to look not at Aliry as he approached the almost dead creature...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] HAVE A NICE DRINK! (yelling to Aliry)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][B]OOC:I already claimed the Dragonscale Bracelet. ITS MINE!! MUWHAAHAHAHAAHAH!!! Ok sorry.. power hungry. Pm me and tell me if yall like how Eve looks. Thay is how i want u to picture her now fot that is her exact looks. :) hehe ok this is to many just OOC's. Ill make a short post to liven up a bit. hehe.[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] Eve looked to Mara and Raven as they looked over her new attire.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well do you like? [B]Raven:[/B] Well my sister, you are now what you were destined to be, a Dark Sorceress. And before you ask, I am your brother, and the rightful owner of Gensou. [I] Tears filled eves eyes as she looked down to her scabbard, smileing broadly[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] Your so lucky. Heh but I have my Hunter [B]Eve:[/B] Yes you do and that, is a lot. [I] Mara then blushed. Eve looked her self over completely. Her staff, she found, floded neatly in a pouch, and she found other items in diffrent bags and pouches which included, a few bottles of diffrent potions, a flute, a water flask, a small mirror, assorted marbles, and a few other items.[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] I wonder wheir Illy has gotten to? Your mind hasen't left him since he dissapeared. [B]Eve:[/B] Yes, I know, off traning with Lacroix i suppose [I] Raven nodded[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] Cheer up, I'm here [I] Eve smiled and launched herself onto Raven's sholders. This time he did not rocket her off just merely smiled and wraped his arms over Eve's legs as they talked to Mara...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve looked at her. Hev knelt to pic up Gensou and screamed a blood curdling scream. The next instant Raven was at her side.[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO PICK THAT SWORD UP WHEN YOU HAVE SHINKORU!! [i] Raven grabbed the sword and slid it in the empty scabberd at his side. Eve looked up eyes full of tears.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I was told. the trie owner, my real sibling, would recive the sword.. you can.. you touched it.. [I] She jumped up and hugged him ,tears flowing. Her attention quickly returned to the fight at hand. Holding her belovid Shinkoru tightly she charged at the monster, jumping up, sword above her head, she brought it down hard on the monsters scull. Then landing on the ground in a kneel watching the monster slowly freeze over,she held her sword again, ready for attack. She watched stunned as the Ice melt and the monster gazed angrly at her.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Uh Oh... [I] A huge feather shot at her, she didnt have time to react as it went right through her left sholder. Eve screamed in pain. Raven went to help her but Mara stopped him.[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] Its her fight [I] Raven nodded as they looked back to Eve. She jumped up again, driving the sword deeply in to the monsters neck. It raised its arm and picked a screaming Eve off it, flinging her to the ground, as she hit it with a thud. She laied their motionless for a moment. She then shot up to her feet looking at the monster. Her eyes went blood red, as she shot her hands in front of her, mumbling.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Amin de marcet cantui shindern. Razna mala encarte palamestu... [I] She now hel her hands high above her head as a bolt of lightning struck down upon her, illuminating her whole body. The sky went a deep black as she continued chanting. Her being the only thing visibul through the darkness. She glowed a bright white...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] (screaming) Azeria mantin calamone, shakertuua metaou ramala yestifone... [I] As she kept screaming out her chanting the light surrounding her flashed, changeing from the bright white, to a deep black,then flashing to a dark green...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ADIN DISTELLA MANTAN RYUU GEKIKOU! ( New Spell: Ryuu Gekikou [meaning Dragon Rage] A spell of immence power cannot be donr by a Dark Ranger, Eve is now a Dark Sorceress for now having enough power to perform shuch an advanced spell ) [I] As soon as Eve yelled the last word, the light turned to a deep blood red. She then shot her hands toward the monster. The moment her hands were straight out in front of her a huge sphere of the odd blood red light appeared in her hands. She moved her hands to her side, as if she were hitting a baseball, then she flung her hands tward the stunned monster, the light sphere leaveing her hands and rocketing towards the thing. It connected with a huge noise, like running in to a bick wall, the moster screamed in pain as the red light coverd his body and sunk in to his skin. It fell and hit the ground hard with a thud. Eve stood, some of the red light still danceing over her body. She yelped as she was ingulfed in a black light. Covering her entire body. Her head then appeared, as the light slowly moved its self down her body finally making it to her knees then ankles, finally disapearing. Raven and Mara stood watching in awe. She was completly siffrent, her cloths had changed, upon her forehead was a marking. Showing she was now a Dark Sorceress. Eve shook her head, shaking off the rest of the red. Walking over to Raven she exaimed her self.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Wow. I like it. [I] Raven nodded, seemingly impressed. Mara juts stood staring, mouth slightly gapeing. The monster moaned, still not dead. Eve looked to Aliry then Elsyan, knowing it was his turn to fight.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well Aliry, Elsyan, its almost dead. All yours. It bleeds real blood so.. hehe, have a nice drink Aliry. Its on the house. [I] Eve threw her head back and laughed as the two walked twared the monster. Her gaze following them...[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The Picture attached, is how Eve looks now. So you know what she looks like and I dont have to explain. hehe :)] AND I CLAIM THE DRAGONSCALE BRACELET!!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]Eve looked at Mara, not sure if she would understand the answer.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] "Raven misses Hunter." [B]Mara:[/B] "Wait huh?" [B]Eve:[/B] "My sister Raven. She knew Hunter as a child, she knew Illy as well. She hasen't seen any of us in fifteen years." [B]Mara:[/B] "How was their relashionship?" [B]Eve:[/B] "Just friends." [I]Mara nodded and looked relived. Eve paused for a moment and turned looking behind her, as a tear rolled down her cheek.[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] "I know, its Illy right?" [I]Eve nodded[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] "Its ok." [I] The two walked on, the others following about ten feet behind...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve jumped to Illy hugging him tightly. Then to his supprise, she walked to Raven, puting both hands on his sholders and jumping up on them smileing[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] Oh no ya dont! [I] Raven grabbed Eve by her hips and in one quick movement picked her up and threw her in to the nearest tree. He landed upside down back to the tree. Falling over on to the ground, she got up and dusted her self off. Straightning her hair she walked to Raven, drawing her sword on the way.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] Their always like this. Heh we get a show before we move on [I] By the time Eve reached Raven his sword was also drawn. She stopped five feet from his, sword draw poised ready to fight. She jumped tward him bringing her sword down. Smirking he merely moved out the way letting Eve land clumsly behind him. Knowing he could make her look like an unskilled fool. He went at her slashing his sword. It clanged loudly as it connect with Eves blade. Eve then pulled it back and shoved it forwar swiftly hitting Raven in his side pearceing it. Raven seeing his sister had gotten better, lungedat her landing next to her he hit her in the back of the head with his elbow, knocking her to the ground. She stood up rubbing her head and sliding her sword back in its scabberd.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Owwie.. I still needa pratice more [I] Raven not saying anyhtign wistled. Ryuu landing in the clearing. Raven yelled him a command in elvin.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Wait!! What! Raven!! Why that? [I] Raven said nothign and turned to Eve[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] Because were going to need help [B]Eve:[/B] BUT NOT HER! How is she going ot help us? [B]Raven:[/B] She is a lot stronger, and she misses Hunter [I] Eve just looked mad and walked off through the trees heaing to the Falls, mumbling under her breath, leaving everyone else to follow...[/I][/COLOR]
[I] [COLOR=blue]Eves eyes shot up at the question.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Me.. my past.. is well..my life began, the day, I met Hunter, Illy, Valen, Karena and Tyron. the rest, Is a blur.. a verry painful blur.. [I] Mara pressed the shubject no further. They gossiped about Illy and hunter, trading cute stories and shuch for most of the nite Wehn the moon hung low, Eve got up and walked to a sleepy Illy, as Mara did to Hunter. Mara layed down as Hunter welcomed her with open arms. As Eve got to Illy, sititng down next to him, cuddling tightly, the group finally got to have another decent nite sleep, which they all despratly needed...[/I][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=blue] Just before Mara reached the tree line Eve appeared in front of her.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Exactly wheir do you think your going? [I]Seeing Maras tears Eve brought her hand to Maras face, wiping them away. Eve then hugged Mara. This behavour was unlike Eve, but she did it anyway. Taking Maras wrist Eve led her off to the pond. Sitting Mara down on a boulder right at th edge[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Stay here, dont move plz [I] Eve walked off to Aliry who was sitting on the out skirt of the clearing. Sitting down next to him. Looking in to his eyes she smiled. Aliry was shocked, Eve reached over and hugged him.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Thank you friend. For waking me up. [I] Aliry smiled as Eve disapeared. Re appearing next to Mara Eve sat down at the waters edge, slipping her boots off she diped her feet in the water, Mara doing the same.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Mara, I heard everything you thought you said to your self. Frankly, your at fault for nothing. You didnt do anything wrong therfore their is nothing I can forgive you for. Hunter is my best friend, and I love him to death. He loves you, your ingaged for crying out loud. I mean..wow. I'd love it if Illy proposed to me, but, I doubt that will happen. [B]Mara:[/B] I bet he will some day. Heh.. thank you Eve. [B]Eve:[/B] Don't mention it. Oh yea, and another thing, your father should be smacked. Women espaclly you and your mother, are not stupid. [I] The two sat relaxing,feet in the water talking and giggleing...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve's ears being the sharpest of them all, except for maybe Hunter, who was busy with three Dragoons. Eve turned to see Mara was gone. Looking to where the sound had come from she saw the grass was flat, knowing every little detail of her forest she teleported to the higher branch of a tree. She saw it. A dark shadowy figure dragging a kicking Mara away, maybe twenty feet from her. Eve decided this once, a cat could run faster. She shrank and shrank until their was nothing left to be recognized but for her green eyes. The Black Cat then took off, matching the shadows perfectly she could not be seen, she hit the ground and sped towards Mars, acute ears picking up her muffled cries. Eve reached her and did not make a sound. She looked at Mara who had stopped struggling, and was looking at Eve. Knowing now the good extent of Mara's sights and the creatures alas couldn't see her; this was at a great advantage. Eve ran swiftly in front of the creature, she now noticed was a Dæmon. Jumping up startling it, clawing at its dark scarred face, gave Mara time to get free. Turning around and drawing her blade Mara stood behind the Dæmon ready to fight, as Eve now in human form, stood in front of it, red light reflecting in the darkness, from her also drawn sword. They both charged, their blades coming down upon the creature. Gensou sliced the Dæmons arm of, causing it to howl in pain, it turned from Mara and went after Eve, shooting a dark sphere from its hand, it connected with Eve. She screamed in pain, deep red blood now gushing from her side. Mara not hesitating attacked, whipping a chain around its neck, pulling it to the ground. Letting it whip back and grabbing the creature once again around its cloaked waist. Snapping its hand behind it the Dæmon fired a blast at Mara, just barely hitting her shoulder. It was distracted; this was all Eve needed. She jumped upon the creature sword pointed down. It connected, with the Dæmons chest. Making a sickening crunching sound. The Dæmon screamed in pain as red flames spread across its body. Eve noticing the chain was still around its waist, knowing the flame would travel up it as well she had mere seconds to react. [/I] [B]Eve:[/B] MARA, SNAP THE CHAIN BACK NOW!! [I]Mara, not hesitating to do as she was told, whipped the chain from the Dæmon just in time, as the flames engulfed the creature. It writhed and howled in pain. Soon after, nothing was left to it but a pile of thick gooey black liquid. Seeing the creature defeated, Eve fell to her knees, clutching her side. Mara ran to her. [/I] [B]Mara:[/B] EVE! Is their anything I can do?!?!? Are you gonna be ok? [B]Eve:[/B] *cough* Tell.. Illy.. I *cough* love him.. [I]With this Eve fell over face first to the ground. the second she did a scream echoed from her. Mara then attempted to pick Eve up and drag her back, but Eve weighed a bit too much for Mara alone. Mara knelt to Eve [/I] [B]Mara:[/B] NO Eve, you came to save me! Don't die! I'm going to get help. [I]At this she speed off running with lightning speed back to the others. Who had handled the Dragoons and were looking around for Mara and Eve, Mara appeared running in to Hunter. [/I] [B]Mara:[/B] EVE! HURT! BAD!! HELP! [I]That was all she could get out before Illy rushed in the direction Mara had come from. Looking in horror he saw Eve lying face down on the grass, surrounded in a puddle of blood. Illy ran to her. Sitting her upright in his arms he cradled her as, Hunter, Mara, Lacroix, Aliry, Elsyan, and Thar appeared now, watching him [/I] [B]Illy:[/B] DON'T JUST STAND THEIR YOU FOOLS HELP ME!! [I]In a flash Hunter was as Eves side, holding his hand over her wound. [/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] This is bad.. [I]Illy had a few tears streaming down his face, at hunter cried openly, knowing if he did not think fast his best friend would soon be dead. Moving his hand to Eve mouth, he noticed, she was not breathing Putting his hand over her chest he felt her heart beating, very slowly. Moving his lips to hers he blew in, then moving back and pushing his hands hard down on her chest, he repeated the process about three times then Eve breathed in deeply. He smiled, this beginning an odd maneuver, Eve had taught him long ago, but it worked. Eve still lay not moving, just barely breathing, clinging to life. Hunter looked at Illy and nodded. Illy then stood up Eve in his arms. Asunnen screech echoed as a blast of red blue flame shot down consuming all of them, but not hurting, oddly. Ryuu landed loudly in front of Illy carrying the limp Eve, as a dark figure jumped from his back. The others drawing their swords, Hunter did nothing but smile. [/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] Put back your weapons, he is a friend. [I]Hunter walked to the figure that could now be seen. He shook his hand as the boy smiled. The boy stood at about 5'11, jet-black hair, the moon catching his deep purple highlights, his ankle length black trench coat, motionless in the dead air. Black shirt, baggy black leather pants, and shiny black combat boots. The boy smiled at them all, red eyes glowing, then changing to a bright green, before flickering to an icy blue. His eyes kept changing colors. looking to Eve his smile faded. Illy was not reluctant to let this stranger take him.[/I] [B]Illy:[/B] Nice to see you again Raven. [I]The boy, everyone now knew, was named Raven. He set her on the ground placing his hands over her wound, his eyes closed. He started to glow with a deep black fire like lamination. The Black fire spread to his hands and then to Eve, her whole body now engulfed in the Black flames. The others watched as the flames danced over her body, then seeming to sink in to her very skin, the flames disappeared from Eve and Raven. Eve coughed and opened her eyes. The others looked in horror as her eyes were no longer their Deep Green, they were entirely black. She then shut her eyes. [/I] [B]Raven:[/B] She's going to be ok. Just needs rest. Do not stay here it is not safe. There is a clearing about a mile from here, its guarded with powerful Dark Magic. You'll be safe. I am going to come with you, for my sister needs me. [I]The rest just nodded as Raven took lead, heading them through the forest. Ryuu took to the air again, heading for the clearing. After walking about five minutes the trees ended to reveal a huge clearing, encircled by trees. There was a small pond in the center. [/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] We should all get some rest. [I]Raven Yes, the pond water is delicious and Mystic Falls is about a days walk from here. They just nodded and went to find their own comfy spot around the huge fire Raven had just made. Illy walked to the fire and settled down, taking Eve in his arms. Raven walked to them and settled ten feet from them farther from the fire. The all talked amongst them selves, knowing the night would be long, but danger less.... Hunter then walked to Raven, sitting down with him, they talked. [/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] Well how has it been? Sorry we had to meet under such bad circumstances [B]Raven:[/B] Yes, I have been fine [I]They sat talking as Illy played with Eve hair. Mara walked to them. [/I] [B]Mara:[/B] She was trying to save me [B]Illy:[/B] I know [I]The fire blazed brightly casting eerie shadows on the dark ground as a cloud passed over the moon. With everyone talking, it was a semi nice change in atmosphere, knowing there would be no trouble until they left the clearing. Everyone sort of cheery except Illy still longed of Eve to awaken, so he would know she was alright....[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve hugs Illys head lightly as the walk on heading to destinations unknown. Eve turned and looked to Hunter, knowing he had more on his mind than Mara, but also knowing she was the main thing right now.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter, wheir to next. This is no good, and I am nothiing without my blade. Do you know wheir it is? [B]Hunter:[/B] Um yes do. Its near here, by a river of sorts, I saw a waterfall.. somewheir underground. [B]Eve:[/B] Ah! Ok! To Mystic Falls! [B]Eve:[/B] (wistles) Ryuu! Guide us! [I] Ryuu appeared out of nowheir gliding miles up, but highly visible. Flying westward, guiding them to the temple. He could be seen high overhead, slowing and circling back to make sure of them following.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Sigh.. [B]Illy:[/B] Whats wrong dear? [I] Eve did not answer, just looked down at him smileing. She kissed his forehead and looked up. Illy, knowing it was most likely longing for Shinkoru he decided not to reply. On the headed tward the falls, not knowing that they would soon learn it had overgone some drastic renovations, also wondering what dangers would lie on their journey their.....[/I][/COLOR]
OOC: U know its not THAT hard. lol :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Eve and Illy heard non of this for they were to far away. Auctually Eve heard, but ignored, she felt that Illy did the same. They continued to sit as the others eat.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] (in a low voice) Don't worry love, I'll make us something to eat. [I] She turned to see him smile. Quite an aquard moment as that now their faces were mere inches apart. Illy and Eve both blushed and turned their heads after a few tence moments. Illy then hugged Eve tightly and sighed. The sat still looking at the now risen sun...[/I]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve, after the dissapearence of Valen ran off following his voice. It was verry rare of her but she was not paying attention, and she ran straight n to hunter, also not paying attention. The two fell back on the ground faceing each other laughing. Hunter got to his feet first and helped Eve up.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] I was looking for you [B]Eve:[/B] Well, I wasn't looking for you exactly but, its nice to see you. [I] The two walked back to tyron who was standing in a clearing with a now visible Valen. Suddely Eves slightly pointed ears perked up. She took off hunter running right behind her, the others following at a distance. She stoped short causing Hunter to run in to her. (this would happen a lot throught their lifetime) Ilythiirtar was about ten feet away, backed aginst a tree by a bunch of boys, one of which had attached him earlier. Its wasnt that he wasnt fighting, it was that their was four of them vurses the one of him. Eve drew her thin blade and charged at the attackers. In one quick slice she cut all four of their backs. this giving Illy time to react he kicked the biggest kid in the stomach nocking him over. Eve jumped up and did a flip in the air bringing her sword down on one of the three remaning kids foot. Jumping next to Illy the stood poised in the same position looking upon the remaning two kids who didnt look like they would soon give up. Eve and Illy umped up at the same time, kicking off the tree behind them they connected with the heads of the kids with their extended foot. moving in unison they deliverd a series of punches and kicks, which caused the kids to hobble off. Eve looked at Illy and smiled.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well, well, we meet again. [B]Illy:[/B] Um.. yeah, thanks. [I] They slaped each other a high five and noticed that Valen, Hunter, Tyron and not Karina were watching in awe.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] I would have helped but um.. heh, looked liek you had it handled. [I]Eve smiled[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Everyone, I'd liek you to meet Ilythiirtar. [B]Illy:[/B] Um.. you can call me Illy. [I] They all walked through the forest, talking and getting aquainted...[/I][/COLOR]
[I] Eve still awake watched as hunter and Mara taked. Looking a few feet next to her at a pretending to be asleep Illy, Eve felt verry lonely. Gazing across the fire once more at her now ingaged best friend a single tear rolled down her left cheek. Silently scooting over to wheir Illy was pretending to sleep, but auctually not taking his one opend eye off of Eve, she settled down next him. Opening his eyes and sitting up, noticing the still falling tear down her cheek, Illy put his left arm around Eve, for she was sitting to his left.[/I] [B]Illy:[/B] Whats wrong? [I] Eve raised her right arm and wiped the tear away. Looking at him smiling.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Oh, no..um.. nothings wrong. [I] Somehow seeming to know what she wanted Illy layed Eve down, laying behind her he put his right arm around her stomach. Eve snuggled in close to him, resting her head back on his chest. She smiled. Using her cloak as a pillow for both of them and the night sky as their blanket they both fell fast asleep. Waking to a beautiful sunrise, the others still asleep, Eve and Illy walked to just the other side the hill, not a mile away from the now burnt out camfire. They sat down, Eve sitting facing out in between Illys legs, he wraped his arms around her tightly, as she crossed her arms over his. She then sighed, not feeling alone anymore.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Illy, don't you think that its sweet, how Hunter and Mara are destined to be togather? [B]Illy:[/B] Yea, its nice. [B]Eve:[/B] Wouldn't it be wonderful if you were destined for a lvoe like that? [B]Illy:[/B] Who knows, we, um I mean, you, might be. [I] Eve said nothing, but a huge smile spred across her face, one that had not been seen in many years. So the two sat silent, watching the sun rise, waiting for the others to awaken.....[/I]
[COLOR=blue][I] Eve jumped happily throught the forest, flitting gracefully from branch to branch thinking of the people she met today.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] (thinking ot her self) Wow I met eight people today. [I] She continued to seeimingly glide asross the wave of branches Ryuu following close suit. She seemed to dissapear as she jumped fom the branch to the ground, landing on one knee. Then.. Eve was gone. In her place sat a Jet Black kitten. She rans swiftly and silently through the forest, making no sound whatsoever. She hunted down Tyron. Spotting him about a mile away talking to a dog she paused. She arched her back and hissed at the dog. Growling the dog started at her. Big mistake. As soon as the dog reached her she jumped up and on to its back. The dog wanting none of this wimperd and ran off as Kitty Eve walked over to Tyron, rubbing up against his leg and meowing happily. Tyron reached down and scrathced the kitten under its chin, not knowing that it was Eve. She ran ot her left and up a tree. Tyron watching. She settled on a branch and slowly turned back in to Eve. Looking down at Tyron from her perch, Ryuu swooping in langing on her sholder, She smiled,green eyes glowing[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hiya! [B]Tyron:[/B] Hello up their! [I] Eve jumped gracefully from her branch and stood eye to eye looking at Tyron.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Shall we go find my friend Valen? [B]Tyron:[/B] Sure, I guess. [I]The two walked on in search of the boy who had saved her earlier.[/I][/COLOR]
Hun.. wow. thats asome. I mea. it makes ya think a lot. i really didnt need the explanation but, it helped a bit. heeh. i like it. Really :) Well keep writing!! :) :) :) I LOVE YOU!!! :) :)I LOVE MIKE!!!:) (dude who wrote the poem.) lol
[I] As everyone drew their swords and weapons Eve let go of hunters hand. Holding tightly to Ryuu. She gets an Idea. Gently laying Ryuu down on the steps next to the door she gets up. Channeling the anger and pain from her darling dragons being hurt her eyes start to clow an angry blue. Looking to the Kyton Eve's entire body starts to glow the eirrie blue, looking as if blue flames encased her body Eve walked slowly forwrd, catching the eye of the others. Jus one eye, for the other was on their opponet. Eve put her hands out in front of her..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] NAMIDA! [I] At this the blue flame shot from her body as a chain wipped out from the Kyton wrapping around her waist, causing the flame to travle along the chain back to the monster engulfing the moster in it. TIt was not fire though, it was water, well... acid. Melting and burning all the chanins and the monster down to a small liquidy puddled on the ground. Bubbling and spitting out. Eve looked at the Kyton.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Metal chains and acid just dont mix. [I]She chuckled and looked to the others. Deciding to let them fight seeing as they had it under controll. Watching as Illy and Hunter vishously attacked the Umber Hulk. She smiles watching how swiftly they moved togather, knowing which moves the other was doing beofr they did it. The thigh was huge.. Thar, seeing they needed help came to them, leaving Mara to the Nightwalker ,Aliry and Lacroix to destroy the Rut Monster. The three vishouly attacked togather, working well as a team Eve stood watching, then drew her sword and went to aid Mara with the Nightwalker...[/I]
[I] The second Hunter lept from the window Eve had instinctivly followed her friend. Eaisly catching up with him then gaining the lead. Hunter and Aliry talked. She stopped dead still. causing Hunter to run in to her. Eve screamed. Hunter grabbed her before she could fall from the tree. It was Ryuu. Lying on the branch ahead of her, blood streaming from his left flank. Eve jumped to him cursing the whole way.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B](crying) Ryuu, my poor dear. Who would do such a thing. HUNTER! The temple of light, could.. heal him. Couldn't they?? If we got their in time.. [B]Hunter:[/B] Yes. I bleive they could. [B]Eve:[/B] This is gonna hurt but, everyone, pelase grab the hand on the person nearest you. [I] Now knowing when to listen to Eve everyone did as they were told. Eve grabbed Ryuu in one arm and Hunters hand in the other knowing he would help her as well, so not to drain her energy. Hunter grabbed Maras hand as Mara grabbed Illys, and so on and so fourth. Until they were all touching someone that led back to Eve and Hunter. Eve closed her eyes, as did Hunter. Then suddenly, they all dissapeared. Re appearing in front of a huge temple that glowed a brillant white. The marble walls shone brillantly against the darkness. Looking up everyone let their hands go, except for Hunter and Eve. Eve refused to let her hand leave his. Ryuu in one arm, Hunter hand in her other hand they enterd the temple. Aliry and Lacroix standing guard outside...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter... please dont let him die.. [B]Hunter:[/B] I will try my best dear. [I] Walking slowly up to the temple doors they looked around....[/I]
[I] At this Eve stood in Illys sholders, weighing him down none. She jumped to the ground landing in a kneel.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] EVERYONE! GET BACK! [I] Hunter snapped and turned his head to the others seeing they were weary to obey her words.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] DO AS SHE SAYS! [I] Hearing the commands everyone in the party stopped and crouched, as Eve walked forward. Throwing her hands out she began to chant...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Alei nu mateai Shinzin! Ateau calama Shinzin!! [I] A loud cracking sounds echoed through the forest as two trees right in front of the beasts camed crashing down upon them. Vines shot out of nowhere restraning the not beasts not flattend by the trees. Their were now only five left.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ok everyone, have fun. Thoes vines will not break or losen their grip in the least bit. [I] Everyone then chose a beast and went at it. Eve seeing their were enough for everyone but her she walked ot Hunter as he was seemingly enjoying himself attacking one. Grabing Her sword out of its scabberd everyone stopped. A red glow now shone through the trees. Looking to Eve they saw the source. Her blade, was glowing an angry red. holing it with both hands directly in front of her, flipping it over and plunging it to the beast a horrid howl erupted as the beast burned and witherd away to nothing. The group watched astonished..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Aye, Hehe, Gensou, my friends. The last magical sword left that has not been taken. Thought to be lost forever. It is the sister sword to my dear Shinkoru. [I] Sliding the sword back to the scabberd the others nodded, then went back to their fun. Eve and Hunter walked a ways away to chat..[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] Eve, How did you get that sword? [B]Eve:[/B] Ive had it for years, it was given to me the verry day I recived Shinkoru. You see, I did not have a sister, so I also got that sword. No one but my blood sister can touch this sword, unless Shinkoru is destroyed or has been taken. Raven is not my blood sister, as you know. [B]Hunter:[/B] Yes, I know. I see now. What is to happen to Gensou when you get Shinkoru back? [B]Eve:[/B] I do not know, the goddes told me the rightful owner would be revaled to me when that time comes. [I]Hunter just nodded in responce. The rest had killed the remaning creatures and joined Eve and Hunter once again. Hunter picked Eve up, setting her on his sholders they set off walking through the forest. Keeping on aleart, not letting their guard down...[/I]
[I] Eve sat on Hunters sholders as they walked caushously through the forest. foldhing her arms on top his head and leaning her head on her arms. Eve sighed[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter, you know, I'd be lost without you. [B]Hunter:[/B] You know I would be dead for good without you my dear. [B]Eve:[/B] Hehehe I know. :) I love you Hunter! [I] At this her smile widended[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]You know I love you. [B]Eve:[/B] Yeah and you love Mara too! [I]Saying this she went in to a fit of giggles[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] YOU SHUSH UP THEIR OR I'LL MAKE YOU WALK! [B]Eve:[/B] No you won't Illy will carry me won't you? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] Yeah...sure. [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter and Mara, sittin in a tree... [I]Hunter stoped short causing Eve to go flying to the ground head first. Getting up and dusting her self off she started cracking up laughing, causing Hunter,Illy and, to Eve's supprise, even Lacroix to do the same[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Fine then. [I] Still laughing she dissapeared, reappearng on Illys sholders. Silent exept from the occasional giggle out of Eve they walked on[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] You know, hes more comfy. [B]Hunter:[/B] Good give my sholders a rest for a while. Not like you weigh anything but still. [B] Ilythiirtar:[/B] I don't mind. Not at all. [B]Eve:[/B] I bet you don't. Heehehehe [I]On they walked....Lacroix following silently behind...[/I]
Yeah sure. My charictar, Eve and how she met all her friends. I know personally most of the people here but. Minly its a kid hting, how we devolpe our freidnships ect. then a bad guy demon person comes alone and we all get togather ot beat it ect ect..
[B]Name:[/B] Manatsu No Eve AKA Eve ( This is MY RPG about MY life hehe) [B]Eye color: [/B]Deep Forest Green [B]Height: [/B] 4'' 7 [B]Hair:[/B] Blood Red with Deep Purple highlights ( boyish cut, like Rei on Evangelion) [B]Age:[/B]120 But I look the age of a normal 10 year old ( My race ages much slower) [B]Abilities:[/B] Teleportation (only short distances) Transmutation ( To a normal Black Cat well kitten) [B]Spells:[/B] Eve Chikara (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but Eve. Making a small explosion) Namida (Eve can only do when a friend or loved one is hurt, it allows her to blast her opponent with acidic water) Shinzin (allows Eve to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding) [B]Weakensses:[/B] Light Magic Hell Magic Lack of strength in Kitty form [B]Strenths:[/B] Elemental Magic Dark Magic Ice Magic [B]Equipment:[/B] I wear an Icy Blue hooded cloak. A scabberd at my waits bearing a small thin elvin sword. A daggar attached to the out side of my right boot, which are brown and slender, coming up to mid knee. My shirt is velvety black and my pants are bron blending in perfectly with tree bark. [B] Well it is MY RPG and I cannot verry well meet my self so I'll give you a short Bio of me!! :) I am the last Manatsu No Eve aka Daughter Of Darkness. I am 120 yeas old, but I resemble a normail 10 year old. My kind ages much slower. I am a Dark Elf. A High Dark Elf to be exact. I am alone in the world but for My brother Raven. He comes and goes as he pleases. I rarely see him. My only other companion is a Red dragon Ryuu. He is about the size of a Big Parrot now. He likes to sit on my sholder. I have a cabbin well ,hut high in the trees of my forests. A Darknedd has slowly started killing the forests of my people, my life goal is to find out who and kill it. All my people are dead. My sister and I are the last. She is gone though, I havent seen her in 5 years. Raven you ask, oh yes, he is not my real brother, I created him because I was lonely. You can see him too, for now...[/B] [I] Eve sits, feet dangeling over the branch of a tree, Ryuu atop her sholder.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Well Ryuu, what do you think well do today? [I] She watched as the moorning sun was just coming up over the edge of her forest...[/I]
[B] Ok, Its time to get my charictar Eve's life out their for everyone to read! In this rpg everyone is kids. Were all 10 years old Peole who are in this RPG are MysticDarkElf Phantom ElvenFoxKnight Valen Kouberei Dark_Apocalyps starlight HuntersArtea635 Waht I need is: Name: (your chars name!) Eye color: Height: Age:10