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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[I] Eve looked up, hearing the others leave the cabbin. Still hoping for a responce she talks to Lacroix[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I think we should join up with Illy and Hunter. [B]Lacroix:[/B]Yes, lets go. [I] Eve and Lacroix walked over to Illy and hunter as they walked from the hut.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] hiya, were comming with yall. [B]Hunter:[/B] I was about to ask you to [I] Eve then jumped up in the air and landed gracefully on Hunters sholders, one leg on each side of his head, her cloak silently flowing behind her.[/I] [B]hunter:[/B]Like old times right? [B]Eve:[/B] You know it! [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B]Cute. [I] They walked on, Eve riding atop Hunters sholders, Illy walking next to them and Lacroix walking close behind.[/I]
[I]Rembering through all the commotion that Lacroix had left Eve walked out side. She saw him walking slowly down the path. Teleporting next to him, she was supprised he wasen't startled by her sudden appearence.[/I] As if answering her thoughts.. [B]Lacroix:[/B] I heard you coming [B]Eve:[/B]Oh.. that explains it. [B]Eve:[/B] Well, I can see you know what your doing. Are you used to this much um.. Drama? [B]Lacroix:[/B] A bit yes, but I have had a lot of traning. [B]Eve:[/B] That explains it. You know, um..well.. nevermind. [I] At this Eve silenced. They walked slowly through the forest, exchangeing verry few words. Letting the silence between them say all they wanted to. Finally Eve spoke.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Um..Lacroix, I was wondering, if well.. [B]Lacroix:[/B]Yes? [B]Eve:[/B]Of all these people, I know only two. I have verry few allies. I'm a Dark Elf after all, not many people like my kind. Do you think, that I could , well, count you as an ally? Ive seen you, you know what your doing, as do I. I could use another friend and ally. [I]They contiuned walking in silence as Eve awaited her responce[/I]
[I]Eve jumping out of bed ran to the stanger, helping him inside. Seeing the stranger is hurt badly Eve grabs her scabberd and places it around her waist ans throws her cloak on the floor. Helping him in to the cot she was sleeping in, she tended to his wounds[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] What do I look like a nurse! [I]Making only this comment she made the stranger sip from her flask, which instantly knocked him out. She bandaged him up and healed the rest of his wounds. Looking down to her cloah she sighs[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Well, looks like im stuck on the floor. darrnit.. sigh [I]Grabbing her cloak and walking to a corner she slid down the wall. pulling her cloak over her freezing body, wraping it tightly around her she drifted off to sleep once again[/I]
[I]Sencing something was wrong Eve fled the Tavern, only stopping to hug Hunter on her way out. Wistleing a loud shrill wistle sounding like a hawk, Ryuu flew toward her. Jumpinh swiftly on his back and ordering him to head for Illys hut, the sped off through the air. Looking down she saw a bunch of Gnomes running off through the forest, then seeing Illy sparled on the ground beaten and brused she jumped off Ryuus back from thirty feet in the air, landing gracefully next to him, she turned ihm over making sure he was alive. Seeing he was she hugged him and they both dissapeared. They reappeared in Illys hut. Eve then moved him on to his bed. She then poured him a glass of a healing potion she kept on her in case of emergencys. He coughed and opened his eyes. Eve smiled sweetly.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Good thing I have good sneces, or you my dear might have been gone for good. Hehehe [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B]*cough* Yeah, thanks [I]With this he passed out. Eve tended to his wounds, bandageing his cuts and putting a healing salve on his bruses to clear them quickly. She then kissed his forehead gently. Noticing an empty cot in the corner, she took her cloak and scabberd off, laying them on the end of the bed. She then climed in and grabbed her cloak. Using it as a cover and with her sword safely under her feet, she fell fast asleep. Ryuu finding a cozy place in a tree fell asleep as well.[/I]
[I] Eve, did nothing, said nothing, only listend. She noticed others did as well. Looking from hunter, to the now sober Ilythiirtar, Eve spoke up[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter, I was wondering, Where do I fit in. All I am is an old friend. My sword. Why? [B]Hunter:[/B] Well Eve, ALL swords of power were taken. Not just a chosen few. [B]Eve:[/B] Ah, I see now. Thank you. [I]Eve then got up from the table and walked to the door throwing it open. Then walking slowly outside she walked to a bench out side of the tavern and sat down, with her head in her hands. Any passing stranger would think she was crying, but, Hunter knew better. He then followed her out the tavern, ordering everyone to stay put. Walking over to her and sitting down he put his hand on her sholder.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Hunter, dear old friend, Shinkoru, I mean, you, we I .... [B]Hunter:[/B] I know Eve, it is ok, we shall get her back. I promise you. [I]Eve sat on the bench not moving, Hunter still sitting next to her, one hand on her sholder...[/I]
[I] Soaring high through the clouds on the back of Ryuu, Eve neared the village where she heard rumors that her old was currently dwelling She neared the outskirts of the village and then spotted Hunter, her oldest and dearest friend near the village square. She also noticed Ilythiirtar, Hunters aprentice and her secrete crush, near ihm heading tward the pub. Ordering Ryuu to lower and land in the square they decended. A few people had noticed Ryuu and ran screaming, as he landed, shaking the ground somewhat[/I] [B]Hunter: Ah, I was wondering when you would show up. Hello Eve Ilythiirtar: uh.. um.. Hi Eve. Eve: HUNTER!![/B] With this she ran to him, wraping her arms around him. He welcomed her gently hugging her, while she squeesed him tightly. She then turned to Ilythiirtar and hugged him just as tightly. [B]Eve: Heheh, how have you two been? Hunter: Ok and you? Ilythiirtar: Fine and yourself Eve: Oh Ive been doing ok, but my sword, Shinkoru. gone... Hunter: Yes I know, Alaris too. Ilythiirtar: And my Shin-Bar[/B] [I] Seeing is how poeple were starting to get rather frightend of Ryuu, Eve then told him to go back to the forest, she would call when he was needed[/I] [B]Eve: Well old friends, heheh shall we drink? You know Hunter, I could always drink you under the table. Hunter: This I know. Ilythiirtar: Maby she can teach me then? Eve: Sure thing, were heading to your first lesson right now. [/B]
[B]Name:[/B] Manatsu No Eve (Called as Eve) [B]Age:[/B] 643 (looks seventeen) [B]Race:[/B] High Dark Elf [B]Class:[/B] Dark Ranger [B]Height:[/B] 5"7 [B]Weight:[/B] 130lbs [B]Hair:[/B] Red w/ Dark purple highlights. [B]Eyes:[/B] Deep forest green [B]Short Bio:[/B] Manatsu No Eve, last daughter of darkness. Alone in the world except for her brother and sister of the same name. Traveling from forest to forest looking for the evil that has killed out her kind. Eve will not rest until this evil has been destroyed and her forests rejuivnated. A red dragon named Ryuu is her only companion on her travles. [B]Spells:[/B] Kiseki (calls upon the power of Eve's goddess sending her overwhelming power, gives divine protection to Eve) Namida (Eve can only do when a friend or loved one is hurt, it allows her to blast her opponent with acidic water) Shinzin (allows Eve to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding) Eve Chikara (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but Eve. Making a small explosion) [B]Abilities:[/B] Transmutation (just to plain old kitty) Teleportation Invisibility Skilled battle tactics [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Light Magic Hell Magic Lack of strength in Kitty form [B]Strengths:[/B] Elemental Magic Dark Magic Ice Magic [B]Equipment:[/B] A black cloak which is able to change colors according to weather or Eve's likeness, she wears a Heathrow undershirt, silver belt of protection, scabbard worn around her waist, and boots with hidden holsters in both sides where she stores very sharp dagger in each. Her pants are made of an almost impenetrable tree bark. Also she carres a staff with the carving of a dragons head upon it top. If anyone but Eve voluntary touches the staff the will be knocked unchoncshous. [B]Future Mystical Weapon:[/B] Shinkoru, a blade of divine ice. It freezes anything to the touch. [B]Nilothakir's Intervention:[/B] It is Nilothakir that has destroyed her race and is destroying her forests. He is the evil of whom she has been searching, and for this he must pay. [B]Eve *yawns*[/B] [I] Eve sits up and rubs her eyes, blinking a couple of times. Yawning again she sits up and grabs her clothes and gets dressed. Finally finishing after a quick shower she searches for her sword.[/I] [B] Hum.. Shinkoru.. wheir did I put it.. I got home, got undressed, passed out. It was right here.[/B] [I]Calling Ryuu she asks him if he saw what she did with it. He shok his head in resopnce.[/I] [B] Dammit! Must have been stolen.. oh well..I will get it back.[/B] [I] She walks to a trunk in a the corner, lifting the lid slowly she reaches in pulling out a glimmering red sword. It is Gensou sister sword to her Shinkoru. Its blade is incased in flames as her sword is in ice. Sliding it gently in to the scabberd at her side she processes to the door wheir Ryuu was waiting for her. Jumping out the door and on to his back Ryuu too off in to the air. She was heading to find an old friend she had caught wind of that he was in a town nearby[/I]
S.P.A.M! That annoys me da moat. Maby i needa get out more.. ?_?
Its ok Now I gettin Revenge!
*sits down crying*He died.. last nite.. OMG MY baby! NOO *runs off crying*
Woah. Thats scary.. Ur right their. I dunno wheir I'd be with out my friends.. gosh.. I can't cunt da times they've baile me outta tuff jams. but save my life..gosh. Thats asome. I hope u make sure u thank thoes two later. hehe ^_^ --Danni -- Manatsu No Eve
I'll Try Thankz Char, Ur real nice..thank you..
Oh and, who would poision a dog, my neighbors. The killed another dog I had. Got away with it too. Their Dad's a cop. Its pplz like that , thats make me hate the law. Darn pulling strings ppl.
Thankz guy..sniff.. Well..he sidated now, so he isn't in any pain... theirs a 20% chance he'll make it.. and well its not to good but I love him to much to give up with out a fight, I know that's what he'd want. After all we've been thru to give up on him only 4 days in to it....sniff.. :bawling: I just got back a while ago..He's a bit better.. for a sleeping dog...thanks ya'll
Thanks guys..well..sniff...some new stippulations..sniff..he was perfectly healthy 2 weeks ago..he was poisioned!! thoes little!UGGG*!!*screams* I'm gonna get them..I swear it I will..If He dies.. I'll will get revenge.. I mean..really.. just cuz he chases their stupid Cat.. and tends to stick up for me when I get in trouble! Shiezh! I..my baby.. :bawling: no.. I spented all last night with him... after like 3 hours of begging.. my baby boy..he was in so much pain..but as soon as I walked in.. he lifted his head up just to see me.. U could tell it hurt him to do it.but he still did it..for me.. >_
I can't be next him I would be if I could..He's at the vet..parents had to take me home cuz i was crying and yelling so much..
My baby's dieing dats who.My baby doggie.. not a baby no more.. but.. he's like 15 yrs old.. so am i.. I hade him all my life,.. I not want him to die..sniff ::bawling::
:bawl: Some one help me..I dunno what to do.. He's dieing and I can't do anything about it! Does anyone have any suggestions or anything I can do.. The pain won't stop..he'll be gone soon..:bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
dude,..I never read the other one but I can see's u have been hurt,.. Its ok I'm their well just got outta their. I find that well..agression..is the only way to release it. Trust me. Beat up a pillow, join karati, get a punching bag. it helps. Really. If not, talk. To some one, me if u want to. I'll listen, it helps to tell some one hoe you feel, i should know i never have til recently. But really you can mail me. I'll help. [email]shum_dum@hotmail.com[/email] or Icehacler13 on aol instant messenger. Talk to me, it'll help.
Weathred is coming back on tour! YAY Creed Rulz! ^_^ And i goin to disney
ghezh U needa see my school. Whold bucha think they know everything anime retards! Everything is Dbz this and Dbz that. Then I say sumtin like, hey you ever seen Saint Tail or Record of Lodoss war,Or maby even Evangelion?!?? The go silent then talk bout Dbz again.God its annoying! Really really annoying! Espaclly when they draw it and are dude this is asome anime! NOT! Vampire princess Miyu is better than Dbz, may I even go as far as Tenchi is even better!! Gosh.. - Eve [color=blue]Please clean up your spelling next time you post thank you![/color]
kewlio! I getting mine this summer! i'm soo jelous! :P ^_^ Well have fun! And try not to drive to slow! ^_-
ok Punk its not a class its just what I call it! Call it what u will, headbanger, heavy metal,! don't judge my by what I call something. I just listen to it all and go places with pplz who like it too. Shiezh gimme a break, its just what some of us call it down here!please shiezh I'm sorry,PiroMunkie and stormwing! Forgive me. Please what do I call it then. Old Metal? Sorry if I offended you.. I'm just a girl gimme a break.(not like its a excuse or nuttin I'm just kinda..slow..)
lmao I say that you should be bale to wear what u want. and not be judged! People judge me cuz i wear all black and wear a metal ball necklace! The sholdn't. Do I judge preps just they like pink and go to american eagle? well..i no like pink & i hate preps but not cuza what they wear! grrrrrr darn boy bands,..sound like girls.. eeeeekkkkkkkkkk