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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[color=gray][center] Danielle's head stayed down as she stayed shrouded in the darkness, her head barely liften when she heard Michael's outburst. Her mind raced; She musn't be caught crying, or being anyhting but strong, would would they think of her if she showed weakness. They might not want to stay... they might leave her...they would abandon her..she would not be abandoned again.. she must..prevent that pain... Her sholder shook slightly as she butied herself in her knees more, pulling into herself, tears streaking her cheeks and knees. She liften her head just enough so it looked as if her head was still down, her hair covering her face so she could see them but they couldn't see her. Alice's eyes glinted in the dimly litroom, she almost grinned as Michael went through the hundred year old rashions. HE found nothing still ediable but for one jar of peach perserves. She hoped he didn't mind them as he sruggled to open the time sealed jar...[/color][/center]
[color=gray] Oddly my favroite season is winter...but I hate the cold...humm..odd indeede. [center] Watching, waiting, wishing to be set free. These bars of ice can hold me, No love to melt them and save me... I sit alone, crying these tears glittering snow, The cold bars they freeze my hands. Oh love, For the love of this automosphere.. I wish, you would melt my tears. Save me from this world of ice and snow, Take me away, Wrap me in your arms of warmth.. Walk in this winer with me, And keep me warm... [/center] Uh yeah that sux...lol :)[/color]
Hey Nice drawing. 8/10. The only things I see wrong it is I think the head on the guy you drew the whole body for is slightly to big and his eyes needa be a lil bigger. Besides that I love it!
[color=gray][center][B]Danielle:[/B] I am not sure yett if the intruders have left. I will know shortly.. Then we shall leave and make our way to Ejjpt, and attempt to discover their corrupted past. [I] Danielle's eyes then lowered to the floor as she walked to the back cornner of the oddly big but small dark earthen and concrete made room. she seated herself in the dark corner and sat, pulling her knees to her chest as she reapped her arms around them and lowered her head into her knees. She was certin no one could see her now, and if she were to cry none of them would know..so she let herself tear as she sat in the corner freezing cold, wanting out of here and verry unhappy about the fact she was wearing really short pink shorts and a pink tank top. Alice took it upon herself to walk about the room, talking to everyone inquiring about theirself and what they thought of her...[/i][/color][/center]
[color=gray][center][B]Danielle:[/b] Auctually, we are a mile below the manshion itself. I know it did not seem like it but, we are. I could scream bloody muerder and no one would hear us. Also..You wish to know about whta happened to Alice.. well I think it best, she show you. [I] Alice stood, walking to the center of the room.[/i] [B]Alice:[/B] If I must... ~Flash~ Everyone saw the same thing at the same time, a blue sky, sand covered streets, red clay houses tall buildings making lit alleyways. A girl ran, you see her from behind, bare feet kicking up dust as she seemingly runs for her life. her blond hair streaking behind her, her white loosley thrown grab billowing slightly. The viue turns so you see her head on, first you notice her brilliant blue eyes, secondly that it is alice, then the vision zooms in a bit, allowing you a good look at her pursuers. Four men, long spears in hands, bearing a gold headress, indicating guards of the priest. they are no more than six feet behind her and closing in, Tears flood her eyes as she despratly tries to outrun them, gainging slight distance by making sharp turns down alleys unexpectedly. But loseing it quickly as they gained. Soon after, alice tripped. Her foot catching on the ankle infront her, she fell face first into the sand, desprately trying to scramble up again, knowing its all over. The men grab her, dragging her back to the temple. Her eyes flood as she screams and kicks fighting her way. Making it uneasy for her captors, but knowing its futile. The tall pyrmad loomed in the distance and she stopped all movment, being dragged now, knowing the fait that her parents let her be into. they allowed this..if not for them, someone else would be in this potision..sellouts, selling their own daughter for money.. Upon entering the temple the men throw Alice on the ground at the foot of an alter. A woman stands there, dagger in hand. Alice's wimpers echoes in the building. the woman was gorgouse, taking alices wrist she was not as gentle as she looked. Once Alice was on her feet she noticed the dead black cat upon the alter. Woman: We were most fortunate this old cat died in time for the next summoning our the gods would be angry with us.. We cannot kill cats, there fore we must wait until they die. And kill little brats lik you for sacrfices.. You will die soon girl, and the pain will all be over. Alice: NO!! SNED ME BACK!!!! LET ME GO!!! One of the men stepped forward, hitting Alice on the head with the butt of his blade. She fell to the floor. Alice's eyes didn't open again until she felt a seering pain in her head, her eyes fluttered open to see she was chained down, someone sweing something into her head. She Screamed. They held her down more, sweing the cat ears onto her head, then flipping her and sewing on the tail. alice screaming the entire time, crying and bleeding. After she was washed, re-garbed in nice gold and silk, then chained to an alter... A male priest walked up not long into the night, A ceremony was performed, not much of which Alice saw or head, her eyes full of tears of pain and fear. The pain in her head clogging her hearing. The mean walked to Alice , putting the blade to her throught, slitting it in one smooth movment. A great fire errupted behind the dead girls body, ingulfing her. alice's head lifted, her eyes opened and blinked.. Alice: You have sinned...now you die.. She stood, the chains crumbling to ashes. Her eyes closed as eyeryone in the room fell dead. Alice: The gods saw fit to keep me alive, but my curse was caused by you..now you are all dead. She walked from the temple and to her home, anyone seeing her on the street screamed and ran, knoing what ritual was performed on her, and now knowign how it went terribly wrong. Alice entered her house and her mothers scream was cut short as she fell to the floor dead. Her father running downstairs stopped in his tracks, dead. The moment her father fell Alice's knees hit the floor, she held her head screaming. Alice: FORGIVE ME!!!! AAA!!!!! ~flash~ Everyone was now back in their own head, lookign at Alice. [B]Alice:[/b] And that was my pain..that is my curse. I have lived forever with undowing pain in ym head, Til Miss Hunter got rid of it. so I saw fit to make her verry nicely taken care of..[/color][/center]
[COLOR=GRAY][center][B]Danielle:[/b] She killed her parents....[/color][/center]
[color=gray][center][I] The clock read two am. everyone was in bed sleeping, or laying awake restlessly. Danielle had specifically asked everyone to remain in the beds tonite. No one knew why, but it sounded imporitant that she know where they are. Danielle's eyes shot open to find a cloaked figure looming over her, a knife blade to her throught.[/I] [B]???[/B] Where is Alice? [B]Danielle:[/B] Die scum. DEMON! [i] He sat behind the figure teeth barred just waiting for the order. He lunged and the figure hit the ground, Demon's teeth at his neck.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Do you people have no respect for your own warnings?! [I] Danielle lept out of bed and raced to the passage in the wall Alice had used earlier, having to crawl. ~~In the Girls room~~ Alice jummped up on Zharras bed and looked down at a wide eyes Zharra, still awake. Without a word Alice grabbed her arm and puleld her up running then to Kiara and grabbign her as well, leading her into a crawlspace in the wall. The two women had to go on all fours as they climbed the small staircase. Just as the three were safely inside the space and closed behind them they heard someone break open the door of their room. they climed up and fell out of another passage into the boys room and directly onto Damiens bed. None said a word but Damien stood, Alice running to Michael and Kiara running to Kris, though he was already up, sash on, ready to run with them. They all went back into the crawl space as Alice lead, locking the space behind them so their not followed. Alice climbed lower and lower, they could hear someone on the stairs above them racing down, they only hoped it wasn't one of them. They finally reached the bottom after twenty minutes of climbing. Soon after Danielle and Demon fell out, Danielle exausted lookign and slightly bloddy, still in her pink silken P.J.'s. Her face flushed as she looked up from the sooty floor. she coughed lightly.[/i] [B]Danielle:[/B] I..apologize. I had not expected them until tomorrow. Thats why I said we leave early..their after Alice. Their hunters, they wish to drain her of her lifeforce which will prolounge their leaders life. By a hundred or so years. Which won't kill Alice. It will leave her weak and shrivled and undead living in a hell for all of time. [I] Danielle sighed and pulled Alice into her arms, petting her head softly.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] I cannot let that happen. Besides, She knows every inch of where were going. Eyjpt. she is from their. Back then, they worshiped cats, she was one of hundreds of children who had real cat ears and tails and other parts sewn onto them before they were killed as sacfrices to cat gods. Sickening, but she escaped. Was caught and killed. About eight hundred years ago she was reborn but she did something verry bad, not of her own will, and was dammed to live with the pain of this. She does look cute though, and I have been able to do away with the pain of having these ears sticthed on. [I] Everyone's eyes flickerd with wonder and questions. Many questions. Danielle just sat, softly stroking Alice's hair.[/i][/center] OOC: YEs questions..ASK OSME! lol.:)[/color]
[color=gray][center] [B]Danielle:[/B] I ask because this is not only a trip for me, but for all. I will not make you be in the presence of someone that you are uncomfortable with. [I] Kris walks in, sleepy eyed[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Now, Damien, Zharra, Kris. your answer?[/center][/color]
Oh wow. I like whatca did!
[color=gray][center][I]Danielle's eyes looked to Michael as he entered, she flashed him a soft smile and turned to finish talkign to Zharra.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Well, she isn't any normal um..you know. She is speical, she wasn't, born into it as most are. She was cursed. Something most terrible. but she is cute isn't she? [B]Zharra:[/B] Indeede. [I]Alice Smiled brightly and escorted herself from the room ,leaving them to talk.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Well. Tomorrow moorning we depart as 3am sharp. Our flight to Eyjpt leaves at exactly 3:45am. Giving us perfect time to get there. This is the last night, and possibly, last time, you will ever see this house. And Also, I must ask a question. May Alice come along? she isn't much trouble, and if she cannot, then she won't be alive by the time we leave tomorrow moorning. I will have killed her. It is up to you all. Let me explain more, people are hunting her, and if we leave her, they will bring her a fate much worse than death. And if she comes, they will never catch us. Don't worry about her though. Just, do you mind her tagging along? [I]Danielle's heart prayed silently that they allowed, but if not, knowing Alice lived a long, mostly happy life, minus her first threehundred years.[/I][/color][/center]
[color=gray][center][b]Alice:[/B] You mean me? [I] Her soft giggles errupted in the room as she seemed to pop up behind Kiara out of no where. Kiara jumped slightly startled at her sudden appearence.[/i] [b]Alice:[/B] If you want to know what or who I am you can ask ya know. ITs my house, I'll here if you call me. [B]Damien:[/b] Your house? [b]Alice:[/B] Yes. Didn't you notice Mr. Alex say this is not Miss hunters house, though it is her home. I Own it. And I'm older than all of you. [B]Zharra:[/B] Explain youself please. [I] Zharra managed to keep that same calm alure about her, making Alice feel comfortable and not bothered by the what would be personal question.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] uh hem. [I] Danielle walks in, laying a hand on Alice's sholder.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Alice is not human. As you see. She is a demon, and has lived long before us and will outlive us all. I take care of her and in return I live here. And share all she has. Kind of like adopting her, but she dosen't call me mother, nor do I wish her too. [B]Alice:[/B] I AM NOT A DEMON! [I] everyone jumps back slightly as all the glass in the room shatters.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Um..I mean.. Well She is, but she isn't bad like you might think. Understand? If you have question, feel free to ask. And not just about Alice, about anything...[/color][/center]
Omg The Beast from the east is my favroite! I have EVERY one! :-D I love them so much. their intresting, good and fast reads. Nice rany day books.
OH Wow.I love that song. I soo wanna hear it once u put words to it. I really like it. Could be a #1 Hit someday....Honestly.
however neglected ingnored frozen in an ageless frame they will sit waiting a reminder of what would be That sound cool? ^_^ Hope I helped
[color=gray][center]*Thinks this thred could be considered spam, but loves noobs so posts one anyway* I sit here alone, thinking of you, rembering all weve been though. I look back upon our life so far and wonder. Whats it all for? Why are we here? Sometimes it hurts, late at night, and the wind blows through. I can feel the emptiness inside I can't see in the day. The Darkness, it guides me. I know I made mistakes, I know you have too. Then why is it only I am to blame? It takes to, to make things work. And I can't live without you. So Why? If you were right, and I was wrong. Why are you gone? I miss you. Ah yes poem sad n depressing, feels good to do that again. And That poem goes out to a cat I once had. Her name was Misty. *smiles* I loved that cat....[/color][/center]
[color=gray][center][b]???:[/B] It is quite lovely. [i] The two turn to see a smal child, no older than four walking into the serving room. Her short blond hair mader her look even younger, if possible. She was attired with a black frilly dress white white lace trimminged. There was something odd about her thought, first her eyes struck you as nothing less than amazing, but it was her ears, pointed and covered in black fur, exactly like cat ears, and her tail, not really like anythng, bout a foot and a half long with a lion like bunch of furn on the end, her tail was also adorned by a ponytail, black an white, no less frilly than her dress, the long white sleeves and the lacey clooared neck made her look like one of thoes rich children who get depressed because their parents won't let them play with the normal children.[/I] [B]???:[/B] I'm Alice. Pleased to meet you Mr. Damien and Miss Zahrra. [I]She gave a slight bow and turned to talk away, her black buckled shoes echoing lightly as she jumped up every other step. She walked down the first floor corrodor and up to the second floor, then instead of going up the nect set of stairs she pushed a place in one wall and it opened up a small door, revaling a pint sized spiral staircase. She proceded to talk up it all the way to the top, past the fourth floor and into the attic. She pushed out on the wall at the top of the stairs, entering the huge open attic, with only walls around the rather large bathroom. Demon, upon seeing her enter, did not hesitate to run to her, licking at her face.[/I] [B]Alice:[/b] Oh Demon stobbit! You know I don like licking! [I] Her giggles portrayed otherwise as she walked over to Miss Hunters bed, Danielle still asleep inside it. Wasiting no time she hops up and plops down next to her, waking her up eith the sudden movement.[/i] [B]Danielle:[/B] Oh, goodmoorning Alice. Have fun terrorizing the ones u wished to remain awake last night. [B]Alice:[/B] Yes. Watching them was fun, espically the kissy part! [I] Immediately after she throws into a fit of giggles as Danielle just shakes her head and slips out of bed, her mid upper leg legnth night dress is unusually shocking, also by the fact its pink, and verry out of charictar looking for Danielle, since she usually sticks to all black. She proceded to the bathroom to relive herself and take a shower, soon after getting dressed in her long black dress, pulling her leather pants on, then tightly wrapping her favroite black jacket around her, rather trench coat like but not as long. She grabbed her boots by the side of her bed and slipped them on, then going to the laundry shute and tossing down what she was wearing before. Turning to look at Alice, not asleep on Danielles bed she shakes her head and goes to the door, walking downstairs. ~In the mens bedroom~ Michael lie asleep in the chair outside on the balconey, Alice stands in front him, looking at him, her head turned slightly. He stirrs and his eyes open, startled to see a little girl in front of him.[/i] [B]Michael:[/B] And where did you come from? [B]Alice:[/B] I'm Alice. I come from here silly. *teeheehee* I let you sleep. I hope you enjoyed it. You seem nice. Mr. Michael, that blade you brought with you, it is speical indded. Danielle Mommy will like it verry much. *teeheehee* [B]Michael:[/B]...Danielle...Mommy? [B]Alice:[/B] I'm only kidding! Danielle isn't my mommy, my mommy is my mommy. She died thou, over 400 years ago. Give or take a few hundred, I not have a good memory, can't rember past 200 years..*giggle* Oh yeah, and I only let you sleep because you were nice enough to bring blade for Miss. Danielle. Also, you think too much, If you wanna make life peacfull don't think about so manythings, just let things flow and go on as they should. Ya know? *teeheehee* [I] Without waiting for a reply Alice turned and pushed open another hold in the wall and dissapeared inside it, closing it behind her, leaving Michael wondering a few things, for one, who was that. ~back in the hall~ Alice walking down the hall, about to go greet Miss Kiara. Noticing her walking towards her she slips inside the wall, wanting to supprise her. So Alice waits until Kiara is almost right in front ther hiding spot before stepping out and looking up at a slightly startled Kiara.[/I] [B]Kiara:[/B] I was wondering who was there. I felt someone but wasn't sure. [B]Alice:[/B] *nodding* I am Alice. Hi. Your the nice lady with all the pets. The birdy is nice. Good for conversation. If your wondering where Miss zharra and Mr Damien are their next to the kisthen in the sitting room. you can join them for breakfast if you place. An attendant is always on duty, and Miss Hunter dosen't belive in breakfast for some odd reason. Only brunch and Dinner. But it isn't that time yett. [I]She turned and disspeared back inside the wall. ~Back on the balconey where Michael is sitting up looking at the rising sun....~ Danielle walks out onto the terrace.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Goodmoorning Michael. [B]Michael:[/b] Goodmoorning. [i] Danielle moves towards him and sits down in a reclining char next to him., turning to look at the sun.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Its lovely. isn't it? [B]Michael:[/B] Its verry pretty. [B]Danielle:[/B] I can tell you'de like to ask something, prolly about Alice. Well, I am guessing you noticed my server said this isn't my house, thou it is my home. Alice is the owner of this house. She isnt human, as you can see, but she is verry sweet at times. She is a demon of sorts, but shes only a child. Which is why I first want to show you all something. A friend of mine known only in legend as the sin eater. He allows a back door of sorts into heaven. Only to thoes deserving however. And Alice has paid her debit to this world. She dosen't really want to go yett, but I fear if she stays she might be harmed. shes been hunter for over a hundred years, and they will catch her soon, offering her a fate worse than death. I don't think eternal happiness is so bad. [B]Michael:[/B] I guess not, if you believe in that. [B]Danielle:[/B] I don't. I know its there. Heaven, as well as hell, do exist. And it dosen't matter what you belive you canno change what is there. All of you will belive in hell once we are done with this journey. And possibly Heaven. [I] A slight smirk crossing her lips danielle turns to look at Michael, who had been watching her the entire portion of their conversation.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] This moorning, is a siutation simmilar to this, damien and Zharra shared a kiss watching the sun. I think you all should be greatfeull you can do that. My order forbids me from any contact with anyone in that type way. Its ok really though, no one can hurt me that way. [B]Michael:[/b] But thats one of the joys of living, being able to be loved. [B]Danielle:[/B] I supposes so. oh, um that blade. You did not come across it by accident. It is ceremonial, but it is not dull. That blade can cut straight through ANYTHING. But it is ment for cutting through the soul. It can kill a sprit. Any, good or bad, destroying them. refusing entrance to heaven or hell. The Eyjptians used it on their most horrible criminals, and priests. The line I am decended from. Exersists. [B]Michael:[/B] I see... [b]Danielle:[/B] Well before I go talk to everyone else, is there anything you'd like to ask me? ~~inside the male bedroom~ [I]Kris awakens with a startle as he wakes to find a little girl sitting on his bed.[/I] [B]Kris:[/B] Who are you?! [B]Alice:[/B] Calm down. I am Alice. This is my house anyway I'll go where I please. You are MY guast. [I] Her smile brightened as she notice she caught him with his bandana off.[/i] [B]Alice:[/B] Your verry handsome, I am still unsure of why you wear this... [I] she lifts her hand and holds out his bandana.[/I] [B]Kris:[/B] *blushing slightly* Uh, thanks but. I like it. [B]Alice:[/B] I see. [I] She soon after gets up and walks into the hall again, dissapearing from sight. Kris sitting up in bed looking out the half open curitans, not able to even tell Michael and Danielle are sitting out on the balconey.[/I][/center][/color]
[color=gray][center] [B]Danielle:[/B]Well, as I expected. Many questions, few asked. First of all I'll start by answering questions asked. Then procede to ones I know you want to know but haven't yett asked. Firstly, Yes Michael, my butler made me aware of the weapon you brought in and only allowed you to procede because it would be useless in combat. I would like to speak with you privatly later about it. auctually I beliv I may know its origin and its use. Also, I would like to meet with each of you personally. After our meal, whcih will end shortly, Alex shall escort you to your rooms and I will be going to see each of you before the evening is finished, and as well then you may as any questions you may not feel comfortable asking in the presence of everyone else. Now, for the only other question that was asked. Damien, and you all, are aware of my mail I sent you. I sadly needed to not tell you what I wanted or I am sure about a trillion people owuld have applied. I choes you for not only your skills, but you, as indviduals. I found in each one of you something that appeals to me, be it in your background, or your personality, and possibly expirence. And I have brought you here, because there is information I wish to gain. there are secretes to life and humanity, that haven't ever been answered. And I hope that we can. With my resorces and your knldge and skills I have no doubt we cannot achieve my goal. Let me explain a bit more before you are escorted to your rooms. We shall be travling across the world, tracing humanity back to its origins, discovering secretes about life as well as truth about religion. sorting out fact from fiction. We will have to go into the oldest and most scared regions on earth, as well as darkest and most evil vecinities. If you still have questions ask me when I come to you later. Alex, please show them to their rooms. Demon, come. [I]Danielle stands and walks from the room, leaving Alex to escort them to their rooms. [/I] [B]Alex:[/b] The males room are upstairs, they will all share one huge injointed chaimber. three big rooms connected by one enormous central bathroom. The ladies room is on the third floor, almost directly above the males room, there is a stair outside of the western most male door that leads upstairs next to the ladies room. Their room is a double room, two big bedrooms connected by a sightly smaller but no less elegant bathroom. Both the ladies must char the bathroom, taking turns and so fourth. As do the males. Hopefully it causes no inconvience. Every room shares a central bath with atl east one other room except for the master bedroom and bath, belonging to the master of the house. Althou, Miss Hunter is not the homes master. you may inquire about this to herself later. Her room is in the attic. If you od not know this House is five stories high and the entire fith floor is an atice, angled ceeling of course, its all open but for the bathroom. that is where Miss hunter stays. You do best to call her Danielle though. Ishall show you to your rooms now.[/color][/center]
[color=gray] [center][I]The butler escrted the party of 5 to the dining room, showing them where Danielle had instructed speicfically for each to sit. Danielle's seat was at the haed of the table, the chair closest on her left was directed for Kris, the one closest on her right was to be empty, specifically for Demon, thou he may not be joining, the second to her left was for Michael, then Damien, to her right the chair on the other side of Demon was designated for Zharra, and lastly next to Zharra was for Kiara. Verry confushing indede. The butler laughed and showedthem a seathing arragment Miss Hunter had scribbled on a piece of parchment. " Danielle Demon Kris Zharra Michael Kiara Damien " They all sat down in their directed seats. The grand stairscase making up almost the entire far wall. Footsteps echoed down the stairs and into the dining room, Everyone's heads turned and looked to the stairs. Soon after a dark figure could be seen, she paused, just inside the darkness, her face hidden, only her black trenchcoat and black boots could be seen.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Greetings all, and welcome to my home. [I] Her voice was soft and inviting, but held a sence of mystrey to it. she smiled and decended the rest of the steps, allowing herself to be seen, she was verry self chonsous, thusly keeping her home in darkness, only most trusted servants got to see her in person. Most didn't care, as long as they were getting paid. She proceded to her seat, Demon running before her and plopping down in his. She smiled and looked everyone over, knowing their full of questions.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Ask any questions you like, but only during dinner! I'm famished. [I] She smiled softly and ordered butler to serve the drinks and salads as the main courses were being served up, sh had done extensive background checks on everyone accepted, also finding their favroite foods..[/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Now, questions anyone?[/center][/color]
[color=gray][center]OOC: Ah yes my husband, as always with you, simple typing. You always do keep a few of ur common traits.:) [I]IC:Demon's eyes pierced the darkness that is under the limo, in the waiting for the final arrival, which had recently arrived, he laid down to keep cool, the other animals out there keeping him company as well. His ears lifted and he stood, taking a moment to growl at a passing stranger. Almost laughing in bark as he yelped out, the poor man running off across the street. Demons head turned to the other dogs and he let out a soft but stern bark. Almost instantly the two turned and entered the limo, as did Demon, following closly behind. The limo pulled of on a rolling start, heading down the street... ~~~~~~ Danielle grinned, watching the passengers, all arrived, slowly learning about them. She had alreayd made her own analysis of each one. zharra startles her the most, Danielle wonderd how she could be so calm and content, surely they would find in time if this was constant or just current mood. And Michael, seemingly calm but oddly normal. Kiara, a fellow animal lover, calm and smooth. One of the other males, Damien. Oddly normal but, something else tugged at Danielles mind, some sence of hidden..something, she couldn't quite pinpoint it yett. Then the final arrival. Kris. Mild mannerd, calm, normal. [/I] [B]Danielle:[/B]*mumbling* ..Intresting... [I] Her eyes shifted from the monitor to the half open door. she greatly awaited their arrival. ~~~~~~ The limo had pulled off the main road and was now pulling onto what seemed to be a long dirt road, mostly lined with trees. The huge front gate they had just entered proclaimed this the Hunter resedence. And way far back sitting halfway up a gently rolling hill, was an enormous house. Red brick, brownish roof, trees surrounding it and what appeared, from this distance, to be a huge garden, and a graveyard? This startled a few as they pulled up the lane, from the distance you could see the lane wound and judging by the speed of thel imo and length of the road it would be about another twenty minutes til they reached the front drive of the huge home. ~~~~~~ Danielle stood and pressed record on her monitor. She walked from the room leaving it in darkness. Her footsteps echoed down the empty dark hall of her home, she entered the great dining room, making sure everything would be in order. Her guests would not be leaving this night. She had enough rooms for ten times this many and more. Surely they would take to her humble hospitality, and her chef is one of Paris's finest. The warm meal would leave them comforted and peacfull. She nodded to herself and walked up a huge grand staircase, heading to her chamber...[/center][/color][/I]
[color=gray] [center]Demon observed the ones who had come so far, one remained to join them. He stood and trotted out the open limo door the man Damien had just exited from. He sniffed the air and trotted off into the park across the street, sniffing around a tree or two before settling on the fourth tree and lifting his leg. Once done he yawned and paddled back to the limo, but not entering, he merly sits down next to the right front wheel, on the curb, his deep eyes watching all the on-goings of the street. ~Meanwhile~ Danielle watched the limo cam, often switching to the small hidden cam on Demons collar, thou hidden under his fur, he had full clear viue of almost all he saw. She grinned and stood from her chair, first time in about an hour. [B]Danielle:[/B] Alext, come now. [I] A man dressed in servent clothing walks in the room and bows. Danielle returns the slight bow.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B] Yes mistress? [B]Danielle:[/B] Prepare the study. My guests are to arrive sometime shortly, and we must prepare. Also have the rest ready at the door to take their weapons. I will not allow them in this household. but beforehand I shal assure them, they will be returned once they leave my front door. As will I with my own weapons. Also call my travle agent. Our first destination, you know where. Arrange for 6 tickets to be sent immedatly. That is all. [B]Alex:[/B] Yes Mistress. [I] The man exited the room and Danielle sat again, watching the monitor before her, studying the people who had arrived so far..[/I][/center][/color]
[color=gray] Cast: Shinkoru - Danielle Phantom - Michael Lalith Ril - Kris Raiha - Zharra Arika - Kiara Kain - Damien [center]"The Jist" An E-mail was dispatched, as well as flyers put out, to contact a one Danielle Hunter. She is seeking companions, allies, in a quest for the unexplainable. And she has chosen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I] Danielles eyes narrowed slightly as she peered at the clock on her wall. It neared 5:00 pm on September the 9th. Soon they would meet at the limo and make way to her manshion. Then she could explain many things. Not long before she had sent the limo to wait. Her dog, Demon, going with the limo to wait in the back with passengers. As of yett, no one could be trusted. Demon, half husky, half wolf. thus the dog part of him allowing him to sence and see ghosts and sprits, as all dogs can. Pure sprits dogs are, and she tresured him. A camera was mounted on her wall next to the clock. It showed the inside of the limo she sent. It was now 4:35, and none had arrived. But soon, they would..soon.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now get urselves to the limo and once all there mingle, I'll get u in the limo then ya'll can get aquainted as u ride to my place. its a semi long drive. I'll be watching and I can hear but keep in mind u don't know it, also my wolf looking dog is in limo too..:) also, this is a picture of my char. Slightly diff from my decription. But I like this beter.[/color][/center]
[color=gray] Well, Lalith and Phantom are both in. Yes I know I'm going over but final list is: Phantom Lalith Ril Arika Kain Raiha Now. A bit if Ic rping 4 ya. [I][center] All members accepted have recived this e-mail. Hello, thank you for applying and you have been accepted. The final is 5 besides myself because I was strongly pulled to these people and I feel they can help. Also my plan from the beginnign wasto select a small number and ccept more. The feel of competition makes most people intrested and try harder. Thank you and you must all be in Paris, France. A hotel called the Pierre exactly 5 blocks from the eiffel tower. There a car, limo to be exact, will await you and bring you to my residence. You must print out and show this e-mail for vefirication. Thank you. [/i][/center] Ok I'll start in in a day or so, be looking.:) And Happy hunting.:) [/color]
Wow. Impressive. one more and were done. All three. you are in. I hope Flynn signs up...:-/
[color=crimson][center] Hello. I'm Danielle Hunter. And I'de like to speak with you. Have you ever had the feeling you were diffrent? Like there was something you needed to rember but couldn't? I feel that way all the time. And I wonder, if anyone else does. This isnt a poem, more like an insight, into myself, not like anyone needs to know this, but I was just curious. Things have happened, myth, legend, how can they be proven untrue? Dragons, Unicorns, Vampires, Deamon and Angel. They had to come from someplace, some anchient tale passed down through the generations, derived form somethign true. The human race has secretes, deep dark secretes, a clouded, evil misguided past. Things I wish to know. the answers are out there. Someone needs to find them. Have you ever walked alone at night and felt osmething watchign you, but didn't know why. Darkness, the undead. Sprits back fromthe grave? Maby. But whats really behind humans? And religion, Some are simple, as busisim is. everyone knows, no hidden secretes. But christanity..maby deep dark secretes lie within that. Anchient evils, darkness within religion. They condem the sinners, but wasn't it Jesus, when dieing on the cross, forgave a thief, and a murderer? Allowed them into heaven? Divine grac,e to a killer, Jesus Christ, forgiving sinners, but the clatholic church won't? Blashphomey. I think things are nown, but someone isn't talking. My mind is consumed by it, I feel i'm ment for something, somethign bigger..my quest for answers has begun. I have two phrases of advice to any how feel the same as I. firstly, read between the lines. And Secondly, when you stare into the abyss, sometimes, the abyss stares back. I will need helpers. 3 to be exact. Do not sign up unless you intent to keep intrested and posting, this iwll be a fast paced exciting rpg. The darkness is calling. Join me. I can be contacted at 1267 Gramulde Place, Rome. Please Mail me with this information and I will contact you.[/center] Sign up info Name: Age: Sex: Race: Religion: Bio: Decription: Misc: My Bio: Danielle Hunter 23 Female White/Asian Catholic/Christian I'm a priest, unlike ones you are fimillar with. I am the last of my kind, I deal with the deamons. I am an exorcist, I send them back to hell. I was orphand as a child and the church raised me, my mentor has recently died and I belive his death was not sucuide, it was a ritiual. And my best friend, is the sin eater. I am 5'5, long blond hair, usually pulled back and or up, I am slender, I eight 130lbs and have deep green eyes. A secrete few know about me, it was I who killed my parents. For they created me, and the demons within my sould. I am a hybrid. You do not have to include picture. But Ide appricate it. Thanks. Answers await you.[/color]
yesh he its in my diary so, i was just doodlin to put out my feelings. And ill scan manga page if u wantb ut the porportion are correct on guy holding girl. Its from Chobits volume 4. Before chi runs off. hehe