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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[color=indigo][center]Have you ever had the feeling you were diffrent? Like there was something you needed to rember but couldn't? I feel that way all the time. And I wonder, if anyone else does. This isnt a poem, more like an insight, into myself, not like anyone needs to know this, but I was just curious. Things have happened, myth, legend, how can they be proven untrue? Dragons, Unicorns, Vampires, Deamon and Angel. They had to come from someplace, some anchient tale passed down through the generations, derived form somethign true. The human race has secretes, deep dark secretes, a clouded, evil misguided past. Things I wish to know. the answers are out there. Someone needs to find them. Have you ever walked alone at night and felt osmething watchign you, but didn't know why. Darkness, the undead. Sprits back fromthe grave? Maby. But whats really behind humans? And religion, Some are simple, as busisim is. everyone knows, no hidden secretes. But christanity..maby deep dark secretes lie within that. Anchient evils, darkness within religion. They condem the sinners, but wasn't it Jesus, when dieing on the cross, forgave a thief, and a murderer? Allowed them into heaven? Divine grac,e to a killer, Jesus Christ, forgiving sinners, but the clatholic church won't? Blashphomey. I think things are nown, but someone isn't talking. My mind is consumed by it, I feel i'm ment for something, somethign bigger..my quest for answers has begun. I have two phrases of advice to any how feel the same as I. firstly, read between the lines. And Secondly, when you stare into the abyss, sometimes, the abyss stares back.[/color][/center]
Tkz to my hubby yeh lovey dovey and porportions r right, lmao shes 16 hes 18. thats ECATLY how it is in the manga, minus her ears, and the kids r exact same, rough lines but same sizes.:)
[color=indigo]You said b4 you all liked my manga/anime drawing so heres more! PLEASE RATE! OPINIONS THING TO IMPROVE! Please? :)[/color]
Heh yeaaaa. I have another weight problem now lol. I weight more but am slimmer. WTF?! lmao. ANd I keep getting hit on...and sometimes I get uncomfy and I say stop yeah but why do guys feel they need keep buggin a girl when shes hot and rarely say nething to ugly girls? I mena at least be fair.
[color=indigo]Sorry itz been a bit... _____ Seeing you, seeing me. I see the look in your eyes. I love you so. Thats one was just 4 you Phantom :) _____ Her, this woman I see. Why so I look so much like her? Shes not me. _____ Luck in love, luck in life. Its a gamble, roll the dice. You won, have fun! IT RHYMES!! Whoot. _____ A strong willed lover, My heart in shuch a tight bind, wings of love are mine. _____ My heart flutters so, when you look into my eyes, my love is all yours. Yeah last ones were for Phantom too.:) Someone grade my Haiku's!!!! PLEASE?!?!?!:):):)[/color]
[color=indigo] Autokill..if i was u..lol..ide run. *giggles* ITs ok! I shalt protect u!..um..well im small so..hiding behind me wont work..um...well ur doomed. lol And yes 10 min is staring but uh...bleh, thats not even a good picture. heh. My mikey gonna hurtz u if u hit on me..lol..I wish for every Otakuians saftey...[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh..well um, hasn't worked lol, until today. I noticed a few people checking me out, so lol I made my convo louder and everyone got the picture I was taken, but I like feeling attrictive to usm 1 besides me sexi man! :-D Teehee, but TOOO much staring might be a problem..but I haven't had it yett lol.[/color]
[color=indigo] Today was my firts day of school ,adn I noticed it even more! All the guys eye's would follow the slender girls. ITs not right ya know? I mean meh I noticed 1 or two lookin at me but I dont want the attention, I have the guy I want, but...I mean..whats the big deal? Ohhhhh they look like toothpicks WHOOT! Go them? I still, dont understand, maby some guys can help?! Tell me whats the big deal![/color]
Thank you and As soon as my scanner starts workin I'll post more.. Humm well ya wanna know that bad the girl whos got the thought bubble bout the guy and the 2 lil kids is me. on left page at top its an x-friend of mine who was hitting on my guy the kanjin says flirt. lol. And well yeh u can figure rest out and on bottom right, one wif katana is me going to kill the whore flirting with my man and right page bottom right is me running from my guy when he tries to explain why he didnt push her off him. :-/
[color=gray][I] Eve opened her eyes. Her jaw trembled as she would have let out a scream, but her voice had left her. All around her jagged rocks jutted out, gaps in the rocks exposed pools of lava and wisps of fire slipped into the dry hot air. The heat, the fire, the atmosphere of despair all around her, was noe, however, what she wished to scream for. Before her stood a man. An elven man. His sholder legnth blondish hair hung in straggles about him, His once soft gently changeing eyes were now hard and cold, no love mitted from them now, no gentleness he once showed when looking in her eyes. His pointed ears that once graced his slender face now made him look more of a devil than an elf. His built exterior made him now look more rugged and evil, unlike before it made him look handsome, like a hero. Eve couldn't speak, only stare. She did manage to choke out one word..[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Illy.... ________________________________________ Meanwhile... ________________________________________ [I] Hunter, back aginst the tree, out of his daze stands, now rebering himself after tasteing Matthews blood, the only hting able to snap away his amnesia, picks up Eve's dead limp body and runs in the direction the others tracks led, his thought speak getting to Lacroix the moment hes able. Hunter: LACROIX! Eve's dead! We Must go to hell and get her or else she'll be gone forever, wait for me, I'm on my way![/i][/color]
[color=indigo]LoL. Insipred u to eat.... humm I think I'll go have a slice of pizza...now that I thinka bout it, I am hungy... teehee..*is same ol' Danni*[/color]
[color=indigo] ____ Walking amist the, placid faces of people, who don't notice me. ____ Staring, looking from, the mirror, who shows me who I'm not. I don't know. ____ The looking glass is, something I fear. Showing me, what I will never be. ____ Just a few.....[/color]
[color=indigo]You people I sware..hehe OB peeps, gotta love em.. *shakes head* Hehehe. I lost 3 lbs! WHOOT![/color]
[color=indigo]Same here! I can eat zero and GAIN weight! It isnt fair! I'm also a lazy bum with a slow matbo. From time i was 8-12 my lifes goal was to be worlds laziest Bum... lol livin on the street with a buggy and a cat was auctually..appealing. lmao. Wish I'da not packed on lbs back then. I'de not be payin for it now. :'( BTW everyone on ob is imporitant to me, from the biggest one, James, to the newest Newbie. YES even Harry.[/color]
This is the right topic and at least were not making 100000 diffrent thred for each individule question lol. But still..Ron did U just say what I think u said? Wow. People are nice but some aren't I've met a few Ob people hwo can be extremely mean, for no reason..*cough(Transtic*cough* And me..lol. But Meh I forgot what i was syaing!
[color=indigo] Now now Don't fight. I mean c'm on whats the point, everyone here obvously likes being at OB since there here, so why argue with ur fellow..Otakuians..lol.. Well yea. Okay well NOT EATING is bad. Thats what my best friend did and..no no. Anorexia is definately not the thing for anyone, espically me to od. I love food to much to not eat. I do though like a lotta healthy foods. Pickles are my fav food and hehe ZERO fat ZERO calories. Not many good points bout em cept taste..and not many bad so. Its a win win. Maby I'll go on an all pickle diet...humm its an idear ^-^. Naw but still, Weight isn't the entire problem. The emphasis and pressure people put on looks and weight creat the problems. A LOT of people eat because their told their ugly or fat, and their fat cuz their told there ugly. And if they cannot stop unless the insults stop, and the insults won't stop until the person looks better, we have a problem, don't we? I think people in general needa take initative and make a point to be extra nice to overweight people. It would make the world a happier place and possibly skinner. Hehe. EVERYONE SHOULD BE NICE!!!! I try to be. ^-^ [/color]
[color=indigo] I agree its really hard to find a swim suit that covers my chest. Thats only reason I have even a partal self esteme. Teehee. And btw I found a swim suit that makes me look "drop-dead-gorgoues" But I do have a small problem with weight and my ideal is 110-115. But still I think I'ma try eating right, not a diet, but less pizza and Burger King couldn't hurt..right? teehee and on the minor sex topic that poped up..lol I have the safest sex of all.. hehe 4 me ot know, and u not to find out :-D Anyways Tkz a lot and I'll keep postin' how I do, not like u really care.lol Alsoo I think that some girls, my best friend for example, do have weight problems, she went to starvin herself and ida died for her body, shes 14 and got down to 90 lbs! Myself and her boyfriend forced her to stop. But a lot of it comes from guys, other girls and tv. Women and men alike put a lot on how u look and what kinda person u are pending ur weight, like fat people can't have fun or something. Puleeze. I agree with Wrist Cutter though. So yeah If people were nicer and just took prozac everyone owuld be happy! lol j/k :) so yes. And also Ive proved fat pplz can have fun, I know a lot of them. And girls who are soo chonsous their boyfriend no likes how they look, word of advice, IF he didnt like how u look, he wouldnt have started dating u in the first place. And that goes for myself too, I was alsy soo obthred if Phantom thought how i lookedu ntil I got a nice lil wake up call, HE likes how i look, even if i wasss overly fat, hed love me anyway. :) Isnt the world soo nice? "SOME TIMES?" Teehee ~Danni BY THE WAY. I heard a few if ur pretties or are told ur pretties..well IF u lookit my Avatar..thats me.:)[/color]
Tell us when uget in. And I hope ur gonna stay an..um..otakuian? lol. Good luckies in the air force.
[color=indigo] Heres the thing, Today I went swim suit shopping, yes I know its kinda late but still. By the time I was finished, I felt horrible, my self esteme had dropped to zero and my Ego is two inches tall and badly bruised. I was wondering, why does soceity put sooo much emphasis on how people look? I mean if people were nicer and looks didn't matter as much then slightly over weight people wouldn't be embarrsed to show themselves in public. I'm 16 and afraid to tell people my weight which I admit is a bit over, i weight 138, but still. I'm fairly attractive (sp?) and usually am told I'm pretty and look nice. But yett swim suit shopping destroys me. I would like your imout and opinions on this. Don't you agree less emphasis needs to be put on looks and more on the person? I mean sure my thighs may look eatroshous but, I'm still a great person to hang with, ya know? Please respond. Thank you.[/color]
Well...read heads to common, nothing spectatular bout Gene. So I decided the retro. How da you like my modifications? I think I'm a use this as my new banner....*thinks* :)
[color=indigo] Well here's some anime I was drawing in my Diary. I ereased the captions and gunk to protect myself and the person I wished to kill..lol. :) Please..tell me what you think.[/color]
Auctually, I like the second one better. The first is verry nice..but the second one might look better if you addes either a red headed or blond anime girl or guy to it. Maby Jene from outlaw star..he'd look good in it..humm..mind if I make a few editions to it? *grinz* :) I give u a 9/10 on number 1 and a 8/10 on second one, althou i like second one better. Teehee
Oh cool! I really needa look into books by her then... *is an artist with zero self confidence* ^-^ I really love the drawing! Soo asome and Animish! Teehee. Great Job! 10/10 :D
heh...*sweat drop* I ment I liked his poem a lot..but I lways cimpliment you Hunni...:) Drowning in shallow, water so deep and dark it, swallows me sometimes.
Ooh, nice one Spikey. I really like dat one.